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Friday, January 30, 2015

The Cancer Diet For Most Treatment Plans Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

The Cancer Diet For Most Treatment Plans

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Alternative Treatments, Cancer Articles
The Cancer Diet article in Russian:
Cancer Diet Article in Russian


There are many very healthy foods which contain significant levels of vitamin k. Vitamin k is needed by the body for blood clotting, however, too much vitamin k can contribute to the creation of blood clots in some situations. No more than 25% to 30% of a person’s diet should consist of foods high in vitamin K, which include: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, cucumber peel (i.e. the skin), endive, green scallion, lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, turnip green, and watercress. Garlic should be avoided for other reasons and onions should be eaten in moderation.
While proteolytic enzymes are blood thinners, it is best not to try and balance blood clotting foods and blood thinners. It is best to use moderation on both sides of the issue.

The Concept of a Cancer Diet

I remember reading the detailed diary of a person who was trying to cure his own cancer with alternative treatments. I was puzzled why his treatments weren’t working until I came across an entry several months into his treatment plan. He basically stated (after several months of alternative treatments): “I decided to stop smoking.” What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong is that he thought he could treat his own cancer by popping pills. There is far more to fighting cancer with alternative treatments than popping pills.
Understand this carefully, taking any alternative cancer treatment is like putting gasoline in your car – you are on your way to killing cancer cells, etc. But having a bad diet, while you are on a cancer treatment, is like putting water in that same gasoline tank!!
As mentioned in my article “Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments,” many people have cured their cancer using nothing but a massive change in their diet!! And I will add now that a bad diet during a cancer treatment has destroyed many alternative cancer treatments!! Something as simple as adding refined salt to your foods may destroy an entire cancer treatment!!
Another thing that must be understood is that the logic a person must use on a cancer treatment diet is different than the logic they are accustomed to using in dealing with orthodox medicine. Let me give you an example:
When taking orthodox drugs, you might encounter something like this:
  • Step 1: Take the yellow and green pills.
  • Step 2: Do not drink alcohol or tea after taking the pills.
What about the foods and drinks not specifically mentioned in Step 1 and Step 2? With orthodox medicine you are free to eat anything not prohibited.
But with alternative cancer treatments just the opposite is true. For example, let us consider a simplified Brandt Grape Cure diet:
  • Step 1: Grape Juice and natural water.
  • Step 2: Do not ingest any chlorine.
In this case, you are FORBIDDEN to eat any food that is not in Step 1, even though it is not listed in Step 2. With alternative treatments for cancer, what you don’t eat is just as important as what you are allowed to eat.
Most people who get cancer get it because of the things they have eaten!! The wrong foods created an internal terrain which allowed the body to be filled with fungus (e.g. tobacco leaves are filled with fungus, as are peanuts, to name but two of many such substances commonly consumed), such that when a carcinogenic substance reacted with the body, the internal terrain could not deal with the carcinogenic substance and the person got cancer. Here is a superb site on foods to avoid, and why:
Foods To Avoid
In fact, many scientific studies have proven that diet alone, meaning the foods that were eaten, caused cancer. Thus, by default, if you want to reverse your cancer, you must reverse your diet to create a strong inner terrain.
A cancer diet severely restricts what you can eat. By default, if it is not specifically allowed to be eaten in the treatment plan, don’t eat it!! The Step 2 items are simply the most damaging things to the diet.
Another key fact is that many people crave certain foods. This may be because of habit or it may be because of a food allergy. People crave foods they are allergic to. I have known this fact for 30 years. Thus, switching from the diet that caused your cancer to a diet that is needed to cure your cancer may involve the stopping of eating foods the person is allergic to (i.e. they crave). This compounds the problem and means even more effort is needed to stick to the diet.
It gets worse. I have concluded, based on the observation of many case studies, that fungus creates a craving for foods. Fungus must eat, and when they don’t get what they are used to (e.g. tobacco, meat, ice cream, cheese) they in some way send a signal to your body to EAT those foods they are used to. Thus, virtually everyone who switches to a good “cancer diet” has to fight the signals caused by the fungus.

