Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Saturday, December 31, 2022

A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now


The latest from Greg Reese…



Aman Jabbi has worked in Silicon Valley for 28 years. His back ground includes work on deep technologies that are involved in the new prison system being designed by Big Tech.

In 2020, he moved to Montana and became a whistleblower, warning about the public about the very real threat about to be unleashed upon us all, known by many as the “Mark of the Beast” system.

Aman explains how accepting the digital ID is the basic premise behind it all.

[Video of Aman]: “So, by default, a digital identity implies that you’re always in a digital prison. Since you have digital identity and you’re in a prison, you are, by default a criminal. So, we don’t trust you.”

124 The Greatest Fun Was Watching People Work: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


124 The Greatest Fun Was Watching People Work: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org

The Greatest Fun Was Watching People Work




I shouldn't say nobody had money in Monongahela, but it's accurate to say nothing was

expensive. Beer was the town passion, more a religion with the men, and a big glass cost

only a nickel, the same price as twelve ounces of buttermilk or a candy bar three times

heavier than the modern sort. Bones to make soup were free. Beyond movies — twelve

cents for kids — commercial entertainment hardly existed. There were a few bowling

alleys at a nickel a frame, Redd's Beach (a pool at least ten miles away where swimming

Ivermectin for Colorectal Antitumor Properties


Ivermectin for Colorectal Antitumor Properties


Ivermectin for Colorectal Antitumor Properties

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

  • October 22, 2021


Story at-a-glance

  • Ivermectin has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antiviral properties; data show the drug influences the apoptosis and proliferation of colorectal cancer cells in the lab
  • The potential use of Ivermectin in cancer treatment offers hope for less damaging Western medicine treatment as other interventions are invasive and injurious
  • You may take several steps to help prevent colorectal cancers including eating more fiber, optimizing vitamin D, avoiding processed meat, maintaining a normal weight and controlling belly fat
  • Researchers have demonstrated the probability that cancer is a metabolic disease controlled in part by dysfunctional mitochondria. You can optimize your mitochondrial health through cyclical nutritional ketosis, calorie restriction, meal timing, exercise and normalizing your iron level

Ch. 8 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2d ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE EVANSTON, GRAND RAPIDS AND NEWBURGH TRIALS 


Ch. 8 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2d  ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE EVANSTON, GRAND RAPIDS AND NEWBURGH TRIALS  1. Gross numerical errors in statements of the number of children examined.  The Evanston Trial by Dr. Philip R.N. Sutton from fluoridationfacts.com






Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2d


1. Gross numerical errors in statements of the number of children examined.

The Evanston Trial

These comments on the Evanston trial were published in 1980 in the present author's book Fluoridation Scientific Criticisms and Fluoride Dangers. It was stated:

"Additional Errors in the Evanston Trial Data.

In January, 1967, which was the twentieth anniversary of the commencement of the Evanston Trial, an entire special issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association was devoted to a report on that study (Blayney and Hill, 1967). In this, the original tables, complete with their gross numerical errors, were reproduced, despite the fact that these [errors] had been pointed out eight years earlier (Sutton, 1959) and some of them had been acknowledged by the authors (Sutton, 1960). In addition, several faulty tables were published for the first time.

The tables [in this issue of the J. Amer. Dent. Ass.] then showed three different statements regarding the number of children aged 6-8 years who were examined in Evanston during the 1946 examination:

(i) 1991 children - see Tables 10, 11,30,40 and 47.
(ii) 1985 children - see Tables 7,8,16,18,21 and 32.

How to Make Turmeric Tea Part of Your Anti-Cancer Diet (Recipe) By Charlene Bollinger


How to Make Turmeric Tea Part of Your Anti-Cancer Diet (Recipe) By Charlene Bollinger

How to Make Turmeric Tea Part of Your Anti-Cancer Diet (Recipe)

By Charlene Bollinger

The common Indian spice turmeric has been in use for more than 5,000 years. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticarcinogenic activities.

Multiple studies have demonstrated turmeric’s potent cancer-fighting properties. According to the authors of a 2015 study published in the journal Molecules“Research to date suggests that chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and most chronic diseases are closely linked, and the antioxidant properties of curcumin can play a key role in the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation diseases.”
While there are many tasty ways to incorporate curcumin into your diet, one of the easiest ways is by making turmeric tea. This creamy turmeric tea recipe combines the power of curcumin with other potent cancer fighting spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.
This delicious tea can be enjoyed hot, or turned into an iced turmeric tea “latté” by serving over ice. Be sure to use only organic, non-irradiated spices to receive the most anti-cancer benefits possible.

How to Make Turmeric Tea (Recipe)

Yield: 1-2 servings
Preparation Time: 5-10 minutes


  • 1 1⁄2 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon Ceylon or regular cinnamon
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon fresh ginger, chopped OR 1⁄4 tsp ground ginger

How Can Modified Citrus Pectin Halt Cancer Cell Growth? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


How Can Modified Citrus Pectin Halt Cancer Cell Growth? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

How Can Modified Citrus Pectin Halt Cancer Cell Growth? 

By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

In a hurry? Click here to read the Article Summary...

You may remember “pectin” as something that your mom or grandma used as a thickening agent for jams and jellies. Pectin can be used for more than just canning, however. In recent years, research has shown that Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is also a powerful cancer killer.

What is Modified Citrus Pectin?

“Pectin” is a carbohydrate substance that is found naturally in the inner cell wall of most plants. It is especially concentrated, however, in the peel and pulp of citrus fruits, including grapefruits, oranges, limes, and lemons.
Naturally-occurring pectin is very hard for the human body to absorb. However, scientists have figured out a way to modify it into shorter soluble fibers which are easily broken down in the digestive system and absorbed by the blood stream. They “modify” it by changing its temperature and pH level.
Citrus pectin doesn’t contain much nutritional value, although it is a great source of fiber. Most importantly, however, is the unique way in which it halts the growth of new cancer cells and weakens already formed tumors.

How MCP Kills Cancer Cells

Quercetin and Vitamin C: Synergistic Therapy for COVID-19


Quercetin and Vitamin C: Synergistic Therapy for COVID-19

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • Vitamin C and quercetin have synergistic effects that make them useful in the prevention and early at-home treatment of COVID-19. Both are part of the MATH+ protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC)
  • For COVID-19 prophylaxis, the FLCCC recommends vitamin C, quercetin, zinc, melatonin and vitamin D3
  • The at-home treatment for mildly symptomatic patients is very similar to the prophylactic regimen, but adds several optional drugs, including aspirin, famotidine (an antacid) and ivermectin (a heartworm medication that has been shown to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro)
  • The in-hospital MATH+ protocol calls for intravenous methylprednisolone, high-dose ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamine and heparin. Optional additions include melatonin, zinc, vitamin D3, atorvastatin, famotidine and magnesium
  • There are two distinct phases or stages of COVID-19 — the viral replication stage and the immune dysfunction stage — and the treatment must be appropriate for the stage you’re in. Equally crucial is starting aggressive treatment as early as possible

3944-3945: When We Lose Our Heroes from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, December 30, 2022

3944-3945: When We Lose Our Heroes from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Today, one of our beloved local Talk Show hosts is retiring, and people from all over Alaska are calling in and expressing their thanks to him for discussing things that others were bullied or paid NOT to discuss, for saying the things that others were afraid to say, and for providing a calm and steady voice of reason in the midst of so much insanity.  

Some of his listeners wept and told him how much his broadcast had meant to them over the course of years he has been on the air.  A woman on the edge of sobbing described how he had been her early morning comfort, a ray of hope and common sense for years as she got up each day and packed her husband's lunch. 

I could put myself in her place and teared up for her loss. 

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 32 — The Federal States of States from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 32 — The Federal States of States from Anna Von Reitz


Section 32 — The Federal States of States
As we have learned in the prior articles about the Union of soil jurisdiction states, and the Federation of States and the Confederation of States of States, there are fundamental misunderstandings and semantic deceits we need to overcome — things that we have been taught that were wrong, things that were half-truths, and assumptions that we made that need correction.

The first consideration is that the word “states” can refer to a lot of different things and we should not just assume that our geographically defined States are being referenced, because people often sloppily refer to “States of States” as “States”, too, and don’t always understand that actual States are defined geographically.

Itaewon Disaster: Who Killed 158 Children?


Itaewon Disaster: Who Killed 158 Children?

The system killed them and the wrong leader killed the system


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

activate the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

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In the evening of October 29, 130,000 men and women wearing Halloween costumes went to Itaewon area in Seoul to have fun and enjoy the freedom from 3-year COVID-19 confinement.

The joyful laughter, merry songs and cry of freedom suddenly turned into voice of despair, fear, agony and last fading voice of dying children calling for loved family and friends.

On narrow and steep alley, tens of thousands of people were pushing and shoving and the people at the lower part of the alley were crushed to death under the weight of layers of human bodies.

It was a man-made disaster which should not happen, which could not happen. But it happened and it took away 158 precious and young lives including 26 foreign persons and injured 198 people.

The world is asking how such disaster can happen in a country like South Korea which is known as model country for economic development, security, safety and democracy, especially under the liberal government of Moon Jae-in.

