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Sunday, September 19, 2021

COVID-19 and the Global Predators


COVID-19 and the Global Predators

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • We are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world, designed to make us helpless, obedient and docile. The end goal is to create a totalitarian world regime
  • In psychotherapy, people who've been abused often cannot identify the abuse as evil. They can't bear to think there are people who take pleasure from injury and domination. Citizens across the world are currently being abused, and must face the fact that there are evil people intentionally trying to hurt them
  • In 2015, a scientific paper announced they had the means to create a pandemic. The research was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
  • The Communist Chinese Party has been working with SARS-CoV-type viruses since at least 2003, and there have been four different leaks of SARS viruses since then
  • In 2016, Bill Gates created a business plan for the World Economic Forum that details everything we’re experiencing now

In this interview, Dr. Peter Breggin — known as “the conscience of psychiatry” for his instrumental role in preventing the return of lobotomy as a psychiatric treatment in the early 1970s — discusses his latest book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,” available on wearetheprey.com.

There’s no doubt anymore that we are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world. Nothing even comes close. As a result, a mass psychosis has developed, where many normally rational people have completely lost their capacity to reason. You can show them reams of solid indisputable information and they’ll simply refuse to believe any of it. What’s at the heart of this mass psychosis? Breggin explains:

“It's extremely important to get over this attempt to make us all helpless, obedient and docile. We have to know, who are the masters driving this? On the other hand, we have to understand the mechanisms for this [manipulation] … It's a subtle reign of terror … We're looking at a revolution against us that wants to make us feel helpless like children.

In psychotherapy, we often see people who've been terribly abused by their parents, but they cannot face it. They can't identify it as evil … We can't bear to think there are people out to harm us and manipulate us. You can't bear to think there are people different from us — people who actually take pleasure from injury and domination …

So, I want to identify first who these people are. Who's doing this to us? It's time to face it and to get rid of the idea that this is chance, or is this is crazy, or this is bizarre, or this makes no sense.

How does it make sense that they're absolutely ignoring the fact that, in America, we now have over 14,000 reports of deaths from the [COVID] ‘vaccine’ and no one is investigating it? No one's doing anything. In the years before this, if a vaccine had more than 20 or 30 [deaths], and certainly over 100, it would be a catastrophe.

Now we have a vaccine that has more deaths than all the other vaccines put together. How can we ignore that? On the other hand, we get all these huge [falsely inflated] numbers of deaths from COVID-19 … So, we're looking at this situation and [asking] is that crazy?

Well, no, it makes perfect sense. If you're trying to intimidate and overwhelm a population, you exaggerate the danger. You take a flu-like illness that is safer than the flu in terms of how it spares children and young adults and attacks people my age, I'm 85. [It’s] killing people who are already past their predicted lifespan. So, you take this relatively benign epidemic and make it into a horror show by exaggerating everything.”

What’s the Goal?

The question that must be asked and answered is: What is the goal? We can determine the goal by looking at what we know. We know:

Health leaders are ignoring COVID jab injuries and deaths

They do not want anyone to use early treatment. They’ve done everything in their power to dismiss and vilify any and all potential treatments, from vitamin D to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin

Western countries that have been icons of freedom and liberty are being hit the hardest by the pandemic and put under the harshest countermeasures

The risk of dying from COVID-19 is less than 0.5% for all but the very old who have multiple comorbidities

Vaccine makers have no financial liability for vaccine injuries and deaths

Government started out enticing people to get the experimental shot using a variety of bribes, then moved on to forcing the shots using threats such as loss of employment, higher health insurance rates, loss of travel privileges, loss of right to health care in general and more

The PCR test cannot be used to diagnose COVID-19; the FDA recalled the Innova Antigen Rapid Test in mid-June 20211 and the CDC has withdrawn the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, as of December 31, 2021,2 due to its inaccuracy

What do these facts, taken together, tell us? What are “the powers that be” getting out of this? Breggin explains:

“The spike protein is the spearhead of an assault on humanity. That has nothing to do with COVID-19 whatsoever, but is planned through COVID-19 in order to vastly increase the wealth of numerous institutions and individuals … many of them unfortunately originating from America, who are working in collaboration with the communist, Chinese Communist Party, to increase this vast exploitation of the world …

The Chinese have been sinking their teeth into us for a long time, because we are the seat of liberty in this world ... So, it all begins to make sense … The forces are most locked into those of us who are now free, and they're aiming to destroy us. This is terrifying, but it shouldn't make you … helpless. It should rouse you to look with reason at what is happening in the world.”

The Decade of Vaccines

In 2010, Bill Gates announced “the decade of vaccines.” A partner in that declaration was Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as a number of other globalists, including the United Nations.

