Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chapter 5.1 How to Create a Perfect Mind Control Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler from NewWorldOrder Website

Before we get into the details, we’ll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and
told Christ that he’d have a "crusade" and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it. We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? and how can we know this? One of the best witnesses is a Monarch program survivor, who has escaped from being a high-level Pentagon slave.
This survivor witnessed Billy Graham working for the Illuminati. This survivor also carried messages for the Satanic hierarchy and personally knows that Billy Graham has been carrying messages from the top secret Illuminati to Presidents and heads of state. This person’s information has been backed up by independent witnesses. A second ex-Satanist also remembers Billy Graham as a Satanist. Still another person, an ex-Illuminati person, who has MPD stood in front of Billy Graham and watched his eyes. This person said that it was very clear that Billy Graham has MPD and that he switches personalities. By happenchance or God’s will, Fritz received a report from one of the women who went to church with Billy Graham’s wife Ruth.
The woman was told by Ruth in conversation that her husband Billy Graham is strange in that he always sleeps with his eyes open. It is characteristic of people who have MPD to sleep with their eyes open. People who have MPD may have a devout Christian personality and a devout Satanic personality all within a single body. This is not uncommon. In Billy Graham’s case, he is fully aware of what he is doing for the enemy in all his personalities, although his Christian personality may not be ecstatic about it all. Billy Graham’s Decision magazine has on its front page caption is "‘Changed From the Inside Out," and displays an infinity loop on the cover (see picture below). Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity loop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming.
There are countless little things like this, which are evidence that Billy Graham is playing a role in the satanic mind-control of the Illuminati. Dr. Schefflin, a mind-control expert, told me that he saw internal documents from the 1950s teaching Billy Graham’s people on how to have a successful revival. These documents instructed crusade counselors on things which were elements of mind-control, such as delaying people from coming forward to confess Christ until the "right" time. If you’ve ever wondered how much Billy Graham knows--if the Illuminati haven’t told him, a concerned Christian named David Hill, who was an ex-Mafia/ex-New Ager/ex-Mason did.
The concerned Christian was a friend of Franklin Graham (Billy’s son) and he had lived for two years at Billy Graham’s house. He didn’t realize that Graham had been sucked into the New World Order until he had confronted Billy Graham. David Hill, who was a ex-Mason turned Christian, who had worked with many of the world’s elite, spent 18 hours in a hotel room warning Billy Graham about the New World Order. Billy Graham told David Hill at the end of their two days of talking in this eastern U.S. hotel room that he was "a captive of that [NWO] organization." In other words, after placing himself under the Illuminati’s sponsorship in the late ‘40s, Billy Graham has had the choice of continuing to do his job for them, or being destroyed.
Since they created who he is, they can destroy him. And he knows it. David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered) his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent of the deception of the Illuminati’s mind control. David didn’t know about programmed multiples. David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two men.
David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati, He was part of the branch Illuminati -- at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham’s Crusades. Stu PAK is associated with the Stewart Title Company. Stu Pak provides funds for Billy Graham and others. The head of Stu Pak is friends with Billy Graham and George Bush. The company has a lot of relatives running it. The Morris family is also tied to it. The people of Stewart Title Company are ruthless. The Van Duyn Illuminati family in California also helped Billy Graham’s ministry get started.

One of the ways the Illuminati funnelled money to Billy Graham was through a monthly check delivered to Jeanne Dixon’s office, which was picked up every month by Billy Graham’s staff. After Dixon’s secretary came to Christ she tried to expose Billy Graham’s connection to Jeanne Dixon. Jeanne Dixon sells crystal balls with snakes. She is part of the Illuminati. Billy Graham wrote her a letter calling her "a woman of God." Dixon’s secretary had a copy of this letter with Billy Graham’s signature on it, after she became a Christian.
In 1952, in Paris, Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home. Billy  Graham had a wife and children at home, so the whole affair was totally improper for an evangelist even if Billy Graham didn’t have sex with the woman. He told his friend only that the prostitute had taken off her clothes and he’d gotten scared and come back to their hotel room. See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American  righteousness. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170. In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room prior to him going out for the Crusade. Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room, It is this type of thing that has opened Billy Graham up to blackmail.
Should Graham ever try to stray from the proper course set for him by the Illuminati, they have plenty of ammunition to blackmail him.
(You may ask why would the Satanists from generational satanic families want to intimidate Billy Graham with fear? Why, isn’t he from a generational satanic family? The answer is that the whole Satanic system operates off of fear. Intimidation & fear are standard everyday parts of their makeup and actions. Sort of the counterpart to the saying there is no honor among thieves. The Satanic hierarchy are in constant intimidation and power struggles.)
When Billy Graham wanted to, he could call up Henry Kissinger and say, "Tell him to call me the minute he comes in." (Frady, p. 451) Henry Kissinger is right in the middle of what the Illuminati is doing. Another Illuminatus that Graham had a working relationship with is Henry Luce, friend of the Baruchs. Luce and Billy Graham spent several nights staying up talking late into the night. Knowing how the Illuminati work, it is very safe to assume that they have pushed Billy Graham into further degenerate acts.
They have probably done everything they can to pervert Billy Graham, so there is no telling what sexual sins remain hidden. Kissinger is a member of P2 Freemasonry. If we were to assume that Billy Graham were not involved (and that is a big IF since we know that he is), then if one studies P2 Masonic recruiting tactics given in the book In God’s Name, p. 116, then the reader will grasp that anyone of Billy Graham’s stature who associates so freely with P2 Freemasons will be targeted and blackmailed and forced to join. Once they join, new members are forced to compromise other possible targets. Billy Graham is part of the people who implement the Monarch program (which was a joint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people).
We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes. Another possible clue about Billy Graham’s hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the readers remember how Jimmy Swaggert would disguise himself with sun glasses, etc. and his staff helped him carry out what he in part confessed? In Hollywood, FL (yes, FL!) Billy Graham said that he "often attends loveins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard."
He also said he found the experience in doing that kind of thing "refreshing." This story was in the Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969. The article’s purpose appears to have been to make Billy Graham look hip to today’s rock and roll crowds of teenagers. Billy Graham described his friendship with Alan Dulles, I make every effort not to let it appear that I favor one party over another. I count Secretary Dulles a friend, but Senator Humphrey is also a good friend of mine, [who he met] ... when we were both swimming nude at the YMCA pool in Minneapolis where he was running for mayor." A friendship with Alan Dulles? Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, was one of the biggest perpetrators of the trauma-based mind-control that this book is about.
Humphrey also received orders from the Satanic hierarchy. And what is this swimming in nude? When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the Illuminati, the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan. Billy Graham has numerous times attended Hollywood cocktail parties. Just two examples of which are: one given by Debbie Reynolds, and another one which was a cocktail party for Hollywood stars put on by Nixon at his San Clemente, CA home on a Sunday evening. Billy Graham’s schedule is filled with activities such as playing golf with people who are in the Illuminati, or are Hollywood types. The full impact of this constant fellowshipping with darkness is hard for people to grasp, because they picture that Graham is an evangelist and so therefore he must go where the sinners are.
There is an expression, show me a man’ s friends and I’ll tell you about him. It’s one thing to spend time with evil to give it a chance to repent and come to the light, It is another to fellowship with evil and allow it to remain in darkness. Let us quote from a neutral source, a group who had been investigating the role of church and state. They were trying to determine for their study whether Billy Graham has had an impact on all the Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton, This study was not pro or anti Graham, It was simply trying to determine what impact this religious leader is having on political leaders. Billy Graham has spent a lot of time with all the Presidents, so their question was "has Billy Graham had some type of impact?"
Their conclusion printed in the Journal of Church and State concludes, .. . .could Graham speak the word of truth - especially when that word may be critical or slashing -to the man in the White House when he is on such friendly terms with him? On the basis of the evidence now available, the answer must be no." What a person does on his free time is said to be revealing. Christ did spend his time with sinners, but he called them to repentance. In all my study of Billy Graham, I haven’t seen any of the Hollywood movie stars or politicians change their lifestyles by their association with Billy Graham. A number of "conversions" have been artificially created, and given widespread publicity by the press. Pat Boone is the type of close friend of Billy Graham that perhaps typifies Billy Graham. He is someone well-received by the public. Billy Graham has enjoyed using him in Crusades.
Pat Boone continued playing in Playboy type night clubs while he was singing at Billy Graham Crusades. Pat Boone who is pro-jewish, may be jewish, because the State of Israel has given him some special positions. There is nothing wrong with having "jewish blood", it just explains some of his connections. The Nugen Hand Bank was a CIA operation that laundered money, and did many illegal activities.  Pat Boone was part of the Nugen Hand Bank scandal. Exactly how deep he was involved with the CIA’s dirty dealing is unclear.
Pat Boone’s daughter Debbie Boone made a hit out of the song "You Light Up My Life", the words of the song were written by a woman who worshipped Lucifer and wrote the song to Lucifer. Billy Graham has placed the emphasis in his Crusades on putting liberals, even Catholic priests, up on the platform with himself. When does Billy Graham ever spend time with solid devout Christians? Every time Billy Graham went to Moscow he tried to avoid the devout Christians of the unregistered churches who unwittingly tried unsuccessfully to meet with Graham. Instead, he would meet with the heads of the Orthodox Church, which, since all the changes in Russia, are now proven to have been KGB agents--although most of us had suspected that all along from the type of things they said and did.
How naive can Christians get? Do they really think that the Illuminati is going to let a legitimately powerful anointed Christian evangelist have regular access to their people? Don’t Christians realize that if he was a real threat--someone who might really bring one of the top elite to Christ that they would be assassinating him, not wining and dining him.


