Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Video: CV19 mRNA Vaccines Were Meant to Harm & Kill People – Dr. Michael Palmer


CV19 mRNA Vaccines Were Meant to Harm & Kill People – Dr. Michael Palmer

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

 Dr. Michael Palmer MD was a biochemistry professor at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and was fired from his job in 2022 when he refused the CV19 so-called “vaccine.”  He now helps run Doctors4CovidEthics.org.  It is a website dedicated to warning people of the dangers of the CV19 mRNA vaccines.  Dr. Palmer has just written a book called “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity.”  Dr. Palmer has well over 1,000 hours of personal research conducted on the mRNA vaccines, which he calls “poison.”  Dr. Palmer also has an impressive list of contributors to his recent book that include world renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (MD) and Catherine Austin Fitts, to name a few.  Dr. Palmer says the CV19 vax was an “intentional murder program.”  Dr. Palmer explains, “It was clear in 2020 that the risks that were being taken were completely unreasonable.  It normally takes many years to develop a vaccine. . . these years were condensed into just a few months. . . . If you combine the radical shortening of time for testing, which on its own creates a huge risk, combined with a new technology (mRNA) that means the risk is incalculable.  So, it’s completely irresponsible. . . .After the beginning of the

206. Valhalla: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


206. Valhalla: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org





    By the end of 1999, 75.5 million people out of a total population of 275 million were  involved directly in providing and receiving what has come to be called education. And  an unknown number of millions indirectly. About 67 million were enrolled in schools and  colleges (38 million in K-8, 14 million in secondary schools, 15 million in colleges,) 4  million employed as teachers or college faculty (2 million elementary; 2 million  secondary and college combined), and 4.5 million in some other school capacity. In other  words, the primary organizing discipline of about 29 percent of the entire U.S. population  consists of obedience to the routines and requests of an abstract social machine called  School. And that's only so far. According to the U.S. Department of Education, these  figures are expected to grow substantially through the first decade of the new century.     Could Hegel himself have foreseen such an end to history, the planet as a universal  schoolhouse where nothing much is learned?  

‘Ban the Scan’: 32 Groups Ask New York City to Ban Facial Recognition Technology



‘Ban the Scan’: 32 Groups Ask New York City to Ban Facial Recognition Technology

The groups are urging city council members to pass resolutions that would prohibit “any place or provider of public accommodation” and any landlord from using biometric recognition technology.

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Seventeen civil rights groups last week launched a public advocacy campaign to ban the use of facial recognition technology from New York City residential buildings and public venues, including stores and stadiums.

The groups are urging city council members to pass resolutions that would prohibit “any place or provider of public accommodation” and any landlord from using biometric recognition technology.

In their campaign letter, the groups said:

“Biometric recognition technology, including facial recognition technology (FRT), is biased, error-prone, and harmful to marginalized communities. It has no place in businesses and residences in New York City.”

The “Ban the Scaninitiative is led by the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Amnesty International, New York Civil Liberties Union (NCLU), The Legal Aid Society, Surveillance Resistance Lab, Fight for the Future and the Center On Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU School of Law.

As of today, 15 additional groups have joined as campaign signatories.

Ch.6 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2b CRITICISMS AND COMMENTS [cont.] DR R. M. GRAINGER by Dr. Philip R.N. Sutton from fluoridationfacts.com


 Ch.6 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2b  CRITICISMS AND COMMENTS [cont.]  DR R. M. GRAINGER by Dr. Philip R.N. Sutton from fluoridationfacts.com





Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2b



The third review of this book in the Australian Dental Journal, by DR R. M. GRAINGER, Division of Dental Research, Faculty of Dentistry University of Toronto, was as follows:

Those whose work has been so unfairly criticized might well ask P. R. N. Sutton if he feels his own work is proof that the unimpeachable study can be done(26), or if he would welcome similar scrutiny of his publications.