A decade later, we have COVID-19. Is that a coincidence? In 2015, a scientific paper3 assured that gain-of-function researchers had the means to create a pandemic. This research was funded by the NIAID and carried out by two top Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and, according to Breggin, all scientists in China work on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“It's called military civil fusion,” Breggin says. “They all work together … That's the nature of the totalitarian state. People don't realize that, but Fauci had to know he was funding a potential pandemic virus.

In fact, in the last few days, it's come out from his emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request … that he actually gave them instructions for how to combine … several SARS-Cov-type virus systems to make an actual source code.”

COVID Shot Failure Was Entirely Predictable

According to Breggin, the CCP has been working with SARS-CoV-type viruses since at least 2003, and there have been four different leaks of SARS viruses since then.

“So here we have China and America making what are essentially biological weapons, the excuse being, ‘We're going to make vaccines.’ But … the vaccines aren't going to work and they know it, because the coronavirus mutates all the time.

So, if you make a vaccine for the Chinese virus, it’s not going to last long because it'll just help force these mutations to come out because if you're suppressing [strain] of a virus, then one of the many others that are floating around will take its place …”

Bill Gates’ Pandemic Business Plan

The failure of the COVID shots was predicted by many physicians and scientists well before the middle of 2020, and there’s virtually no chance the vaccine makers were unaware of the many objections brought forth, and the scientific rationale behind them.

“So, Bill Gates knows, in 2015, that a pandemic virus can be made and [that] labs in China and the U.S. are collaborating and he knows Fauci, who’s been his key guy since at least 2010. So, Gates, in 2016, creates a business plan. I don't know how I found this one. I think it was God just pulling the strings of my fingers, but I pulled out of [Klaus] Schwab's website Bill Gates’ business plan for the world for the next pandemic.

It's about 65 pages long. You can find it on my website. Go to the coronavirus resource center on breggin.com and then look for the background materials for the book, and you will become one of the first people in the world outside of the predators to see the business plan they made in 2016.

That business plan lays out everything that's happening to us now. In particular, it lays out that Bill Gates will be working with CEPI [Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations], an organization that Gates founded in 2017 — but that he’s describing in 2016 — with Schwab, the man who will eventually announce the Great Reset in 2020 that he’s been working on his whole life.”

In that document linked above, “CEPI Preliminary Business Plan 2017-2021,” it is stated that the drug industry will incur no expenses during the coming pandemic. All expenses, including indirect costs, will be covered. Yet another document describes the enormous profits expected. Gates’ business plan also describes the creation of what eventually became Operation Warp Speed.

In July 2017, CEPI created a PowerPoint presentation for the World Health Organization, which you can also view on Breggin’s website. That presentation reviews Gates’ plan and explains the WHO’s role in setting the standards for pandemic science and medicine.

Amazingly, the PowerPoint includes a statement that CEPI has created a Memorandum of Understanding of what the WHO is. According to Breggin, that’s “the next thing to an absolutely binding contract with the WHO.”

Who Are the Predators?

In his book, Breggin also details the other partners in this scheme, which include the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, NIAID and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

In short, the evidence points to the COVID-19 pandemic — with all the senseless and irrational decisions made in its name — being a scheme to enrich certain individuals, companies and organizations at the expense of everyone else.

“Rick Bright, [director of] BARDA, was key, a point man, [in] preventing everybody from having easy access to very effective treatments,” Breggin says. “Again, why? Because it was a decade of vaccines. It's all it was ever about. It was never about anything else. [It was always about] finding a way to get rich and powerful.”

So far, then, we can list the following predators:

Bill Gates and his organizations

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Drug companies

Fauci and the NIH/NIAID

The Wellcome Trust





What Are the Predators Working Toward?

So, just what are they working toward? In videos dating back to 2017, Gates discusses the development of RNA vaccines. Fast-forward to 2020, and mRNA injections were the immediate choice for the fast-tracked COVID shots. And, as detailed in Gates’ business plan, Pfizer and Moderna were both given billions of dollars from the U.S. federal government through BARDA and the NIH/NIAID.

This, despite the fact that no mRNA injection has ever made it to market before this, and the fact that no coronavirus vaccine has ever made it to market in the 20 years they’ve been working on it. For some reason, coronavirus vaccines routinely cause severe illness and increased lethality when exposed to the wild virus, a phenomenon known as antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).

In his book, Breggin cites a 2020 paper by independent researchers warning that all of the COVID vaccines, not just the mRNA and the DNA shots but also those using killed viruses, are too dangerous to even try on humans.

