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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Natural Health Fakers; their scam and their fear/Credit cards with carbon limits and universal obedience


Natural Health Fakers; their scam and their fear
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
In a small American city, a supermarket caters to locals who’ve lived in the area for a long time.

Because the political authority has mandated masks, most of the shoppers wear them. But some don’t. The store employees ignore those who don’t. There’s no harassment.

Across town, a major health food store presents a quite different scene. Everyone is wearing a mask. Shoppers keep their distance from one another. If a daring shopper walks the aisles with a naked face, there’s a good chance a masked marauder will shout at him: PUT YOUR MASK ON. Store employees will definitely descend on him and hold out a mask. If the outlier refuses, the employees will promptly kick him out of the store.

What’s going on? Why are these supposed natural health devotees behaving like germophobic storm troopers?

Why are they suddenly worshipping at the altar of Fauci?

Why are they supporting the mainstream/government medical model?

Indeed, as it turns out, why are so many eagerly lining up to take the vaccine, which is actually a genetic treatment, when they’ve been attacking Monsanto/Bayer for genetically modifying crops?

Why do they squeeze that germicide goo out of a machine on their hands before they enters the store, when they believe Nature (their goddess), in her wisdom, has dispensed trillions to the trillionth power microorganisms all over the planet?

Once upon a time, long ago, natural health advocates went to the wall for Health Freedom, the right of every human to decide how to take care of his own body. Big government and big medicine were the enemies.

In 1994, I ran for a seat in the US Congress on a platform of Health Freedom, and I met some of these people. They were true (not fake, not compromised) libertarians. Their vision of freedom was crystal clear. And inspiring.

However, the present generation of natural health people (certainly not all, but many of them) are working an entirely different program.

Its bottom line is:


It’s a full-blown wall-to-wall fetish.

They see themselves as “successful in life,” and as such---no matter what platitudes and virtue signals they broadcast publicly---they consider themselves a class apart from the great unwashed masses.

For them, the lower masses are definitely unclean. And in order to build and maintain a wall against close contact with those proles, the new “natural health” proponents will take every measure they deem necessary.

Masks? Wonderful. Wear at least one, maybe two. Socially distance? Of course. Forget about six feet. Six miles, at least, if at all possible. There must be no class mixing.

Shame and attack the unvaccinated? You bet. Those virus-laden dirty super-spreaders must be stopped at any cost.

Suddenly, Mother Nature is a goddess who bathes in a tub of Purell twice a day, and rubs various oils and creams and gels and lotions on her body, to ward off the dirt and grime and ooze of The Streets. She does internal Cleanses at an upscale resort-retreat.

And if you could probe down below all the fancy memes and slogans these new “natural health” advocates adorn themselves with, you would find the conviction that THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, AND DEPOPULATION IS A MUST.

Otherwise, contact with the UNCLEAN is unavoidable.

And that is how these present-day Soldiers of Nature secretly join up with the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, various elite “radical environmentalists,” and other eugenicists, on behalf of The Great Reset, which ultimately demands Culling the Herd.

---Although, short of torture, you could never wring such a confession from one of these contemporary “natural health” persons.

The unwritten history of the last 40 years involves the transformation of the Health Freedom movement, from the radical I DECIDE to ELIMINATE THE UNWASHED.

As I say, not all those who still stand for Health Freedom now are on the side of Big Government and Big Medicine, but a disturbing number are.

As they stalk the health food stores wearing their masks, searching out offenders, they vaguely remember their freer days, long past---but now they’re the Stasi and the KGB. And they have no idea how that switch happened.

Meet the new androids.

If you actually took them to meet Nature, up close and personal, on an African plain where hungry lions were attacking the dead carcass of an antelope, pulling out the entrails, ripping away chunks of flesh, vultures circling overhead, stench-ridden dogs trotting in the background waiting for their leftovers, thousands of flies gathering on the corpse, they would flee back to their jeeps.

For them, the ideal wished-for dream of a natural environment would be the back seat of an air-conditioned limo cruising silently through Beverly Hills, the interior air sweet with the scent of lavender sanitizer.

