New York Times: All the lies they can fit in print
Their Boston trial coverage demonstrates conclusively that even our nation's newspaper of record is corrupt to the core
by Jim Fetzer
How many lies of enormous magnitude are the American people expected to accept from their government and the mass media, when it fuctions on its behalf? William Colby, former Director of the CIA, observed that “The agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media”, which Carl Bernstein had previously confirmed in his article, “The CIA and the Media” (Rolling Stone, 20 October 1977), in which agency officials boasted that their greatest successes had been with CBS, with Time Inc. and with The New York Times:Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were William Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System, Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the Louisville Courier-Journal and James Copley of the Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, The Miami Herald, and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune. By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with The New York Times, CBS, and Time Inc.Judging from its recent coverage of the Boston bombing trial, which The New York Times pretends is a legitimate judicial procedure based upon authentic evidence, nothing seems to have changed. The evidence in this case for concluding that this was a drill using amputee actors and special effects filming is overwhelming, where neither Tamerlan nor Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were responsible for the explosions or events thereafter. The Times insults our intelligence. How, for example, could Dzhokhar have run over his brother after Tamerlan had been arrested by the police?
The faulty analogy
Consider, for another, Katharine Q. Seelye, “Defense in Marathon Bombing has Echo of Clarence Darrow” (The New York Times, 13 March 2015), in which she invokes an absurd comparison of Judy Clarke’s admissionNot only that, but she pled her client, “Not guilty!”, while Darrow had pled his “Guilty!” But these differences have not inhibited this reporter from committing a faulty analogy, which occurs when their differences are greater than their similarities, there are few but crucial differences or the argument is taken to be certain rather than probable. Could Seelye possibly be unaware that Judy Clarke had pled Dzhokhar “Not guilty”, which was reported by Richard A. Oppel, Jr., “Jurors Hear Harrowing Account of Boston Marathon Bombers’ Hostage” (The New York Times, 12 March 2015):
So while it may have made sense for Clarence Darrow to have pled Leopold and Loeb, who had committed the crime of which they were accused, “Guilty”, and then to have made an impassioned appeal to the jury to spare their lives, it makes no sense for Judy Clarke to have pled Dzhokhar, who has not committed the crime of which he stands accused, “Not guilty”, but then proceed to declare, “He did it!”, in her opening statement. As I have previously observed, that simplified the prosecution’s task, because no juror will now believe that he did not commit the crime, thanks to her.
How much proof is enough?
As I have explained in recent articles, including “The Boston Show Trial: The ‘bloody confession’ of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev” (12 March 2015), “Boston Show Trial: Attorney declares patsy “Guilty!” (8 March 2015), and (most thematically!) “Media complicit and indispensable to ‘false flag’ success” (14 January 2015), the proofs that Dzhokhar did not do it are so blatant and numerous that they should be intelligible even to reporters for The New York Times. That The Times should be ignoring the evidence and promoting a fantasy defies belief–unless, of course, it remains under the control of the CIA. Here are a dozen proofs that make the case:Exhibit 1:
We have a video with a sound track that shows the police using bullhorns to announce, “This is a drill! This is a drill!” Listen to it for yourself. If the Boston police knew it was a drill, how could the Boston Police Commissioner claim they were guilty and even had additional explosives they were planning to use? Why is he lying to Chris Wallace on Fox News?Exhibit 2:
We also have tweets from The Boston Globe that a “controlled explosion” is going to be set off during the marathon “for the benefit of bomb squad activities” and another stating that one would be set off in front of the library in one minute. When The Globe knows it was a drill, why has The Globe, one of our nation’s premier papers, not spoken out about it?Exhibit 3A:
The alternative media had already zeroed in on the perps the very day of the event itself, who were Craft International personnel wearing khaki trousers, black jackets and black baseball caps with a skull insignia, where the motto of Craft is, “Violence does solve problems!” When amateurs using computersExhibit 3B:
We have photos of two Craft personnel, one of whom is wearing a black backpackExhibit 3C:
Here is a photo of Dzhokhar with his backpack. One of those that blew up was black with a white square; the other was tan or light brown. Notice that Dzhokhar’s backpack is grey or silver. It is neither black with a white square nor tan or light brown. So why would anyone, much less the authorities, regard him as a suspect? His doesn’t even have a right backpack.Exhibit 4:
Here is the scene immediately after one of the explosions. Notice the presence of the smoke. But there is no blood, which Lorraine Day, M.D., Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital (with 25 years of experience) has observed would be impossible if this had been a real event: there would instantaneously have been blood everywhere!Exhibit 5:
Same scene, but different point. According to reports from the AP, such as “The Huffington Post” (23 April 2013), three persons (including one child) were killed and 260 injured. It has become part of the official narrative about the Boston event. But the images from the scene suggest a number closer to 20. Where are the other 240 victims?Exhibit 6:
When the blood finally shows up, it is fake blood–special effects “Hollywood” blood–which is not even the right color. And when the scene clears, the tubes from which it came can be seen. If this had been a bona fide bombing, it would not have been necessary to fake it. They faked it because it was only a staged bombing, which produced no blood, not a real one.Exhibit 7:
A perfect example of the use of actors turns out to be Nicole Brannock Gross, who, although feigning to have had both legs broken in two places and had her Achilles tendon severed, sits calmly displaying no agony or pain, in striking contrast with professional athletes, who are used to enduring pain, who grimace and contort from injuries far milder than what she claims.Exhibit 8A:
Hollywood producer/director Nathan Folks has identified one of the key players (in the cowboy hat running along side Jeff Bauman) as an actor he had cast in one of his films and the type of filming as “hyper-realistic”, which is used to create scenes that are as realistic as possible, for purposes such as introducing inexperienced troops to what they will encounter in combat.Exhibit 8B:
Another orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Stan Monteith, pondering how this man lost his legs below the knees on the scene but turns up 19 days later with amputations above the knee, where it takes three months to recover from the surgery and another three to learn to cope without your legs, was forced to conclude that this young man must have been an actor.Exhibit 8C:
It might sound far-fetched to think that they would use actors for an event like this, but that is what staging one entails. We even have the “Actor Waver Form” for actors who are recruited by DHS to participate, where the objective appears to be to keep Americans in a state of fear, because 680 studies have shown that domestic terrorism is virtually non-existent.Exhibit 9A:
On Thursday following the Monday event, the FBI sent out a stooge to tell the public, “Don’t look at that man behind the curtain”. He told us, ignore all the photos on the internet and focus only on these two. He sought the public’s assistance in their identification, but it would turn out that they had had the Tsarnaev brothers under surveillance for at least 5 years.Exhibit 9B:
They appear to have been selected as patsies because of their country of origin, but they were actually ordinary young men, where Tamerlan had a wife and a child and was considering moving to New York, while Dzhokhar was a college student who participated in wrestling and was popular with his fellow students on campus, where he went after the bombing,Exhibit 9C:
Perhaps the most bizarre of all, Tamerlan was arrested, stripped naked and placed into a police car, which was widely broadcast at the time. I could identify him, but his mother and his aunt confirmed his identity. According to the absurd official narrative, moreover, Tamerlan was killed by Dzhokhar, who drove over him repeatedly in an SUV–after his police apprehension!Exhibit 10:
In an appalling act of treachery, the FBI sent a five-man team to interrogate a friend of the two Tsarnaev brothers, Ibragim Todashev, 27, who was concerned that they were coming to kill him. Apparently, after lengthy but unsuccessful attempts to persuade him to turn against his friends, all left the room but one, who shot him multiple times, claiming he had violently attacked him.Exhibit 11:
According to the Boston police, the FBI, The Boston Globe, Fox News and every other major media outlet, the Tsanaev brothers were responsible for “the Boston bombing”, even though we know it was a drill, that no one died and that it was done by Craft International personnel. Even the Boston Police Commissioner and The New York Times support the fabrication, in spite of the evidence against it.Exhibit 12:
The latest absurdity is the “bloody confession” of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, recovered from the inside of a boat, which is nevertheless written in perfectly straight lines, which are evenly spaced–an achievement that not even Leonardo da Vinci could have accomplished. This is a photoshopped creation by projecting a 2-dimensional image to appear to be a 3-dimensional one.The abuse of power and authority
Not all of these exhibits are of equal weight, where, for example, Exhibit 5 could be contested on the ground that the scene shown is one of two, but the second looks even less impressive than the first. And the overwhelming majority are beyond dispute: the police calling out, “This is a drill! This is a drill!”; The Boston Globe tweets; the missing blood; the Hollywood blood; the obvious use of actors; the reports of experts (such as Lorraine Day, M.D., Dr. Stan Monteith, and Nathan Folks).Click here for a video that includes some scenes from the second alleged bombing site
In spite of my best efforts to get to the bottom, every time I look at his case, I discover something worse: Dzhokhar is alleged to have killed his brother by driving over him with an SUV after he had been taken into custody! The FBI has done its part, because it not only contributed a stooge to mislead the public but earned its stripes by murdering one of their friends, who, it seems, was not going to play along with the charade. The media covers it with no reservations.
I served my nation with pride as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps. I have done my best to uphold the honor and the integrity of the United States. But I have learned the bitter lesson that we are not a nation of laws but of liars. We are being deceived on every count–about Boston, about Sandy Hook, about Ukraine, about Iran, about ISIS and more–to advance a political agenda run by elites including the Khazarian Mafia, through a covert government, where the CIA serves as their instrument, which even Bill Clinton, as President, admitted he did not control.
Americans are the least informed and most gullible population on Earth. We confuse authority with truth, when the truth should be our authority. Even our newspaper of record, The New York Times, entrusted to chronicle the official history of the United States, plays the public for fools. Unless we know the truth, we cannot act in our own best interests, because we don’t know what those actions would be. Addressing these issues, I find myself in a state of nausea. This is not a nation that deserves respect. It is a sham, a fraud and a disgrace to all who perceive the truth.
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