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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

3328: What the End of the Civil War Means For the Military and Agencies from Lincoln County Watch


3328: What the End of the Civil War Means For the Military and Agencies from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear General,
As we look across the split rail fence, and you see mountains and I see lakes, it behooves everyone to take in the larger view.
Abraham Lincoln was never President of The United States of America, by which we mean the unincorporated Federation of actual, physically-defined States of the Union. He was never President of the Federal Republic, either.
Instead, he was President of the United States of America --- the British Territorial Government acting as a Federal Subcontractor. They were allowed to operate in our names because they exercised some of our delegated powers. They were loaned the use of our Title IV flag for the same reason.
But they are not us and we are not them and Abraham Lincoln was never an American President.
We can be sure of this because he was a Bar Attorney and Bar Attorneys were prohibited from holding any public office in our Federal Republic, and that prohibition which was always incipient in the original Constitutions, had been made more explicit and given specific penalties as of 1819. I would be happy to provide you with the documentation and the specific penalties.
Because of the similar names, The United States of America being the actual Federation of States, and the United State of America being our Federal Subcontractor, it was possible for Lincoln to obfuscate the offices, making it appear that he had been duly elected as the president of the actual Federation, when in fact, he was elected to a private corporate office serving one of our Federal Subcontractors.
He knowingly and with malice aforethought usurped upon our public office while occupying a similar-named private office.
Simple as that. A ruse. A contrived and purposeful impersonation that led people to believe that he had powers he never possessed and that he was operating in a public office that he was in fact prohibited from occupying.
Acting in Gross Breach of Trust, Lincoln appeared to declare war on the Southern Confederate States, without the benefit of any Declaration from any Congress, and thus, the Mercenary Conflict known as The American Civil War began.
In the middle of it, in March of 1863, Lincoln took another illegal, fraudulent action, and began issuing so-called Executive Orders. His very first Executive Order became known as General Order 100, and among other things, it put the military in charge --- but in charge of what?
The next day, Lincoln bankrupted the Northern Confederacy. His version of "USA" went into receivership, while our actual Federation of States remained apart from the entire conflict.
It was a "war" without any proper beginning, and at least so far as our Federal Subcontractors were concerned, without any ending, either. No Peace Treaty was signed by any competent parties with standing to take action, and so it dragged on and on and on.
Finally, however, the actual States of the Union woke up, We observed that both our warring Federal Subcontractors--- we will just generally call them the US, INC. and the USA, Inc.--- were owned by the Pope, so that the whole pretense of war was phony from beginning to end.
The American Civil War was was actually a Mercenary Conflict, illegal, conducted in Gross Breach of Trust, in violation of the respective service contracts known as Constitutions, and promulgated by fraud in violation of the Treaties of Versailles, Paris, Westminster and Ghent, by Undeclared Agents of the British Crown.
That, dear General, is what the American Civil War was. And absolutely everything coming out of it is tainted by fraud. Lincoln's presidency and all his fine words---- tainted by fraud. All the results of the conflict --- including the practice of issuing Executive Orders --- are fraudulent. So is the entire Lieber Code and the authorities claimed by the Military acting under it --- more fraud.
There is no recourse to The Law of War, because there is no war.
There is nothing to be addressed but a 160 year-old British Confidence Swindle, and that is the essence of the "Special Relationship" that the Brits keep touting.
So the States woke up, the people declared their birthright political status, the State Assemblies assembled, and the State Citizens took a roll call vote to adopt a Peace Treaty ending the purported Civil War.
The authority to do so resides with them, because the Confederate States were all businesses and instrumentalities that belonged to the States of the Union, which are the actual physically-defined member States of our Federation.
So the only Parties with standing to address the issue have spoken, have abolished slavery in all jurisdictions related to this country, and adopted a Peace Treaty ending the Civil War.
There are no other Parties with standing on the issue, because the Pope is just playing with himself. He owns the US, INC. directly, and owns the USA, Inc. indirectly. Last time we looked, you can't wage any legitimate war against yourself.
So this really is an end to the fun and games. The end of the Lieber Code. The end of Executive Orders. The end of Private Attorney Generals. The end of Public Trusts only presumed to exist. The end of all legal presumptions of war. The end of this entire fraudulent stinko system of things.
There is plenty of blame to go around. The Military bears its share for its part and the only saving grace is that the men actually and directly responsible for this Mess are long dead.
Going forward, the Military owes its allegiance to the American States and our unincorporated Federation of States and stands under our Civilian Government, which is now in Session. The same is true of all Federal Agency Personnel.
The very first order of business is to educate, educate, educate. Obviously.
We can't do that with a bought-and-paid-for foreign media monopoly pumping out propaganda every day. That's why you have been ordered to shut those corporations down and seize their assets in the Public Interest. They have exercised a foreign-based monopoly on our air waves and that cannot be allowed.
As the actual Priority Creditors, we are the natural inheritors of all US and all USA Corporations and assets, bar none. Any corporation engaged in unlawful activity or acting against the Public Good is to be liquidated or, at our discretion, turned over to new management.
Essential services must continue, but any and all anti-American activity by US or USA corporations must stop. This is why you have been ordered to shut down the CDC, NIH, Vaccine Manufacturers, and other entities which have promoted the current attack on our populace, seeking to redefine people as human beings and then to redefine human beings as "trans-human" in an effort to deny them their fundamental and Natural and Unalienable Rights.
This activity has already been outlawed in this country and all these corporations supporting these activities must be shut down. This includes the vaccine manufacturers who have colluded in this dirty business. That's why you have been ordered to take the actions necessary to accomplish these results.
The second order of business is to recoup and redeploy our assets. Almost everyone on Earth owes us both assets and credit, and none of that is "abandoned". That's why you have been ordered to assist us in recouping and redeploying our assets, both to settle debts and to expedite trade and commerce.
Janet Yellen is barking up the wrong tree. The "Congress" that she is addressing doesn't have the authority to access our assets or our credit, and except for very limited appropriation ability, never did. None of them have been elected by us and none of them have a contract. Joe Biden doesn't have a contract.
As would-be Federal Subcontractors, they have obligations. They haven't met those obligations in the past, and they aren't likely to meet them in the future. They're fired. Simple as that. If there is any question, we can make our case to the American People in less than fifteen minutes, and the Pope, who is the only other Principal-in-fact, has already acquiesced.
These are matters of business and crime, and should not be mistaken for or promoted as anything based on personalities, race, age, religion, or politics. It's my understanding that the Military is in fact in control of the Federal Civil Service and the Agencies as part of its former presumed-to-exist mandate under the Lieber Code.
Kindly pass the word. The FBI can stop investigating its own Employers as if we were the problem, and start doing what they were created to do. Ditto the U.S. Marshals Service, which should be working in tandem with our Continental Marshals Service.
There's ten days and counting until Janet Yellen passes the word to bankrupt the United States, again, an action which is totally unnecessary and damaging to our country and to the world at large. Let's finish cleaning up this Mess, once and for all, and get everyone on the same page.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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