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An American Affidavit

Thursday, March 3, 2016

An Open Letter to FAU President John Kelly PhD 18 by MHB Administrator

An Open Letter to FAU President John Kelly PhD 18

Submitted by Dr. Winfield J. Abbe
[The letter below was sent to FAU President John Kelly on December 16, 2015.-Ed.]
Dr. John W. Kelly
Office of the President
Florida Atlantic University
Administration Bldg., Room 339
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
tel: 561.297.3450
fax: 561.297.2777
Dear Dr. Kelly:
Professor Dr. James F. Tracy, Ph.D., a tenured associate professor in the School of Communication and Multi Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University, is evidently a very courageous minority of one at the school where you were recently appointed the new President about a year ago, who has the courage, guts and gumption and intense desire to find the truth, to question the official dogma and evident massive government lies about the alleged Sandy Hook Massacre in Newtown, Connecticut 3 years ago next Monday December 14, 2012. Since FAU has about 1000 faculty members this amounts to a tiny fraction of 0.1% of your “esteemed” faculty willing to hold views, justified by
evidence and Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 11.11.54 PMfacts, which conflict with massive media hype and brainwashing of the gullible public and possibly the remainder of the other 999 or so of your faculty members as well, many of whom hold the highest research degree.

Professor Kelly, it takes a special person to go against the crowd. About 4 centuries ago when the powerful Catholic Church told everyone the Earth was the center of our universe, it took a very courageous and intelligent physicist by the name of Galileo Galilei to speak truth to them. But instead of convincing the ignorant fools in the Catholic Church at the time, they nearly burned him at the stake for holding views contrary to their unjustified ignorant opinions, not based on any experiments or facts as were his beliefs. It took the Catholic Church nearly 350 years to admit they were wrong and the world’s greatest physicist Galileo Galilei was right after all.
Galileo Galilei, the genius level physicist from Italy is considered the Father of the Scientific Method where what we mean by “truth” is what different observers agree upon at different places and different times in the Universe, not religious superstition or mythology or astrology or “feelings” or other unverifiable claims. True science demands experimental facts which can be reproduced by others. At the bottom of this effort is common honesty and openness and integrity. In law these concepts are embodied in the well known phrase, “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Taken together, along with other concepts, these form the basis of what we call the Scientific Method today. Lying, cheating , secrecy, prejudice, bias, preconceived ideas, dishonesty, …are all antitheses to the goals of reaching the truth as defined by the Scientific Method elucidated by Galileo Galilei and which has produced the many benefits, as well as evil, to our modern civilization.
Professor Tracy has been improperly ridiculed, bullied, threatened, attacked and more for simply holding and discussing his reasons for believing that the official narrative of the Sandy Hook Hoax is false, while he justifies his claims with evidence and facts just as Galileo Galilei did some 4 centuries ago. Evidently we have not come very far as a civilized society in the past 400 years except we no longer burn dissidents at the stake in public. But humiliation is still humiliation isn’t it?
Dr. Kelly, you are obviously a busy man. But how long would it take you to read the free book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook of which professor Tracy is one of the authors? If you log on to the site http://www.rense.com, you can download a free copy of this 426 page book. But it will be more difficult reading than a fiction novel. One must exercise brain function to read it. I urge you Dr. Kelly to read this book personally before making a judgment about what is right or wrong about Sandy Hook. Just pretend you have never watched a single television propaganda program about this incident. Try to clear your brain of all that garbage the media told you was true, when, in fact, it was all lies. Ask yourself these questions: How do I know anyone died at Sandy Hook? What forensic and physical evidence proves anyone died there? How do I even know the school was a functioning sandy-hook-demolitionschool that day or even for the preceding four years? How do I know any of these kids are really who we were told by the media they were? How do we know Adam Lanza was even a real person? Why was the crime scene kept a carefully guarded secret, with the full military force and power of government, with even the wrecking crew sworn to secrecy with criminal sanctions? Could it be that there were no bullet holes in those inside walls of that school building? Could it be that there was not blood splattered all over in this alleged crime scene as there was in the former crime scene of say OJ Simpson fame? Where are the true death certificates Dr. Kelly? Where are the 27 200+ page autopsy reports for each alleged victim Dr. Kelly? What do you think is in those 27 caskets from the closed casket hidden funerals? Why are not the names of the alleged dead victims in the death index Dr. Kelly?…. This is not conspiracy theory Dr. Kelly, this is what true science is all about. As an expert in Horticulture, a very fascinating subject, you must also be familiar with science and its rules.
I think it is fascinating that a perfectly normal looking ear of corn can contain no, zero, iodine, thereby leading to the disease we call goiter, or inflammation of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency, in those humans who consume such iodine deficient corn, a problem solved about a century ago by a very smart medical doctor in Cleveland, Ohio who proposed the magnificently simple solution of adding small amounts of iodine to common table salt. Otherwise we would all be enriching the corrupt pharmaceutical companies by likely being forced by the corrupt FDA to purchase iodine supplements today to avoid this “disease”.
