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An American Affidavit

Friday, January 15, 2016

Does Washington Plan Greater Middle East War? Is War on Iran Still on the Pentagon’s Drawing Board? By Stephen Lendman Global Research,

Does Washington Plan Greater Middle East War? Is War on Iran Still on the Pentagon’s Drawing Board?

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The region already is cauldron of endless violence and chaos. Is Washington planning a scenario of military escalation.
Iranian naval commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi accused Washington of reckless moves, risking war with the Islamic Republic.
His remarks followed seizure of two small US vessels illegally operating in Iranian waters, briefly detaining their crew members.
Before their release, “the US navy and a US aircraft-carrier showed unprofessional behavior for about 40 minutes and made some moves in the air and the sea in the region,” said Fadavi – provocations risking direct confrontation.
America’s regional presence, including in Persian Gulf waters, is hugely destabilizing. No clashes occurred this time. Longstanding US hostility toward Iran suggests next time may be different.
Washington’s aim to replace Iranian sovereign independence with Western-controlled puppet governance risks direct confrontation.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s top military aide Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi explained the formation of a Tehran, Moscow, Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad anti-Washington, Israeli, Saudi coalition.
“The policies of the Al Saud are influenced by the Zionist regime and this regime is seeking to push the region towards insecurity, unrest, turmoil and chaos,” he stressed.

“A coalition comprising the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel (continue) massacring the people of Syria, Iraq and Yemen…”
“The Zionist regime is looking to stir tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and this issue needs the vigilance of the country’s political officials because insecurity is in the interest of the Zionists and the Americans.”
On Wednesday, Putin and Obama spoke by phone. A Kremlin statement said both “leaders called for de-escalation of the tensions that arose in connection with the crisis in relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran.”
Putin seeks regional calm and stability, polar opposite Obama’s imperial agenda, supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups, stoking endless conflicts, allied with Riyadh, Israel, Turkey wanting Iranian sovereign independence eliminated.
Their brinkmanship moves risk greater Middle East violence and chaos than already – a reckless agenda threatening world peace.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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