While we do not claim to be able to answer every question to P R. N. Sutton's satisfaction (or even our own), in order to help set the record as straight as possible(27) the

Pfizer Monthly Safety Reports Finally Included in October’s Document Release


Pfizer Monthly Safety Reports Finally Included in October’s Document Release

Pfizer is finally including safety reports in their latest document release. As you’ll remember from prior updates, the attorneys who represent ICAN also represent the plaintiff who won a historic lawsuit against the FDA to obtain the documents used to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Every month since December 2021, the FDA has been required to release thousands of pages of documents.

The October 2023 batch is supposed to be the second to last batch that is expected to be released for the age 16+ age group, which means there is the possibility that some of the most relevant data will be buried in these final documents. Of the 76,811 pages in the October production, the following are reports of interest:

  • Summary Monthly Safety Reports (SMSRs) – Each month, Pfizer sent detailed safety data to FDA, but this is the first time we’ve seen these reports. This production includes reports for December 2020 to September 2021. The September 2021 SMSR includes data on incidence of

Merck’s COVID Anti-Viral Drug May Cause SAR-CoV-2 to Mutate


Merck’s COVID Anti-Viral Drug May Cause SAR-CoV-2 to Mutate

Scientists have found evidence to suggest that an anti-viral COVID-19 drug manufactured by Merck & Co. being used to treat COVID may be causing the SARS-CoV-2 virus to mutate and create new variants of the virus for which humans could have no immunity.1

The mechanism of action of the drug molnupiravir, a pill also sold under the brand name Lagevrio, is to provoke errors in the virus’ genetic code to purposefully create mutations that will make the virus self-destruct.

However, publishing an article in Nature, scientists have reported finding evidence suggesting that, when SARS-CoV-2 survives in a person treated with the oral antiviral drug, it can lead to mutated versions of the virus that spread to other people. While those mutated variants are sometimes transmissible, it is unknown whether they are more dangerous. Scientists studying the phenomenon have noted that there is an increase in genetic diversity of the mutated coronavirus in the wild.1

U.S. Spends the Most on Health Care, Has Worst Health Outcomes


U.S. Spends the Most on Health Care, Has Worst Health Outcomes

Despite the United States spending twice as much money on health care, the health of Americans is worse than other high income nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to a 2023 report by the Commonwealth Fund.1 In 2021, the U.S. expenditure for health care was $11,912 per person. Germany was next on the list with $7,382 spent per person, and South Korea had the lowest expenditure per person at $3,914.2

The report looked in depth at the health care expenditures for twelve developed high income countries, including Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Comparing the U.S. to the average of 38 high income countries in the OECD,3 the health of people living in the U.S. is the worst. The U.S. had the lowest life expectancy at birth; highest infant and maternal death rate; highest death rate from avoidable causes; highest obesity rate, along with the highest rate of multiple chronic diseases among these countries.4

The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children

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Greg Reese

Forty thousand dollars per every hundred babies injected with deadly poisons


For many years doctors have received bonuses for adherence to the latest drug therapy protocol. Drugs that are known to be dangerous such as statins and anti-depressants. And now we know that insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate your children.

This incentive program for vaccinating babies can be found in the Blue Cross Blue Shield doctor incentives booklet. And specifies that every patient under the age of two that receives the currently prescribed twenty-four inoculations is worth a four-hundred dollar payout to that doctor.

For further motivation, they get paid by the hundred and they have to vaccinate a certain percentage of their total patients or they don’t get anything. Blue Cross Blue Shield rules say that a doctor needs to vaccinate sixty-three percent of their patients in order to qualify.

The average American pediatrician has about fifteen hundred patients and would have to have nine hundred and forty-five of them fully vaccinated in order to get paid. At forty-thousand for every hundred this works out to three-hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

4444-4446: Israel, Inc., the British Territorial Corp...and So What? from Lincoln County Watch


Monday, October 30, 2023

4444-4446: Israel, Inc., the British Territorial Corp...and So What? from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

The last two days my desk has been awash with Henny-Penny doomsday predictions centered around the idea that the end of Israel, the nation-state, is predicated on the end of the Balfour Declaration --- that is, the end of the British Territorial Protectorate.

The end of Israel, Inc., and the end of the hoary Protectorate both signal the end of the British Raj in "Palestine".  

Though many people need to remember this common fact, you can reach the air jurisdiction by either land or sea.  

The sun setting of the sea-going British Crown corporation calling itself, "Israel, Inc.", opens up the possibility that Israel will begin lawful (land to air) commerce and put an end to its dependency on the British Raj and the duplicitous, violent, hypocritical form of colonial government that supports it. 

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 35 — Lawful Persons from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 35 — Lawful Persons from Anna Von Reitz


Section 35 — Lawful Persons
It important for the State Jural Assemblies and the State General Assemblies, which follow, to understand the concept of “Persons”.
A “person” is created every time we name someone or something, be it a baby or a business — every time we create any form of office, job title, military rank, pen name, married name, performer’s name or nick name, too.

A person is not a living being. Your name is not you. It is a “handle”, a “utility”, a means of identifying you among billions of other people. It is a “representation” or “image” or “persona” of yours, that you are supposed to own and care for in the same way that you own a bicycle.

“A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes.” The Military Industrial Complex and the “Corporate Enablers” of Israel’s War on Gaza


“A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes.” The Military Industrial Complex and the “Corporate Enablers” of Israel’s War on Gaza

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At the time of this publication, over 6,500 people have been killed in Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, including more than 2,700 children, with many thousands more people injured or missing. Israel has told 1.1 million people to flee northern Gaza, which many fear is a pretext for ethnic cleansing. Thousands of buildings and homes have been obliterated. Palestinians in Gaza are being choked of water, fuel and other supplies by the Israeli government. With a ground invasion by Israeli forces imminent, and fears of a wider war, there may be no end in sight to the bombardment for Palestinians.

A Pro-Liberty Speaker


A Pro-Liberty Speaker




Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson has been chosen as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending the three-week drama. Representative Johnson has a reputation as a fiscal and social conservative. He has at times opposed funding the Ukraine war, suggesting he may be open to non-interventionist arguments or at least unwilling to give the military-industrial complex a blank check. However, he also supports giving Israel “whatever it needs” to defeat Hamas.

Speaker Johnson has suggested that another short-term continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown may be necessary to ensure the House is not pressured into passing an omnibus spending bill at the end of the year. He has said he wants to pass individual spending bills through the House. This could help restrain spending.

Why are the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis”? The answer is all to do with the pandemic treaty and climate lockdowns.



Why are the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis”? The answer is all to do with the pandemic treaty and climate lockdowns.

Kit Knightly

The global elite plan to introduce a near-permanent “global state of emergency” by re-branding climate change as a “public health crisis” that is “worse than covid”.

This is not news. But the ongoing campaign has been accelerating in recent weeks.

I have written about this a lot over the last few years – see here and here and here. It started almost as soon as Covid started, and has been steadily progressing ever since, with some reports calling climate change “worse than covid”.

But if they keep talking about it, I’ll keep writing. And hopefully the awareness will spread.

Anyway, there’s a renewed push on the “climate = public health crisis” front. It started, as so many things do, with Bill Gates, stating in an interview with MSNBC in late September:

We have to put it all together; it’s not just climate’s over here and health is over here, the two are interacting

Since then there’s been a LOT of “climate change is a public health crisis” in the papers, likely part of the build-up to the UN’s COP28 summit later this year.

Following Gate’s lead, what was once a slow-burn propaganda drive has become a dash for the finish line, with that phrase repeated in articles all over the world as a feverish catechism.

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms



Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

John Whitehead

“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” ― Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Enough already.