President Kelly, the amazing thing about all this is not that professor Tracy had the gumption and courage to go against the mob of “flat earth believers”, but the deafening silence of virtually all the rest of the intimidated gutless cowards on your faculty. Dr. Tracy is in the image of the great scientists like two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Ph.D. who had the guts to speak up about the dangers of the nuclear arms race and atomic bomb testing. He even became persona non grata at his own institution Cal Tech because they feared the bad publicity might affect their selfish interest in government dinero at the expense of the truth. Dr. Tracy is in the image of the top physical chemist professor Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., who as a graduate student in 1943 under Glen Seaborg at UC Berkeley produced the first plutonium for the first atomic bomb, but had to go up against his own supervisor in blowing the whistle on the government lies about the safety and promise of nuclear power for “unlimited”, “safe” energy supply “forever”. Professor Dr. John Gofman became a world authority on radiation and public health. Other courageous individuals could be listed like Marie Curie, one of a very few, especially women, who was awarded two Nobel prizes, one in physics the other in chemistry. Yet the prejudiced French Academy of Sciences refused her admission to that “elitist mutual admiration society”. It takes about 6 pages of small print to list all her medals and decorations from around the world. No Polish jokes allowed for this genius level scientist from Poland whose discoveries changed the world.
Dr. Kelly, only when the faculty of Florida Atlantic University and its administration up to and including your office and your supervisors on the Board of Trustees publicly admit professor Dr. Tracy was right and you all were wrong after all, about the Sandy Hook Hoax, will anyone believe FAU is truly a great university of the world. Until that day, FAU is little more than an institution of lower indoctrination and brainwashing, not in the search for knowledge, truth and understanding, as the few remaining institutions of “higher” learning left in the world today. Professor Dr. Tracy should be awarded The President’s Distinguished Service Medallion for outstanding courageous service to the truth.
Yours sincerely,
Winfield J. Abbe
150 Raintree Ct.
Athens, GA 30607
Born Cleveland, Ohio, 1939
Raised at Sierra Madre, California 1943-1966, citizen of Athens, Georgia almost 50 years.
Graduated Pasadena High School 1956
A.A., Pasadena City College, Pasadena California, 1958
A.B., Physics, UC Berkeley, 1961
M.S., Physics, California State University at Los Angeles, 1962 under professor Dr. Earl D. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Physics, UC Riverside, 1966 under professor Dr. Peter E. Kaus, Ph.D.
Institute of Science and Technology Fellow, University of Michigan Ann Arbor under professor Dr. Marc Ross, Ph.D., 1966-1967.
Early research expertise: Experimental low temperature solid state physics; Theoretical high energy elementary particle physics. Ph.D. Dissertation: “A Possible Reggeized Bootstrap Theory” published in about six papers in the Physical Review and other journals.
Assistant-Associate Professor of Physics, University of Georgia, 1966-1978; voluntarily resigned a lifetime tenured position due to, among other things, lying and cheating by two deans and three department heads, all of whom had Ph.D. degrees, to the tenured faculty for over 5 years. One Dean the late John Stephens had a Ph.D. degree in English, while the other the late Jack Payne had a Ph.D. degree in microbiology. Both were deans of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia almost 40 years ago when these horrible events occurred.
Awards for superior or outstanding achievement in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
First prize in contest for the best scientific explanation of how the “Dunking Bird” works, presented and awarded by Dr. Harper W. Frantz, Ph.D., Chemistry, UC Berkeley, Chairman, Physical Sciences Division, Pasadena City College, described in an article in the Pasadena Star News, 1959, the newspaper I delivered on my bike as a boy growing up there.
Highest score on 18 hour qualifying examination, at the doctoral level, given in 6 three hour parts for a week.
Last 15 years studying the failed war on cancer.
Book self published because virtually the only books an orthodox publisher will publish on cancer are sympathy scam books: “An Unsuccessful Effort to Deny Use of State of Georgia Facilities for Fund Raising by the American Cancer Society” by Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., May, 2000 with copies placed at the University of Georgia Library and local Athens, Georgia public library, about 100 pages.
Recent invited presentation: “Unethical to Criminal Conduct some Failures of Self-Regulation from UGA to MIT” by Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., a presentation to the Conference on Academic Freedom held at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Saturday April 26, 2014., sponsored by professor Dr. James Fetzer, Ph.D. and Stephen Francis.
Copy of this presentation enclosed.
Also enclosed “Secrecy is the Antithesis of the Truth”, by Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., book review of “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook”, now banned by Jeff Bezos, E.E., CEO of Amazon.Com, and “top” Princeton University graduate of Princeton University electrical engineering 1986 some 24 years after another top Princeton University graduate professor Dr. James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. (philosophy) (1962) another author of the above seminal book exposing the Sandy Hook Hoax with evidence and facts which can be verified by anyone. This is NOT conspiracy theory, this is true SCIENCE. There is not one iota of physical or forensic proof that a single person died in the alleged Sandy Hook Massacre December 14, 2012.
If this message is sent electronically, a hard surface mail copy will be sent along with enclosures.
Copies to:
Professor Dr. James F. Tracy, Ph.D., jftracy@fau.edu
Professor Dr. James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Lynn Laurenti, Special Assistant to the President: laurenti@fau.edu; Please forward above message to President Kelly.
Rita Gelin, Executive Secretary, rgelin@fau.edu; Please forward above message to President Kelly.
Howard Saltz, Editor, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, HSaltz@Sun-Sentinel.com

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