The FBI Is the Democrats’ Gestapo


The FBI Is the Democrats’ Gestapo

The FBI Is the Democrats’ Gestapo

Paul Craig Roberts

It is now an established fact, thanks to Elon Musk who released the secret Twitter files, that the FBI is a criminal Gestapo gang whose only function is frame up patriotic Trump Americans while covering up for the Democrats and the family crime syndicate of Joe and Hunter Biden.

The Twitter files released by new owner Elon Musk show that the FBI worked hand in glove with Twitter, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Wikipedia to suppress all information about the sordid crimes documented on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the one he forgot about and left at the repair shop, and the peddling of presidential influence that the Biden duo parlayed into big bucks.

While the presstitutes lied that Russia via Trump was influencing the US election, the FBI was influencing it by suppressing information and controlling the narrative.

Did Fake News Scare You This Week?



Did Fake News Scare You This Week?



During my years of political involvement, I have grown expert in ways that the media lie and manipulate. 

It disgusts me to see. 

I am not talking about what people usually mean when they make statements like that — paying close attention to the media for some years or fan-boying some YouTube goo-roo, thereby learning to mimic his observations. 

No. My experience with the evil perpetrated by the media is very different. I studied under true experts in the field in structured classes for many hours a week for years, surrounded by fellow elite students, while constantly doing work that forced me to use those skills day-in-and-day-out in epic jousting matches. 

When I turn on the TV — especially the news — it takes seconds for me to start to see the manipulation taking place. It is not a single isolated instance, but layer upon layer of obviously carefully constructed manipulation. The trained eye knows it is no coincidence. Though I did not understand him or his potential as a candidate until some time after his June 2015 announcement, I felt great appreciation the day I heard Donald Trump first utter the words fake news. 

Parallels Between the Covid Hysteria and the Salem Witch Trials



Parallels Between the Covid Hysteria and the Salem Witch Trials



It would not be going too far to say that the eruption of irrationality and hysteria in America during the COVID-19 period of 2020-2021 most resembled not 1954, when Senator McCarthy set the nation looking for communist moles behind every government desk, or 1919, when the notorious raids of Attorney General Mitchell were rounding up purported Reds in their tens of thousands, but the winter of 1691-1692. That’s when two little girls—Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams of Salem, Massachusetts—fell into the demonic activity of fortune-telling, which soon found them getting strangely ill, having fits, spouting gibberish, and contorting their bodies into odd positions.

Solution Series: Holistic Health with Nancy O’Brien


Solution Series: Holistic Health with Nancy O’Brien

It’s hard to separate just the body, just the physical because we are very complicated beings…. We are spirit, we are physical, we are soul, so you can’t really touch on one without touching on all of them.” ~ Nancy O’Brien

By Corey Lynn and James White

The rapidly changing landscape of today’s modern health care systems, coupled with the increased availability of online health information, has encouraged more and more people to look for ways to manage their own health without doctors and, in some cases, without prescription medications. Regardless of how one arrives at where they want to be in this endeavor, many people will, undoubtedly, be exposed to the practice of holistic health at some point in their journey.

Our guest for this edition of the Solution Series, Nancy O’Brien, spent years as a holistic practitioner and is very skilled and knowledgeable concerning the holistic medicine approach. Essentially, a holistic

Friday, December 30, 2022

Full History of the WEF, UN, the Climate Change Hoax, Covid-19 and the People Who Wish to Rule Us

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15 seconds

15 seconds


Great video on the history of WEF, Rockefeller and all of the other institutions which have corrupted our world. This one needs to be shared with maximum prejudice as it fully explains Covid19, the Climate Change Agenda, and so much more. A catastrophic loss of our freedoms will occur unless the people understand what is happening, and WHY.

More information on the NWO/Great Reset/Agenda2030/Committee of 300 and More: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/agenda-21-nwo/

Lockstep PDF download: https://bit.ly/2DfSpLh

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller’s Lockstep 2010

Video source: Science Simplified-The Fat Emperor on Rumble

123 Singing And Fishing Were Free: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


123 Singing And Fishing Were Free: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org

Singing And Fishing Were Free




I went Christmas caroling long before I knew how to read or even what Christmas was

about. I was three. The carolers stood on a corner diagonally across from my

grandfather's printing office where their voices filled an informal amphitheater made by

the slope of Second Street just before it met Main, the principal intersection of the town.

If I had to guess where I learned to love rhythmical language it would be on that corner at

the foot of Second Street hill.

A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine


A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine

A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine

By Bill Sardi

May 4, 2019



While Wall Street awaits the entry of over 1,813 new cancer drugs into human clinical trials representing billions of dollars of investment capital, the announcement of a bona fide cure for cancer comes from an outsider – patient Joe Tippens.

