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fluoride is affecting all of us. We are at a crucial tipping point and need
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Action Network
Open Letter to Honorable Yael German, Minister
of Health, Israel
June 25, 2014

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Dear Honorable Minister German,
applaud your decision to end mandatory fluoridation in Israel and we look
forward to the time that there is an outright ban on this reckless practice.
position is a model for the public health community both in Israel and in our
respective communities. It is sound, based on the current literature and the
need to protect the health of citizens from unnecessary ingestion of fluoride.
is unfortunate that in making the best decision for the health and welfare of
your citizens that you have been subjected to criticism and bullying as noted
in the June 22rd article, Backlash
against Health Minister Yael German for her decision to stop fluoridation,
published in The Jerusalem Post (Siegel-Itzkovich).
Paul Connett, co-author of The Case
Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green, 2010), is willing to travel to Israel and
publicly debate any of those who are organizing against you. However, in our
experience the pro-fluoridation advocates are unable to defend their position
in open public debate. This is not through a lack of debating skills on their
part but rather the fact that science simply does not support their claims that
swallowing fluoride is safe or that it dramatically reduces tooth decay.
following facts and arguments underline the inappropriateness of this outdated
Delivering any medicine via the
water supply is reckless