Not All Cancer Diets are the Same

Another thing that must be understood is that for some cancer treatments there are special diets. In other words, not all cancer diets are the same.
For example, in the “InnerLight” cancer treatment of Robert O. Young, PhD, almost all fruits are forbidden. They are forbidden for good reason in his diet! His diet is designed to balance the pH in the blood and “remove” (I use that term in a non-technical way in this case) yeast and fungus (Y/F) from the body! Like a few other cancer treatments, his treatment converts cancer cells into normal cells.
But in other cancer treatments fruits are not only allowed, they are an integral part of the treatment. Why? Because some cancer diets are designed to kill cancer cells, and some fruits contain massive amounts of cancer-killing nutrients and the glucose in these fruits “carries” the cancer-killing nutrients into the cancer cells, which gobble up glucose and steal it from normal cells. This means they also steal the cancer-killing nutrients from normal cells. This can lead to cancer cell death.
Thus, this web page must first determine which theory of treating cancer is being used. In this web page, top priority is given to killing the fungus and other microbes in the body (i.e. starving them to death or creating an inner terrain that converts them into something harmless). It is somewhat similar to the Robert O. Young diet. Again, this choice is because of a lot of observations of cancer diets that didn’t work.
Again, I recommend the Robert O. Young book: Sick and Tired? – Reclaim Your Inner Terrain and you should use the exact diet Dr. Young tells you is the ideal way to go. My diet is very close to his, so if you cannot get his book, or until you understand his diet, use this article. Having said that, I do make some important comments specifically related to cancer, so read my “cancer diet” below as well.
What about the Gerson diet, the Kelley Metabolic diet, the Moerman diet (though his book is out of print so I have reproduced his diet on another web page), and so on? If you want to go on the Kelley treatment, that is fine, use his diet and supplements. The Gerson and Moerman diets, however, seem to be outdated when compared to newer diets. However, I should note that some parts of these diets may contain things that are superior to current diets (e.g. iodine). The “cancer diet” is a never ending study of the right combinations of foods.

Understanding What A Cancer Diet Is

Before reading this section, first STUDY this article on “What Causes Cancer” so you understand WHY some of these things are part of the cancer diet:
What Causes Cancer
Note that cancer is caused by microbes which are inside the cancer cells. These microbes love nothing better than sugar and dairy products!!! Ponder that and keep reading.
With regards to a cancer treatment, every food that we eat or drink can be categorized into several different categories:
  1. Foods that feed and strengthen the cancer cells and/or the microbes in the cancer cells and body. Examples would be: refined sugar (e.g. see: Challenge Cancer Website), refined flour, soda pop, dairy products, etc.
  2. Foods that cause cancer (e.g. trans fatty acids [margarine, french fries and virtually every other processed food you buy], aspartame [Diet Coke, NutraSweet, Equal, etc.], MSG, polyunsaturated oils [e.g. corn oil], etc.)
  3. Foods that directly interfere with alternative treatments for cancer (e.g. chlorine, fluoride, alcohol, coffee, etc.)
  4. Foods that occupy and distract the immunity system from focusing on killing the cancer cells (e.g. beef, turkey, etc.)
  5. Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat the cancer (e.g. purple grapes with seeds and skin, red raspberries with seeds, strawberries with seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, several herbs, carrots, pineapples, almonds, etc.)
In addition there are things like cooking vegetables. The cooking destroys the enzymes in the vegetables and make them far less digestible and far less effective in treating cancer. Pasteurizing any food or drink also does this.
Ideally, during a cancer treatment, if foods are allowed on a particular diet, 100% of everything you eat should be in the category of “Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat the cancer.” Whenever you eat a food that is not in that category, you are interfering with your cancer treatment! This is why so many cancer diets are very high in certain raw vegetables and certain raw fruits.
Some foods, however, are in more than one category. For example, grapes feed glucose to cancer cells, plus they contain nutrients that kill cancer cells. So should you take grapes? Generally, no. However, the Brandt Grape Cure, which is a diet of nothing BUT grapes, is an excellent cancer treatment. The problem is that combining grapes with other treatments tends to do more harm (by feeding the cancer cells) than good (by killing cancer cells) because other substances in the treatment seem to be neutralizing the value of the grapes.
Juicing of certain raw vegetables and raw fruits is also good in some cases (but not all cases, especially when the seeds are important) because the vegetables and fruits are more easily digested (translation: more nutrients get to the cancer cells). However, when you juice you throw away a lot of nutrients.
But also understand that not all vegetables and fruits are equal at treating cancer. Some vegetables do not contribute significantly to treating cancer and some fruits do not contribute significantly to treating cancer (at least not that we know of at the current time). On the other hand, some vegetables are very potent cancer killers, as are some fruits.

