You Are Guinea Pigs in Fluoride Drug Experiments
Fluoride chemicals added to water has never been
proven safe. Now researchers want to know if fluoride is harming your
bones, endocrine system and brain.
New York -- May 2, 2010 -- Sixty-five years
ago today, officials added fluoride chemicals into Newburgh, NY's public
water supply making residents guinea pigs in a failed experiment to
discover whether fluoride could safely reduce tooth decay. It didn't.
But political pressure declared it a success. Any high school biology
student can find the flaws in this "study." Fluoride researchers are
still using our bodies and tax dollars for their own benefit. Ten years
later, 1955, researchers reported that newly fluoridated Newburgh
children had more bone defects, anemia and earlier female menstruation
than never-fluoridated Kingston children, according to the March 1956
Journal of the American Dental Association. Adults weren't even
examined. This is the first and only comprehensive U.S. research into
fluoridation's effects to the human body and not just the teeth.
Newburgh's children were given complete physicals and x-rays, over the course of the study, from birth to age nine in the first year and up to age eighteen in the final year. “(R)outine laboratory studies were omitted in the control group during most of the study, they were included in the final examination,” report Schlesinger and colleagues, in “Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years.”
The researchers also report that: -- “The average age at the menarche was 12 years among the girls studied in Newburgh and 12 years 5 months among the girls in Kingston.”
-- Hemoglobin (iron-containing part of a red blood cell): “a few more children in the range below 12.9 grams per hundred milliliters in Newburgh”
--- “…a slightly higher proportion of children in Newburgh were found to have a total erythrocyte (red blood cell) count below 4,400,000 per milliliter”
-- Knee X-rays of Newburgh children reveals more cortical bone defects, and irregular mineralization of the thigh bone.
Only twenty-five Newburgh children had eye and ear exams. Two had apparent hearing loss. Eight had abnormal vision. Even though researchers discovered more adult cataracts in surveys conducted before 1944 in communities with naturally high water fluoride concentrations, Newburg and Kingston adults were never checked for this defect.
Only two groups of twelve-year-old boys were tested for fluoride’s toxic kidney effects.
“the University of Rochester conducted its own studies, measuring how much fluoride Newburgh citizens retained in their blood and tissues. Health Department personnel cooperated, shipping blood and placenta samples to the Rochester scientists,” writes Christopher Bryson in "The Fluoride Deception," Three times as much fluoride was found in the placentas and blood samples gathered from Newburgh as from non-fluoridated Rochester, reports Bryson.
Following back the scientific references in all current fluoridation safety literature will invariably lead back to the Newburgh/Kingston study which actually failed to prove fluoridation is safe.
After 65 years of fluoridation delivered to 70% of Americans on public water supplies and virtually all Americans via the food supply, the U.S. Surgeon General reports, tooth decay is a silent epidemic with cavity crises occurring in fluoridated cities, states and countries. See: What about Newburgh? In 1998, it was reported that children in Newburgh have more cavities and more fluoride-caused discolored teeth (dental fluorosis) than children in never-fluoridated Kingston, according to a New York State Department of Health study. ALL AMERICANS ARE GUINEA PIGS IN THIS ONGOING EXPERIMENT CALLED FLUORIDATION The prestigious National Research Council says major gaps exist in the fluoride toxicology literature and encourages more fluoride research, e.g. fluoride's effects to bones, endocrine systems and brain functions.
It's time to retire fluoridation and take back our health and water from special interest groups. Tell your legislators and water companies to stop the unnecessary, health-robbing, money-wasting addition of fluoride chemicals into your public water supplies, Also, take action to end fluoridation here on the national level http://congress.FluorideAction.Net
For more information:
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc (NYSCOF)
Follow NYSCOF on Twitter or Facebook
Fluoride Action Network
News Releases
Fluoride Journal
Newburgh's children were given complete physicals and x-rays, over the course of the study, from birth to age nine in the first year and up to age eighteen in the final year. “(R)outine laboratory studies were omitted in the control group during most of the study, they were included in the final examination,” report Schlesinger and colleagues, in “Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years.”
The researchers also report that: -- “The average age at the menarche was 12 years among the girls studied in Newburgh and 12 years 5 months among the girls in Kingston.”
-- Hemoglobin (iron-containing part of a red blood cell): “a few more children in the range below 12.9 grams per hundred milliliters in Newburgh”
--- “…a slightly higher proportion of children in Newburgh were found to have a total erythrocyte (red blood cell) count below 4,400,000 per milliliter”
-- Knee X-rays of Newburgh children reveals more cortical bone defects, and irregular mineralization of the thigh bone.
Only twenty-five Newburgh children had eye and ear exams. Two had apparent hearing loss. Eight had abnormal vision. Even though researchers discovered more adult cataracts in surveys conducted before 1944 in communities with naturally high water fluoride concentrations, Newburg and Kingston adults were never checked for this defect.
Only two groups of twelve-year-old boys were tested for fluoride’s toxic kidney effects.
“the University of Rochester conducted its own studies, measuring how much fluoride Newburgh citizens retained in their blood and tissues. Health Department personnel cooperated, shipping blood and placenta samples to the Rochester scientists,” writes Christopher Bryson in "The Fluoride Deception," Three times as much fluoride was found in the placentas and blood samples gathered from Newburgh as from non-fluoridated Rochester, reports Bryson.
Following back the scientific references in all current fluoridation safety literature will invariably lead back to the Newburgh/Kingston study which actually failed to prove fluoridation is safe.
After 65 years of fluoridation delivered to 70% of Americans on public water supplies and virtually all Americans via the food supply, the U.S. Surgeon General reports, tooth decay is a silent epidemic with cavity crises occurring in fluoridated cities, states and countries. See: What about Newburgh? In 1998, it was reported that children in Newburgh have more cavities and more fluoride-caused discolored teeth (dental fluorosis) than children in never-fluoridated Kingston, according to a New York State Department of Health study. ALL AMERICANS ARE GUINEA PIGS IN THIS ONGOING EXPERIMENT CALLED FLUORIDATION The prestigious National Research Council says major gaps exist in the fluoride toxicology literature and encourages more fluoride research, e.g. fluoride's effects to bones, endocrine systems and brain functions.
It's time to retire fluoridation and take back our health and water from special interest groups. Tell your legislators and water companies to stop the unnecessary, health-robbing, money-wasting addition of fluoride chemicals into your public water supplies, Also, take action to end fluoridation here on the national level http://congress.FluorideAction.Net
For more information:
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc (NYSCOF)
Follow NYSCOF on Twitter or Facebook
Fluoride Action Network
News Releases
Fluoride Journal
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