Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Saturday, September 18, 2021

3318-3322: Urgent Information Regarding the Americans -- Dear General from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, September 17, 2021

3318-3322: Urgent Information Regarding the Americans -- Dear General from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear General
It was a pleasure to speak with you this morning and reassuring to know that our Armed Forces are still there, doing their duty. Please share this small essay with Rod Class. It will help everyone to understand the context of our situation, and the reason that the Galactics keep telling you to talk to me and get permission from me---- because they know the whole story of what went on here.
Imagine two guys standing on either side of a split rail fence. From your side, all you can see is the other guy and the mountains behind him. From his side, all he can see is you and the lake behind you.
From a larger perspective, it's the same scene, but because of our respective positions within the whole, all we see --- respectively --- is either mountains or lake in the distance.
That is our situation as a country right now. We are all right. We are all wrong. All you see is the Federal Government and the Federated States --- the mountains. And all we see is the American Government and the States of the Union--- the lake.
For you, the U.S. Supreme Court is the Authority. For us, the Supreme Court is a jury of our peers convened in the proper jurisdiction.
For you, the controlling law is the Code of Military Justice, the U.S. Code published in the Federal Register, and the Supreme Law of the Land embodied in The Constitution of the United States of America.
For us, the controlling law is The Ten Commandments, and the only Federal Law that applies to us (only when we are on Federal property or engaged in federally regulated activities) is limited to laws that are published in the Federal Record.
While you have been employed by foreign commercial corporations directed by our Subcontractors and have been subject to the private codes and public policies of these corporations as a condition of employment or dependency, we naturally stand under the Public Law --- and enforce the Constitutions, because we are the Landlords.
We are also the Employers of all Federal Employees, both in the Federal Civil Service and Military Services.
We employ the U.S. Supreme Court Justices. We employ the Generals, We are the People.
We are the Principals who hold the other end of the purse string on all the Constitutions.
We are the States of the Union that represent the Union States in international and global jurisdictions of the law. Our unincorporated Federation doing business as The United States of America has represented the States of the Union as a group since 1776.
When operating in this capacity we act as Lawful Persons known as People.
But we have another capacity, too. When we act as people with a small "p" we are the owners and operators of the Union States which control the soil jurisdiction of this country, and whether you know it or not, the soil jurisdiction is where we live and breathe. The soil establishes our National jurisdiction, and it is where our nation stands with respect to other nations.
Taken together, acting as people operating the Union States and as People operating the States of the Union, we are the civilian American Government of this country, and there is no other.
We include the Native Americans as part of our populace and include them as a dependent sovereignty having Dual Nationality --- one nationality established by the State of the Union they are born in, and one nationality established by their Tribe.
So they are part of the civilian government that the Armed Forces owe their loyalty and allegiance to, but only account for about 12% of the civilian population we represent, and owing to their Dual Nationality status, they don't have the standing to act as State Citizens unless they give up their Tribal allegiances.
My message to the Military and to the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court is that they better study American Law and Land Law before they go making any decisions about matters that don't concern them, and also before they go giving away property and material interests that aren't theirs in the first place.
And that is why the Galactics keep telling you all to hold your whist and stop the stupidity and listen to me and ask my permission before you go out willy-nilly breaking the law and offending your actual Employers.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Latest on the Plandemic

 By Anna Von Reitz

Latest on the Plandemic

The "vaccine" is the "Delta variant".  Don't believe it?  Watch this.


There is no "variant" ---- there can't be a "variant" of something that hasn't ever been isolated and identified and sequenced. 

We are watching the deliberate genocide of the human race by commercial corporations masquerading as governments.  

These corporations have begun a kind of war against people, because they owe you a vast amount of money and they don't want to pay.  

It's really quite obvious and simple. 

You must organize and you must educate others and you must make use of the laws that exist to protect you and the "remedies" that they provided themselves.  

If anyone tries to force you into taking the jab, reply that you are allergic to it.  

That's how Bill Gates and his kids avoided the jab.  

The great promoter of "vaccines" that killed over 40,000 children and left 750,000 children maimed in India with fake polio vaccine, and who killed 27,000 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a similar campaign, was ALLOWED by people like Joe Biden to begin a very similar only worse campaign in this country. 

Have you noticed that all the Royals have disappeared and all the chief actors in all the horrible things that have happened in the past twenty years?  When is the last time you saw the Queen and any of her brood?  How about the members of "your" Congressional Delegation?  How about G.W. Bush?  Or Dick Cheney?  The Pope?   Mr. Gates?  Mr. Bezos?  All the Hollywood "Stars"? Where are they?  

Dead at the hands of Military Tribunals?   Or are the Parasites hiding out in their new Host, China?  Or, even worse, have they simply taken advantage of high tech age reversal programs and "disappeared" by becoming young again?  

I've told you before that they were well-advanced in such research and pouring vast amounts of money into age reversal research fifty years ago.  

Isn't it obvious that they have succeeded in creating a "Fountain of Youth" and think that because people can now live much, much longer, the "herd" has to be culled and prevented from reproducing?  

It's the only scenario that makes sense.  

They live "forever" and you die to allow that.  So the Earth becomes populated with madmen and psychopaths.  And the good decent people are disposed of or enslaved. 

We know how to see them, because we know how they looked as young people.  
They cannot hide. Even those in space will be destroyed. 

They will be imprisoned forever in the heart of the sun they worship.  

And those who have loved the True God and their fellow man will live in peace at last.

Be of good cheer and shine like a thousand stars.  This is a Spiritual War and your spirits are strong. Make them stronger every day.  Go into your "closet" and pray.  

Take time to rest and imagine being in your Happy Place.  

