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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Nancy Pelosi - Conspirator In Pearls By Judi McLeod from rense.ocm


Nancy Pelosi -
Conspirator In Pearls

By Judi McLeod
Queen of the Democrats Nancy Pelosi will deliver the sovereignty of her own country over to the United Nations. In fact, she's been working on it since 1992.
An untold story, the 66-year-old's Resolution 166 has been one of steadfast steps on a long road to stealthy success.
To understand her infinite patience in getting where she wanted to be, one must go back to the beginning.
"On August 5, 1992, Nancy Pelosi (CA) introduced a concurrent resolution in Congress (H.CON.RES. 353), saying that the United States of America should reform all domestic and foreign policy to adhere to the agreements of the Earth Summit, develop a national strategy to implement Agenda 21, and regularly report to the United Nations our progress on that path. ( www.freedom21santacruz.net, Sept. 10, 2004).
"Undaunted by slow going in Congress, Nancy Pelosi returned to the House floor on March 29, 1993 and introduced a joint resolution (H.J.RES 166) to renew the call for the United States to "assume a strong leadership role in implementingAgenda 21 and other Earth Summit agreements." Pelosi eventually gathered 67 co-sponsors for her bill, 32 of whom are still in Congress."
As freedom21santacruz.net writer Michael Park points out, researchers on the subject could content themselves that Pelosi's fancy work got bogged down in subcommittee purgatory, but they would be wrong.
Pelosi's revolutionary resolutions were picked up by an incoming President Bill Clinton, who on June 14, 1993, with only six months in office, signed an executive order establishing the President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD)--which would carry out the exact functions called for in Pelosi's earlier resolutions.
The fix was now in even though many average Americans knew nothing about it.
Were Republicans asleep at the switch when in a widely circulated White House press release, Clinton announced that the Council's primary goals would be to:
. "Educate the public about the far-reaching opportunities in sustainable development"; "Recognize outstanding sustainable development achievements through an annual Presidential award," among other things?
Courtesy of Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 policy recommendations filtered into every federal agency in America. Many of those agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), had their own representative in attendance at the Rio Earth Summit and were already acting upon Agenda 21, but this new source of support from the White House gave extra clout to their activities.
Anti-American, Canadian environmental guru Maurice Strong was the godfather of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Strong--who more than a decade later was to be driven off the radar screen when his alleged ties to the UN Oil-for-Food scandal became public--was the one-man force who pulled the wool over the world's eyes with Agenda 21. At Rio, dubbed "the mother of all summits" while his occultist wife, Hanne was "tapping into Mother Earth's energy", hubby looked after the serious business of setting policy on sustainable development for the entire world. Hanne staged a three-week vigil with 'Wisdomkeepers', a group of "global transformationalists". "Through round-the-clock sacred fire, drumbeat and meditation, the group helped hold the "energy pattern" for the duration of the summit."
And if that sounds like the kind of bunk more befitting to fast-buck hucksters, very few among world leaders and the tens of thousands attending the summit blinked an eye.
We don't know whether Madam Pelosi danced Hanne's occultist dance, but she was unquestionably first off the mark in shepherding Agenda 21 through American Congress.
As Michael Park reminds us in his story Pelosi and others promote Agenda 21, "Apart from the PCSD, a multitude of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), (organized by Maurice Strong) were working in communities across America to translate the overarching principles and recommendations of Agenda 21 into local policy. One of the most prominent NGOs was the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). ICLEI, launched in 1990 at the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, is based in Toronto, Canada, but has offices around the globe, including Berkeley, California. Its stated mission is to provide policy recommendations to assist local governments in the implementation of Sustainable Development. ICLEI was instrumental in the development of Agenda 21, having drafted Chapter 28 in 1991 in preparation for an upcoming summit. Their boilerplate sustainable development policies are being implemented in every county in the United States. Ditto for municipalities in Canada.
Strong, hardly a household word in the land of his birth let alone in America, was working to advance the UN world crawl.
While the UN continues to spin its image as a warm fuzzy blanket, it has long adhered to the Marxist dialect.
Operating in a system that leans heavily on information overload, tons of media communiqués inundate Mother Earth's plebes, on an all but daily basis.
Official gibberish is often used to further confuse and obfuscate. How much attention is the average lay person going to pay to something with a name called, International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives?
Back in watershed year 1992 and with a little help from insider Pelosi, the UN was well on its way to co-opting the mighty United States of America into its capacious fold.
As so many had predicted, America was swallowed whole without a single shot ever fired.
In other words, government by stealth already placed the United States on the path to the one designed by one-world-government advocate Maurice Strong.
It doesn't take too much imagination to see the smirks of Kofi Annan and Company when election results were in last Tuesday/
Back to Park: "As Pelosi's resolution dictated, the United States has been giving periodic reports to the United Nations showing progress in "advancing the objectives of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development."
The United States Country Profile report (PDF), available for download on the UN's website, was submitted in 2002 as part of the Country Profile series presented at the Johannesburg World Summit for Sustainable Development. According to that report, the Country Profile series is "the most comprehensive overview to date of the status of Implementation of Agenda 21 at the national level." The UN also has a map on their website designating the International progress of the implementation of Agenda 21 (PDF). The United States is shown as having "components of sustainable development in place."
A blob on the map, that's what the mighty US is to the UN, and just to think that American taxpayers pay much of the freight of the bureaucrats at the scandal-ridden UN.
How it all happened is pure Socialism 101.
"Members of Congress are held accountable to their constituents for any actions they undertake contrary to their oath to preserve and protect the Constitution. However, when their bills are stalled in subcommittees, giving them a comfortable excuse for denial of culpability, the responsibility lies with all Americans to remain vigilant as federal, state and local agencies move forward with the piecemeal implementation of Agenda 21's anti-human and anti-liberty policies. These elected officials who continue to show support for sustainable development despite the clearly detrimental effects should be voted out of office and replaced with Constitutionally-minded individuals whose primary concern is the protection of unalienable rights," Park conclude in his 2004 story.
But without intervention, it's too late. Queen Nancy Pelosi moved out of the dark into the light last Tuesday.
This should lay to rest the mystery of why Hillary Clinton isn't throwing hissy fits about Pelosi taking over the stage. And if Hillary does get into histrionics about Nancy taking over, it will be a Hollywood-type act.
Hillary's hubby long ago set the agenda in motion for a US under the central control of an all-powerful United Nations.
Conspirator-in-pearls Pelosi didn't just appear as Queen of the May the day after elections. She's been hell-bent for leather on the since 1992.
God Save America!


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