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Saturday, March 3, 2018

State of the Nation: H O G G g a t e: The Inevitable Consequence of OPERATION HOGG WASH from JamesFetzerBlog

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

State of the Nation: H O G G g a t e: The Inevitable Consequence of OPERATION HOGG WASH

H O G G g a t e:
The Inevitable Consequence of

The CIA’s MKUltra mind control program launches the career of the Mockingbird Media‘s newest star—David Hogg.

How does a trained crisis actor from Hollywood show up at Stoneman Douglas HS, after attending a California High School, and lead a new student gun control movement that has already changed the laws in Florida?[1]

Answer: Deep State

Florida Governor Caves, Orders New Gun Control Measures

SOTN Editor’s Note: Florida Governor Rick Scott has already — UNILATERALLY — changed the gun laws in Florida after these folks showed up on the steps of the capitol building. (See photos here: LIBERAL HYSTERIA: Gun Control Protest in Tallahassee Florida in Response to the Parkland Mass Shooting)

But how did this really happen?  What follows is just one small piece of this Deep Statepuzzle being put together by the seditious U.S. Intelligence Community.  Let’s call Phase I of this op—Operation Hogg Wash.
There are actually many pieces to this CIA-coordinated black operation to foist new firearm restrictions on Floridians.  Operation Hogg Wash represents a crucial shift in the cabal’s strategy to use school children to carry out their nefarious New World Orderagenda.

KEY POINT: Florida is world-renowned for having the highest concentration of wealth in the world that stretches along the Gold Coastfrom Stuart to the Keys.  Domiciled in this same region is the greatest number of Illuminati families on the planet.  The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is located right in the heart of this highly protected area—Broward County, Florida.  The power elite don’t want to be threatened by gunowners when things start to fall apart, as they surely will.

David Hogg: Crisis Actor

A trained crisis actor named David Hogg from California comes to Florida to graduate a second time from high school. See: David Hogg Really Is A Crisis Actor! His California High School Yearbook Photo Says It All.
Hogg actually created a video with his fellow crisis actors DURING THE MASS SHOOTING at Stoneman Douglas High School. Hollywood-trained & CIA Cutout David Hogg Interviews Fellow Gun Control Advocates While Mass Shooting Was Taking Place
Then Hogg appeared on various MSM news broadcasts presenting himself as a de facto leader of a new student gun control movement.  All the while, Hogg is forced to defend himself from accusations of being a George Soros stooge. MSM Crisis Actor David Hogg Now Spending More Time Defending His Soros-funded Gig
As for his appearance on CNN (aka the Communist News Network), Hogg also had to explain why he showed up at their studios weeks before the shooting. BUSTED: Why did David Hogg visit CNN headquarters before the shooting?
David Hogg has also been compelled by investigators to answer questions about his father’s previous job with the FBI, as well as his own ties to another Soros-funded, Podesta-led NGO.  SHOCKER: CNN’s high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
These several TV appearances only took place after Hogg got his scripted lines down pat. Deep State agent David Hogg forgets his Lines, Coached by handlers before he goes prime time

Right out of the CIA’s central casting for Operation Hogg Wash comes media darling David Hogg

Operation Hogg Wash

No matter how you look at it, this kid is a real piece of work!  Some might say he’s full of:

Hogg Wash!

Hence, this transparent black operation and sophisticated psyop has been memed Operation Hogg Wash.
However, we would caution those who are justifiably irreverent that this “Hogg Wash” was ‘strong enough’ to influence the Florida governor.  How could that possibly happen… … … except by purposeful design?
After all, David Hogg et al. were majorly responsible for helping to galvanize a student gun-grabbing movement that ended up in Tallahassee, right on the steps of the state capital.
Not only did that student movement rapidly gather steam and end up in droves at the capitol building, the state legislature found itself defending their votes on new gun legislation.
Much more significantly, however, the governor actually issued new gun directives as follows: Gun-Maker Stocks Slump After Florida Imposes Age Restriction On Gun Purchases, Bans Bump Stocks
By the way, this kid from one of the most notorious CIA-overseen LA “Canyons” — David Hogg — also helped lead a money-raising campaign that has already fleeced donors of $3.5 million. They can’t spell, but they raised $3.5mil. What a Deep State operation Stoneman Douglas is!
This clearly indicates that Hogg has been programmed in much the same manner as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Travis Kalanik, Evan Spiegel, the Google brothers, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, etc.  Hence, with Deep State behind him, it appears that Daivd Hogg can’t lose in the short term.  Which will translate to our loss if we don’t expose this entire CIA-directed, FBI-protected false flag black operation post-haste.

KEY POINT: Soros & Company knew that the adults could not get the job done, so they enlisted the help of teenage graduates from the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program.  And do you know that it worked…at least this time around it did.  A Florida RED STATE governor would never have acted so quickly unless somehow forced to do so. BREAKING! Gov. Scott Goes for Gun Controls in Florida, Gunowners Feel Betrayed


On the surface this does not look like good news at all, particularly in view of the Florida governor caving in so quickly.  However, there is a much more significant outcome—the instantaneous explosion of the HOGGgate scandal.  For the very reasons that David Hogg the crisis actor was chosen to be the star of the show (as well as the ongoing psyop series), he projects as the quintessential MKUtra mind-controlled puppet.  Kind of like the kid in school who everybody hates because he says exactly what the teacher wants to hear (a real brown-nose).
As a result, this latest battle in a deep blue Florida county has already become an extraordinarily damaging Pyrrhic victory for Deep State.  Never has a single false flag operation exposed so much about the inner workings of these government-sponsored terrorist attacks.  Thanks to David Hogg the coup plotters have been caught with their pants down like never before.
For example, and this is really HUGE: When you Google “David Hogg”, the search results returns the following page.  Three of the top 6 items on the first Google page show the derogatory term ‘Crisis Actor’.  That the MSM feels obligated to even address this emerging “crisis actor” reality, above the state-sponsored terrorist attack itself, is such a truly historic development.  It’s actually hard to believe that it’s happening—in real time.

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