The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." Acts 20:28-29 Bill Clinton, some senators, and Billy Graham’s son Ned E. Graham invited the leaders of the Chinese house churches to a prayer breakfast in Washington D.C. Three delegates from the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and 3 others from house churches were invited, Lin Xian-Gao, Li Tian-En, and Yuan Xiang-Chen.
Rev. Ned Graham visited these chinese in person to extend the U.S. government’s invitation. Graham told the chinese Christians that the government would pick up the entire tab for the breakfast. In return the U.S. government wanted the Christians to promise not to speak to the American press or to any Americans comments that might hurt the image of the Red Chinese government. The Chinese government had promised the American government that they would guarantee safe entry and departure for these house church Christian leaders.
Then after the meeting, they were invited to Billy Graham’s house. The Chinese christians declined the invitation by Graham. Chinese pastor Lin said, "If I went to the United States, I would tell the truth, not lies. To tell the truth would definitely be considered an act of damaging the image of the Chinese government which would create a pretext for the government to refuse my re-entry into China. But my commission from God is to serve Him faithfully in China only. Therefore, I choose to remain in China rather than to go abroad." Ned Graham (Billy’s son) tried to talk the Chinese into coming, I know that you  surely do love your enemies, why then can you not compromise..."
The pastor answered, "Yes, we can forgive our enemies for persecuting or opposing us in their ignorance, but we can never love the false prophets or their heresy."’ Ned also said, "It is a glorious and dignified thing to be invited by President Clinton. Many people seek it, but cannot obtain it. Fortunately, the chinese did not buy it. (This info and quote comes from China The Untold Story by The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc., 1995. pp. 25-31)

There is another area of Billy Graham that we will only touch on. In one of Fritz’s ‘92 newsletter, Billy Graham is quoted stating that he thought UFOs were angels of God. On either Jan. 28 or 29th (See Smyma, Feb. ‘93, p.3), Billy Graham was interviewed on television by David Frost. Billy Graham said he believed people in heaven are sent by God to other worlds to help them in redemption of life, This is edging somewhat close to what the Mormons believe, that "Christians" (that is Mormons) will each receive their own planet to be god of. In another show, Graham said he wanted to evangelize other planets. Fritz has repeatedly tried to warn Christians of the many demonic dangers associated with the entire UFO phenomena, and the Satanic Hierarchy’s connection to UFOs.
Billy Graham’s idea that UFOs are good angels is a dangerous idea. Billy Graham was given the contrived artificial image of being a great anti-Satanist. At the Chicago Crusade, 200 Satanists stood up in the crowds. Mayor Daily of Chicago then said from the stand, Billy we have 200 Satanists that want to disrupt your meeting shall I arrest them? What shall I do? And Billy said, No let’s sing a song. The crowd sang a song and the Satanists left the stadium on their own. The whole affair was clearly staged and hokey, but Christians are very naive about Satanism and Billy Graham. This further confirmed to them that Billy Graham was a great anointed man of God. First, hard core Satanists don’t show their faces in public. Second, the Mayor of Chicago is not against the Satanists, he works with them, and there are reasons to suspect he is one.
Third, Satanists, who do show themselves in public like Anton LaVey, want good publicity and would not carry out something like pretending to want to disrupt a Billy Graham crusade. Fourth, if a real threat had existed, Mayor Daily and the police wouldn’t be asking Billy Graham what to do, they would be taking care of the problem. The police don’t need to ask for permission to take care of troublemakers at the Crusade. Christians accepted this episode at its face value. Those who did clearly show the common church goer’s poor understanding of those who seek to control and destroy the church. How Billy Graham plays a key role in reprogramming Monarch slaves. Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the satanists were going to get from the Billy Graham Crusade.
I know one of the benefits for the satanists was that Monarch programees who had become Christians and had  deactivated the effect of their mind-control programming were to be reprogrammed with Billy Graham’ s help. When Billy Graham arrived in town, someone on his Crusade staff had managed to find and send out invitations to many of the survivors of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) in Portland to come to a special meeting to personally meet with Billy Graham. At this special meeting with SRA victims, Billy Graham personally began saying the buzz words to reactivate these people’s programming, especially the Monarch survivors. (This comes from several witnesses.) For a number of years now, the Billy Graham Crusade has been putting messages across the bottom of television screens that has activation codes for Monarch survivors.
Those Monarch survivors who have become devote Christians to escape the nightmare of the Monarch mind-control are often not aware of the danger of watching the Billy Graham Crusade on television. When people are activated, special people are in the area and they take the Monarch survivors to what are called Near Death Trauma Centers. These centers are used then to reprogram these poor people. There were five in this area, of which we located 2 and forced them to move their sites. Religious fronts (denominations, individual churches and certain ministers) are used to hide criminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens.
The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism. Another of the countless religious covers, that works with the Network’s/Illuminati’s drug activities involves the Mormon Bishop warehouses, which are used to store cocaine. Monarch slaves are involved with this. Different religious labels hide the same criminal Network. By the way, when giving the Patriarchal  Blessing, the Mormon Patriarch if he has a Monarch slave will use hypnosis and triggers to convince the person what their future will be like.
One can’t say this is happening in every case, but it is very widespread for the Patriarch who give these blessings to be part of the Trauma-based mind-control operations. Billy Graham also personally delivers messages to the Presidents for the Illuminati, such as when he arrived just prior to Bush’s decision to launch Desert Storm. Sometimes the papers even spell out that Billy Graham serves as a message boy, for instance, when he delivered a message in April, 92 from the Pope to North Korea’s dictator Kim.

The following three books were very helpful to me in terms of documenting Billy Graham’s activities. All three authors were interested in documenting what Billy Graham is really all about. It may sound  strange that I say that, but sadly most of the books that touch on Billy Graham like America’s Hour of Decision Including a Life Story of Billy Graham are simply part of the deception process of the enemy. However, if anyone wants to know more about Billy Graham the following three books were very helpful for me to document Billy Graham’s activities.

by Marshall Frady
Marshall Frady was a writer for Life and Newsweek. He has done an incredible amount of research into Billy Graham’s life. He doesn’t touch on the sinister side of Billy Graham, but by giving an honest report about Billy Graham he tears off the "Hollywood-type mask" so to speak that everyone has seen and believed. Marshall Frady simply wanted to tell the whole story of Billy Graham, good, bad or otherwise. He spent many hours interviewing Billy Graham and many other people involved in Billy Graham’s life. When this book was read by a devout Christian, it totally devastated this person’s media-built image of Billy Graham-- for instance, items like Billy Graham going to dinner with a prostitute and taking her home, Billy Graham walking past his wife and not recognizing her, & Billy Graham’s New York Crusade refusing to allow street people into the crusade because they were dirty. However, another Christian borrowed my copy of it, and said after looking at the book he didn’t see anything wrong with  Billy Graham in the book.
But then he just read portions of the book. Still, unless one has spiritual discernment the book is probably not going to "blast a person out of the water," because it is a biography not an exposé. Until recently, this was the only really good biography that was available for Christians. Many months before the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade, the advertisements for the crusade and the crusade activity here in Portland began. Pilgrim Discount, which is one of the best Christian bookstores in the Portland area sells both used and new Christian books.
They had a used copy of Billy Graham a Parable of American Righteousness. I watched for months to see if any Christians would buy the book. Tens of thousands of Christians got involved in the Billy Graham Crusade in the Portland area, but none had the interest to read the only biography of Billy Graham available. Finally, just shortly before the Crusade, a teenage Christian from Washington who had been warned about Billy Graham and who was trying to keep from being forced to attend, bought the book on a trip from Washington. This incident shows what Americans know--and what they want to know about Billy Graham is shallow media-hype. A Christian radio show here had the author of Billy Graham A Prophet with Honor on to promote his book, which was done just when the Crusade was days away.

