By Dr. Mercola
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide,1,2
affecting an estimated 322 million people worldwide, including more
than 16 million Americans. Globally, rates of depression increased by 18
percent between 2005 and 2015.3
According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, 11 percent
of Americans over the age of 12 are on antidepressant drugs. Among
women in their 40 and 50s, 1 in 4 is on antidepressants.4
In addition to the human suffering, the financial impact of
depression is also severe. WHO estimates the global economic loss by
households, employers and governments is at least $1 trillion annually.
Depression is also strongly linked to an increased risk for substance
abuse, diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and suicide.
In the video above, James Chau, a news presenter and WHO goodwill
ambassador for sustainable development goals and health, opens up about
his personal struggle with depression, and the importance of seeking
help and having an open dialogue about the problem.
Depression Is Under-Recognized and Undertreated
According to WHO, a majority of people with depression suffer in
silence or do not get adequate care. In high-income countries such as
the U.S., an estimated 50 percent of depressed individuals do not get
treatment. In low-income countries, that ratio is closer to 80 or 90
An estimated 6 million seniors in the U.S. also struggle with depression, yet only 10 percent receive treatment.5
Part of the problem relates to lack of funding. On average, governments
spend only 3 percent of their health budget on mental health programs.
In a statement, WHO director-general Margaret Chan said:6
"These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to
re-think their approaches to mental health and to treat it with the
urgency it deserves … For someone living with depression, talking to a
person they trust is often the first step towards treatment and
Unfortunately, the importance of strategies such as optimizing your
vitamin D and gut health for the maintenance of mental and emotional
stability is still frequently ignored.
Exercise is another widely overlooked remedy that would do far more
good than any drug ever will. Below, I'll review these and other common
sense treatment alternatives for depression.
That said, if you are feeling desperate or have any thoughts
of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a toll-free
number, at 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255), or call 911, or simply go to your
nearest hospital emergency department.
Suicide Rates in US Hit 30-Year High
In the U.S., suicide rates have steadily risen since 2000, primarily in more rural areas7,8,9
— a trend blamed on the effects of social isolation, economic
pressures, opioid addiction and limited access to mental health care.
The suicide rate among men is four times that of women, with the highest rates among 35- to 64-year-olds, and those over 75.
Sadly, suicide has also risen sharply among young teens, and
antidepressants may play a role in some of these cases. Many
antidepressants are known to increase the risk of suicide in children,
teens and young adults,10 yet despite such warnings, these drugs are still often prescribed for younger people.
Why Do So Many Veterinarians Commit Suicide?
Curiously, veterinarians have a surprisingly high rate of suicide.
According to a 2014 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, more than 1 in 6 American veterinarians have contemplated
suicide. As reported by The Boston Globe:11
"Veterinarians suffer from feelings of hopelessness, depression
and other psychiatric disorders two to three times more often than the
general population.
Two studies published in the British Veterinarian Association's
journal … found suicide rates are double or more those of dentists and
doctors, and four to six times higher than the general population."
Reasons for the high rate of suicide among veterinarians appear to be
a combination of financial struggles and having to make difficult
life-and-death decisions on a regular basis. Dealing with all-too-human
pet owners also appear to be part of what drive veterinarians over the
Dr. Stephanie Kube, a veterinary neurologist and pain pathologist at
Veterinary Neurology and Pain Management Center of New England, told the
"Most of our clients are awesome, and we love them. But all sorts
of people have pets. Some adopt or rescue pets who can't take care of
them. Some want healthy pets put down.
Some pet owners have emotional disabilities. Some are too
financially strapped to pay for veterinary care. And some think vets
will do everything for free, because we love animals."
Financial Struggles, Grief and Guilt Can Be Deadly
Veterinary school costs as much or more than regular medical school,
yet veterinarians have only one-third of the earning potential of most
doctors and dentists, making financial strain a long-term reality for
most veterinarians. Add to that the hostility of pet owners upset about
the cost of their animal's care.
Veterinarians are also forced to process death, grief and guilt on a
regular basis. Each year, an estimated 3 million cats and dogs are
euthanized for one reason or another. Neglect and abuse must also be
faced far more frequently when you're a veterinarian. NPR shared the
following story:12
"Once someone brought in a dog with a bone tumor in its leg. To
relieve the pet's pain, a staff member at Magnifico's clinic advised
that the limb be amputated. But the owner declined the procedure, tied
the dog to a tree in front of the clinic, and left.
Sometimes clients ask for convenience euthanasia. Other times,
owners threaten to kill the pet themselves. In those cases, the people
at the end of the leash cause the most distress for animal shelter and
clinic employees."
Pressed for time, many veterinarians also feel guilty about not being
able to offer adequate support to grieving pet owners. As noted by the
"When these stresses combine with long working hours and on-call
pressures, it's easy to see how anyone could melt down. And because vets
can offer gentle deaths to their patients with euthanasia, they may see
death as a way out of pain. All of them have easy access to drugs that
can kill."
Non-Drug Solutions for Depression
Addressing your nutrition is perhaps the best place to start if
you're feeling depressed. Foods have an immense impact on your brain,
and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan will best support your mental and physical health. Avoiding processed foods, sugar (particularly fructose) and grains
is particularly important as it will help normalize your insulin and
leptin levels, which is an important contributing factor to depression.
Certain nutrients are also known to cause symptoms of depression when
lacking, and specific herbs and nutritional supplements may also help
counteract symptoms. To suggest that depression is rooted in nutrient
deficiencies and other lifestyle related factors does not detract from
the fact that it's a serious problem that needs to be addressed with
compassion and non-judgment.
It simply shifts the conversation about what the most appropriate
answers and remedies are. The following nutrients, herbs and supplements
have been shown to be particularly helpful:
Vitamin D / Sun exposure
Many studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can predispose you
to depression, and that depression can respond favorably to optimizing
your vitamin D stores, ideally by getting regular, sensible sun exposure.13,14,15
In one such study, people with a vitamin D level below 20 nanograms
per milliliter (ng/mL) had an 85 percent increased risk of depression
compared to those with a level greater than 30 ng/mL.16
Omega-3 fat
The animal-based omega-3 fat
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is perhaps the single most important
nutrient for optimal brain function, thereby preventing depression.
While you can obtain DHA from krill or fish oil, it is far better to
obtain it from clean fish like wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring,
anchovies and fish roe.
Low DHA levels have been linked to depression, memory loss, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.
Folate (vitamin B9) and other B vitamins
Low dietary folate is a risk factor for severe depression, raising your risk by as much as 300 percent.17,18 If you're using a supplement, I suggest methylfolate, as this form of folic acid is the most effective.
Other B vitamin deficiencies, including B1, B2, B3, B6, B8 and B12 also have the ability to produce symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders. Vitamin B12 deficiency, in particular, can contribute to depression and affects 1 in 4 people.
Antioxidant-rich foods
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is associated with lower odds of depression and anxiety,19,20
an effect ascribed to antioxidants that help combat inflammation in
your body. Chronic inflammation is thought to be one of the primary
causes of depression.
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
This medicinal plant has a long historical use for depression, and is
thought to work similarly to antidepressants, raising brain chemicals
associated with mood such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.21
S-Adenosyl methionine (SAMe)
SAMe is an amino acid derivative that occurs naturally in all cells.
It plays a role in many biological reactions by transferring its methyl
group to DNA, proteins, phospholipids and biogenic amines. Several
scientific studies indicate that SAMe may be useful in the treatment of depression.
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
5-HTP is another natural alternative to traditional antidepressants.
When your body sets about manufacturing serotonin, it first makes 5-HTP.
Taking 5-HTP as a supplement may raise serotonin levels. Evidence
suggests 5-HTP outperforms a placebo when it comes to alleviating
depression,22 which is more than can be said about antidepressants.
This Chinese herb, available from doctors of traditional Chinese
medicine (TCM), has been found to reduce the effects of "chronic and
unpredictable stress," thereby lowering your risk of depression.23
Prebiotics and probiotics
Your mental health is closely linked to your gut health. A number of studies have confirmed chronic inflammation, and especially gastrointestinal inflammation, can play a critical role in the development of depression.24 In fact, researchers have suggested "depression may be a neuropsychiatric manifestation of a chronic inflammatory syndrome."25
Your gut is considered to be your second brain, created from the
identical tissue as your brain during gestation. It's important to
understand that your gut bacteria are an active and integrated part of
serotonin regulation and actually produce more serotonin than your
Optimizing your gut flora is a key part of the equation to optimize
your serotonin levels. Gut bacteria also play a role in GABA regulation,
and lower the stress-induced hormone corticosterone, resulting in
reduced anxiety and depression related behavior.26
To nourish your gut microbiome, be sure to eat plenty of fresh
vegetables and traditionally fermented foods. Healthy choices include fermented vegetables,
lassi, kefir and natto. If you do not eat fermented foods on a regular
basis, taking a high-quality probiotic supplement is recommended.