A Critical Definition

In the alternative health field the term “fasting” has a very different definition than that used by many people. In alternative medicine, the term “fast” or “fasting” generally means that a person can drink water and a limited amount of other drinks and foods.
For example, the Breuss cancer treatment is considered to be a 42-day “fast.” However, his fast allows water to be drunk and a special “tea” he designed for the “fast.”
“Fasts” are critical to many alternative cancer treatments, but again understand that the term “fast” allows certain foods or drinks to be taken during the “fast.”
As another example, the Johnanna Brandt Grape Cure is considered to be a “fast” even though the person can consume fairly large quantities of grapes during the treatment. It is called a “juice fast.”
Perhaps the term “fast” could be associated with the term “restricted” or “limited,” because that is all it means.

Important Message For Weak Cancer Patients

The diet which will now be discussed is essentially a “raw food” diet, composed mostly of raw vegetables and greens (e.g. sprouts and juiced grasses). Cancer patients who are extremely weak may not be able to properly digest raw foods.
If that is the case, there is an absolutely required food: organic beef broth. Also, the “macrobiotic diet” would probably be a better diet for a very weak cancer patient because cooked foods are much easier to digest. There are entire books on the macrobiotic diet, but here is a web page that gives an overview of both the Gerson and Macrobiotic diets:
The Macrobiotic Diet described
In addition to the macrobiotic diet, there are several supplements that are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED for weak cancer patients.
Essense Health Blend is a superb vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid, etc. blend.
Vendor of Essense Health Blend
Vibe, a liquid vitamin drink by Eniva, will also supercharge the nutrients in a person’s body. The dosage for cancer patients is to build up to 4 ounces a day. Start with one ounce a day, then over a period of a week build up to 4 ounces a day.
Vibe Liquid Vendor
Vibe liquid cannot be taken by all cancer patients because it has added vitamin C. Treatments that may be neutralized by added vitamin C include: Amazon Factor Protocol, all graviola and Paw Paw treatments, Protocel and Cantron.
Other super energy and super nutrient drinks include:
  1. Tahitian Noni Juice,
  2. Xango Mangosteen Juice,
  3. Berry Young Juice, which is 80% Ningxia Wolfberry Juice,
One of the treatments in the Bill Henderson Protocol should be used by EVERY weak cancer patient, no matter what treatment they are on. That product is Barley Power, an enzyme supplement that has virtually every enzyme on earth in it.
Barley Power is a “green” product that is cold-processed. Every cancer patient, on any treatment, should use Barley Power. Take at least 12 pills a day, perhaps many more. You can order it Here.

Include Foods High in Oxalic Acid

Whatever cancer diet you choose, 50% or more of the foods you eat should be high in oxalic acid – but not too many greens. Oxalic acid is deadly to cancer cells.
Essentially 50% of the foods a cancer patients eats should come from this website, which is a list of foods high in oxalic acid:
Oxalic Acid Foods List
Carrot juice, with a little beet juice, is a common cancer treatment. Both foods are high in oxalic acid.

Chlorine, Fluoride and Other Toxic Chemicals

Avoid all chlorine in your diet. This includes avoiding foods made with tap water. Chlorine destroys many phytonutrients and other nutrients, thus the damage done to the food during processing, if chlorine is used, is permanent and cannot be reversed. This means, for example, not drinking soda pop or any other drinks that have been made by mixing tap water with something else. You should not buy bottled grape juice because during processing, the chlorine in the tap water destroyed many phytonutrients. The damage cannot be reversed.


As a general rule, ALL vegetables should be organic, if possible. Green vegetables, including grasses (generally juiced) and sprouts, MUST be the foundation of a good cancer diet. The fiber, enzymes, chlorophyll, minerals, and many nutrients are necessary for your cancer diet. Even if you could figure out a cancer diet without eating green vegetables (including the grasses), you should not do it. These are REQUIRED to be the foundation of your cancer diet!!
Just as there are some things you must not eat, there are some things you MUST eat.
Juicing vegetables and grasses will help get more nutrients into the body. However, some whole vegetables should be eaten in order to get the fiber. Fiber is critical to a cancer treatment.
As with all juices, if you make the juice from the actual foods, the juice should be drunk immediately after they are prepared. In cases where many small doses of a fresh vegetable juice are needed to be taken (e.g. to avoid diarrhea), the juice can be refrigerated during the day.
Essentially, you should have organic, fresh salads/vegetables/juiced grasses/sprouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many of the other foods that are allowed on this diet should be mixed in with the salad, except for the vegetable juices.
A list of such vegetables taken from the Young book:
“broccoli [*], asparagus [*], beets [*-moderation], cabbage [*], carrots [*-moderation], cauliflower [*], celery, cucumbers, egg-plant, green and yellow squash [moderation], green beans and peas (fresh), red[*] and yellow[*] peppers (also green[*] if they agree with you), spinach, mustard greens, collards, kale [*], lettuce, okra, parsley[*], scallions, radishes, Swiss chard, watercress, sea vegetables, such as nori, wakame and niziki, wheat grass[*-usually juiced], barley grass[*-usually taken as a supplement], turnips[*], and sprouted grains[*] or beans[*]. Also eat lots of garlic[*] and onion[*], if they agree with you.” Sick and Tired? – page 96
The [*] symbol means this is a known anti-cancer food and these foods should be favored. The Young book is not specific to cancer, so it is necessary to inject comments relative to cancer. By the way, both of the Robert O. Young books have a number of recipes in them.
It would be a really good idea to juice all of the vegetables available that have the [*] symbol above!!
A word about sprouts. Even sprouts purchased in health food stores have been shown to have very dangerous bacteria in them. Wash them very well, but it is even better to make them yourself.