A Startling Exposure- Billy Graham and the Church of Rome by Ian R. K. Paisley. This is perhaps the best book as far as actual documentation. The book is probably rare, and not available. Ian R.K. Paisley has made it one of his projects of his life to expose Catholicism. Because Billy Graham works more with Catholics than Protestants Paisley as a concerned Christian obviously found himself learning about Billy Graham. Ian R.K. Paisley knows first hand how powerful Billy Graham and his establishment backers are. They have a colossal publication strength to discredit any critic of Billy Graham in whatever manner it takes -- even if it means outright lies and slander.
Billy Graham Reformer? Politician? Preacher? Prophet? A Chronological Record Compiled from Public Sources By the Church League of America 195 1-1982. This book is from Edgar Bundy Ministries, It is a collection of articles that have appeared in the public media on Billy Graham over a period of 31 years. Billy Graham is condemned by his own words and his own actions. If people only took a look at what Billy Graham is on public record saying it would startle them.
Who is Billy Graham working for? Is he trying to build the Christian churches up, or is he trying to lay the foundation for a one-world religion? While some people may on first thought think that it is a great idea to have every one belong to the same religious structure, they need to reflect on the dangers inherent in one single religious body with all-encompassing power. The groundwork for such a dictatorial global religious body is already partially constructed, and is revealed in other writings of Fritz Springmeier. How many people know that in 1955 and 1956 Billy Graham announced that he had a policy of sending people who come forward at his crusades to the church of their choice whether that church or synagogue is Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.
For instance, the Protestant Church Life quotes Billy Graham in its 29 Sept 1956 issue, "Referring to the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham said: ‘We’re coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches--Catholic, Protestant or Jewish." There is one other book worth pointing out at this point, It was not a source book for my investigation, but I know the author, and the book came out recently, so it is likely still available. The book is The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church by Erwin Wilson.
The address is Quebec Baptist Missions, Box 113, Compton, Quebec, Canada, JOB iLO. It’s s nice that men like Erwin Wilson are noticing Billy Graham’s love affair with the Catholic Church. He picked up on Billy Graham’s statement about the Pope, "Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world and one of the greatest moral...leaders of this century." (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.) However, several of these anti-Catholic ministries are rejecting the bigger picture. They have strongly resisted learning about mind-control and the exposure of the conspiracy in Be Wise As Serpents.
Because of this, several of these Christian ministries to Catholics have lots of information about Billy Graham and his close workings with the Catholic Church, but little comprehension of how the Catholic Church fits into the bigger picture, and how the New World Order is actually coming about. There has been widespread concern about Billy Graham among Christians. Because the controlled media don’t report these concerns, people are not realizing the extent of the concerns which have been voiced. Even before the co-authors got involved in exposing the Illuminati and their control over religion and their plans for a New World Order, there has been a long history of concern by devout Christians over Billy Graham. There has been a growing dissatisfaction among conservative Christians towards Billy Graham. The introduction to Erwin Wilson’s book which is written by Dr. Bob Jones (Chancellor of Bob Jones University) provides an introduction to the concerns Christians have about the man who has been set up by the media and the money elite to be their greatest leader.
We quote only a paragraph of what Dr. Bob Jones said, "Some of us who grieved over Graham’s first downward steps toward compromise with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction from which there would be no turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had warned Billy against his direction." The first area is doctrinal concerns by devout Christians, who have been deceived that Billy Graham thinks as they do. Christians usually take for granted that Billy Graham is sound doctrinally. The following paragraph of beliefs of Billy Graham were documented in 1993 by Fritz Springmeier in his June ‘1993 newsletter, with its large document packet.
Main line Christians would be shocked to find out what Billy Graham really believes and is on public record as supporting. This will help show non-Christians, who read this, that Billy Graham is not really the Christian he pretends to be. This is not to preach at non-Christian readers, for some of the non-Christian readers will agree with Billy Graham’s stands. These views are written to show how a major Christian leader can have a false public image that has survived mainly because the full public record of Billy Graham’s stands are keep low key. If we are big enough to look at the deceptions of our politicians and statemen, we must be big enough to face the deceptions of our ministers. Some of the areas that Billy Graham deviates from Scripture are as follows.
He is on public record supporting homosexuality, abortion, his disbelief in a literal hell, his support and practice of infant baptism to save children, his support for the Catholic church’s worship of Mary (yet he calls himself a Protestant). He has repeatedly praised infidels and apostates as great Christians. He actively supported the American government policy to fight the Vietnam War. He would not challenge the idea that the Bible is mythology, when directly questioned. The deception doesn’t stop with the Protestants, Catholic supporters have been kept in the dark about his abortion views. The deception goes way beyond Protestant, Catholic beliefs. As a programmed multiple who participates in Satanic Ritual, Billy Graham has deceived everyone. The second area is concerns about his support for a One-World Church and a One-World-Government. This stems from:
1. Billy Graham ’s public endorsements of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches.
2. Billy Graham’s consistent  attendance at the World Council of Churches’ meetings.
3. that Billy Graham has done more than anyone in the world to bring about the One-World-Harlot church, and he has done more than anyone to unite all the Christian groups into one organization.
4. Billy Graham’s support of the Pope and the Catholic church which is the largest Christian religion and one of the pillars of the New Age One-World religious body being set up. 
5. The support that the NCC and WCC gives him. 
6. The support that the internationalists and globalists give Billy Graham. Billy Graham was first asked to do his Portland Crusade in 1993 by the WCC/NCC representative in this area who is a homosexual, a new ager, and leader of the ecumenical movement.
A third area is concern over the lack of depth that conversions at Billy  Graham’s crusades have, Some of the details on this are:
l. Only 2% of the people coming forward at a Crusade have never been Christians and are actually giving their life to Christ for the first time, and of these 80% fall away. 
2. A great majority of people that come forward are sent to Catholic and extremely liberal Churches, extremely few are sent to solid Bible believing churches., In the Catholic Standard and Times, Thursday, July 16, 1992, p. 10, this Catholic paper reported that 1,900 Catholics responded to Billy Graham’s call to make decisions for Christ in the Philadelphia Crusade and were referred to about 250 parishes.
3. People that come forward are sent even to Jewish synagogues and New Age churches.
4. Converts are given the impression that Christ wants decisions for him, rather than that Christ wants disciples.
5. The people attending the crusades are almost all Christians, due to the high numbers of Christian counselors and the high number of church people which are always intentionally bussed in, (Frady exposes this, and in 1992 a writer of the Williamette Week did a major story for the magazine detailing how she had searched the entire week at the Billy Graham Crusade for an unsaved person and failed to find a single non-Christian. There were a few, but so few she didn’t find any. William ette Week, Oct. 1,1992).
6. Most decisions at the crusades are for trivial things such as to stop smoking.
Interestingly, Christians with discernment spoke about how hurting the churches were after the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland. They had been made wild promises of success, they were fleeced of their money, and then given a lukewarm spiritual boost. Their comments reminded me of this warning to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s as to how he was ruining the harvest field. Part of Satan’s Planetary control is through religious leaders. Christians have been conditioned to believe that Billy Graham is a great prophet of God by the establishment media, who have told us for years that Billy Graham was the most respected man in America, The percentages that the controlled Media have reported for Billy Graham’s popularity may have been inflated. 
There are several studies that show how the establishment uses polls dishonestly to manipulate thinking. The establishment media is able to create ideas so firmly within the mind of the public that it becomes almost impossible to deprogram people. What people see on T.V. becomes what you believe, The T.V. image becomes real. What actually happens at a crusade is far different from the media image. In Scotland for instance, a poll was taken of church membership one month before the Billy Graham Scotland Crusade, and two months after the Crusade. Church membership had actually declined substantially. So after spending millions of the Christians’ dollars, Billy Graham had not even helped the church attendance of the Scottish churches.
When Billy Graham holds his crusades, the churches in the area sponsor the crusade. In Poland, in a nation 95% catholic, the churches that sponsored his crusade in Warsaw were Catholic churches and when people went forward they were sent to Catholic churches. Yet, when the mass media report on Crusades, it is made to sound like thousands of people became new Christians. Many of the devout Christians that have supported Billy Graham haven’t thought through what is really going on at the crusades. They have been so caught up with the media image that they are not able to critically comprehend that the crusades are really major spiritual disasters. The book for counselors at the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland specifically stated that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, that the crusade counselors were forbidden to proselytize anyone at any time during the crusade, or else they would lose their Crusade badge as a counselor. (See these instructions in The Billy Graham Christian Life & Witness Course, Minneapolis, MN: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, p. 47, Instructions A.6.)
But thousands of the Christians in Portland who became counselors for the ‘92 Crusade never gave it a second thought that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, because they trusted Billy Graham. Money that could have gone to helping victims of mind-control went toward superficial decisions for Christ. Money that could have gone to doing some serious damage to the evil, has gone for Madison avenue hype and for big shows, On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham’s Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs. A fourth area is concern over his methodology.
A body language expert says that Billy Graham’s talks are simply canned. They are simply well-rehearsed canned-body movements and not coming from the heart. His crusade uses Madison-Avenue sales techniques instead of traditional scriptural methods to get converts. Billy Graham crusades always spend great sums of money for bill boards promoting Billy Graham and bumper stickers promoting Billy Graham, the end result is that Billy Graham’s name is usually promoted millions of times more often than Jesus Christ. Christianity is consistently watered down and identified with the world and its ways. And a great deal of boasting is done about numbers of decisions instead of real meaningful discipleship. A fifth area is concern over Billy Graham acceptance of Communism. Although many people feel communism is dead, this area is still relevant. If you think communism is dead go live in North Korea, where Billy Graham went in 1992 full of praise for North Korea.
See Christianity Today, May 18, 1992, p.55. (By the way, Billy Graham & family have sat on the board of Christianity Today, and still control it, so it wouldn’t misquote him.) l. Billy Graham has repeatedly over international mass media claimed that there was no religious persecution under the communists, 2. Billy Graham has praised Mao-Tse-Tung’s principles, 3. Graham has praised communist leaders on numerous occasions, 4. Dyed-in-the-wool communists who have been the ones giving orders to torture Christians for some reason feel comfortable spending time talking to Billy Graham.
The actual heritage and name of Billy Graham There is a connection between Marxism and a group of Satanists called Frankists. One of the strongest satanic cults to take control over the Jewish population was called Sabbatianism. Jakob Frank assumed the role of leader of this group, and afterward this brand of satanism was called Frankism. (Freud’s sexually-obsessed theories came from Frankism.) Frank taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to practice their satanism. (One of several book on the subject of Frankism is The Contemporary Faces of Satan by Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich.) Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic "jews." Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.
However, Fritz was beginning to suspect that there must be some kind of jewish blood in Billy Graham’s heritage, because of the all the things he would stumble upon. For instance, the intimate connections Graham had with Jewish leaders and Jewish Christian ministries. And his assurances to them that they are God’s chosen people, a special group. Graham privately told them, that because they are a special chosen group they don’t need to come to Christ. (Fritz discovered all this by accident reading Jewish literature.) Further, the paper called "The C-9 Report For internal use only" states on page 11 that Billy Graham’s daughters have lived in Israel, and that Billy Graham’s son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War.
In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 2.1, "The Jewish author Gerald S. Strober in his book American Jews Community in Crisis, p. 110 states that after a resolution in Feb. 1973 at Pittsburgh by the NCC failed to declare the NCC against converting the Jews, that Billy Graham announced the following day a statement that God had a special place for the Jews and rejected ,,coercive evangelistic efforts." Privately, Graham has assured Jewish leaders he is against converting the Jews to Christianity. Strober also informs his readers (p. 111) that many Christian organizations that are "Jewish Missions" take their marching orders from Billy Graham, This confirms numerous reports..." So Strober in effect is saying don’t worry Graham is with us, and he controls most of the Christian organizations that are supposedly missions to evangelize us.
Messianic Jewish groups are strongly pro-Billy Graham, Some of these groups have gained in size and then strangely gone back into Judaism. That kind of thing has been happening here in Portland, not to mention other localities. Now it is clearer why Jews coming forward at Crusades have often been and are being referred by the Crusade people to Reformed Jewish synagogues.  How Billy Graham is a 33° Mason. This is an important issue, however, even if Billy Graham were not a 33° Mason, there are many things that he is doing that should warn Christians not to support him. There have been a number of people in casual conversation who have mentioned Billy Graham being a 33°  Mason, for instance a CIA leader, a NSA person who is against the NWO, and various Masons. These accidental revelations are what can be considered casual evidence, in that it is accidentally heard.
Some of the people who have read Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book have been experiencing validation of what was written on Billy Graham by their own casual contacts with people. These types of encounters are very meaningful to the people who experience them, but their significance is hard to communicate to others. Hopefully, readers of this, who are truth seekers, will have their own casual-evidence-validation experience. One piece of casual evidence came from a Shriner Clown. It turns out the only clowns who were chosen to perform for the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade were Shriner Clowns. There were non-masonic clowns available, even some Christian clowns, but the masons were the only ones Graham allowed to perform for him. Various people, who have worked in the system for the Illuminati, such as an ex-witch who is now a Christian, an ex-33° Mason now a Christian, and a CFR’s person also now a Christian, all testify that Billy Graham is a 33* Freemason. A woman and a man who are ex-satanists and now Christians also have mentioned about Billy Graham’s masonic membership. (One has to understand that there is a close working relationship between the Lodge and the Illuminati.)
To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup of coffee, you would be able to tell from their faces if they were telling the truth, and you would know that your mother had drank a cup of coffee. This is the way it is for us. We know these witnesses know the truth, and we know they are not making it up. But if people don’t believe that, then they need to go scrounge up their own witnesses, and risk their own hide in doing the contacting. The material we presented here is not frivolous work.
As pearls of value, we hope that this research is not taken and allowed to become pearls given to swine. Because Billy Graham is such a key person for the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to bring in the Anti-Christ and the One-World-Religion, key parts of Graham’s life have been intentionally shrouded, When he joined the masonic lodge c. 1948, they intentionally kept his membership more secret than others. Why? They are secret about their membership in general, but even more so if the person is a key Illuminatus and a big key to their religious control, This is why they have kept the membership of Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society quiet. This is why they keep the memberships of the Mormon prophets secret, It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic Lodge to  keep these key people’s membership very quiet. It would be much easier if we had a membership certificate, but for people who don’t want to believe no amount of evidence would suffice. In terms of a paper trail we have the following:
  • · Billy Graham’s books consistently refer to basically oniy Masons.
  • · Billy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program for youth as God’s work. This endorsement by Billy Graham is in a Masonic book that is used to educate people about "the craft" (that means Freemasonry). That book is The Clergy and the Craft and it says that the people who are quoted in it are Masons. (See Haggard, Forrest D. Transactions Missouri Lodge of Research, Vol. No. 27, The Clergy and the Craft, p. 127. where Graham endorses the Masonic youth program. In terms of witnesses who have put what they have witnessed in writing we have the following:
    • · Jim Shaw, ex-33° Mason -- the highest ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, writes about Billy Graham being at his 33° initiation ceremony. Huntington House refused to print his book co-authored with Tom McKenney unless they took out Billy Graham’s name on pg. 104, and substituted a general description. (See The Deadly Deception, p. 104-105.) Only Freemasons are allowed to attend these initiations. (See The New Age, the official organ of The Supreme Council 33°. Wash., D.C., October 1961, p. 30.)
Some Christians have tried every thing in their mind to get around Jim Shaw’s testimony. And the Masonic Lodge are now claiming that he wasn’t a 33° Freemason. There is no doubt that he was a 33° Mason. What we are seeing is how important it is to the Illuminati to keep Billy Graham’s membership secret. Originally, Dr. Morey who wrote a book on Freemasonry told me over the phone that Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason and that he had held his membership file in his hand in the library of the House of the Temple, which is where the Supreme Council of the 33° has their headquarters.
However, now he denies it and says that he only was told by the librarians that the file existed, but that he didn’t examine the membership file. He wrote a letter to Christian News to the editor which was printed. At least, his letter to the editor of Christian News says that the Scottish Rite have a Billy Graham file. Fritz stands by his original statements about what Dr. Morey said, even though he has gone back on his original story and is getting people to think Fritz somehow invented what he told me. There are a great many things that are suspicious about Dr. Morey. His book on Freemasonry claims that Freemasonry started out a Christian organization.
His book was printed by a company that uses the Knights Templar logo as their company logo, and whose company head is most likely a Freemason. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck--what do you think it is? Long before I actually knew Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason, I felt that was the "most likely" explanation for what I was learning of him. What caused me to think that way? Everything about the man, just shouted Freemason. The way he talks, who he has as friends, etc. etc.
This article is not capable of going into depth about small nuances and details, but suffice it to say that the Masons know how to broadcast to other Masons that they are a Mason. It should be pointed out some of the key people for Billy Graham’s staff have been Freemasons. Let’s look at a few of the key people helping Billy Graham:
  • William M. Watson -- DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, and he is also President of Occidental Petroleum Corporation. Chairman of Occidental was Armand Hammer. Watson is also a member of the development council of the Masonic run Baylor University. Baylor University has participated in the mind-control, (See also the expose of Baylor University in Be Wise As Serpents.) He also was a member of the advisory council to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth which had at least three Freemasons on its board of trustees, and likely more.
  • David M. McConnell -- DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, He was also U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1968-69), business associate with Illuminatus Charles Gambrell, in Belk Stores of Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Arthur Lee Malory -- CO-CHAIRMAN of the BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE Advisory Committee for the 1973 St. Louis Crusade -- 32° Freemason, deacon in the So. Bapt. Church.
Who are some of the primary ministers that had worked with 33° Freemason Billy Graham over the years?

