Sharyl Attkisson reports shocking US immigration stats
Plus: the Bernie Sanders/Donald Trump divide-and-conquer operation
by Jon Rappoport
March 16, 2016 |
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
final note, concerning the loss of 1 million US jobs Lori Wallach
mentioned. We're talking about angry people. Some of them have gone
over to Bernie Sander's side, and some of them to Trump, because both
men are talking about the loss of US jobs owing to horrendous Globalist
trade treaties. These displaced out-of-work Americans are now opposing each other in the election season.
That's a fine example of divide and conquer. Who benefits? Hillary Clinton (rabid Globalist). If only one highly visible anti-trade-treaty candidate were running in this Presidential election, who knows much support he might gain, as more and more Americans wake up to how they're being used, abused, and cast aside during the march to the Globalists' tune? But when split apart between two oddball candidates (Trump and Sanders), who are polar opposites, anti-Globalist Americans battle each other, fracture the power they could amass together, and bury the victory they need---the victory everybody needs. If Hillary Clinton coughs, splutters, grins, and cackles her way into the Oval Office in November, the divide-and-conquer op will have been successful. |
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport
author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM
THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US
Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a
consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the
expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he
has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles
on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin
Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and
Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics,
health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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