Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Big One by Anna von Reitz

The Big One
Yesterday I filed the Big One, the Summation of over twenty (20) years work in behalf of the actual American states owed the land jurisdiction of this country and the living people of the 50 States United. Of course, with something this long in the making, there is a lot of remembering involved and a lot of focus required, so forgive me if I am brief with this announcement. I am very tired.
We, the living American People who claim our birthright political standing as American State Nationals---- Texans, Virginians, Ohioans, Wisconsinites, and so on--- and who have moved back to the land jurisdiction of our native land, are the beneficiaries of our estates. Those who additionally act as Fiduciaries in behalf of our states on the land are American State Citizens, obligated by oath and honor to act in the best interests of all and to meet The Prudent Man Standard in all those actions we undertake.
For many who have grown up listening to a constant litany of "National Debt" news, it may come as a great surprise to learn that you are, as American State Nationals, not in debt. You are by far the richest people on Earth.

In fact, you and your States are the Priority Creditors of the entire world.
The debt that the rest of the world has owed us has been so insurmountable that it has served to quash business and growth, spawned a huge black market in counterfeit currencies and "derivatives", and caused unnecessary suffering that needs to end. So, in our own right and in your names, we've have moved to end it.
As your servants and as "Prudent Men" we have requested a worldwide accounting and set off of debts, meaning that our debts to other nations are to be set off against their debts to us. What remains as "insurmountable debt" owing will be forgiven---written off, so that everyone can have a clean start.
This is being done to regenerate hope and economic freedom and to prevent any necessity of war or undue suffering. It is well-within our ability and in our best interests to do this.
Our fortunes are so vast that it doesn't even matter.
We are the beneficiaries of approximately 185,000 of the richest corporations on Earth, approximately 10,000 state of, county of, and municipal corporations in this country, and corporations like CANADA and AUSTRALIA that "own" entire countries, together with all their corporations under them.
Quite literally, we little pea-pickers and Indians have inherited the Earth.
Now what to do with it? For starters, everyone needs a living stipend to make life possible for many in the Third World and make it bearable for others, even here in America. So our proposal is that every man, woman, and child receive an individual payment equivalent in local currency to $2000 per month as an independent living stipend on top of whatever other income they may have.
This will end abject poverty throughout the world and make life bearable for many who are now suffering needlessly.
We have also proposed that each one receive the equivalent in local currency of $1000 per month in a savings/investment account that they can use to invest for their own future.
These funds are directed to be paid individually with no strings, no middlemen, no governments involved. Just a straight one-to-one transaction from the World Heritage Fund and the World Investment Fund to each one of you.
For many this will all just be pleasant "extra", but for others it is the difference between life and death, starvation and a good future.
There will also be plenty of money for infrastructure investments, for re-booting the government we are owed, and for all the tasks which face this planet and our nation among all the nations of the world.
Britain, France, and other nations have tried to obscure the truth of the American States and mischaracterize and misrepresent and fool the American People, so as to set up a false claim that we all "voluntarily" chose to serve as "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" and that our States of the Union were "civilly dead"----- but as we and everyone else now knows, that is nothing but a self-interested lie promoted by foreign interests seeking to avoid their own debts and hoping to come in as Secondary Creditors and bring false claims of "abandonment" in commerce.
Those actions have been forestalled by the fifty (50) State Liens recorded as Non-UCC liens and by two subsequent actions which collect the National Debt and re-convey the assets of the actual States to the land jurisdiction.
It's done. It's over. It's on the record.
Much too everyone's surprise, the Sleeping Giant woke up at its own funeral and yawned and said, "Fie, fei, foe, fum!"
Get your motors running. Inform the Vatican. Inform the Kremlin. Inform Beijing. The Republic States are alive and well and so are the American People.
Contrary to what you've been told, we are not the "United States". We don't have a $19 trillion-plus National Debt.
We have a $19 trillion-plus National Credit. And that's not all.
We are the majority shareholders in virtually everything big enough to spit at from here to Damascus. We are owed 150 years worth of back rent, the entirety of the 1930's bankruptcy fraud, and so much more.......that at the end of the day, the only real question is---- can we all imagine a better world?
A much, much better world?

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