Enough with the distractions. Enough with the partisan jousting.

Enough with the sniping and name-calling and mud-slinging that do nothing to make this country safer or freer or more just.

We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too long.

We are approaching a reckoning.

This is the point, as the poet W. B. Yeats warned, when things fall apart and anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Paul Craig Roberts, The Israeli-Hamas Conflict is a Continuation of the 9/11 Plot


Paul Craig Roberts, The Israeli-Hamas Conflict is a Continuation of the 9/11 Plot

Paul Craig Roberts


This is not a conspiracy theory.  It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time.

The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel.  Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on terror” the wars that the American neoconservatives had called for in their publications and that General Wesley Clark told us about against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.  The purpose of Washington’s “war on terror” was to destroy Hezbollah’s suppliers–Iraq, Syria and Iran.  Israel and the neoconservatives want these three countries destroyed because they supply Hezbollah with money and weapons that permits Hezbollah to successfully repeal Israel’s attempts to occupy southern Lebanon.  Israel needs the water resources in southern Lebanon.  With the Iraq, Syrian, and Iranian regimes destroyed, avenues are opened to Greater Israel.

Monday, October 30, 2023

The Mystery of ISRAEL - SOLVED by David Sorensen


INCREDIBLY GOOD new documentary by David Sorensen of "Stop World Control." Exposes the "Hamas invasion of Israel" on Oct. 7 as a false-flag, planned and facilitated by the Israeli "deep state" to justify their pre-planned genocide of the Palestinian people and takeover of the Gaza strip. "This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity. Please don’t ignore this film. It is like nothing you have ever seen or heard. It will blow you away."

WHO: Reject The Amendments


Reject The Amendments

December 1, 2023 is the deadline to #RejectTheAmendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted on May 27, 2022. NOW is the time to take action to #RejectTheAmendments.

SHARE THIS LINK: http://RejectTheAmendments.com

USE THIS HASHTAG: #RejectTheAmendments


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Please watch the video below…

THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 | SHARE EVERYWHERE.

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Watch this explosive interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Jason Shurka exposing the truth, origin, and unexpected antidote for C19 that ravaged the world.
Dr. Bryan Ardis is a renowned doctor and researcher who has been at the forefront of uncovering the origins of C19 and finding ways to counter its effects. Despite facing resistance from major pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Ardis remains steadfast in his mission to unearth the truth.

TLS has been closely monitoring Dr. Ardis's progress over the past year and supports his efforts to disseminate this vital information to a global audience. This interview serves to bring his valuable insights to the forefront.

Share this interview far and wide to reach the world.

205. Power: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


205. Power: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Power -=- 22 




  FIRST CATEGORY: Government Agencies


  1) State legislatures, particularly those politicians known in-house to specialize in  educational matters 


 2) Ambitious politicians with high public visibility  


3) Big-city school boards controlling lucrative contracts 


 4) The courts  


5) Big-city departments of education 


 6) State departments of education  

CDC Says Overweight People Need Longer Needles for Vaccinations


CDC Says Overweight People Need Longer Needles for Vaccinations

If you were among the many who experienced a breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection despite getting a COVID-19 shot (or two or three), federal health officials suggest that—if you are overweight or obese—the length of the needle used to inject you might be to blame, not vaccine failure. New recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that certain people, especially those who are overweight or obese, may require longer needles for the shots to be effective.1 2

The updated guidance comes more than two years after the initial rollout of the experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) shots and tells vaccine administrators that they may need to use a 1.5-inch needle and not the standard one-inch needle for some vaccines given to overweight people.3

The CDC explains that intramuscular shots for COVID, influenza and tetanus, for example, are injected into one of the deltoid muscles located toward the top of the shoulder. Because this muscle sits below a layer of skin, fat, and connective tissue that can vary in size from person to person, CDC officials have come to the conclusion that different needle sizes are needed for injecting vaccines into people with