For all but a few of them, that vision is a shore too far. But it’s a comforting fantasy.

Meanwhile, they can patrol health food stores and harass the unmasked. They can shout: VIRUS. They can imagine they’re wearing black uniforms and have guns in their hands.

Or syringes and needles.

“Hold that disgusting man down! I’m going to shoot him full of Moderna! Then I’m going home, taking three showers and testing myself. Call Dr. Fauci and tell him I’m on the case. Achtung! We will destroy the Unclean…”


(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)

(Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport)
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Credit cards with carbon limits and universal obedience
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Millions obey mass imprisonments
And line up for the genetic shot in the arm
The new psychopathic witch who is governor of NY
Filling the shoes of departed mob boss Cuomo
Is firing all the state medical workers who refuse the vaccine
And is threatening to bring in the National Guard to replace them
Will they be toting their guns?
The military forcing treatment on patients?
So all is not calm
No, Virginia, civilization is not utopia
Even if the shopping mall has enough corn dogs and Pepsi for every schoolchild in your neighborhood wearing a mask


And now we have new credit cards that “regulate your carbon footprint.” Idiot’s delight. In case you thought the Great Reset was a fantasy, get a load of this from lifesitenews:

“The company that created a credit card to track your purchases’ CO2 emissions is set to launch a ‘premium’ version of the card that cuts off your spending as soon as you hit your ‘carbon max’.”

“This is the latest of many schemes to force major changes in human behaviour to allegedly lessen [the scientific hoax called] global warming…”

“Doconomy has partnered with Mastercard and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to create technology for the everyday consumer that ‘connects the purchase price of a product with the effect on the planet measured in Kg CO2, and then recommends the amount to offset – practically putting a price on carbon,’ as the Doconomy website explains.”

“The DO credit card works hand-in-hand with a phone app, launched in April 2019, that quantifies the CO₂ emissions generated from each credit card transaction [from each product purchased]. The website introduces the card with video footage of whitewashed, typical consumer goods floating, like trash, as if through space, each labeled with a carbon emissions number.”

“The back of the card reads underneath the signature authorization area, ‘I’m taking responsibility for every transaction I make to help protect our planet’.”

“Doconomy will soon release a ‘premium’ version of the credit card, called DO Black, touting it as ‘the first credit card ever to stop you from overspending’.”

“Measured against the UN goal of cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030, DO Black ‘comes with a monthly tCO2e limit, ensuring that we stick to the UN-2030-recommended cuts in carbon,’ the website reads.”

“The website currently features a sneak peek of the message the card user will be met with as soon as they hit their carbon max, complete with a red exclamation point warning: ‘Transaction denied! Carbon limit reached’.”

“Their goal is ambitious: ‘bring about structural change by rewiring the financial system,’ as their website reads. Their services are already being used by the bank Klarna, which is providing ‘carbon impact calculations on all transactions by all users’ through Doconomy’s Åland Index. This is being described as ‘the largest initiative ever taken by a bank in educating its users on the impact of consumption’.”

“While the card is currently being advertised for voluntary use, Marc Morano, founder and executive editor of what leftists call the ‘climate change denial’ website Climate Depot, has predicted that this voluntary phase will have its own expiration date:”

“’This CO2 monitoring credit card will begin as a “voluntary” measure with no “mandate.” But how long until this CO2 card will be mandated by big corporations in collusion with governments? Given how the climate activists are aping the COVID lockdowns, expect this credit card to be mandatory under a “climate emergency”’.”


The COVID lockdowns, masks, distancing, business closures, and vaccine mandates are part of a larger plan of conditioning populations to obey dictates in times of “necessity.” Meaning declared emergencies.

EMERGENCY is the ideal fascist word stuck in the brain of the citizenry. Its intent is to obtain compliance, no matter what type of emergency is being promoted. Pandemic, climate change, economic depression, food shortages, etc.

This is a test. We are the test subjects.

The purpose of the experiment? How far can murdering sociopaths go in commandeering our lives and destroying our freedom?

How far will we let them go?

What are we willing to risk, in order to stay free?

What is more important? Life or freedom?


(The link to this article posted on my blog is here.)

(Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport)

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