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An American Affidavit

Monday, April 17, 2017

Our mission is to restore the lawful government that is owed to us. By Anna Von Reitz

Our mission is to restore the lawful government that
is owed to us.

By Anna Von Reitz

Our lawful government, sometimes called the "de jure" government, is called the United States of America. The United States of America has been undermined from
within by a commercial corporation calling itself the United States, which is under contract to our states to provide "essential government services". (See the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and Article IV.) The United States is controlled by the Pope and the British Monarch and operated by a Board of Trustees calling itself the United States Congress. The United States went rogue during and after the so-called American Civil War and just neglected to tell anyone. Ever since, the United States has been in one kind of "war" after another--- the war on poverty and the war on drugs and the war on terrorism--- as well as endless nasty political and police actions for profit.
Yet the Civil War wasn't really a war at all. It was an illegal commercial mercenary action carried out on our shores. It was never declared by the Congress. It was

President Andrew Johnson declared peace in public three times, and created a contract for peace, but that's not the same thing as a peace treaty. Obviously, the Popes and the British Monarchs and the people we so trustingly sent
to Congress to represent us have failed to do the job. They have acted in Breach of Trust and commercial contract for 150 years right under our noses. for profit and illegal police
actions throughout the world. They've neglected our country's needs and stolen it blind while at the same time killing millions of innocent people and they have blamed
us for it all. Now they are targeting the people of China to take our place as the Bully Boys of the world. They have sent their bankers and lawyers and tons of our gold to China, intending to set up shop again and pull the same old crap over there.

     We've been stupid, folks, for a very long time.
None of us remember a legitimate and fully functioning American government. All we know is the slow parasitic rot imposed on us by the British Monarchs and the Pope
and the politicians in control of the United States.
It's no wonder that millions of Americans detest what they think of as their government, but what everyone worldwide needs to understand is that that thing in Washington, DC, isn't our government. The United States, Inc., is a foreign corporation in the business of providing governmental services---hence the reason it is called a "de facto" government. It is really just an adjunct to our lawful government, like a catering service or housekeeping service, that our ancestors subscribed to.

     Given all this, it is apparent that America has been tragically deceived and defrauded and off track for a very long time. People around the world have grown to hate Americans and we have been blamed for the actions of the United States, which is nothing but a gigantic multi-national
commercial corporation gone wild. It should surprise no one that the United States has used crooked bookkeeping to embezzle trillions of dollars out of our economy, and then, on top of it, has claimed that we didn't pay them and that they are trillions of dollars in debt, and are seeking
bankruptcy protection because of it.

     This is the complete and utter mess that Donald J. Trump has inherited, and it is all directly attributable to the Popes, the British Monarchs, the treasonous members of
Congress and the puppet Presidents who have run this country into the ground and worked to enslave the American people for the last 150 years. The "frog" is now well and truly boiled, but still alive. And the "frog" is angry. That's understood. It is painful and scary to wake up and realize that the men and institutions you placed your faith in all your life have grossly betrayed you. Bear in mind that the men and institutions guilty of these horrific crimes against us and against the entire rest of the world, have no friends left. They are trapped with the Americans on one side and the rest of the world on the other. The British people have been just as shamelessly abused as we have, quite possibly more.

     From both within and without, then, these hateful monsters have carried out their war against Mankind and have used the churches and what appeared to be lawful
governments as storefronts for their parasitic activities.
At the end of the day, who is responsible?

As a short list-- the Popes, the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayors of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, the British Parliament, the US Congress, the government corporations of the European nations, Japan, Canada, Australia----are all in the frying pan.

     The entire Earth is overdue for a political housecleaning, and Donald J. Trump has
landed himself in one helluva position to be in.
We, Americans, like the rest of the world have every reason to despise the renegade
United States. We have every reason to rise up and murder the members of Congress and desecrate Washington, DC, yes, every reason to raze it to the ground
and piss on the graves of those who would defend it.
We have cause to do that, but we would be supremely stupid to do that. Instead, we need to keep calm and get even.The entire world now knows what has gone on here. They know who the guilty parties are. They are looking to us for leadership to find the way forward and they
won't be disappointed.

     We've looked back to our roots to find ourselves again. All across the country county
and state jural assemblies are gathering. Day by day, Americans are waking up and returning the false gift of "US PERSONS" that have been foisted off on us. Those who have defrauded and abused us are being recognized as international criminals. Their foreign duplicitous Satanic religion is being recognized for what it is--- a reprise of Ancient Babylon brought forward like a cancer concealed in the Roman Catholic Church.

     Even the members of the US Congress are beginning to wake up. Trey Gowdy and Rand Paul aren't the only ones speaking our language anymore. Quietly, with great resolve, America --- the real America----is on the move.
Our goal isn't to destroy the United States, but to take back our rightful control of it and get to the bottom of the criminality infesting it. As we go, we are learning our
own history and filling the vacated offices that our lawful government is owed.

     We are going to completely restore our lawful Common Law court system, which is owed to the people of this country. We are going to sort out the crooked
government bookkeeping and dispose of the "National Debt". We are going to bust the foreign media cartels. We are going to secure our borders, mind our business,
and let the chips fall as they may. In the midst of this humongous endeavor, it is imperative for everyone to stay
grounded and think things through. None of this is rocket science, but it took 150 years for this situation to develop. We can expect the clean up to last more than a
decade. Meantime, the sky is not falling. We are not broke. We have the power to change things peacefully using Due Process and our own Public Law.  What could go wrong?
We could trust the wrong people again. That is the chief danger we face. There are among us paid provocateurs and an equally common breed of opportunists eager to seize power for power's sake. These Bad Actors always show their colors eventually, so pay close attention to both
words and deeds.

     We now have among us men who are preaching a False Gospel. They are saying, "Hey, we are the people! We can do anything we want!" The same thing can be said of any gang of outlaws--- until the rest of us catch up
with them. Men who have been oppressed by a commercial
corporation masquerading as their own government have a right to be angry, but our power and our just cause lies in
restoring our rightful and lawful government, complete with its system of checks and balances intact, so that nobody and nothing can oppress any of us again. Otherwise,
we merely jump from one oppression to another.
Our very greatest danger is that some demagogue like Hitler will arise from our disillusionment and discontent and like the Pied Piper, lead the world down the road
to senseless war again. We've heard that tune and followed it too many times before. The greatness of America does not lie in our force of arms, but in our generosity of heart. Our future does not lie in the mind of any one man, but in the hopes and dreams of us all.
I have done my level best to clue you in and teach you right from wrong. I have been a faithful guide and defender of the innocent, a proponent of peaceful and orderly and lawful change.

     God willing, I will be here a while longer to help guide the work, but in the meantimeit is imperative for every American to study their own history, learn the structure of
their own government, and stop being gullible.
Turn your Shinola Sensors on "High".
And like the song says, "Don't get fooled again!"
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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