In general, only whole almonds, whole macadamia nuts and whole walnuts are allowed on a cancer diet. Cashews are strictly prohibited. Almonds and macadamia nuts both have laetrile, and both are acceptable. Walnuts have the very critical omega 3. Other nuts should be used very sparingly. Peanuts (which are not really nuts) and cashews both have too much fungus and should not be used at all.
With the exception of walnuts being used in a Budwig Diet treatment, even the acceptable nuts should be used sparingly.

The Superfoods

By a very wide margin, the best foods in the world are wheatgrass juice, barley grass juice and a few other grasses. Only a small number of vegetables can even come close to these superfoods. However, most people are not going to sprout grass (search the Internet for the phrase: “wheatgrass kits” if you want to do it). Thus, many vendors make a variety of qualities of parsley powder, kale powder, barley powder or powder made from a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and grasses. Hopefully you will pick the high quality products. Such foods are absolutely required for a cancer treatment, mostly due to chlorophyll, but for other reasons as well.
It is impossible for a family to recreate some of the products which include multiple grasses and leaves. These are good additions to a cancer diet.
However, in addition to such supplements, you will hopefully be able to juice fresh wheatgrass or barley grass for yourself.


Legumes, except peanuts, are allowed to be eaten by cancer patients, but only in moderation and only to stabilize the weight of the patient or to provide protein.

Soy Products

To put is mildly, soy products are a highly controversial issue among alternative health experts. Some experts love some soy products, and others hate all soy products (and that is also putting it mildly). It is up to your own judgment on this issue. Let me quote from Dr. Young’s book:
“The diet can include fresh soy sprouts, organic soybeans, fresh tofu, soy oil, and lecithin (a by-product of soy). Try to find organically grown beans and soy products. While the sprouts are recommended without reservation, processed soybean, especially tofu, comes with some cautions…” Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, Robert O. Young, page 97
In reality, all soy products should be avoided except fresh soy sprouts. Soy sprouts have an impressive number of anti-cancer nutrients and are acceptable as part of your salads, if you can make your own soy sprouts.

Whole Grains

Whole grains can be used only when a cancer patient is fighting dangerous weight loss. If the weight loss is uncontrolled, they should consider a cachexia treatment plan, based on Hydrazine Sulphate (see the sample treatment plans). Yeast, which every cancer patient has throughout their body, converts complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates, so even whole grains should be avoided when possible. In any case, avoid commercially stored grains and potatoes.
Another reason to avoid even whole grains is that over the decades the soil has become acidic and because of the soil many whole grains have more fungus than they did many decades ago. Corn and rice (because of the way they are stored) are grains that should be totally avoided.

Yeast (Baker’s and Brewer’s)

This is another reason for avoiding processed bread and other bakery products: “Japanese research links breast cancer with the ingestion of goods baked with yeast.” The problem is mycotoxins, which are waste products of yeast. There are many health problems that can be directly attributed to yeast, including arteriosclerosis, obesity, and AIDS.
NO flour (using yeast) can be used in a cancer diet, not even if whole grains are used!
** The only exception to this “yeast rule” is one particular Beta Glucan product called Transfer Point Beta-1, 3D Glucan; this supplement from Baker’s Yeast, however, is 100% Safe for anyone to take. Transfer Point is different than all other yeast beta glucans (which I would recommend you stay away from any others) because it is so highly purified thay it has 0 yeast properties at the cellular level. Therefore, it’s one of the only yeast-based products I would have a cancer patient take.

