Meet the climate change bigoted professors who BANNED informed debate: Rebecca Laroche, Wendy Haggren and Eileen Skahill... NO THINKING ALLOWED
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: man-made climate change, University of Colorado, scientific debate
(NaturalNews) If you're curious what real intellectual bigotry looks like, look no further than this story from The College Fix which details the anti-science absurdities of today's bigoted college professors.
According to the report, "Three professors co-teaching an online course called 'Medical Humanities in the Digital Age' at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs recently told their students via email that man-made climate change is not open for debate."
In invoking their intellectual bigotry and anti-science stance, these three female professors cite the widely debunked false claim that "97% of climate scientists agree on climate change." That statistic was fraudulently derived by a biased researcher hand-picking a few dozen email responses from an informal email survey that carries no scientific weight whatsoever (see below).
Apparently, teaching classes at the University of Colorado does not require you to actually know what you're talking about, because the 97% claim is the perfect example of politically motivated scientific quackery that's now accepted as consensus reality at America's zombie universities.
From the book A Disgrace to the Profession:
According to the report, "Three professors co-teaching an online course called 'Medical Humanities in the Digital Age' at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs recently told their students via email that man-made climate change is not open for debate."
In invoking their intellectual bigotry and anti-science stance, these three female professors cite the widely debunked false claim that "97% of climate scientists agree on climate change." That statistic was fraudulently derived by a biased researcher hand-picking a few dozen email responses from an informal email survey that carries no scientific weight whatsoever (see below).
Apparently, teaching classes at the University of Colorado does not require you to actually know what you're talking about, because the 97% claim is the perfect example of politically motivated scientific quackery that's now accepted as consensus reality at America's zombie universities.
From the book A Disgrace to the Profession: