US is in Israel’s death grip
And it's getting worse under Trump
The United States is in the “death grip” of the Jewish Zionists who are completely obsessed in pursuing the interests of Israel, says Kevin Barrett, an American author and political commentator.
Veterans Today Editor Dr. Barrett, the author of Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday while commenting on a report which said three US Republican senators again put forward a measure aimed at imposing fresh sanctions on Iran over various allegations against Tehran, including its missile program.
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The hawkish GOP senators, who had introduced the same bill last December, slammed the administration of former President Barack Obama for not adopting adequate measures against Iran.
“America is the death grip of the people who are utterly obsessed in pursuing the interests of a foreign power that is ultimately indifferent if not downright hostile to the interests of the United States, a foreign power that has repeatedly murdered Americans throughout history in false flag terror attacks,” Dr. Barrett told Press TV.
“So these traitors in Congress, who are going after Iran on behalf of the genocidal, endlessly expanding state of Israel, really need to be arrested, tried for treason and lined up against the wall and shot,” he argued.
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“And these Republicans in the Senate, they are also traitors who are the captives of a lobby for a foreign government,” he stated.
“The United States is in a bizarre position of being a superpower that is completely controlled by the lobby for a tiny nation half way around the world. And that’s really what this is all about,” Dr. Barrett noted.
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