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An American Affidavit

Friday, June 25, 2021

We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 4


We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 4           


You Know Something is Wrong When… An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Anna Maria Rietzinger and James Clinton Belcher

               Part Four:

              Moving On



~ The Titles of Nobility Amendment        1810 to 1819 ~



"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim,

receive, or retain any title of nobility or

honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office,

or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such

person shall cease to be a citizen of the trust or profit from under them, or either of them."




It took almost nine years, but on 12 March 1819 Virginia became the 13th and final State

required to ratify the above amendment to The Constitution for the united States of America.

[Not to be confused with the much later look-alike, sound-alike corporate Constitution of the

United States of America.]



The Titles of Nobility Amendment added a strict, specific, and enforceable penalty for

violations of the already existing constitutional prohibition in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 --

loss of citizenship and inability to hold public office.


So what are all these “District Courts” and “State Courts” inhabited by black robed Bar Member Judges and attorneys sporting the title “Esquire”?



They are private courts operated in foreign jurisdictions by undeclared foreign agents. The

American BAR Association has a Treaty allowing it to function on American soil, which it has grossly abused.



What appear to be "State Statutes" are issued under private copyright. Public documents are all

public domain and cannot be copyrighted.



The take home news for American State Citizens is that (1) No member of the Bar Association

can occupy any public office associated with you, nor your State on the land, nor the

Continental United States in general: (2) if a Bar Association Member is associated with any

action pretending to having actual impact upon you or the land jurisdiction of the Continental

United States that action is null and void; (3) none of the "courts" you commonly see

rampaging around issuing charges and handing out orders have jurisdiction over your person or

your property; (4)No Act of any version of Congress or any "State" Legislature tainted by

members of the Bar Association can be applied to you.



The Bar Association Members can work for the Federal United States and for Washington DC

Municipality and the United Nation City-State, and all these foreign governments have created

regularly attack these franchises and make false claims that seem to be addressed to you ( a

purposeful deceit called personage) but in fact, by Maxim of Law, those who create franchises

are responsible for all debts and upkeep costs of those franchises.




We are all responsible for what we create.




Note the CRIMES Involved...

Personage: the crime of knowingly misrepresenting a living man or woman as a legal fiction -- some form of corporation, such as a trust, public utility, or foundation.



For example, knowingly mischaracterizing a living woman named "elizabeth arden" as if she

were the corporate design company known as ELIZABETH ARDEN (INC.) is a crime of




Barratry: (Yes, named after the Bar Association for good reason.) The crime of knowingly

bringing false claims and charges based on personage in order to use foreign statutory law

against living people.


These two crimes are routinely practiced by members of the Bar Association worldwide to inflict unjust punishments, defraud people of property, and to raise money for themselves and the banks they work for.



The American Bar Association has violated their corporate charters, the Smith Act (1940) and

the Taft-Hartley Act with impunity. Fearing retribution, nobody has had the guts enough to take them on and expose their criminality.

ELIZABETH ARDEN = A Federal municipal franchise


Elizabeth Arden = A Federal State franchises


elizabeth-ann:arden = a living woman



Now Right Here is Where a BIG Confusion Starts!



1. There are living people born on the land of the 50 States United, who are civilian inhabitants

of the organic states known to be birthright citizens of the Constitutional United States, people who are owed all the guarantees of The Constitution, a Republican form of government, and full enjoyment of their Natural Rights.



2. There are living people who were either born in Federal territories or who are defined as

Federal United States Citizens by default, contract, or treaty, who operate under the

international Jurisdiction of the Sea as part of a Democracy. They have only Civil Rights which

are granted or taken away by members of Congress.



3. There are "legal fiction persons" - millions of them named after living American State

Citizens - all routinely called "U.S. Citizens" or UNITED STATE CITIZENS.



We have the actual organic states, and we have the States and STATES that only exist on




We have the actual people who are citizens or Citizens, and we have all sorts of legal fiction

entities that are being passed off as CITIZENS...



And you, asleep at the wheel...



Who is responsible for this mess? It's a long list....



The Holy See and the Vatican and all the Popes since 1845.


The British Monarchs since 1845.


The Crown Commercial Conglomerate since 1845.


The Crown Temple and Bar Associations since 1845.


The U.S. Army since 1863.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff since 1944.


The United Nations and the Secretary General since 1944.


The UNITED NATIONS since 1943.


The Federal Reserve Association since 1911.

The Federal Reserve System since 1913.


The World Bank and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development since 1930

(international) and 1933 (domestic).


The International Monetary Fund since 1944.



The Vatican Bank since 1930.


The Bank for International Settlements since 1944.


The United States of America (Inc.) since 1868.


The UNITED STATES (INC.) since 1944.


The FEDERAL RESERVE since 2011.




The members of the United States Congress since 1861.



The members of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS since 1933.


The Congress of the United States of America since 1868.


All Presidents since Lincoln except Garfield and Kennedy.






Only people can be American State Citizens.


Living people have appellations, not names. (Only “things” have names.) Also, living people

have autographs...only corporate officers have




Also, in Law, people are either described as, for example:

“John Quincy of the House Adams”, or denoted by the use of all small letters, as in: “john-



This doesn't agree with what you've been taught to think and do and say, but it is of vital

importance to know. In legal parlance the style in which a name is written tells what it is.



“Legal Styles”


A name written in ALL CAPITALS

Italicized is the NAME of a ship...




A name written in all small letters represents a living man...


eg: john quincy adams

A name written in all capital letters can only be one of two things...


(1)– a corporation of some kind (representing a corporate charter)



(2)– a dead man's estate (tombstones are written in all caps)



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