“So, they know all of this,” Breggin says. “There are no surprises to them. They knew what they were doing … But don't get scared. Get angry, but don't get demoralized. They want that. You know, there’s a whole school of public health that talks about how to intimidate and engender fear to get people to do what you want. It's called fear appeal.

So, it's systematic, and public health people have always been totalitarian in nature. It’s all about public health people telling the communities what they must do come the next public health threat. They don't say preserve the Bill of Rights. They don't say, ‘make sure we check this out in the courts or a body supervising us for our ethics to protect the folks.’”

Recognize the Abuse, Then Stand Up Against It

So, how can we break the mass psychosis spell that so many are currently under, which makes them unable to see reality and understand that complying with the globalist predators will result in their own ruin? Breggin comments:

“Human beings are born into a state of helplessness … And the reason for that, I believe, is that we are a social animal. The brain doubles in size in the first year of life, which occurs in a social environment. So, we have a social brain. We are very tied to each other. That's the whole purpose of that socialization, that slow growth, that dependency over the years …

Being social allowed us as an extended family to survive and to be different than all other creatures. It's our social relationships that make us unique. They also give us our pleasure.

In the grief now built into all of us is that potential for feeling very helpless. We can become in moments [like] little children again. When we start feeling guilt or shame or anxiety or overwhelmingly afraid, we can easily become helpless. And that's basically what's going on. I think it's fine to call it a psychosis, but I prefer to call it an overwhelming helplessness that overcomes the nation.

Now, if in childhood you're abused, then that helplessness remains with you into adulthood. That's how powerful those early years are, and you have to work hard to overcome it … We to identify what was done to us. If you're an adult, it really helps to identify that, yes, you were sexually abused or, yes, you really were bullied by your older brother or your big sister …

You look back and you see what's going on and what happened. And that helps you … We are being oppressed by evil people. Nothing is by chance. We might as well be children being tormented. We have to say to each other, ‘No more. No more helplessness, no more lamenting, no more complaining, no more saying What's happening to us? It's very clear, what's happening to us.’

It's not crazy. It's intentional and purposeful and we must stand up to it. We must understand and not allow ourselves to be abused and rendered out again. We need to give each other comfort and love and inspiration. We need to support from a tactical viewpoint.

We need to get involved together. [My wife] Ginger and I made the terrifying decision to take on COVID-19 … [and] join many other people fighting for America's freedom. It was a scary choice, but once we did, we started meeting tons of people.

I never imagined knowing Peter McCollough, a great cardiologist who wrote an introduction to [my book], who risked his life and his whole reputation to declare that there is a good treatment … We're all re-founders of America in a critical moment in time.

And instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, think to yourself, ‘God put us in a place where we can make one of the hugest differences, or we can have effects beyond anything we imagined’ … We need to know that there is a war against us … They have a stealth war against us … So be proud, be an American, be a patriot. Stand up for liberty.

Look at the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. That's your legacy. You were throwing it away. You were doing nothing to protect it, probably since the civil war. This is the biggest threat to freedom in America. And it's much bigger than the civil war. It's a war against all of Western democracy.”

More Information

As made clear in Breggin’s book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,” the end goal is complete totalitarian control of all nations, very similar to the kind of societal control already in place in China, and unless we unite against the implementation of this plan, there will be no happy ending for any of us.

It’s not going to be easy, because the globalist predators have infiltrated government, NGOs, academia, entertainment, business and every other major aspect of American life. The way forward will necessitate taking back control over each and every area, one by one.

In the days just after this interview, President Biden made clear his intention to force vaccinate Americans by mandating corporations with 100 employees or more to require COVID vaccination or face fines. It’s as unconstitutional as you can get, but he’s doing it anyway because, again, the end goal is totalitarianism and the means is medical tyranny.

We can also see that COVID-19 was nothing more than a means to an end because the same globalist elite are now calling for sanctions on the world to combat the health threat of global warming.

More than 200 journals, including The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine4 and The BMJ simultaneously published the identical editorial calling for “society-wide changes” in the name of saving the environment. Interestingly, one of the authors, Richard Smith, chairs The Lancet Commission on the Value of Death. As noted by Breggin:

“It is quite stunning and signals that the lockdowns, passports and other abuses will continue and be ramped up as people catch on to the fraud behind COVID-19. Such a spectacular coordinated effort to get worldwide medical and health journals lockstep into progressive and globalist goals for humanity is astonishing and requires the disclosures in our book to explain.”

“COVID-19 and the Global Predators” is being self-published and is only available on wearetheprey.com for the time being. At 650 pages, it’s a big book, and it goes over the chronology of how we got here, from start to finish. It also has a detailed index, so you can look up names and organizations.

+ Sources and References

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