Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Guess Who Just Got Uninvited? by Tom Woods

 Guess Who Just Got Uninvited?  by Tom Woods



Next week on the Tom Woods Show I will be releasing a debate episode in which two authors of books on the subject of Israel/Palestine will confront each other on the most heated issue of the present moment.Of course, I'll send you the link when it's ready.I've hosted a number of debates on my show in the past, and I think everyone will agree that I've been an impartial moderator. And I think it may also safely be said that these debates have generated more light than heat. I expect that pattern to continue next week.Meanwhile, here's an issue of much less world-historic importance, but still significant for obvious reasons, and one that I suspect most readers missed.Vinay Prasad is a professor at UC San Francisco with left-leaning political opinions but who was a gadfly to the establishment on Covid policy. He may

not have been as plumb-line as you and I, but he seems like an honest man who hasn't hesitated to admit when he's been wrong, and likewise hasn't hesitated to criticize what we laughingly call "The Science."Thus he said flat out: "It is irrational to mask." He opposed the school closures. He opposes the mainstream recommendations on Paxlovid and the shots. He's criticized the CDC for its phony-baloney numbers intended to panic people about an alleged Covid threat to kids.So it was a good sign when the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) invited Prasad to keynote its annual meeting next month.Until it didn't.A vocal minority of crazies on Twitter registered their strong disapproval. Prasad, they insisted, had spread "misinformation" about Covid, and his invitation was a "spit in the face" to people who had suffered with the disease.The ACCP immediately caved. They sent Prasad a letter saying they were rescinding his invitation because of complaints, and that was that. He was given no opportunity to defend himself.The meeting will be a giant echo chamber, just the way the thought controllers like it.As Prasad himself noted, while ACCP in their cancellation letter wrote that "your voices have been heard," they apparently listened only to the angry ones. His talk wasn't even going to be about Covid. He recalls:"We agreed my talk would focus on whether medical evidence should have an expiration date. In other words, as conditions change (less smoking; more obesity), should doctors and pharmacists regularly reassess the evidence for our pharmaceutical treatments?  

"I invite my critics to disagree with me on any of my positions and to change my mind. Like any good scientist, I have changed my mind over the course of Covid.... But instead of debate or dialogue, the ACCP organizers preferred to cancel my talk on a topic unrelated to Covid...."What does it say that small groups of people online can cancel talks?"Prasad further wonders what kind of country we're creating when the message being broadcast to young would-be practitioners is: keep your mouth shut, or there will be consequences.A reasonable thing to ask!As you know, in order to give my own contribution to this discussion a degree of permanence, I decided to write my first book in nine years, and it looks like I finally have a release date for it.Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania will be released on November 29. A pre-order page will be up in a few weeks.In the meantime, I'm asking those good folks who think they benefited from my writing on the subject if they might be able to lend me a hand, since unlike the liars I don't have the major networks in my back pocket:Will you pick up a copy on the release date (or pre-order one when pre-orders are ready) and within a week or two submit a review to one of the major platforms (Amazon, etc.), where people are likely to see it?(As you'll see, I'm giving away two more books, for free, to everyone who picks up this one, including my book of real people's lockdown stories that the hysterics never let them tell.)In return, I'm giving away goodies to some lucky folks who commit to lend me this particular hand:(1) Ten people will receive a signed, personalized copy of Diary of a Psychosis.Other goodies, for other winners:(2) A Woods book bundle, signed: The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask, Meltdown (on the 2008 financial crisis, featuring a foreword by Ron Paul), and Real Dissent;(3) A full-year membership to my School of Life (a $997 goodie);(4) An all-expense paid trip for two to Orlando. My School of Life is holding its annual in-person event on June 21-22, 2024. Warning: no libertarian theory at this event. Every speaker teaches something actionable -- e.g., finances, fitness, winning when you're outnumbered -- to help us prosper in a world that hates us. I'll cover airfare for two, two nights' lodging, and admission to the event itself -- and you're invited to my private dinner with all the speakers, too!If you can do me this kindness, you have my sincere thanks. Here's the link, and I hope you win one of the prizes: 


Tom Woods

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