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An American Affidavit

Sunday, November 29, 2020

2846-2848: Tricky Dick and Health Care Profiteering from Lincoln County Watch


2846-2848: Tricky Dick and Health Care Profiteering from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Earlier today we touched upon one of the centerpieces of the Nixon Administration --- the Petrodollar, and the results it has had on world business and political events that have been "de-coupled" from the gold standard and lashed up to the oil standard instead.  

It isn't a pretty picture.  What emerges is that the corporate governments of the West and Middle East are using bogus conservationist narratives to justify new taxes on a vital commodity, the sole purpose of which is to bulk up their own coffers with artificially created profits.   

Increase the price of oil and gas by any means and the beneficial result is the same for the producers and middlemen --- and the consumers pay for it all. 

This is an odd reprise of Teddy Roosevelt's conservationist policy, which was a thinly veiled means to an end --- restrict access to American resources to prop up prices and benefit cronies who already held interests in similar or competing assets. 

Again, the people of this country pay through the nose, both by not being able to sell or develop their own resources for their own use and profit, and second by paying more for the end products provided by other sources. 

A similar pattern of havoc and destruction followed Nixon's changes to the Health Care System. 

Prior to Nixon's 1973 Health Care Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act, private sources were paying 75% of health care costs, and half of that was funded out of pocket by the individuals receiving the care.  Prior to Nixon, health care costs followed the normal Consumer Price Index. 

Today, less than 10% of healthcare costs are privately funded.  And health care costs are rising 16 to 20 times faster than the Consumer Price Index overall.  This demonstrates truly explosive cost inflation in the healthcare industry since the mid-1960's, and that has followed an equally dramatic shift from private to public healthcare funding. 


Prior to 1973, it was illegal to profit from healthcare.  

Nixon's HMO Act changed all that, and the government predictably got into the action.  Nixon never met a chronic illness he didn't like.  Treating the symptoms with expensive drugs instead of aiming for cures became the watchword of the day, and government interference in every step and process of healthcare from regulating drugs via the FDA to funding hospitals to mandating healthcare standards and profiting from health-related grant money, to the endless nightmare of Medicare/Medicaid billing practices---it all added to the "Ca-Ching Effect". 

Along with the interjection of "the government" into the administration and regulation of healthcare profit-making streams as middlemen, we've have the government investing in healthcare profiteering via public-private joint ventures, in which private organizations like the National Institutes of Health or the Center for Disease Control are given large blocks of "government" investment money and then parcel this out on profit-making projects, like the NIH's investment in the Wuhan, China, debacle.

Along with allowing health care to descend from being a non-profit social care sector of our economy into being a fecund profiteering jungle, and aside from profiting itself from that jungle, the government's shifting of the burden of healthcare onto the public dole has encouraged a vast amount of waste.  

Turns out that consumers who don't have to pay for services don't care much about the cost of services and all the normal considerations of cost, cost-effectiveness, quality, and care setting went right out the window at the same time that "the government" started building its inroads into the healthcare sector. 

Of course, the taxpayers are ultimately expected to pick up the tab for the government corporations, but the connection between healthcare services and taxation has been glossed over. 

And people who aren't taxpayers could care less about the cost of healthcare that they receive. 

I noticed this directly back in the 1970's.  Suddenly, there were unwed Mothers all over the place, and most of them had three kids, because if they had more than three, they didn't get any extra welfare money.  These women were constantly taking their kids to the Emergency Room of the local hospital with every case of sniffles, every stubbed toe, completely oblivious of the cost of these Emergency Room visits. 

At $1,800 per visit charged off to "the government" the hospitals weren't complaining. 

So one day, I, the lowly teenage waitress---- whose wages were helping to pay for all this, had the temerity to speak up and suggest that instead of taking their kids to the Emergency Room, they should develop a relationship with a family doctor instead.   They laughed at me.   Why go to the trouble of observing office hours and working with a GP?  

Because a GP visit might cost a hundred bucks instead of $1,800.  Uh-duh. 

They looked at me like deer in the headlights.  They had no idea what their visits to the Emergency Room were costing and they didn't care.  The hospital was making out like a bandit, so the hospital didn't care, either.  It was all being charged off to "the taxpayers".  

Shame-faced and stunned, the Welfare Moms bundled up their kids and trouped out into the snowy winter afternoon.  

And I thought then what I am still thinking now: (1) health care should be non-profit to prevent corporate profiteering; (2) if we want health, we can't let people profit from disease; (3) people need to know and feel the cost of the services they are receiving, even if they can't pay; (4) hospitals need to be held accountable; (5) the rest of us need to get up on our hind legs and pay attention.  

A couple weeks later one of the Moms came in and told me she now had a family doctor and wasn't going to the Emergency Room anymore.  

One small step for mankind...


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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A Brief, Brutal Review

 By Anna Von Reitz

Bretton Woods died in 1971 with the advent of the Petro Dollar.  Oddly, many Americans haven't noticed that this was a watershed event, much less tracked the results of Tricky Dick Nixon's multitudinous "contributions" to our present situation.  

The concept that other goods could be used as the "money standard" --- in this case, barrels of oil --- toppled gold and silver from their pedestal, and opened up an era of wealth for the Middle East that the Middle East reinvested in gold, silver, land, and business opportunities all over the world. 

This means that we are now dealing with a disproportionate number of heavy-hitting Arab and Muslim investment interests counterbalancing would-be Chinese investment interests that have hitched their wagon to the gold standard.

