12 Apr, 2012
General Patton, after whom the Patton
tank is named, was the most outstanding, the most daring, the most
original and the most honest allied General during World War II. On
account of his fiery integrity, brilliance, and exceptional bravery,
lesser generals like Eisenhower, even though they were senior to him,
feared General Patton. His successes had made him a legend during his
lifetime. It is now known that General Patton was murdered on the
express orders of the chief of OSS - Office of Strategic Services, the
precursor of CIA - General "Wild Bill" Donovan. The British tutored and
controlled the OSS through him and Britain was controlled by the "High
Cabal", a term used by Churchill during World War II. The "High Cabal"
is also known as the One World cabal or the Elite in literature. The
"High Cabal" of Churchill was controlled by the Rothschilds because they
controlled Britain's money line. Donovan was thus an agent of the
Elite, the One World cabal of international bankers, and their allies. Fluoride Information
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Lethal Drone Strikes to be Used Against Chalkers?
Tell San Diego city attorney: Don’t prosecute people who chalk

Because he wrote anti-bank slogans outside Bank of America—in washable chalk. On the sidewalk.
The bank pressured the city attorney, who pressed charges. Before the case went to trial, the city attorney prosecuting the case successfully motioned to block Olson from arguing a First Amendment defense.
Join us in demanding that the San Diego City Attorney drop charges against Jeff Olson.
Dear San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith:
Prosecuting people who chalk political messages on vandalism charges is a blatant abuse of power, and sets a dangerous precedent for the First Amendment. Please drop all charges against Jeff Olson immediately.
Prosecuting people who chalk political messages on vandalism charges is a blatant abuse of power, and sets a dangerous precedent for the First Amendment. Please drop all charges against Jeff Olson immediately.
26217 total signers.
Credit: DarkElfPhoto
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Washington is Insane by Paul Craig Roberts
Washington Is Insane
Paul Craig Roberts
by Paul Craig Roberts: What
Is the Government’s Agenda?
Polls demonstrate that 65% of the US population opposes US intervention in Syria. Despite this clear indication of the people’s will, the Obama regime is ramping up a propaganda case for more arming of Washington’s mercenaries sent to overthrow the secular Syrian government and for a “no-fly zone” over Syria, which, if Libya is the example, means US or NATO aircraft attacking the Syrian army on the ground, thus serving as the air force of Washington’s imported mercenaries, euphemistically called “the Syrian rebels.”
Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident "Consistent with a Car Cyber Attach"
Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident “Consistent with a Car Cyber Attack”
“Intelligence agencies… know how to remotely seize control of a car.”Kurt Nimmo
June 24, 2013
Richard Clarke. Photo: National Communications System
“There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers” — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car,” Clarke said.
On Saturday, Infowars.com posted a video of a talk presented by Dr. Kathleen Fisher, a program manager for DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies. Fisher admitted that the Pentagon has researched remotely controlling cars through hacking on board computers.
In 2011, Car and Driver magazine published an article substantiating the Pentagon research.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Herman Goering's Quote On War And The People
Hermann Goering's Quote
On War And The People
- "Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
- --Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
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War is A Racket by Smedley Darlington Butler
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Smedley Darlington Butler
- Born: West Chester, Pa., July 30, 1881
- Educated: Haverford School
- Married: Ethel C. Peters, of Philadelphia, June 30, 1905
- Awarded two congressional medals of honor:
- capture of Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1914
- capture of Ft. Riviere, Haiti, 1917
- Distinguished service medal, 1919
- Major General - United States Marine Corps
- Retired Oct. 1, 1931
- On leave of absence to act as
director of Dept. of Safety, Philadelphia, 1932- Lecturer -- 1930's
- Republican Candidate for Senate, 1932
- Died at Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, June 21, 1940
- For more information about Major General Butler,
contact the United States Marine Corps.
War Is A Racket
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Multiple Prongs of Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is an action plan or blueprint
of a desired future. This desired future is shrouded in feel good
environmental protective development and innovation or otherwise
referred to as green, green movement, and/or environmentalism. Sadly, Agenda 21 is an utter ruse for painting
a largely Dystopian future as Utopian to many activists and activist
groups. There is a larger picture to Agenda 21 that many people either
refuse to acknowledge or determined to dismiss the doubt requiring
Agenda 21 is one pincer of several. Most people don’t realize
precisely what Agenda 21 incurs, and many don’t acknowledge that it is a
Dystopian nightmare for the vast majority of people. Unless one is a
Bureaucrat, Technocrat, Bismarkianist or broadly elitist/statist, and a
psychopath-sociopath, Agenda 21 is nowhere near Utopia, its principle
underlining tenet is close control and the evaporation or transition of rights, liberties, and freedoms into simply privileges at the discretion of those in control.Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Michael Hastings 1980-2013 Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans from Buzzfeed
Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans
Besides Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall, most Democrats abandoned their civil liberty positions during the age of Obama.
With a new leak investigation looming, the Democrat leadership are now
being forced to confront all the secrets they’ve tried to hide.
Michael Hastings
BuzzFeed Staff
Image by Jeff Chiu / AP
For most bigwig Democrats in Washington, D.C., the last 48 hours has
delivered news of the worst kind — a flood of new information that has
washed away any lingering doubts about where President Obama and his
party stand on civil liberties, full stop.
Glenn Greenwald’s exposure of the NSA’s massive domestic spy program has revealed the entire caste of current Democratic leaders as a gang of civil liberty opportunists, whose true passion, it seems, was in trolling George W. Bush for eight years on matters of national security.
“Everyone should just calm down,” Senator Harry Reid said yesterday, inhaling slowly.
That’s right: don’t panic.