Meat, Fish, Fowl, Eggs, Dairy Products

All beef, all pork, all fish, all turkey and all chicken should be avoided during a cancer treatment. There are many reasons for these restrictions. The only exception is that if a person is fighting weight loss, some fresh, freshwater fish can be eaten if that is the ONLY thing the cancer patient will eat (e.g. they won’t eat beans or other legumes).
Avoid all dairy products, including butter, all cheeses and all malts, except cottage cheese or skim milk when used in the Budwig Diet. One exception is that pregnant and nursing women should eat two eggs per day because the choline is necessary for the baby’s brain development and the baby takes precedence since two eggs a day is not life-threatening to a cancer patient.
If a person must have milk, the only acceptable variety is unprocessed goat’s milk, “from organically grown and grazing goats.”
The Robert O. Young book contains two long pages detailing why all animal products are bad for humans. Specifically, meat is so bad for a cancer diet, I have a separate article on meats:
Click Here
The Rule of Thumb is this: “if it contains something that came from an animal, it is forbidden!”

Sweeteners, the Bad and the Good

ALL man-made sweeteners (e.g. aspartame – NutraSweet, Equal) and fat substitutes should also be avoided. These items are most often associated with brain cancer, but everyone should avoid them. This is one of many reasons soda pops are out of the question. Soda pops are also acidic.
There is only one acceptable sweetener in a cancer diet – Stevia, which is an herb.

Sugar and Refined Grains

You should absolutely avoid eating refined sugar and refined grains and anything else refined. These things not only feed the fungus and yeast in your body, they also feed the cancer cells. The yeast in flour makes things even worse. Do not eat anything where yeast, fungus or mould is used, added or is a part of.
In addition, refined sugar and other simple sugars also interfere with your immunity system. These substances also interfere with getting Vitamin C and oxygen into the cancer cells. Sugar also depletes the body of key minerals and other nutrients because of its acidity. It is not the acidity that directly destroys the minerals, the acidity causes the body to use the minerals to regulate the pH level in the body. The same is true of all acidic foods.
The chain reaction caused in the body by acidic foods (due to the body’s attempts to keep the blood at a level pH) is the cause, or a major contributing factor, to almost all chronic diseases, including cancer. It would take an entire book to describe how the body keeps its pH normal, and the ramifications of these processes. In fact, that is the main theme of Dr. Young’s book mentioned above.


If sugar is bad for people with cancer, how about honey, another simple sugar? Honey is a case of both the good and the bad. Honey contains simple sugars, the fructose (38 percent) and glucose (31 percent) feed cancer cells. The good news is that honey contains powerful phenolic antioxidants. However, like grape juice, it should be avoided unless used in a very controlled “fast” (and I have never put together a “fast” that includes honey). If such a “fast” is used, the darker the honey the better (i.e. the higher concentration of antioxidants).
If a cancer patient absolutely has to have some sweetness during his or her transition to a cancer diet, and Stevia is not available, then honey, in small amounts, is acceptable.

Fruits, Dried Fruits and Fruit Juices

The only fruits that are allowed on this diet, without restrictions, are the following: unsweetened lime, unsweetened lemon, and avocados. That is it. Lemons are actually a required part of any cancer treatment because of their beneficial effect on the liver and because they get oxygen into the body. Lemon juice and lime juice should be taken primarily just before bedtime.
One exception to this general rule is special fruit “fasts,” such as the Johanna Brandt Grape Cure. When the body gets nothing but a potent fruit mush, it is a potent cancer cure.
Another exception to these general rules are for those on a cesium chloride protocol. They are allowed to eat fruits rich in potassium in order to meet their potassium quota.

Mushrooms (Fungi), Seaweed and other Saccharides

There are some mushrooms that are used in cancer treatments, generally as supplements. Realizing that some mushrooms kill cancer cells, but are at the same time primarily a fungus, take heed. Mushrooms are one of the good and bad foods. Use with caution.
The good news about mushrooms is that they do contain polysaccharides, which are essential to the immunity system. Mushroom supplements such as beta glucan are certainly acceptable to a cancer diet.
“Polysaccharides from mushrooms do not attack cancer cells directly, but produce their antitumor effects by activating different immune responses in the host. The anti-tumor action of polysaccharides requires an intact T-cell component; their activity is mediated through a thymus-dependent immune mechanism.”
Link to Article
*Notably, the most potent Beta Glucan is actually Yeast Derived, I mentioned it earlier but I’ll link it here:
Source for The Most Potent Beta Glucan
Seaweed is also high in polysaccharides, but the FDA crushed one of the superb seaweed products from Tonga because they claimed there was no “scientific evidence” for seaweed. Apparently, those in the FDA have not heard about the Nobel Prize. Actually, the FDA has not only tried to crush polysaccharides, but also the more potent Acemannan glyconutrient sugars, which are required by the immunity system to be able to communicate.
Here is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED seaweed product, Modifilan (brown seaweed has at least 3 nutrients that kill cancer cells; furanone, fuecoiden, and algenic acid): Here is the product.
Aloe vera supplements can also be high in polysaccharides and the glyconutrients, but the glyconutrients are very difficult to process out of the aloe vera.
The next items also provides polysaccharides.