This is a situation so far removed from the typical American egocentric viewpoint of the world as to be ironic.  The Middle East and China are the power players in this drama, despite the USD being the reserve currency. 

Naturally, "the US" having made its bed back in the 1970's, sides with the Arabs and the oil industry.  Just as naturally, China resists because China has virtually no natural oil reserves and is in constant crisis and under pressure to meet its own energy needs. 

And all of this drama centers around what commodities are to be used as the "money standard" --- oil or gold?  Or something else entirely? 

Get a clue, folks, the New Green Deal isn't about the environment.  It's about making oil and all other sources of hydrocarbon energy more expensive.  And using the destructive power of taxation to artificially make it so.  

Higher oil prices, even artificially bumped up oil prices, bulk up the coffers and empower western corporate governments and their Middle Eastern business partners. This creates a "strong dollar" even if it promotes a weak economy.  

You may not have noticed that the New York Stock Exchange is no longer in New York.  It has moved to Tel Aviv.  No joke.  The tickers stopped ticking three years ago.  The financial district is missing the Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve, both.  This observation should give Americans cause to pause. 

The Source of all the military script known as Federal Reserve Notes, is now just an adjunct account under the auspices of the IMF, and the IMF is just an adjunct of the World Bank.  And the stock market is booming during a bizarre, and apparently, pre-planned, "live exercise" pandemic.  

The portfolio managers of unimaginably huge pension and "public association" slush funds are "self-investing" --- a process by which millions of investors who don't really exist except on paper, plunk money --- that doesn't exist, either, down on already grossly overvalued stocks in order to bulk up the apparent value of all those stocks.  

The stocks and the trading boards are, of course, managed via the virtual trading network located in Tel Aviv, and that virtual stock market syndicate can do whatever in the world it likes to stock prices no matter who is flowing what form of money into the market.  

Controlling the outcome of political elections is small beans compared to controlling the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, nee NYSE.  All the dirt about to be released about stuffing electronic ballot boxes pales by comparison when you realize that the same thing, the same kind of computerized fraud, has been applied to the value of stocks and bonds. 

While the Chinese stubbornly hold onto the tail of the gold standard, the West just as tenaciously defends the oil standard, even while appearing to repudiate it with the New Green Deal, which is just an excuse to artificially increase oil prices --- with the guilty Western Government Corporations and the Middle Eastern business partners splitting the take ---- and all of us paying the price.  

There is nothing "New" about the New Green Deal.  It's just another oil industry rip off coming through the backdoor.  

Wake up, people.  The value of Free Markets as a standard of reality has never
been more clear.  

The urgent need for reform in all aspects of our planetary business life and the dangers of computer tampering and inappropriate politicking in every aspect of our lives from the stock market to the election box to healthcare are self-evident.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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No Fault

 By Anna Von Reitz

I took a whole day off for Thanksgiving and the world endeavored to end.  All the powers of evil tried to clamber on board and people all over this world and especially in this country attempted to spin out of control and into the realm of the absurd.

No, America is not at fault for what has befallen it at the hands of greedy, selfish, and traitorous men, dishonest and immoral “relativist” trustees, and people who have fallen victim to crime. 

I am here to bear witness that the victim is not to blame.

There is no way for a Territorial U.S. Citizen to at the same time be a Municipal citizen of the United States—- unless you are a Territorial U.S. Citizen operating a Municipal Corporation for profit.

Let that sink in.

So all the Municipal Corporations created as “US CORPORATIONS” that should not exist are in terror for their corporate “lives” because their existence is unlawful. And all the disloyal military-industrial-banking interests who are the de facto owners of these US CORPORATIONS are right at the front of the pack, howling.

But why do they exist, if not to create profit for their shareholders?  And who are their shareholders if not Territorial U.S. Citizens?

Oh, wait— you mean the fake U.S. Territorial Citizens that never actually existed?  The American babies that were “misidentified” accidentally-on-purpose and registered as British Commonwealth citizenry?


It all belongs to Americans and Aussies and Canadians and Germans and Italians and Japanese.... to all the people worldwide who have been defrauded and impersonated and made to pay the taxes and war reparations and mortgages of these real life monsters.

They can’t believe it has come to this. They can’t fathom that they have been discovered after 160 years of this most profitable scam.

They are losing their stranglehold.  In the end, people are not corporations and everyone can see that. 

That’s why the desperation to find any means, fair or foul, to justify a claim that these corporations own you.  That’s why they are trying to inject you with patented messenger RNA—- to turn you into just another “GMO Product”.  It’s all about ownership “interest”—- and slavery.

If you never had a spine before, it’s time to grow one.  Grit your teeth and smile and say, “My body, my choice.”

Feed back the very poison they have used to justify the deaths of millions of babies.  Let them now eat the fruits of their silent Holocaust.

It is time to put the kibosh on all these Doomsayers who pretend that any of this is “Justice” being meted out to “America” by God.

This is nothing but the fruits of crimes committed against us by criminals acting under color of law and in Gross Breach of Trust.

Ours is a just and knowing God, a God that is not confused by the lies and tricks and verbiage.  He will not hold America accountable for what “the US” has done.

Next time someone tells you that “America is under judgement” — do me a favor and correct them for me.  America is the victim and this time around, the victims won’t be blamed. 

This time the ax is going to fall exactly where it belongs. 

See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

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