Also remember to severely limit sugars, especially fructose,
as well as grains, to rebalance your gut flora. As a standard
recommendation, I suggest limiting your daily fructose consumption from
all sources to 25 grams per day or less.
Evaluate your salt intake
Sodium deficiency
creates symptoms that are very much like those of depression. Make sure
you do not use processed salt (regular table salt), however. You'll
want to use an all-natural, unprocessed salt like Himalayan salt, which
contains more than 80 different micronutrients.
Make sure your cholesterol levels aren't too low for optimal mental health
Low cholesterol is linked to dramatically increased rates of suicide, as well as aggression toward others.27
This increased expression of violence toward self and others may be due
to the fact that low membrane cholesterol decreases the number of
serotonin receptors in the brain, which are approximately 30 percent
cholesterol by weight.
Lower serum cholesterol concentrations therefore may contribute to
decreasing brain serotonin, which not only contributes to
suicidal-associated depression, but prevents the suppression of
aggressive behavior and violence towards self and others.
Other Lifestyle Factors That Can Greatly Impact Your Risk for Depression
The following lifestyle factors can also play a significant role in depression.
• Exercise. Studies have
shown there is a strong correlation between improved mood and aerobic
capacity. There's also a growing acceptance that the mind-body
connection is very real, and that maintaining good physical health can
significantly lower your risk of developing depression in the first
place. Exercising
creates new GABA-producing neurons that help induce a natural state of
calm. It also boosts your levels of serotonin, dopamine and
norepinephrine, which help buffer the effects of stress.
Recent animal research also suggests exercise can benefit your mental
health by allowing your body to eliminate kynurenine, a harmful protein
associated with depression.28 According to Dr. James S. Gordon, a world-renowned expert in using mind-body medicine to heal depression:
"What we're finding in the research on physical exercise is that
exercise is at least as good as antidepressants for helping people who
are depressed… [P]hysical exercise changes the level of serotonin in
your brain. And it increases your endorphin levels, your "feel good
• Sleep. Sleep and
depression are so intimately linked that a sleep disorder is actually
part of the definition of the symptom complex that gives the label
depression. Ideally, get eight hours of sleep each night, and address factors that impede good sleep. • Excess EMF exposure. Studies
have also linked excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to
an increased risk of both depression and suicide.29
Powerlines and high-voltage cables appear to be particularly
troublesome. Addiction to or "high engagement" with mobile devices can
also trigger depression and anxiety, according to recent research from
the University of Illinois.30
It would be wise to limit exposure and/or shield yourself from Wi-Fi
routers by turning them off at night, not carrying your cellphone on
your body, and eliminating the use of portable phones. At bare minimum,
do not keep portable phones, cellphones and other electric devices in
your bedroom. • Spending time outdoors has
been shown to dramatically improve people's mood and significantly
reduce symptoms of depression. Outdoor activities could be just about
anything, from walking a nature trail to gardening, or simply taking your exercise outdoors. According to a 2007 report on Ecotherapy by the British
"[Ninety-four] percent of people taking part in a MIND survey
commented that green exercise activities had benefited their mental
health; and 100 percent of volunteers interviewed during an outdoor
conservation project agreed that participation benefited their mental
health, boosted self-esteem and improved confidence."
• Stress. I believe it's
helpful to view depression as a sign that your body and life are out of
balance, rather than as a disease. It's a message telling you you've
veered too far off course, and you need to regain your balance. One of
the key ways to do this involves addressing negative emotions that may
be trapped beneath your level of awareness. My favorite method of
emotional cleansing is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a form of psychological acupressure.
Research has shown that EFT significantly increases positive
emotions, such as hope and enjoyment, and decreases negative emotional
EFT is particularly powerful for treating stress and anxiety because it
specifically targets your amygdala and hippocampus, which are the parts
of your brain that help you decide whether or not something is a
For serious or complex issues, seek out a qualified health care professional that is trained in EFT36
to help guide you through the process. That said, for most of you with
depression symptoms, this is a technique you can learn to do effectively
on your own. In fact, it's so easy that children are learning it. In
the videos below, EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman shows how you can use
EFT to relieve symptoms of depression.
As a general rule, it would be wise to remember that your lifestyle
can quite literally make or break your health well-being and may be one
of the most fundamental contributors to depression. The most appropriate
answer, then, is to get to the root of the problem, and not ignore it
by popping pills.
You'd be well advised to address the factors discussed in this article before resorting to drug treatment
— which science has shown is no more effective than placebo, while
being fraught with potentially dangerous side effects. For even more
inspiration, please see my previous article 13 Mind-Body Techniques That Can Help Ease Depression.
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