Algae (e.g. chlorella and spirulina)

Dr. Young says to stay away from blue-green algae, chlorella and spirulina. For cancer patients, I strongly disagree with this advice with regards to the chlorella and spirulina.
The benefits of chlorella and spirulina to a cancer patient, I believe, far outweigh the negative aspects. Between spirulina and chlorella they contain: polysaccharides (required for immune system communications), vitamin B12, GLA, Chlorophyll Growth Factor (CGF) and a host of other powerful anti-cancer nutrients. A vegan diet simply cannot provide all of these things.
If you do choose to avoid these items, then make sure you eat plenty of fresh organic broccoli.


Refined salt may be a major cause of cancer. Refined salt, the wrong fats, margarine and butter are the main causes of red blood cells sticking together (called: rouleau), causing them to absorb less oxygen and making hemoglobin a free meal for yeast and fungus. The clumped together red blood cells do not get as much oxygen into the cells of the body. Also, the clumped together red blood cells cannot pass through the smaller arteries/capillaries, meaning much less (if any) oxygen gets to cells in these areas of the body, and some of these cells may be turned to anaerobic (i.e. cancerous). As if that weren’t bad enough, once the cells are cancerous, the oxygen still can’t get to the cancer cells to slow down their spreading or kill them.
On the other hand, natural sea salt has a very similar mineral content as human blood. It is truly a health food as long as you don’t eat too much of it. Here is a quote:
“Salts obtained from solar evaporation of sea water are entirely different from modern refined salt. The plural “salts’ is deliberately used here, because sea water salts are actually a complex blend of trace minerals, as well as calcium and magnesium salts. This complex blend is essential to life, as Quinton’s research demonstrated.
Table salt today, [on the other hand,] is primarily kiln-dried sodium chloride with anti-caking agents added. Trace minerals, as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium salts are removed in processing. Kiln-drying involves scorching salt at high heat to remove moisture. This refining process creates a product that is unnatural and hard on the body. It is the true culprit that contributes to high blood pressure, heart trouble, kidney disease and eczema, among other problems.”
Another thing is for certain, the organic mineral cell salts found in vegetables, seaweed, etc. are critical.

Bad Fats and Oils

Other foods you should absolutely avoid are trans fats, meaning trans fatty acids or partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fatty acids may be one of the major causes of cancer. They become part of the cell’s wall (replacing cholesterol) and make the cell wall rigid or sticky and can make the cell anaerobic (i.e. the first step to becoming cancerous) because large oxygen clusters cannot get into the cells.
Like refined salt, these fats also destroy the electrical charge of red blood cells, causing them to “stick” together. When this happens, among other things, the red blood cells do not get to many cancer cells, meaning the cancer cells get far less oxygen (if any), meaning they thrive because they are anaerobic.
Another bad food for cancer patients is polyunsaturated oils. Polyunsaturated oils (e.g. corn oils sold in supermarkets everywhere) promote the growth of small blood vessels (by promoting the production of “bad” prostaglandins). This is bad for cancer because it allows tumors to grow new blood vessels. However, these small blood vessels are good for preventing strokes. Thus, while on a cancer diet avoid polyunsaturated oils.
In short, avoid all heated oils.

Herbs and Spices

All herbs and spices are acceptable, except black pepper and other highly acidic spices. Several herbs, such as Sheep Sorrel and Black Walnut, are known to be strong anti-cancer foods. Turmeric, which contains curcumin, is a spice that is a potent anti-cancer food.
As with all foods, the storage of herbs can cause them to be high in fungus. Also, herbs should generally not be used on a non-stop basis, unless specifically instructed to take them daily. Generally, it is best to take a periodic break from herbs.