Billy Graham has helped set up other 33° Masons in ministry. Billy Graham has placed his stamp of approval on almost every well-known apostate Christian out there. When Billy Graham had a crusade in Japan, the Japanese minister that he had up on the platform was a well-known extremely liberal Christian. A conservative japanese was shocked. Billy Graham is also endorsing many of the books, and ministries of these apostates. Some of the three biggest ministers in the protestant world, Robert Schuller, Norman Vincent Peale, and Oral Roberts are all 33° Masonic brothers of 33° Freemason Billy Graham. (See Roberts, Oral. Miracle of Seed Faith, p.9.)
Billy Graham has helped each of these brothers with their ministries. Robert Schuller taught principles of church growth to Unity School in Kansas City. A Christian, who used to be on staff there, said that Robert Schuller was fully aware that Luciferian Initiations were going on at the school and that he didn’t care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves.
Norman Vincent Peale’s form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a "Christian" witch. Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason, his church receive the bulk of people who came forward at the NY Crusade. Norman Vincent Peale is a 6° Illuminatus (Pilgrim Society), and a 33° Freemason. In the magazine Psychic Magazine of San Francisco Peale says of occultist Kreskin, All he’s doing is dramatizing what I’ve been preaching in my writing for years. Norman Vincent Peale controls the approx. $200 million Presbyterian Minister’s Fund. He celebrated the 25th anniversary of the United Nations. He was the keynote speaker at the birthday of the late Mormon prophet Spencer W. Kimball (a secret Mason).
Peale praised Kimball as a true prophet of God, and a great man of God. Peale practices witchcraft, and palms it off on unsuspecting Christians under different terminology. The false unity movement which is so strong today, wants to unite the devout Christian with the likes of Norman Vincent Peale. Peale is a good friend of Billy Graham, and Billy Graham referred the largest number of new converts of the NY Billy Graham Crusade to Peale’s church. Oral Roberts, 33° Freemason, helped into ministry by his masonic brother Billy Graham. Oral Roberts has been seen by witnesses participating in SRA and Mind-control.
Oral Roberts University and the charismatic movement is another important religious front. The Charismatic movement has been infiltrated by multiples since day-one. The history of the infiltration is extensive. Oral Roberts had cherokee blood, According to some things that Oral Roberts has said, some Christians think that he received his healing powers from an old Indian who healed him through indian shamanism when Oral was young. At times, Oral does use the same methods that spirit mediums use to heal with. According to slaves who have been deprogrammed, they were in satanic rituals with Oral Roberts. Christian ministers, who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry.
His university is being used as a programming center.  His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do. Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University, and is a friend of Oral Roberts. From the Illuminati’s point of view Tulsa is the Guardian City of Apollo. The City of Faith is to be the center for healing from AEsculapius, a demon related to Apollo. While portraying themselves as Christians, infiltrators within the charismatic movement are carrying out satanic rituals to get demonic healing powers. Tulsa is one of, if the main center for the campaign to infiltrate Christianity via the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement with programmed multiples. G. Bromiey Oxnam, 33° Freemason, was head of the FCC churches, supportive friend of Billy Graham, G. Bromley Oxnam has a long history to him of working for the elite, interested readers can pick up his story in Be Wise As Serpents in the chapter that goes into the details about how the Christian churches were organized by the FCC and WCC for the Illuminati.
The NWO is infiltrating the churches via the Earth Stewardship Movement. An attempt was made at Rio de Janeiro to get an Earth Charter but there wasn’t enough time, their were lots of N.O.G. delegates and just in general lots of people to coordinate (4,000 attended). Another Earth Summit was promised, but instead they decided at the end of Sept/Oct of ’95 to have a State of the World Forum to be held by/sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation at the Presidio, CA. The ex-head of the KGB, Gorbachev is now headquartered in the Presideo, a major mind-control programming site. Christian basher Ted Turner was the chairman of the conference. The cost was $5,000  per person and the invitations went out to only select people. There were 100 handpicked politicians who received invitations, along with Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. This was coordinated with the 50th anniversary of the UN which was being celebrated all over the world.

The charismatic movement claims to have the Holy Spirit in a special way, however, some seem to be lacking in all discernment that the Holy Spirit would give. There are several books exposing the big name Charismatic ministers. One is written by an ex-charismatic Assembly of God minister. He shows a picture in his book of an Assembly of God flier promoting the "Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover." Yes, the Assembly of God promoted the ,,testimony" of J. Edgar Hoover, while he was known to be a power hungry individual who practiced homosexuality, It was this type of hype that caused this minister to grow disillusioned with the charismatic movement’s so called spirituality.
Recently, the spiritual discernment of Billy Graham and many other big time ministries was exposed when these big Christian ministries were conned out of $550 million dollars. Billy Graham introduced John G. Bennett to thousands of people at a recent Billy Graham Crusade in Philadelphia in 1992. John Bennett gave his testimony at the crusade. Because Billy Graham, John Templeton, and Laurance Rockefeller were apparently supportive of John G. Bennett, big time Christian ministries "trusted" him. John told many of the big Christian ministries that if they gave him millions of dollars, for every million he received he would give them two million back.
Many of the big Christian ministries gave Bennett money--in fact he collected $550 million (which he ran off with) from ministries such as Pat Robertson’s, Bill Bright’s, Chuck Colson’s, Luis Palau’s, Westminster Theological Seminary, Wheaton College, the Salvation Army and many others. The reader may have heard of this New Era Foundation scam. That’s what it was. Bennett told these "Christian" leaders "Give New Era one million dollars and we’ll give you back two million." The donations of hard earned money by many innocent Christian believers were lost, However, the Christian believers are partially responsible because the church has refused to clean house of wolves that set in their pulpits.
For instance, when Billy Graham came to the Portland area all the various denominations from the most liberal to the most conservative supported him. Only about a dozen churches did not get involved and only one church actively tried to expose Billy Graham--EVEN THOUGH THERE HAS BEEN A MASS OF DOCUMENTATION EXPOSING BILLY GRAHAM AS A WOLF FOR 30 YEARS. When the church refuses to follow God’s Word and supports these men--then they must take some of the blame when these men give their millions of hard earned dollars away to a con artist.

When people have been warned about Billy Graham, one of the common responses is to for people to call up the Billy Graham crusade staff, If I ask a biologist a question about biology I can expect to get a credible answer, If I ask a mother about her son I can expect to get a credible answer. But how in the world can someone call up the Billy Graham Crusade staff and expect to get a credible answer to the question "Is Billy Graham a Mason?" The person that answers the phone is likely a secretary, someone who knows Billy Graham no more than the janitor. What does that person know about the Freemasons? Because the Freemasons are a secret society, in general, there are only two basic categories of people--people involved with Freemasonry, and they certainly know what’s going on in it but they have taken blood oaths on penalty of death not to talk about it, and those who aren’t involved with Freemasonry and don’t know anything about it.
There are only a few people who are not masons, who are informed about the Masons. The answer of some secretary over the phone to the question, Is Billy Graham a Freemason?" is of little value, because the secretary or other staff member has not had the opportunity to get reliable information. This is from the standpoint of getting a reliable witness, calling some secretary or staff member is simply not a credible response to all the documentation. No court would view a secretary of a large organization as an expert witness  qualified to settle such a dispute. The second catch is that such witnesses are not reasonably unbiased. It is expected that Billy Graham’s staff would front for him any questions that could expose him to bad publicity.
This last comment is not speculation. There is proof that Billy Graham’s staff has consistently lied over the years to prevent negative publicity about Billy Graham. When Richard Nixon met with his political buddies to decide who to have run with him, the person he asked first in the smoke-filled room was Billy Graham, I have read the account of this is more than one place, but I will quote Marshall Frady’s description of when Billy Graham was asked who he thought should run with Nixon as Nixon’s vice-presidential running mate. Billy Graham chose 33° Masonic brother (then only 32°) Mark Hatfield. Here is Frady’s description. "His assimilation into the Nixon presidency had already been well underway, in fact, at that convention in Miami when, after Nixon’s nomination, Graham wound up sitting in Nixon’s penthouse suite among the smoggy late-night deliberations over Nixon’s vice-presidential selection: Graham himself, whatever initial uncertainty he might have felt to find himself in such a political locker-room session, soon pitched into the proceedings with his own effusive recommendation of Mark Hatfield: "He’s a great Christian leader. He’s almost a clergyman. He’s been an educator, and he’s taken a more liberal stand on most issues than you, and I think the ticket needs that kind of balance."
In 1992, Mark Hatfield, along with Prince Hall Freemason Jessie Jackson both were on television in July of last year defending Billy Graham’s actions. Mark Hatfield, according to a deprogrammed slave has been a user of Monarch sexual slaves. NY’s Union Seminary is controlled and funded by the Rockefellers. President of Union Seminary was Dr. Henry Van Dusen. Billy Graham made him a prominent person in his crusade and said he was a "classic example" of a mass evangelism conversion, If that is a good example of Graham’s conversions, we Christians should shudder. It is no coincidence that the Southern Baptists of which Billy Graham is a member, is controlled by the Freemasons. Brook Hays, Pres, of the So. Bapt.
Convention was a high ranking Freemason as well as part of the CFR. None of the So. Bapt. Convention’s Presidents have opposed Freemasonry. Pres. Bill Clinton, a slave handler, is a member of the Emmanuel Baptist Church which is a Southern Baptist Church in Little Rock, Ark. The late Bill Moyers who promoted the Mystery Religions was a Southern Baptist. Moyers went to the SW Baptist Theological Seminary, the same school run by one of Billy Graham’s staff directors. John Buchanan is another Southern Baptist. John Buchanan went to a So. Bapt. Seminary, and then worked as a front man for People for the American Way started by Jewish Norman Lear, an anti-Christian. People might be shocked to learn of some of the New Age teachings and New Age teachers that have been allowed into the Southern Baptist churches. The Southern Baptist youth program is based on Masonic ideas and is very masonic in its ritual.

