Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, January 3, 2025

Video: Expert Panel Testimony on Harm to Children from the mRNA Injections - Dec 18, 2024

 This is a 1-hour excerpt from the Franklin County (WA) Commissioner's Meeting of Dec 18, 2024. It features EXCELLENT testimony from the following presenters: Intro by Laura Demereau(?), RN Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. Kirk Milhoan, on vaccine-induced myocarditis in children and teens Dr. Christina Parks, PhD in cellular molecular biology Sasha Latypova, pharmaceutical R&D for 20+ years Dr. James Thorp, 45-years in Obstetrics and Gynecology I thought this was an excellent video to send to people in your family or friends — especially those who still consider exposing their children to these injections — who you think might be open to learning the truth about this vaccine regime. Source: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/presentation-to-the-franklin-county

201. Serving The Imperial Virus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


201. Serving The Imperial Virus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Serving The Imperial Virus


  Toynbee thought he could calculate Britain's jeopardy if it allowed the masses dreams of  independence by a comparison with the Soviet Russia where revolutionary dreaming  once dictated social arrangements:  


     In Marxian Communism we have a notorious example in our midst of a modern Western  philosophy which changed in a lifetime quite out of recognition into a proletarian  religion, taking the path of violence and carving its New Jerusalem with the sword on the  plains of Russia.   


     The working-class proletariat conceived by Toynbee is in a permanent childlike state, one  that requires constant management. Because of this ongoing necessity, a second  proletariat must be created, "a special social class" which represents a professionalized     proletariat, "often quite abruptly and artificially" gathered by the national leadership to  aid in managing the lumpish mass of ordinary folk. 


      The size this bureaucratic cohort will reach depends upon the circumstances which call it  into being. If the dominant minority decides to wage war, for instance, a vast enlargement  of noncoms and line officers will occur; if it decides to concentrate public attention on  charitable benevolence, a mushrooming

Medical office survey


Chapter Nine: The Rule of the Order by Eustace Mullins


The Rule of the Order

"And behold at evening tide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us and the lot of them that rob us."—ISAIAH 17; 14.

Five men rule the world. This Council of Five consists of Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, George Pratt Shultz, Robert Roosa (from Bush's family firm of Brown Brothers Harriman) and one vacancy, at this writing. In the past several years, members of the Council who have died include Averill Harriman, Lord Victor Rothschild, and Prince Thurn und Taxis of Regensburg, Germany. None of them holds public office, but they choose who shall hold office in the nations. These five men comprise the apex of the pyramid of power, the World Order. We may ask, Why should there be a World Order? Is it not sufficient to hold absolute power in a single nation, or in a group of nations? The answer is No, because of the nature of international travel, international trade, and international finance. International travel requires that a person may travel in peace from one nation to another, without being molested. Excepting cases of anarchy, revolution or war, this requirement can usually be met. International trade requires that traders of one nation can go to another nation, transact their business, and return with their goods or their profits. This requirement too is usually met. If not, the offended nation can exercise military force, as Great Britain did in its Opium Wars.

It is the third requirement, international finance, which called into being the World Order. In earlier days, when international trade consisted of barter, payment in gold or silver or piracy, the seizure of

Why Does BioNTech Have to Pay the NIH Royalties for Licensing mRNA Bioweapon Technology, but Pfizer Doesn't?


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Why Does BioNTech Have to Pay the NIH Royalties for Licensing mRNA Bioweapon Technology, but Pfizer Doesn't?

Because every COVID-19 mRNA bioweapon vaccine manufacturer entered into a royalty agreement with the NIH to pay royalties on their numerous mRNA vaccine bioweapon technology patents….except for Pfizer

December 29, 2024: Over the past 3 years, there have been multi-billion dollar battles over the royalty payments for the COVID-19 mRNA nanotechnology patents, patents such as this NIH patent for vaccine naonotechnology for use as a bioweapon….


There are thirty-two (32) mRNA technology and mRNA-related patents applicable across the 157 industrial countries (PCT) including the United States, China, India and European countries.

"Medical Freedom Movement" Circular Firing Squad


"Medical Freedom Movement" Circular Firing Squad

You can't always get what you want.

And so it comes down to this. Oh, the humanity.

The self-styled “Medical Freedom Movement” is turning its guns on yet another of its heroes, HHS Secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Circular firing squads are a chronic cultural feature of Washington DC bureaucracy, giving rise to the insider aphorism “keep your head down, if they can’t see you they can’t shoot you.” Right up there with another of my favorites from dealing with the DC inside-the-beltway crowd: “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” Understand those two, and you are a long way down the road toward understanding DC culture.

By way of disclosure and transparency, I have personally experienced the "Medical Freedom Movement” circular firing squad attacks (including from many associated with the Childrens’ Health Defense” organization) for at least four years now. So, I have become a bit jaded and biased and refuse to associate myself with this “Movement.”

As far as I am concerned, the meta-issues are freedom in general, “Western” (US sphere of influence) government deployment of modern PsyWar, propaganda, and censorship technology against its own citizens, and the rise of a globalized centralized planning “government” structure grounded in utilitarian, neo-Malthusian, corporatist-socialist “stakeholder capitalism” logic.

My rebuttal on the claims that vaccines have saved >> killed


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My rebuttal on the claims that vaccines have saved >> killed

I changed permissions so now you can comment directly on Saar Wilf's arguments that the vaccines have saved >> killed.

Executive summary

Here are the arguments (they are open for comments):

Vaccine was beneficial (Wilf)
Vaccine was harmful (Kirsch)

In this article, I’m going to give you my personal take on Saar’s arguments.

The tl;dr is I wasn’t convinced.

A lot of the evidence he presented simply didn’t support his allegations. He didn’t present a single piece of real-world evidence nor offer any explanations whatsoever as to how things like the death reports in VAERS could skyrocket by 40X if the COVID vaccine was so incredibly safe or why the cumulative excess mortality kept rising after these life saving vaccines. The basic numbers simply aren’t consistent with his narrative.

The AI analysis

AI destroyed his arguments but it’s not super readable.

My take on the evidence he presented

I go through each piece of evidence he presented and point out that NONE of them support his claims.

Direct evidence

Analysis of the entire Hungarian population