Glenn Greenwald’s exposure of the NSA’s massive domestic spy program has revealed the entire caste of current Democratic leaders as a gang of civil liberty opportunists, whose true passion, it seems, was in trolling George W. Bush for eight years on matters of national security.
“Everyone should just calm down,” Senator Harry Reid said yesterday, inhaling slowly.
That’s right: don’t panic.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
IRS "Nudged" Into Targeting Obama Enemies by Victor Thorn AFP
IRS “Nudged Into Targeting Obama Enemies
By Victor Thorn
Washington, D.C., the biggest mystery circulating among congressional
committees and mainstream media lapdogs is: who directed the IRS to harass
conservative political organizations?
Few of
them, however, are focusing on the possible culprit, Cass
R. Sunstein, Barack Obama’s longtime friend and colleague from The
University of Chicago Law School, as well as his former regulations czar. As
the co-author of a book entitled Nudge,
Sunstein advocated “nudging the behavior of associates in a particular
than smoking gun written memos or direct orders that corroded the president’s
plausible deniability, Sunstein said on November 7, 2007: “It’s a very firm part
of human nature that if you surround yourself with like-minded people, you’ll
end up thinking more extreme versions of what you thought before.” In essence,
Sunstein viewed those in the government’s machinery as little more than lab
rats that could be urged into following certain paths if the appropriate
prompts were provided.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
The Terrifying Future of the United States by Storm Cloud Gathering
Cloud Gathering presents The Terrifying Future of the United States. This short video puts into perspective
where we may be heading as a country.
above video bring George Orwell’s novel 1984 up to date.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say by Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News
TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say
"There was a lack of coordination and willful denial of information," Hank Hughes, a senior accident investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said on Wednesday during a conference call with reporters. "There were 755 witnesses. At no time was information provided by the witnesses shared by the FBI."
Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.
The investigators would not speculate on the reasons for the alleged coverup or who would have fired the missile that they believe took down the plane.
After a four-year investigation, the NTSB concluded the plane was destroyed by a center fuel tank explosion likely caused by a spark from faulty wiring. But according to Tom Stalcup, a co-producer of the documentary, the film presents new "radar and forensic evidence proving that one or more ordnance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash." The film will premiere on EPIX on July 17, the 17th anniversary of the disaster.
"These investigators were not allowed to speak to the public or refute any comments made by their superiors and/or NTSB and FBI officials about their work at the time of the official investigation," a news release announcing the documentary said. "They waited until after retirement to reveal how the official conclusion by the (NTSB) was falsified and lay out their case."
The investigators filed a petition with the NTSB on Wednesday calling for a new probe. The NTSB had said it would review any petition related to the 1996 crash, which touched off one of the most complex air disaster investigations in U.S. history.
The CIA and FBI conducted a parallel investigation to determine if a bomb or missile had brought down the plane.
Dozens of eyewitnesses in the Long Island area "recalled seeing something resembling a flare or firework ascend and culminate in an explosion," the CIA said in a 2008 report. "Had the crash been the result of state-sponsored terrorism, it would have been considered an act of war." Also from the report:
The CIA responded to the FBI’s request within 24 hours of the crash. This support consisted primarily of help from the Counterterrorist Center in the Directorate of Operations and from a small group of analysts in the Office of Weapons, Technology and Proliferation in the Directorate of Intelligence.But after an eight-month investigation, the CIA "concluded with confidence and full substantiation that the eyewitnesses had not seen a missile."
The CIA's deputy director of intelligence wrote in a 1997 memo,"Our analysis demonstrates that the eyewitness sightings of greatest concern to us—the ones originally interpreted to be of a possible missile attack—took place after the first of several explosions aboard the aircraft."
"We went back and interviewed these people and found them to be quite credible," Hughes said on Wednesday.
He added: "We have no hidden agenda here—we just want the truth."
Friday, June 14, 2013
Pilgrims Society by Charles Savoie
Thursday, June 13, 2013
DHS Admits Boston Training Drill Involving Backpack Explosives Planned Months Before Marathon by Anthony Gucciardi and Boston Globe
DHS Admits Boston Training Drill Involving Backpack Explosives Planned Months Before Marathon
The Department of Homeland Security has gone public with an admission that an exercise was planned months before the Boston Marathon bombings that involved backpacks being used to detonate explosives by rogue terrorists.According to the DHS documents acquired by the Boston Globe, the agents were planning on conducting training exercises centered around a fictitious terrorist group called ‘Free America Citizens’, a group that would plant backpacks full of explosives around Boston that the detectives would be forced to track down. Ultimately, of course, this ended up happening at the Boston Marathon itself with precise accuracy. The Globe report reads that “the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.”
And the DHS isn’t denying that the training exercise manifested itself at the Boston Marathon, as detailed in the back-end article on the Boston Globe that I discovered while browsing the news.
“The real thing happened before we were able to execute,” a Boston police official told the Boston Globe in the report.The exercise, labeled as “Operation Urban Shield,” was funded by a $200,000 Homeland Security grant. It was planned months before the Boston Marathon, and it was scheduled to ‘take place’ in official capacity this weekend, according to the sources. But the exercise admission lends further credence to the ignored eyewitness account of bomb sniffing dogs and bomb squads running a training exercise during the morning of the Boston Marathon. Was this training exercise part of Operation Urban Shield?
I will be reporting more on Operation Urban Shield as more information becomes available.
About the Author (Author Profile)
Google Plus Profile Anthony Gucciardi is the creator of Storyleak, accomplished writer, producer, and seeker of truth. His articles have been read by millions worldwide and are routinely featured on major alternative news websites like Drudge Report, Infowars, NaturalNews, G Edward Griffin's Reality Zone, and many others. He is also a founding member of the third largest alternative health site in the world, NaturalSociety.com.Subscribe
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