The reader is thanked for wading through a lot of difficult material. The reader can see why Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off. But as Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." Ever since the early 1950s, there have been Christians exposing Billy Graham, But the control of the Christian media and the Christian seminaries is far more extensive than most people realize.
The Be Wise As Serpents book diagrams out how the Christian religious denominations are being controlled, and how the Masons and Illuminati-connected administrators and trustees have control of most of the Seminaries. Billy Graham without a doubt works directly for the Satanic hierarchy. But a rational and fair appraisal of what the man is, and what damage he has done to Christianity will probably not be given much of a chance. Nobody, no matter who they are is going to fool Christ. There will be a real evaluation done on judgment day and when that day comes Christ said,  
“MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Mt 7:22-23
It will probably assist the reader to know that both of the authors have first hand experience with the following information about the Amish. Fritz was Amish for several years as a Amish church member in church districts in Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois. He has also visited numerous Amish settlements in the U.S. & Canada, and lived/worked with the horse and buggy Old Order Mennonites (not to be confused with the Old Order Amish Mennonites) in Ontario Canada for half a year. He has a manuscript of a book that he wrote about the Old Order Amish Mennonites, and has gone so far as to inquire with publishers like National Geographic if they would like some of his material. He has also attended a variety of Mennonite churches, including Church of God in Christ, Menn. (Holdeman’s), Charismatic Mennonite, Conserv. Menn. and Beachy Amish churches across the U.S. He also knows first-hand that Illuminati slaves, some of who are programmers, have been infiltrated by the Illuminati into Mennonite churches.
Perhaps what may come across as the strangest religious front, and it is certainly one of the biggest secrets of the intelligence agencies is their use of the Old Order Amish Mennonites as a front. The Amish are the most pacifistic people, so the Illuminati/intelligence agencies have placed some of their best programmed assassins behind the front of being Amish. The front is real--they are Amish, well, many of them, some were Illuminati children switched at birth to give the programmers better bloodlines to work from. Some Amish women in cult families have let the Illuminati impregnate them with stronger bloodlines. Many Nazi bloodlines were hidden after WW II under the Mennonite/Amish cover. The Mennonites and some of the more progressive Amish adopt many children.
The Amish in Missouri (Jamestown), Kansas (south of Hutchison), and Oklahoma (Guthrie, OK), Kentucky, Ohio (Holmes Co., OH), and Pennsylvania (Lancaster,PA) have been involved in selling their children to the Illuminati. When the Illuminati would buy a child they would send in one of their own midwives to help with the birth and retrieve the child. Generally, the Amish would sell their children when they realized they were going to have twins. One would be given to the cult, and one would be kept by the Amish parents. Because these children are born outside of the system, and have no birth certificates, they made excellent children to use in porn. They also can be used as expendable children to use in porn.
They were often blond haired and blue eyed. The Amish women were not allowed to use birth control, it was forbidden by the church, and they were not allowed to have an abortion, and it was their duty to have sex with their husbands. It is possible that some parents sold their children just to get out of the responsibility of having another child. The Amish farms in Kansas and Oklahoma and in the border states like Missouri and Kentucky are mechanized with tractors, and they don’t need the large families that the Amish in other places need. Due to the strong legalism that pervades their church, some have tried to get around the tight spot that the rules place them in by selling a few unnoticed children. However, there is an active witchcraft practicing occult group within the Amish which is like a box within a box within a box. It is very secret. There are many ways of describing what is going on with the Amish. Let’s describe quickly in half a page (it could be a book in itself) what a deep look at the spiritual dynamics of what is going on with their communities.
The rise of Satanism within their ranks is simply a natural outgrowth of the spiritual dynamics. There were two trees in the Garden of Eden, one was the Tree of Life and one was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The first meant being transformed by the Creator who made them into the image of the Spirit of God and receiving spiritual life, but the other tree was performance. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (religion) includes both Law (good) and license (evil). As soon as a group gets legalistic, they fall from grace. They then separate themselves by their performance and say in effect “look at what we’re doing” which is a form of pride. God resists the proud, so they through a number of spiritual dynamics lose fellowship with God.
This means they must cling to their legalistic traditions even more, because a live relationship with God is gone. (Bible Studies are forbidden by most Amish church distrists, and they don’t get new revelation from God, they still are working off of the revelations of the 1600s, when they were traumatized and quit growing. When they split from the rest of the Mennonites, they were like a child alter split which never grows up.) When a group gets legalism, they also get license, because the two grow from the same tree. Every Amish community has two large groups--the legalistic ones and the license ones. The young people are even split this way. In Lancaster County, the Groffies” is the nickname of the large license group of young people who fornicate and drink. There is a smaller group of legalistic conservative young people too, who are at the other end of the spectrum. There is one group (gang might be a more appropriate name) called Jamborees who are an unruly and destructive collection of angry wild young people.
The Bishops in Lancaster Co. meet twice yearly to keep this large settlement of opposites together. A lot of compromise and looking the other way is done for the sake of peace. “Peace” at any price is the name of the game. Even before a prayer is said in church the minister calls out, “Wenn mer eenich sin, wella mer bete.” This translates, “If we are in one accord, then let us pray.” Because peace is so important, they are out of balance in getting it. They place peace far above truth. In order to have the appearance that everything is well, secrecy pervades everything like the air one breathes. Because their whole culture is secret, children raised in it aren’t aware of how strong it is, it is simply a way of life, like it is for the Illuminati. Legalism values conformity.
Conformity prefers robotic obedience over understanding. In fact, one Bishop told Fritz, co-author of this book, “We don’t want our young folks to understand why they do what they do, we only want obedience. Understanding is dangerous.” Does the reader begin to see how the Amish make both the perfect setting for Monarch Mind-Control, and the perfect cover. The Amish are a very secret group. During their early history they suffered severe persecution. Their culture teaches them to suffer in silence, which today helps their Satanic abusers infiltrate their culture. In the past in Europe, when the Catholic or Protestant church caught them they were tortured to death.
They were hunted as animals and treated worse than animals when caught. This was the trauma, that Satan did to them, and the lie that was then handed them was that if they would cloister themselves secretly in the New World away from everyone else, they would be safe. The Amish have shut out from outsiders the true flavor of their culture and beliefs. They are silent about their problems. They tell themselves that outsiders couldn’t possibly be interested in their affairs. The Amish themselves are very divided from each other. The divisions between Amish groups is called Zwietract. Zwietract can cover anything from a mild aloofness to a full fledged shunning (called the Meidung). The Amish aren’t in general qualified to tell outsiders much in detail about their own heritage, or religion because they are so isolated from the other Amish settlements and have been raised in such an anti-intellectual culture.
Most Amish are content to know that the way they do things “was always done this way” and that their elders and forefathers were gifted men who examined things very closely. Their social norms are not intellectually questioned by most Amish, but then American society has been very isolationist in the world and few Americans question their society & norms. Americans even rebel in the prescribed fashion, whatever the elite tell society is the “in” “cool” “hot” stylish way to do things. The Amish are similar to the Mid-east culture in that they have a very indirect approach to saying things. They do not consider it proper to speak with a negative connotation about anybody. They also instinctively give pat answers to outsiders to blunt questions.
These pat answers border on being rigid, prejudiced, and simple. They serve the purpose to deter curiosity. The early Amish leaders were ex-Catholic priests, but most of the people were peasants who had little formal schooling, had little Bible knowledge, and came from southern Germany and the Rheinland where witchcraft was practiced by the common people. The Spirit of Witchcraft never left the Amish. It has always been with them. The folk witchcraft is called Brauche, and the craft is kept secret by old men who pass the incantations down in secret. When the Amish moved to Pennsylvania, they moved in next door to Rosicrucians.
When the Rosicrucian settlements fell apart they joined the Mennonites, thus bringing their hermetic magic along with them. Somewhere within the Amish were some families that were under cover for the Jesuits, and were sent in as spies long ago because they were corrupt. These families have been generational satanists, which practice pedophilia and other crimes in the safety of their isolation. They were placed within the Amish to help the Catholic church destroy the Amish. In Europe that happened under Hitler, when all the Old Order Amish were arrested in 1938 and wiped out of Germany. Prior to WW II, the Nazi’s part of the Illuminati sent over a number of programmed multiples which set up an unnamed cult in upstate New York. This cult was to help Hitler take power in the U.S. when the Nazi’s won the war.
They did not win the war, but 60 years later this Satanic cult still operates. Now 2nd and 3rd generation programmed multiples are now part of this cult. Somehow this Illuminati mission coordinates with the Illuminati project to get Hitler’s bloodline hidden among the Amish, although the authors are aware of Hitler’s descendants being in Oregon, and Washington as well as Pennsylvania. One of them in Portland, Oregon works for the Federal government. Lancaster County is sometimes referred to as the mother church. This was one of the original counties which the Amish settled in when they first came over to the New World. William Penn invited Rosicrucians, Amish, and other dissident religious groups to Pennsylvania. The Satanic covens in Lancaster County, PA consist of members from Amish, Mennonite and Brethren churches. They are not simply all Amish.
Lancaster County’s Amish will fellowship will all the approximately 200 other settlements of Amish around the country. What is a peculiar phenomena, is that many churches that do not fellowship with one another, will still maintain “communion” with Lancaster out of respect for place in Amish history. However, Lancaster County has some of the most immoral reprobate Amish that there could be. All this is hidden very well from the thousands of tourists, due to the secrecy of the Amish. The Amish do not often pay taxes, do not pay social security because they are exempt from the Social Security program, and send many of their children to Amish schools.
They are truly a separate society which maintains rigid secrecy. If you were the New World Order or the Illuminati where would you want to hide your assassins? The safest place is inside of the most pacifist group in the world, the Amish. Monarch mind-controlled slaves are being created out of Amish children. During W.W. II, Amish conscientious objectors were forced by the government to do alternate public service in lieu of military service. This was known as Civilian Public Service. Amish & Mennonite conscientious objectors were placed into Mental Hospitals to help.
They served at Allentown State Hosp., Allentown, PA; Cantonsville State Hosp., Cantonsville, MD; Cleveland State Hosp., Cleveland, OH; Delaware State Hosp., Parnhurst, DL; Denver State Hosp., Denver, CO; Greystone Park State Hosp., Greystone Park, NJ; Harrisburg State Hosp., Harrisburg, PA; Hudson River State Hosp., Poughkeepsie, NY; Kalamazoo State Hosp., Kalamazoo, MI; Lima State Hosp., Lima, OH; Livermore State VA Hosp., Livermore, CA; Macedonia State Hosp., Macedonia, OH; Marlboro State Hosp., Marlboro, NJ; Mt. Pleasant State Hosp., Mt. Pleasant, 10; Norristown State Hosp., Norristown, PA; Provo State Hosp., Provo, UT; Rhode Is. State Hosp., Howard, RI; Roseburg VA State Hosp., Roseburg, OR; Staunton State Hosp., Staunton, VA; Tiffin State Hosp., Tiffin, OH; Wernersville State Hosp., Wernersville, PA; Ypsilanti State Hosp., Ypsilanti, MI.
The author, Fritz, believes that the complete story of how the Illuminati got a secret foothold into the Amish community lies in what happened in mental hospitals to the anxious-to-please, compliant, innocent Amish boys, who were assigned to these mental hospitals. Many people do not realize that during W.W. I, several Mennonite/Hutterite conscientious objectors were tortured to death by our government. Not a pretty picture when you find out how sadistic our government was willing to be toward its own citizens.
Not only did the Amish boys go to lots of mental hospitals during W.W. II, but all of the religious groups that participated in the conscientious objector service (called Civilian Public Service) contributed boys to the Office of Scientific Research & Development (part of the Army), which was still using these boys for experiments until Dec. 31, 1946. What kinds of “experiments” were the Amish boys, who were offered up as guinea pigs, subjected to by the OSRD? We now know that some of these experiments were very dangerous to their human guinea pigs. 1-0 classification was the Selective Service Board’s Conscientious Objector classification. During the Vietnam War, Amish young men went into I-W service (conscientious objector service) at mental and regular hospitals.
Their I-W service was for two years. Some of these young men were programmed at these hospitals. One Amish boy after he got home from I-W service committed suicide. The secret satanic families within various Amish settlements also offered up their children. This started a large scale super secret operation by the CIA/Intelligence agencies to set up Delta teams within the Amish. Who would ever suspect an Amishman? They have been expendable assassins for the CIA for years. These young men are strong farmboys. They have no connection between themselves and the outside world where they secretly carry out their missions, and if they die, there is no birth record, and perhaps a dozen other siblings for their family to continue on with.
During the Vietnam War, the Military’s Selective Service did things differently than in W.W.II. Any hospital or mental hospital which applied for approval could get I-W (conscientious objector) boys. The Amish put together a Steering Committee to work with the government and the I-W service. In the I-W Steering Committee meetings (and the author Fritz attended one) it was stated by Committee members “The boys do not come back the same [from the hospitals]” and that the I-W service in the mental hospitals was “proving unsatisfactory and harmful.” Some of the mental hospitals which received Amish boys include Columbia Missouri’s State Mental Hospital & Hospital complex, Colorado Psychopathic Hospital in Denver, all of the hospitals that got W.W. III-Ws (as listed above), Central State Hospital, Indianpolis, IND, New Jersey State Hospital, Greystone Park, NJ, Philadelphia State Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, plus numerous others. At any one time, there were hundreds of Amish boys in I-W service.
It is suspected that many of these hospitals were involved in mind-control, and it is known that the Columbia, MO complex of hospitals and Mid-Missouri State Mental Hospital, 803 Stadium Dr., Columbia, Missouri and the Veteren’s Hospital across the street were involved in mind-control for the CIA. A mental hospital had to apply to the Selective Service Board for approval to get I-W workers. Then their personnel departments would hire the I-W boys for positions such as nursing attendents. One State Mental Hospital administrator told Fritz that the whole I-W thing was “pretty confidential.” The Amish Steering Committee worked with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) which in turn worked for some quasi-religious group which is privately funded called The National Service Board of Religious Objectors (NSBRO) still active in Washington, D.C.
The Amish were slow to act, but by the end of the Vietnam War, they had managed to get some of their farms approved for I-W service and in 1971, the Steering Committee was able to announce that 70 Amish I-W boys were working on Amish farms in 8 states, rather than in hospitals. However, this late change was too late to protect their settlements from infiltration from sophisticated Illuminati mind-control.
A programmed Amish boy will likely be contacted by what is called a “CUT-OUT’. This is the secret contact person who maintains contact between the Handler and the Amish Delta. CUT-OUT’s can either be given several slaves (a BLOCK CUT-OUT) or in other cases only know the up-line handler and down-line person (a CHAIN CUT-OUT). If further secrecy is needed by the handler, he can use ‘‘sterile telephones’’ which the Illuminati/CIA have which cannot be traced, even by the telephone companies. When an Amish boy is activated and sent out on an assassination mission for the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies he is a professional at what he has been trained and programmed to do. Amish boys, programmed to be assassins, are used in what their handlers call “wet ops”. This intelligence lingo means that human blood will run.
Wet ops, also called black ops are debriefed by a briefing team. The Amish multiple will have to give a detailed account of the finished operation, once under hypnosis, once with a polygraph, and once under the drug scopolamine (a truth serum). And when the debriefing team, which includes a Mind-control Programmer, is satisfied that all of the inconsistencies between the different accounts have been ironed out, then the Programmer will block out all memory and guilt of the operation. The handler may write a “blind memorandum” which has no file no. or letterhead or name. Then Amish boy’s assassination alters will be praised for having done a great service to humanity and to his country. The Amish boy can now be sent home to milk cows and work on his labor-intensive tobacco farm without any nagging guilt or horrible memories surfacing to trouble him (at least in theory).
Trained assassins do have memory flashes, as all Monarch slaves have, but they are only bits and pieces. People also do not realize that the Amish live in many more states than Pennsylvania. They move all over the United States. If an Amishman was travelling on a CIA mission there are numerous of excuses that could be made for why he could be on the move. There are far more Amish young people away from the Amish settlements than people realize because they dress like the world. Many young people leave with the knowledge that they can go back years later and be accepted back into their community. What are some of the mitigating factors in all of this? The Amish do their own butchering. They are down-to-earth people who are not afraid of blood. Essentially all Amish children grow up helping with butchering, and seeing life and death played out everyday on their farms.
The Amish do not embalm their dead, and have their own cemeteries. The Satanic cult within the Amish can reopen the graves and carry out satanic ceremonies afterward. Their cemeteries are small almost hidden sites with markers hidden in grass. Some of these graveyards blend in with their rural settings. Elmo, Joseph, and Victor Stoll are some prominent Amishmen. Joseph and Elmo have travelled a great deal esp. to Central America. Joseph wrote a book on Child Training which teaches parents how to break a child’s will. This author is supportive of discipline and respect. The book is pointed out, only because it is a paper trail to show that the Amish discipline and the Illuminati’s discipline at times can be similar.
The only person who might see an Amish boy being disciplined (since they are a rural people) would be the immediate family or an occasional amish guest. An Amishman seeing a father carrying out the Monarch steps to build dissociation would likely not see anything wrong. If the guest did see something wrong (i.e. too strict or mean), the objections would be kept very low key. For sure, no non-Amish would ever hear about it. The Illuminati families like the Dukes and Reynolds control tobacco production and cigarette manufacturing. In order to keep their lifestyle in Pennsylvania, the Amish have had to grow tobacco for the Illuminati controlled companies. This author can only speculate what economic leverage that has given the Illuminati over the Pennsylvania Amish.
The blue prints of the Portland Mormon Temple at Lake Oswego, OR which sets over a secret underground programming site, were changed overnight after they were looked at. The original blueprints showed that Lake Oswego had allowed a building code to broken. The blueprint was changed, showing that Lake Oswego’s city employees were working along with the Mormon church and the CIA to keep everything running smooth with their high tech secret underground programming center, which has the front of being sacred temple grounds.
Three separate Monarch slaves independently described this underground installation, and there are other evidences of it too. In order to gain access to the underground programming tunnels, a person has to have to place their palm on the wall, where a disguised instrument identifies a person’s hand. The entrances are disguised using the most sophisticated techniques. One is from the Temple Laundry Building south of the temple and another is from the hotel south of the temple. This hotel has a strange hard-to-find entrance to its parking lot, almost as if they haven’t wanted uninvited guests. Tunnels are widely used at the other various programming sites.
There are some stock tools of deception that are used both externally on the world and internally on the slave when their system is programmed and structured. Later in the book we will cover the structuring. Since this chapter covers deceptions, we will discuss them here, but the reader needs to bear in mind, they will be employed in the structuring/programming phases of the slave’s life. They are deflection, blinds, slides, Hegelian dialectics, and deniability.
a. Deflection is taking something good and deflecting its purpose. This is a stock tool. For instance, loyalty and obedience can be good virtuous things if given to the correct authority. But deflected to the false sadistic authority, they are disastrous. They use Deflection to redirect the power of truth which is opposed to them. Healthy foods, benevolence, ecology, love, acceptance, etc. are all part of the Creator’s Christian walk. These truths and other are deflected from their original purpose of glorifying the Creator to glorifying their own programs. Rather than publicly opposing Christianity, they rename their own movements Christian, and then proceed to do very little for Christ, and everything for Lucifer. They are even deflecting worship of Jesus Christ onto worship of a demon named Jesus.