Junk Foods, Condiments and Other Comments

You can forget about eating at a restaurant, big or small, formal or informal, unless it has a menu specifically for organic, raw foods.
Condiments are absolutely forbidden. One of the most acidic foods on earth is black pepper (black pepper is a major cause of acid reflux disease). Avoid soy sauce, pickled vegetables, relish, green olives, sauerkraut, and cucumber pickles.
Basically, any “refined” or processed food that contains sugar, refined salt, aspartame, MSG, trans-fatty acids, coloring, other additives, refined flour, etc. etc. should be avoided. Even the cooking of food kills critical enzymes needed for digestion.
There is a trend in the food industry of making “no trans fats” foods. This does not mean these are healthy foods. They are processed.
While it is true that cooking does release some vitamins, by a very wide margin, overall it is better to eat food raw, if it can be safely eaten raw.
Need I even mention stopping smoking (no matter what kind of cancer you have), because smoking puts more than 100 carcinogens in your body. Tobacco is also very high in sugar, fungi and yeasts. Part of this is due to they way tobacco leaves are processed.
Need I even mention stopping drinking alcohol (which is a “primary mycotoxin”), which interferes with ALL treatment plans. Alcohol has been shown to greatly increase the incidence of childhood leukemia. Need I even mention caffeine (except when it is used as an enema), because caffeine restricts the blood vessels, meaning less oxygen gets to the cancer cells. It is also acid-forming and mucoid-forming. Sorry, chocolate lovers.
Let us use some common sense in our choices.

Some Special Listed Foods

Peanuts are perhaps the number one food that should be avoided because they are so high in fungus. Foods that have little resistance to invaders, when they are growing, are frequently high in fungus.
Corn, rice (because of the way it is stored) and potatoes, and any foods with corn, rice or potatoes, should be avoided, also because of fungus and the way they are stored.
Cashews are another food high in fungus.
Avoid processed apple juice for reasons beyond the scope of this article.
Avoid oranges, tangerines, and dried fruits, for a variety of reasons.
Do not microwave any foods during a cancer diet.

Water and Exercise

Every cancer patient should drink as much natural water (i.e. natural spring water or natural artesian water, processed with ozone) as they can, up to a gallon a day. The many benefits of water are beyond the scope of this article, but rest assured it is important.
Also, a cancer patient should get as much exercise as reasonable. Exercise pumps the lymph system and helps get toxins out of the body. Even if a person can do no more than lift 3 pound weights for 10 minutes while sitting in a chair, it will help.
As Dr. Young emphasizes, it is also good to sweat in order to release toxins.

Raw Food Diet Recipes

Here is a website of raw food diet recipes (make sure you follow the above rules):

Warning: Very Important Safety Comment

Most green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K. It is definitely NOT a good idea to eat high amounts of cabbage or other green leafy vegetables day after day. This can cause blood clotting and may lead to a stroke, for example. Use moderation and variety in your diet.

The Liver

According to Dr. Max Gerson, and others, even before the symptoms of cancer appear, the liver is damaged. As the cancer progresses, the damage to the liver also progresses.
The liver is the major organ in the body which deals with toxins. A person on an alternative cancer treatment releases a lot of toxins into the blood stream which end up in the liver. Because of this, the liver must be “detoxified” or “cleansed.”
There are some alternative treatments that contain liver detoxification elements in the treatment itself. The grape cure, Essiac Tea, barley greens, and others, cleanse the liver along with the treatment.
There are also a slew of herbs which “stimulate” or “detoxify” the liver. At the head of this class, as far as I know, is the herb “Milk Thistle.”
Several alternative cancer treatments specifically deal with the liver by using enemas. Coffee enemas are by far the most common and are part of the Kelley metabolic plan, the Gerson diet, the Hulda Clark treatment, and others. “[Coffee enemas are] said to open the bile duct of the liver so that it quickly sends material into the colon for elimination.” Occasionally, lemon enemas are also used.
The bottom line is that in designing a treatment plan, the care of cleaning the liver is critical. If the toxins in the liver build up and are not removed, it can cause the death of the liver, which means the death of the patient.
“The liver (among its many other functions) is the major organ of detoxification. Anything we can do to ease our toxic burden makes the liver’s job easier – including eating less, drinking more water, reducing our intake of toxins, exercising more, eating more fibre, and so on. There are also a number of herbs that help the liver with its detoxification tasks. These include dandelion root, yellow dock, burdock, chickweed and barberry – which are more effective when taken in combination than singly.”
Another thing that will ease the burden on the liver is the lymph system. The lymph system also helps remove toxins from the blood, but the lymph system does not have a “pump,” such as the circulatory system has (the “pump” of the circulatory system is the heart). The lymph system is only pumped by exercise.
“Like the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is made up of channels or vessels, valves and filters (nodes). Unlike the bloodstream system, however, there is no pump like the heart. Instead, the lymphatic fluid is forced through the system by the action of the muscles and breathing.”
The lymphatic system is critical to the immunity system, to the treatment of cancer and to taking a burden off of the liver. Many cancer patients, for a variety of reasons, are in no condition to go for long walks, jog, or do other types of exercise. However, the good news is that the arm muscles are just as good, and perhaps better, at pumping the lymphatic system as are the legs. Thus, lifting hand weights can accomplish much in helping the lymphatic system.
However, prior to cleansing the liver of toxins, the colon must be cleansed so that the toxins can be dumped into the colon!! This means that at the beginning of any alternative cancer treatment, there must be a colon cleanse.
“It is important to make sure that the colon is in good shape before stimulating the healing of the liver. If toxins cannot be excreted, the liver may store them, causing harm.”
See the free, online eBook by Jon Barron to learn more about detoxification.
Jon Barron book (Click on: FREE DOWNLOAD)

