Orange Apologia?
Whatever your opinion of Alex Jones, the opinion he expressed the other day about the Orange Man is difficult to argue with – because it’s always hard to argue with someone when they’re right.
What Alex said was that Orange Man must repudiate the “vaccines” he was either duped into “warp speeding” into existence or was complicit in “warp speeding” into existence. If he repudiates them, it will be more believable that he was merely duped, which is understandable and forgivable.
We all err, after all.
But that is not what makes us human.
A human being, when he realizes he erred – especially when his error has resulted in harm – is mortified that he erred. He owns up to his error and does all he can to repair the harm caused, beginning with an admission and an apology to those who have been harmed.
This goes for all men, by the way – not just the Orange Man. All the men – and women – who blithely lined up to get the shots are just as guilty of having erred. Some, of worse – as in the case of those who wished harm upon those of us who didn’t blithely line up for the shots. Who didn’t just trust the Orange Man – or any men. Not the men (and women) pushing these drugs, at any rate.
It is incontestable that much harm has been done by these drugs styled “vaccines,” which are no such thing as they do not prevent the person injected with them from either getting or spreading the Dread Sickness they were told they would not get and could not spread.
The harm done is not merely physical, either – though that
must not be minimized as thousands of people – at the least – have
literally been put six feet under by them, according to the most
conservative data accrued by the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System
(VAERS) and that is likely a very small portion of the total, as hinted
at by the data accruing about a large uptick in “all cause” deaths of
people in the prime of life, that correlates with the “rollout” of the
There is also the life-long damage done to those who developed myocarditis or pericarditis – a now admitted-to “adverse effect” of these drugs that the people who were injected with them were never advised of as a possibility by their doctors – who (per the TeeVee line) asked no questions about these drugs, themselves, thus becoming the willing dupes of those pushing them.
But this is merely the physical toll.
The real damage that has been done is psychological. The population has been put on notice that the government is now the servant of the drug pushers – i.e., the pharmaceutical cartels – and will use its power to all-but-bayonet-point the populace into taking the drugs pushed by these cartels. Not just these drugs. For if it is established (as it has been) that the government has both the right and the power to compel anyone to take a drug they do not wish to take then the precedent has been set for the pushing of other drugs. If you disbelieve that such a thing could and ever would happen, consider the income tax, which – when it became law – the populace was told would never affect them. Just the “rich.”
We are all “rich” now.
Those who have been “vaccinated” must now live with the dread about what they were injected with – as well as the demoralization that attends knowing they were deliberately lied to by the government, the very thing that – so some still believe – exists to protect the people from harm, as opposed to being the cause of it.
The “un-vaccinated,” meanwhile, must live in dread of the next attempt to “vaccinate” them.
Orange Man is the man most responsible for all of this. His
(s)elected replacement merely carried on the evil business that was
already well under way. Orange Man continues to facilitate it
by not repudiating it – which makes him worse, morally speaking, than
his (s)elected replacement, whom we know is evil.
Orange Man, on the other hand, feigns being the man who will address the evils visited upon us by his evil replacement. But how can this happen if Orange Man will not repudiate the most evil part of this business?
It is not late 2020, the final months of a shell-shocked year when
anyone – including the Orange Man – could be forgiven for not fully getting
what was happening. It is plausible that he meant well because how
could he know that that “vaccines” were no such thing – and were other things, besides? Perhaps he was doing all he could – as he saw it, at the time, to deal with a “crisis” that seemed real – and was, in terms of the choreography of the thing.
But it is now late 2022 – and we know. It is no longer a matter of “hesitancy,” the condescending term of abuse leveled at those who practiced due diligence by wanting to know more about these drugs before considering taking them. It is a matter of pfact that the “vaccines” are no such things, as the “vaccinated” continue to get the sickness they were told they would not have to worry about getting.
And spreading it, too.
The revised claim about these “vaccines” is that they reduce
the severity of the symptoms of the sickness they do not prevent people
from getting – or giving. But that is not a vaccine. It is a palliative, like the aspirin one takes after one develops a headache. Aspirin does not prevent headaches. And aspirin is safe and effective.
Trump has to know the “vaccines” are neither. If he does not, then he is obtuse – a notch below ignorant because by now it is difficult to imagine how anyone not entirely blinded to external reality could be unaware of facts as the serially “vaccinated” continuing to get – and spread – the sickness they were told they could no longer get (and spread) as well as the alarming number of cases of healthy young people developing sicknesses that young people used to rarely – almost never get. Such as myocarditis and pericarditis.
Or he is complicit.
He may also be something else. That being a person afflicted by a narcissism so extreme that he is incapable of humbling himself by admitting he was wrong – and that he was duped – and that he is deeply, profoundly sorry for the harms that he helped to cause. Were he to express such contrition, it would be cause to forgive him and even consider supporting him, once again.
It would tell us he might not be a bad man.
But – so far – all indications are that he is just the Orange Man. Not only hasn’t he apologized for fronting for the drug pushers – for taking personal credit for pushing their drugs – he continues to push them, without apology.
As Alex said, it’s a crucible moment. There is still time for Orange Man to give us some indication he isn’t the person his actions thus far strongly suggest he is (and these transcend his actions regarding “vaccines,” a subject for another column). But time – and patience – is running out.
If he will not repudiate his actions and apologize for them, the time has come for a better man to replace the Orange Man. That man could be Ron DeSantis, a man who has repudiated the “vaccines” and the totality of this evil business. Who didn’t give in to the evil business at the height of this evil business. He has little, if anything, to apologize for.
Unlike the Orange Man.
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