b. The next externally and internally used stock tool is called “Blinds”- these are deliberate deceptions placed within their own writings to confuse the uninitiated. H.P.B. gives a good description of the use of these, so do Masonic writers like Albert Pike. H.P.B. writing describes the use of Blinds in The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 5 Adyar edition, p. 435. Blinds are used in CIA documents, they are incorporated into the scripts that the alters receive. For instance, the in fetro Moon Child ceremonies are not revealed to the non-hierarchy alters, but they are told that the Moon Children have to do with the cage tortures.

c. Slides are truth that has been warped just slightly to take an investigative person into a dead end. An example of a slide, is that the New World Order is satanic, but that only Nazis and stupid people think that Jews are involved. This is a slide, because then the Rothschilds who hide behind their jewishness, can not be mentioned as suspects without people yelling “Antisemitism.” In reality exposing these abusers has nothing to do with Anti-semitism, it’s simply that all abusers no matter what good front they have, need to be correctly identified as dangerous. Another example, an alter who pretends to be helpful is placed in the system who says that the door to get to a castle internally is the fifth door on the right in such and such hall. The answer is correct, but the door must be opened using the left side, rather than the right side where the door knob is located. Because the answer doesn’t pan out then the idea that the door is the correct door is discarded, and the alter’s knowledge is suspect. Lots of psychiatrists are writing papers about MPD with slides. They give some truth, and then they give people a path to go down that will dead end them from ever finding the truth.

d. They use Hegelian Dialectics. This dialectic process doesn’t happen on its own so it often has to be forced into happening. The idea is that each idea (“ism”) called a “thesis”, like say Capitalism, naturally by definition has an opposite, an “antithesis”. In Capitalism the antithesis is Communism. The conflict between the two produces a synthesis. By controlling both ends of the conflict, one controls the end product, the synthesis. More than not, the One-World-Power can be seen working behind both sides of many conflicts. Indeed, the Secret Societies have been historically shown to be behind all the revolutions and wars in Modern Europe since the American Revolution. In religious conflict, both sides are often being manipulated. Some of the various groups openly admit their strategy is designed to create a synthesis. You will find Hegelian Dialectics has been introduced into the U.S. educational system by the Skull & Bones Order, an Illuminati group. It was adopted in Russia by the Slavophiles in the 19th century.