A Note About Quality (i.e. Vendors)

There are many different natural treatments for cancer where their effectiveness is completely a function of the quality of the product. For example, there are many Noni Juice manufacturers. Some of their products are terrific and others are total junk. There are many Essiac Tea vendors, some of their products are excellent, some are total junk. There are many vitamin manufacturers, and some of their products are good and some are total junk. Graviola is the same way, much of it is junk, but the tree has great nutrients. Pau d’ Arco is very difficult to process correctly and I am not sure any vendor does it right. And so on.
No matter what you buy, you must be aware that the formula might be excellent, but the quality of the product may be poor.
This is one reason why a product from one vendor may work wonders for one person, but the same product from a different vendor may not work at all for others.
It is difficult to evaluate the quality of natural products. One reason is that natural products take longer to become effective than the orthodox pills that treat symptoms instead of causes. This means it takes longer to evaluate.
These are some of the reasons that I recommend using multiple treatments at the same time. One or two of the products may be inferior quality, but other products may make up for the slack.
But this approach is another reason it is difficult to evaluate natural products. You don’t know which of the products are working and which are not.
In some cases, the product is only manufactured by one vendor, such as when there is a patent or a brand name. However, even in this case the selling companies, or shipping companies, may allow the product to be exposed to high temperatures which might destroy much of the value of the product.
Only when you make the product yourself, and buy the ingredients locally, can you be certain of its quality. That is why it is always advisable that at least one or two key treatments in your protocol are purchased locally at a grocery store or health food store, and put together at your home.
Having said all of this, there are some vendor products that have a long history of superb quality and effectiveness. This is where “word of mouth” is important and testimonials on the internet are important.
All in all, beware. If your treatment is not providing significant improvement in your condition, it may be time to change vendors or change products.
This is another reason I say to never stop doing your homework. You never know when you will find some key piece of information that will direct you to make a significant change.

The Distressing Symptoms of a Severe Change in Diet

When you go on a natural treatment for cancer, such as the grape cure, hydrogen peroxide, raw food diet (i.e. carrot-based vegetable juice), etc. you can expect some strong reactions from the body. As Johanna Brandt put it:
“The grape is, as far as I know, the most powerful nature solvent of some chemical deposits, and at the same time the most drastic eliminator. Because of its extraordinary properties, the avenues of excretion become superbly active under a proper grape diet.” (page 102)
Other foods and treatments can also yield these results. Here are a sample of things I have run into:
“[After starting an alternative treatment program] I had chemotherapy coming out the pores of my skin, even though it had been months since I had any. I had to take showers several times a day to wash this stuff off because it would burn my skin as it came out. It smelled putrid. It was just awful, the toxic stuff that was coming out of me.”
“Something else I noticed was that any time she had a bowel movement (which became quite frequent after the start of the diet) it was so foul smelling, almost like she was excreting rotten flesh!”
“He is doing well at taking everything as he is supposed to. My sister said that she noticed a foul odor ‘like it was coming out his pores’ last Sunday. She said it smelled horrible and was nauseating and unbearable.”
And if you are on a colon flush, it gets worse:
“He reported lumps of foul smelling substances that looked like ‘rotten hamburger’ flushing out of his colon, his urine was strong and dark, and he had occasional headaches.
These symptoms, plus diarrhea, constipation, etc. can all result from a massive change in diet or the treatment itself. They are common, they are normal and usually they are an indication the treatment is working!

Read More http://www.cancertutor.com/alt_diet/

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