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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

#StandAgainstCensorship by taking action: 10 powerful things you can do NOW to take back your freedom from the “techno tyrants” by Mike Adams

#StandAgainstCensorship by taking action: 10 powerful things you can do NOW to take back your freedom from the “techno tyrants”

(Natural News) Your ability to speak freely is under extreme assault as YouTube, Facebook, Google and Twitter are now pursuing the most outlandish censorship purge they’ve ever attempted. (They’re going for broke to desperately try to control the narrative on everything…)

At stake is our very democracy, for without the ability to engage in public debate that’s free from interference by the tech giants, we no longer have the knowledge base from which a sustainable democracy can exist at all. Censorship is tyranny, and it is by definition anti-democratic. Censorship by the tech giants is a form of bullying aimed at selected political targets to silence their views and expel them from public discussion or debate.
These tactics have been used throughout history by the most evil regimes in history, including North Korea, the former Soviet Union and modern-day Communist China. Now, Silicon Valley’s left-leaning tech giants are borrowing a page out of the playbook of tyranny to unleash extreme censorship in America that can only give rise to tyrannical regimes that severely abuse human rights. Consider: Corporations that are willing to obliterate your right to speak are just one small step away from obliterating your right to exist at all.

10 powerful actions you can take starting NOW

To join the fight against the extreme censorship of the left-leaning techno-tyrants, for the first time in nearly five years I am hosting the Alex Jones show today at InfoWars.com from 11am – 2pm central. There, I’m announcing the following action items that must to be pursued and shared by every individual who believes in the liberty to speak:
ACTION ITEM #1) Call your representatives and demand a Dept. of Justice criminal investigation into YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter.
  • The capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121
  • Sample message you might say, “We demand a federal investigation into the accelerating censorship of independent news organizations by YouTube, Facebook, Google and Twitter. It’s time for federal anti-trust action against these monopolistic internet gatekeepers.
  • You might mention how these tech giants have become dangerous monopolies that are stifling free speech, causing an erosion of our democracy.
ACTION ITEM #2) Tweet the @Youtube team with the hashtag #StandAgainstCensorship
  • Demand YouTube stop bullying and harassing The Health Ranger, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit and other independent media sources.
  • Demand TheHealthRanger account be reinstated and explain why you value the video content we publish to YouTube (over 1700 videos and counting).
  • Demand YouTube stop using radical left-wing “trusted flaggers” such as the SPLC, whose only real goal is to censor the speech of all conservatives and libertarians.
ACTION ITEM #3) See the new website REAL.VIDEO
  • Real.Video is the home of a new anti-censorship video distribution community that I’m launching this year.
  • Natural News, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Activist Post, SGT Report, Dave Hodges and many other prominent independent media channels have already confirmed they wish to participate.
  • Real.Video does not compete with D.Tube or Bitchute.com, but rather complements these other distributed video services in a unique and revolutionary way that no one has seen before.
ACTION ITEM #4) See all the videos YouTube banned by visiting VIMEO
  • All my videos banned by YouTube are available right now at Vimeo.com/healthranger
  • There, you can see 1,920 videos that YouTube has banned.
ACTION ITEM #5) Download the Natural News app to completely bypass all online censorship
  • The Natural News app (iPhone and Android) brings you articles, videos, podcasts, lab results and more.
  • See the download links at this article page.
  • I also encourage you to download the apps of all your favorite online sources to make sure you’re getting all the news and videos you want, without centrally-controlled censorship from evil tech giants like Google / YouTube.
ACTION ITEM #6) Read Censored.news daily
  • Censored.news brings you near-real-time updates of all the news headlines from the most heavily censored websites on the ‘net.
  • It’s automatically updated every few minutes.
  • Provides a liberty-oriented alternative to Google News, which has banned all real news sources and primarily carries fake news from discredited “legacy media” sources like CNN.
ACTION ITEM #7) Type your favorite websites URLs directly into your browser… stop relying on Facebook, Reddit or Google to “feed” you information
  • If you allow Facebook to “spoon feed” you news stories, then you’re allowing your mind to be controlled by Facebook censorship.
  • Go directly to your favorite websites each day. Type the URLs into your browser, then add to your favorites.
  • Read Censorship.news to stay informed of the latest assaults on your free speech.
ACTION ITEM #8) Support the sponsors and retail operations of your favorite websites that are being targeted with censorship
  • The fight against censorship is powered by free market revenues.
  • Support the sponsors and retail operations of your favorite liberty-oriented websites.
  • Buy products from them instead of Amazon.com, wherever possible.
  • Visit the sponsors of your favorite websites and reward them with your business.
ACTION ITEM #9) Walk away from Facebook, YouTube and Google
  • Facebook makes you depressed and wastes your time.
  • Google is evil. Use DuckDuckGo.com instead.
  • Ditch YouTube and check out BitChute.com or D.Tube. Learn about Steemit.com and get involved with “steem.”
ACTION ITEM #10) Start publishing your own content and join the march against censorship and tyranny
  • We need a new wave of independent, informed voices to start publishing articles, podcasts and videos that question the status quo and denounce the techno-tyranny of the lunatic Left.
  • Check out Real.Video for an exciting new way to share your content without centralized censorship.
  • Publish your videos to your own user account at Vimeo.com or post podcasts at SoundCloud.com. Check out D.Tube and other alternative sources that resist blatant censorship.
The revolution is here! And you’re invited to help win it for freedom and liberty. 🙂
– Mike

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