Communism, Nazism, Fabians, most New Age groups, Liberation Theology, and other parts of the Power use Hegelian Dialectics. Hegel in turn based his system on the ancient Greek atomists especially Democritus. Hegalian dialectics is built into the conflicting scripts that alters are given. Slaves who are twinned to another slave will find Hegelian dialectics employed in their twinning programming. The Hegelian dialectics can be worked in with the double-binds that the programmers love to use.

e. esoteric language.

f. Indirect interference with truthful information getting out. This is done by stealing the impact of the truth, by printing a parallel story with disinformation at the same time, or “leaking” an opposite story with disinformation at the same approximate time. Disinformation leaks can be done through the mass media, or an individual alter.

g. deniability. When orders are given and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can deny their guilt.
At this point, it might be appropriate to cover some standard CIA tactics. They use some Monarch slaves as “Live Letter Drops”. An LLD is a person who will remail spy letters. They will use “dead drop boxes” which are simply places that an item or message is concealed to be retrieved by some other criminal in the Network. They may give the slave a gift which then has to be passed on. They may protect a written message by writing it on edible paper. Safe houses are used, indicated by things such as 2 lion statues along with prearranged O.K. signals, such as the position of a flower pot.
When building an internal world, the programmers use every trick in the book to hide things. First the abuse has to be hidden in silence, and then the MPD has to be hidden. Next, the real core needs to be hidden. Then, the purpose of a Monarch slave needs to be hidden. All the time that this is going on, the programmers must constantly work at keeping the programmers’ identities hidden, and their programming sites hidden. Programmers usually have cover names when programming, and then hypnotically have the victim see them as something else. For instance, Dr. Green had victims see him as a cricket. He even used a cricket noise maker while programming, that clicked. In recent times, the Programmers and handlers are programming their slaves to believe that they are aliens. The slave will generally be lied to that they have a “twin” somewhere.
Internally, the Programmer will begin making the System with the core related alters and then the front alters. The front alters will be rearranged in a fashion that the structure of the System is confused. The front alters will be given heavy programming, to convince them that nothing ever happened to them, they had a wonderful life. They will be given fictitious stories about the programming, so that almost every item in a System has a cover story to mislead an alter about what is going on. Many things are placed in boxes. Clowns programmed to cut, are Jack-in-box clowns that pop up when an alter even thinks unapproved thoughts. Some of the important things in a System may be hidden out front. An alter on the front may think it is stupid, and yet they have access to internal maps of the entire system--which they can remember only on code. If a person (such as a therapist or nosey alter) goes to look deep in the System for the material he might be frustrated. Under a fanatically un-sexual (asexual) alter, will be a sexual alter. Under a stupid alter, may be an alter gifted in a language or art. Alters are very often hidden behind opposite types of alters.
Important things in the System, and many unimportant things, are all well guarded. Sometimes particular alters have to serve as the guards. Some of these guards are called Gatekeepers. Gatekeeper alters will appear near the surface of a system, and then again deep in the System about level 10, and 12. Gatekeeper alters are alters that the programmer must go through to get to deeper levels. The Gatekeeper alters are very heavily programmed to keep them in place. They will receive intensive lies. Some of the access triggers which must accompany the verbal codes are kept secret, by virtue of the fact that no person in their right mind would use them, such as needles, electro-shocks, or slaps to certain parts of the body to trigger deep alters to take the body. Items in a System will be disguised, such as the clockmaker alter/demons will make clocks to appear in the system like anything they want.
The only way these can be adequately identified is that these clocks are always disguised as gold items. As the Programmers work, they like to find word games, plays on words and double-binds. They will also put in scrambling programs, deaf alters and foreign language codes to help protect their secrets. The alters who look the least to have programming may have the most.
Duplicate alters of most alters are created, so that even the alters themselves don’t know if it is themselves or another alter. These duplicates are called mirrored images & looking glass people (LGPs). Some of the mirrored images may turn out to be demonic entities that have been placed using high level demonology. Suicide alters, who are trained to have a big smile and be clowns, mask their intention to kill the body when they take the body of a slave. A popular method for hiding things within the occult world, has been boxes within boxes.
A Masonic organization will have a rite, within a secret rite, with a secret group, with an insider clique. Common everyday items that surround the slave will be given special meanings. The songs the slave hears on the radio, will for instance have code words. The Programmers due to the corruption of the music industry knows what hit songs are coming out, and they will haul their slaves in and program them according to the lyrics of the soon-to-be hits. The lyrics will be written so that programmed meanings can be attached to certain words and lines. Something as innocent as watching T.V., listening to the T.V. or to a sermon may actually be programming a special message into the victim.
Hand signals will even be done over the news or other shows. For instance, Bill Clinton at his inauguration made a satanic signal during the inauguration ceremony. This sign of Satan is a standard hypnotic induction hand signal for slaves.
Clinton waves the sign of Satan with his left hand at his inauguration. This is a hypnotic induction signal for slaves. Although some might interpret this as “I love you” which is handed by the right hand of a deaf person, this left handed signal will induct slaves no matter what some people think the meaning is.  
No wise person would knowingly choose to fight their opponent blind and deaf, yet that seems to be the choice which many nominal Christians are choosing. They would like to live in denial and to characterize this book as doomsdayer stuff and then dismiss and ignore this material. They want to eat, drink and be happy. If people think that by putting their heads in the sand they can escape the future, or even the present difficulties, they may be in for a rude surprise.
The USE of ESOTERIC language
One method of deception is the use of Esoteric language. Esoteric terms are understood by those deep in the occult, but are misunderstood by the common people. The best example is the term “Saturn.”
The word Saturn consistently turns up as an important word for the Illuminati and upper levels of the occult. Because Saturn is such an important concept, it should be covered in this part of the book. Therapists may encounter something to do with Saturn in a programmed multiple. Before Fritz began researching the elite of the occult world, Saturn was merely meant an enormous planet 95 times the size of the earth’s mass, the 6th of the solar system in an orbit of 29.5 years around the sun. This means that the co-authors of this book are less than three Saturian years old. Fritz was also aware that Saturn was the father of all Gods in the mythology of the ancient world.
David M. Talbot in his book The Saturn Myth documents how all over the world Saturn has been worshipped even more than the sun god. Saturn has been the secret god of the occult world. When we read in Deut. 18:9-10,
“When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.”
All of these practices are abominations done by Satanists today and are becoming commoner among Americans.
Note that the first item mentioned by Moses in this passage was passing (putting) children into the fire (of Moloch). A commentary (Keil, Carl F. and Franz Delitzch. Commentary on The Pentateuch, III, reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1949, p.393.) on DT 18:9-10 is:
“Moses groups together all the words which the language contained for different modes of exploring the future and discovering the will of God, for the purpose of forbidding every description of soothsaying, and places the prohibition of Moloch-worship at the head, to show the inward connection between soothsaying and idolatry, possibly because februation, or passing children through the fire in the worship of Moloch, was more intimately connected with soothsaying and magic than any other description of idolatry.”
The worship of Moloch was the worship of Saturn.
There are perhaps various routes one can take to learn this. One route is a very close examination of the Scripture, especially the old Septuagint. Scriptures actually write of this fact in Amos 5:25-26 and Acts 7:41-43. Amos wrote,
“Did ye bring unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, 0 House of Israel? Yea, ye have borne the tabernacle of your king (“siccuth malkecem”, or in the Septuagint it reads “skenen tou Moloch”!), and the shrine (kiyyun) of your images, the star of your God, which ye made to yourselves”
AMS 5:25-26
The Christian Stephen quotes these passages of Amos and connects it with the worship of the golden calf (bull or Taurus).
His words on this are recorded in Acts 7:4 1. He further connects it in the next verse with the worship of “the host of heaven”. In line with translations like the Septuagint, he states in verse 43 that Amos 5 refers to the cult “of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan”. Hebrew writing consists of only the consonants. The vowels can be added with what are termed vocalizations, which are dots. The Jewish scribes in their contempt for heathen gods placed vocalizations (vowel indicators) on the word Molech (M-L-CH) from a hebrew word for “shame”. Because the incorrect vocalization was added out of contempt for the heathen names of abominable gods, the word Molech (Saturn worship) has been mistranslated by some translators.
Further, the word Chiun (Kaimanu in Assyria) has been represented by the word Rephan in Acts 7:43. Rephan is Kaivan (Chiun) which is the arabian and syrian way of saying Saturn. Rephan apparently was a very limited or localized way of saying Saturn. The adoration of the calf (bull) in the wilderness was an important act of defiance by the Israelites-- while Moses went up on the mountain to speak to God face to face. This worship of the bull was actually worship of Saturn! Some call this star worship, and the bull was worshipped because at that time the constellation Taurus (the Bull) marked the position of the sun at the time of the spring equinox.
The fact that the calf was gold was no accident--gold has many Satanic connotations. For a modern occult reference connecting the Bull, astrology and gold together see Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust, 1951), pp 378-79. Various scholars on ancient religion have written that the worship of Moloch was Saturn worship. For instance, Siculus Diodorus wrote,
“. ..there was a brazen statue of Saturn putting forth the palms of his hands, bending in such a manner toward the earth, as that the boy who was laid upon them, in order to be sacrificed, should slip off, and so fall down headlong into a deep burning furnace...’’
The ancient Roman circus, like so many public activities in America, was based upon the occult. The circus had 7 circuits, and had a pyramid in the center with 3 alters, one to Saturn, one to Jove, and one to Mars.
This is an example of what the common people knew about Saturn. Moloch, then was the Sun God, during the Zodiac period from Taurus to Serpents and Scorpio which is when the sun is hottest. The Babylonians referred to Saturn as the “star of the sun”. In the Mithraic Mysteries, Saturn was the Sun God. (See Hall, Manly P. The Lost Teachings of All Ages. p. facing 21.) In fact, Saturn was the Sun God of many of the Pagan religions, and was the foundation of the Solar Temple. (ibid. Hall tells us on pg. 97, Lower Left, that Saturn is the foundation of the Solar Temple.) The Ten tribes of the Israelites fell into the ritual sacrifices of Moloch (Saturn worship and sacrifice) which brought them their judgment of Assyrian captivity. (2 KGS 17:16- 17) Astrology, witchcraft, and ritual sacrifice were also associated with Saturn worship. Isaiah the prophet tells those who worship Saturn,
“Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee.”
ISA 47:13
Saturn did not save the Israelites from captivity. Ex-Illuminati members have revealed that Saturn is Satan. Yes, Saturn is Satan.
The Satanic Illuminati hierarchy teach the high level students that “those who serve Saturn promote the return of the lost son Saturn.” The religion of Saturn is Saturnian gnosis--which turns out to simply be a rehash of the Gnosticism that the high level Satanists believe in. Saturn is severe. Jupiter is mild. The merging of Saturn (severity) with Jupiter (mildness) is the creation of the new Golden Age--according to high level Satanic hierarchy teachings. The earth has been caught in a battle between a bi-polar world--the inner Solar Logos and the outer Saturnian sphere. The trans-Saturnian planets actually belong to Alcyone(!) which eventually gets its planets returned. (This may be the reason, that the Satanic hierarchy has treated us to “good aliens from the Pleiades.” Alcyone is a star in the Pleiades.)  
Saturnian gnostic teachings are that darkness contains the light. What this means is that darkness is necessary for light to exist. And light appears within the matrix of darkness only by the Demiurge Saturnes--the Logos. This is what they teach. According to Albert Pike in the Masonic Text Book Morals and Dogma given to 320 Masons, the work of the Sun is the perfecting (also known as the deification of) man. Christians view that it is Satan’s work to teach men that they can be deified (which is rebellion to the one and only true God).
In secret Satanic rituals, the Grande Master has a scepter which represents his authority to wield power through the Lord of this world who is known as Saturn. New Age leaders are calling “Saturn” “Sanat Kumara”. A devil by any name is still a devil. In a dialogue with a Mother of Darkness, this Mother of Darkness alter provides some interesting information. The dialogue went like this:

Mother of Darkness:
“Saturn is the gateway that must be opened. For a season God has winked that man might be illuminated. But excessive light destroys. Man must not forget his destiny is concerned with loving regeneration of the earth [Mother Gaia worship] and balance. Soon the other eye of God must open. Those who are illuminated have kept the balance point. The majority of mankind has not. Few seek the ancient seed of wisdom that springs from the brow of Lucifer. Man becomes... forgetful of His spiritual ancestry and destiny....They are Ellyllon. Keepers of nothing.
They fill the earth with their passing and crowd the planes with nothingness. They are a waste of the energies. And so the other eye must open. Each man shall receive abundance in what he seeks. Some call it Karma...”
“What do you mean by the other eye?”
Mother of Darkness:
“The other eye of God as some would say. Chemosh. Cleansing Fire. The outstreched arms of Molech.”
“What has that got to do with Saturn?”
Mother of Darkness:
“Everything. This is a most secret thing. Saturn is the gateway. The point at which all thought is fixed. The point at which all feeling shall be projected as the eye opens. Much ritual and preparation has gone into the issuance through the gateway of the ancient ones. There has been a gathering of the elemental essence to clothe them. A strengthened invisible quintessence to hold them in this plane at the time of advent.
“And what will be the result of this advent? What will it mean?”
Mother of Darkness:
“A restoring of balance. Those who do not seek wisdom shall cease. Those who are so bound to the earth that they forget the light shall cease....When the other eye opens the dawn shall come. The Golden Dawn shall be upon us and the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings....The urge to sacrifice others is a gift. It is a liberation from the awful rigidity for at least it permits an awareness of other humans. However badly.. .treated as a result of that awareness they have served an important purpose. The balance is kept and the light dwells upon the illuminated. The energy is released into the circle and is converted into something powerful and useful....In this way you can see they do not truly die. Light increases. Wisdom grows....Death begets life. The sacred cycle of the ancients. The earth shall regenerate herself when the eye of Molech opens.”

There the reader has it, secret teachings from a Mother of Darkness on Saturn. Gnosticism believes that there is a force (not Almighty God)--the Force as it is called can be used for evil or good. Within the hierarchy of the Satanists (Moriah), their thinking has no problem understanding that Lucifer is the same person as Satan. Satan is what happens when the evil side of the Force is being used, and Lucifer is that person when the good side of the Force is being used. As in all of the Mystery Religions and in the occult world in general, people are told different things at different levels. Most people don’t want to serve evil. They want to think they are good--their pride motivates them to want to be thought of as good and great. They will easily follow Lucifer, but are not going to admit to themselves or anyone that they are following Satan. NO problem--they are allowed to think they are Luciferians. OR if being a follower of Lucifer is too strong a statement, they can be a worshipper of almost thing. Satan in his pride has provided esoteric teachings on the worship of just about everything.
There are esoteric teachings about worshipping rock, mountains, trees, the stars, animal spirits, mother earth etc. If one probes deep enough into the layers of hidden meanings all these worships go back to Satan. The five primary interlocked concepts of Satan, are all represented by the Serpent, which are Lucifer (aka Light-bearer or godhood); Search for light or wisdom; sun worship, the Sun god, or energy; fire also called Kundalini force; and the regenerative principle which is phallic and sex worship. These 5 interconnected concepts are represented world wide by snakes (serpents) and represent worship of the supreme serpent Satan.
The big event or operation that is being carried out is the externalization of the hierarchy. Satan’s secret hierarchy with its pure Satanists have been around for thousands of years. But the Satanic conspiracy to control mankind is to become an ‘‘open conspiracy’’. The hierarchy is to be externalized. And the elimination of Christians (those who haven’t sought worldly wisdom--that worldly wisdom which comes from Satan) --is to pave the way for Satan’s appearance. The Satanic occult conspiracy is to leave its secret confines in Masonic Temples and Oddfellow Halls and is to permeate Society in general. This is what has been happening. The real light must go out for the dark side to feel comfortable coming completely out.
The Mysteries, also known as the Mystery Religions are the Mysteries that one is initiated into when one joins Freemasonry. In fact, the very first item any prospective Masonic candidate must do is fill out a form requesting to be initiated into ‘‘the Mysteries.’’ The Mystery Religions were actually veiled forms of the worship of Lucifer or Satan. Lucifer is simply Satan dressed up as the Light-bearer. In the Mystery Religions the disciples are taught that the spirits of men are the powdered bones of Saturn. When one learns who Saturn is--it is a rather distasteful idea to think that men are taught that their bodies belong to Saturn. Further, Freemasonry teaches about Hiram Abiff and CHiram.
It turns out when we study the Hiramic Legend by Freemasonry’s best philosopher that we learn who Santa Claus is. Santa is a scrambling of Satan. Anyway the Hiramic legend goes like this according to Freemasonry great expert on the Mystery Religions, “Saturn, the old man who lives at the north pole, and brings with him to the children of men a sprig of evergreen (the Christmas tree), is familiar to the little folks under the name of Santa Claus, for he brings each winter the gift of a new year.’’ “Part of the symbols, are displayed.. .to the initiated, but he is intentionally led astray by false interpretations...
Masonry conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts, the Sages and the Elect; and uses false explanations for its symbols to mislead those deserving to be misled.” (This is according to the great Freemason Albert Pike in his book Morals & Dogma.) It should come as no surprise that Saturn is one of the items which is mentioned by various Masonic authors. For instance, the Freemason Ragon, who is considered an expert on Freemasonry, wrote,
“This is the important phenomenon, the ineffable mystery, the key to nature, which the ancient sages succeeded in discovering, and which they adopted as the basis of Masonic doctrine...It is interpretation, the revolting atrocities of subject of Masonic legends. According to Saturn... were considered interesting enigmas, which involve facts worth our notice.”
(Ragon, Tyileur General De La Franc-Maconnerie, p. 219-19 as quoted in Mohr, Gordon. The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry, Burnsville, MN: Weisman Pub., 1990, p. 109)
Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology states that Saturn is the Lord of Karma (p. 105) Venus and Saturn shall rule men during Aquarius. (p. 148)
“Saturn is the planet of discipleship... we stand at the gateway of the new world, of the new age and its new civilization, ideals and culture.”
(p. 148)
The occult book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp 1196-1207 states that Saturn is the 5th creative Hierarchy. This is the type of stuff that the Kaballa comes out with. And American businesses which are controlled by the Illuminati are getting into the act of bringing the occult out into society.
Ford called its car Taurus (Bull--the Pleiades), another car is named Aries which is another occult astrological name. Then there is the car named Saturn!! In conclusion, Saturn turns out to be an occult name for Satan. Santa turns out to be an occult name for Saturn. It also turns out that the name Saturn has been used for Satan for centuries by the occult. The ritual sacrifices to Molech was Saturn worship. The opening of the eye of Saturn is the materialization of hordes of demons taking place during this time period. High level Illuminati, who will gather together in Atlanta in the summer of 1996, under the cover of the ’96 Olympics will carry out high level rituals to open up a large hole for the materialization of hordes of demons to complete their push toward a world dictator. The use of the name Saturn is an example of how Satanism operates under the cover of layers of deception. Many Christian words also have occult meaning.
There is a Morning Star Church in Tulsa which ministers to victims of Illuminati Trauma Based Total Mind-Control. There is also a prophetic magazine named The Morning Star, which is very slick and glossy. On the other side of things, the term “the Morning Star”--Stella Matutina in Latin- is another name for Lucifer. Stella Matutina is also the name of a cabalistic black magic lodge which satanist Aleister Crowley led when the Golden Dawn reorganized in 1903. There are Morning Star rituals done by Illuminati members. One Illuminati slave, who was trained to infiltrate Christian churches and turn them toward the New Age movement, channeled a demon named Jesus. He infiltrated Christian churches for decades, and when he spoke about Jesus, he was referring to the demon he channeled. We know about this because one day, his front alters gave their life to Jesus Christ, and he abandoned his job of infiltration, and sought spiritual help. People need to understand that almost all Christian terms have dual meanings. Just because a term sounds familiar doesn’t mean it is being used in the way that a sincere Christian would understand them.
To summarize, the Illuminati are manipulating:
  • technology
  • language
  • ritualistic activity
  • subliminal awareness
  • fear
  • lust
  • human vulnerabilities
  • conflicts
These manipulations are external deceptions, which help cover up their trauma-based mind control. They use the best covers as fronts. They use fiction, the best of religious fronts, travelling entertainment fronts, and the cover of national defence. They use deflection, blinds, slides, Hegelian dialectics, deniability, and esoteric language. They use agent provocateurs, “clean agents”, “legends”, and safe houses.
The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The very life & liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions. That is what this book is about.

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