Speak to everyone you can and spread the word.  Share this information far and wide. 

Let the Australian Government know that their Treaty with "the US" is meaningless and all their corporations will fry for the harm they have done to their own people. 

Even now, the wheels are turning and the weapons of the True Lord are forming. 


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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About Oversight Committees

 By Anna Von Reitz

Oversight Committees need to be under the control of Ombudsmen Committees that protect the rights of individual Assembly members, other Assembly Committee, and officers and officials of the Assembly---- and they need to be subject to review by the General Assembly. 

Otherwise, they can be abused and abusive. 

The true function of an Oversight Committee is to be on hand when and if there are serious allegations of criminal behavior, such as theft, insurrection, purposeful obstruction, selling information about the Assembly or its members, etc. that are backed up with credible evidence. 

Their role is to investigate and make recommendations about such allegations --- which they then bring to the Sheriff's Office, the Continental or U.S. Marshals, or the General Assembly itself --- for further investigation and/or prosecution. 

You need to bring this answer to the attention of the Coordinator, Chairman, and members of the Oversight Committee.  The Oversight Committee may NOT be used to promote political agendas, carry out personal vendettas, used to censor, or take on any other improper activity seeking to control the work of other committees or functions of the Assembly as a whole.  Their role is only to investigate serious complaints that are backed up by credible evidence and brought to the Committee by members of the Assembly.  They are not allowed to unreasonably or without credible evidence commence investigations on their own, and may not in any case promote any witch hunts against other members or Committees. 

An Oversight Committee should not be a static Committee, even though it may be a standing Committee--- meaning that people are regularly cycled through the Oversight Committee according to a volunteer selection process, similar to Juror Selection, to serve for one year and two year terms as Committee Members.  The Chairman can also appoint Special Oversight Committees when the allegations involve arcane or specialized subject matter that specialized skills and knowledges --- for example, a clerk is accused of embezzlement, so the Chairman may appoint a Special Oversight Committee to investigate composed of accountants and fiscal managers.  

Thus, a standing Oversight Committee is constantly replenished with new members and is under oversight of the Ombudsman Committee and the General Assembly itself. 

These measures are necessary to prevent the Oversight Committee from being used as a tool to control, coerce, or exercise abusive power over individual members and other committees.

If your Assembly has attempted to create an Oversight Committee without these clearly stated countermeasures in place, they need to be undertaken without delay.  Any such Oversight Committees should be fully informed of their true function(s), the limits of their functions and authorities, and the Chairman's ability to appoint Special Oversight Committees above and beyond the General Assembly Oversight Committee.  

I hope that this explanation will flesh out the specifics of what Oversight Committees are and how they are supposed to function.  Please share widely with Assembly Members nationwide and especially with Assembly Chairmen and Coordinators. 

Anna Maria


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Notice and Proclamation Regarding American and Russian Alliance Treaty Provisions

It is a long-established and honored provision of our International Treaties and of our Government to come to the aid of the Russian Government and People in time of need, and it is also an obligation long-honored for the Russian Government and People to come to the aid of the American People in similar circumstances.
Though not widely known outside diplomatic circles, these provisions have been in place since 1858 via The American and Russian Alliance of 1858. This Treaty of our lawful Government operating in International and Global Jurisdiction still stands.
Two generations of merciless propaganda by foreign European interests have attempted to obscure the fundamental friendship established between the American People and the Russian People just prior to the onslaught of the Mercenary Conflict of The American Civil War.
It is not an idle supposition to assume that The American Civil War and all that this country has suffered in the Aftermath, was brought about in part by self-interested over-reaction to this Friendship Treaty by other European Interests, most notably, Westminster, Whitehall, and the Papist Theocracy.
Self-interested Foreign Powers then and now have endeavored to demonize Russians to Americans, and similarly have demonized Americans to Russians, in hopes of creating a permanent wedge between our peoples and thereby preventing the realization of the noble goals and purposes of The American and Russian Alliance.
We have honored our part of the pact and the Russians have honored theirs for over 160 years. We are again calling upon our friends and compatriots worldwide, including the Russian Government, to act in the interests of global peace and to work with us to bring the ongoing genocide of innocent people by corporate interests to an end.
So said, so signed, so sealed this 16th day of September in the years of 2021, by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State, The United States of America

International Notice and Proclamation Regarding Federal Employees

By Anna Von Reitz 

It is against the Public Law of this country to presume the existence of any kind or form of war on American soil.
It is furthermore against the Public Law of this country to advance any form of commercial claim or claim of patent rights against people being mischaracterized as trans-humans, human Genetically Modified Organisms, corporations, public utilities, special purpose vehicles or any other self-serving and purposeful mischaracterization scheme in any way adversely impacting living men and women.
Attempts to redefine and re-label the nature of living men and women at any time during their life cycles for any purpose of self-interest at all is illegal, unlawful, and immoral. These activities are not tolerated by the American Government and any Federal Employee, Military or Civilian, who promotes, advocates, implements, or assists any such program will be fired, not eligible for rehire.
Any attempt by SERCO, INC. or other PERSONS to continue funding these employees will be deemed a breach of Fiduciary Trust and subject to a recoupment already established by jury trial in the amount of eight hundred times the amount advanced.
This prohibition and enforcement action applies equally to General Service Employees, corporate elected Officials, the Federal Civil Service, Federal Agencies, the Military, and the Uniformed and Licensed Officers, including Medical Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Chiropractors, and Pharmacists.
This International Proclamation by the American Government is effective 8 A.M. Alaska Standard Time on this day, the sixteenth of September in the year of 2021.
So said, so signed, and so sealed by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State, The United States of America


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

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