An astounding report of Mr. Tippens’ cancer cure is circulating the internet now.  First diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016 and with tumors popping up on scans in virtually every organ in his body, in desperation Joe Tippens began using a dog de-worming agent at the suggestion of a veterinarian.

Fahrenheit 451 PAGE 5


Fahrenheit 451 PAGE 5

Fahrenheit 451



". . .one forty-five..." The voice-clock mourned out the cold hour of a cold morning of a still
colder year.

"What's wrong, Montag?"
Montag opened his eyes.

A radio hummed somewhere. "... war may be declared any hour. This country stands ready to

defend its--"

The firehouse trembled as a great flight of jet planes whistled a single note across the black

Fasting – A History Part I from IDM


Fasting – A History Part I from IDM

Fasting – A History Part I

Home/Fasting, Health and Nutrition/Fasting – A History Part I

Fasting is a time tested and ancient tradition.  It has been used not only for weight loss, but to improve concentration, extend life, prevent Alzheimers, prevent insulin resistance and even reverse the entire aging process.  There is much to talk about here so we begin a new subsection “Fasting”.

There is nothing new, except what has been forgotten – Marie Antoinette

So the forgotten question of weight loss is “When should we eat?” We don’t ignore the question of frequency anywhere else. Falling from a building 1000 feet off the ground once will likely kill us. But is this the same as falling from a 1-foot wall 1000 times? Absolutely not. Yet the total distance fallen is still 1000 feet.

One Nation Under Blackmail


One Nation Under Blackmail

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • Organized crime fused with intelligence agencies during World War II, forming the precursor of the CIA — the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
  • The web of corruption grew from there, as criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship using blackmail as a tool to achieve their goals
  • There’s evidence that the fusion of organized crime and government occurred even before what was formally termed Operation Underworld, beginning with the Democratic party in New York City, which was entwined with organized crime in the early 20th century
  • It’s not just about money, although wealth is certainly part of it; it’s about power and control, which those involved, including Jeffrey Epstein, would stop at nothing to achieve
  • Webb explains her reasons for believing Epstein won’t be replaced with a cadre of new blackmailers; thanks to modern surveillance technology, they can find blackmail material on anyone without any help

  How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place?


How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place?

The earthshaking Etienne De Harven interview by Celia Farber

by Jon Rappoport

Continuing my "greatest COVID hits" articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing series, go here. To support my work and get value for value, order my Matrix collections here and subscribe to my substack here

February 18, 2020

The question I’ve been asking since 1987---

If the experts are going to claim a particular virus causes a particular disease---how do they know that virus exists in the first place?

For example, the supposedly new coronavirus in China. For example, Ebola. For example, HIV. For example, the coronavirus supposedly causing SARS (2003). How do researchers know these viruses exist?

“Well, of course they know. They must.”

Chapter 15 THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE III Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format


Chapter 15 THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE III Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

August 14, 2018 James Arendt



UPON THE DEATH in 1732 of Thomas Howard, Eighth Duke of Norfolk and real Founder of American Freemasonry, the Norfolk title passed to Thomas’ brother Edward. In a curious way, the Ninth Duke of Norfolk played a part in the founding of the United States as well, albeit a cameo role. Sun-tzu wrote

Multiply your spies, put them everywhere, in the very Palace of the enemy Prince; have a list of the principal Officers who are at his service. Know their first & last names, the number of their children, their relatives, their friends, their servants. Let nothing happen
to them that is not known to you.

Edward, Ninth Duke of Norfolk, was a regular in the crowd of Frederick William, Prince of Wales, and his Princess, Augusta of Saxony. The Waleses were party creatures, and an on-going disappointment to the Prince’s father, King George II. The king resented that his son appeared not to have inherited his craving for war – George II was the last British monarch to lead his army into battle, which he did against the Spanish in 1739. George despised his son’s Ignatian entourage. When Frederick William ran up an exorbitant tab entertaining foreign ambassadors at St. James’s Palace, the king cut his allowance, shooed the ambassadors away, and ordered the couple to move out of St. James’s and take up a simpler residency at Leicester House.

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements from Anna Von Reitz


Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements
As we have learned and reviewed to this point, the American Government is composed of three unions of three different kinds of states: soil, land, and inchoate Federal States of States.
The United States = soil jurisdiction states and people, geographically defined, republican states, State Republics and Republics of States.
The United States of America = international land jurisdiction States and People, geographically
defined, members are Ohio, Maine, Florida, et alia.
The State Jural Assemblies create and operate and populate these geographically defined States of the Union and together constitute “We, the People”.

Tucker “Gets It” – Putin Doesn’t Want American Missiles on His Border


Tucker “Gets It” – Putin Doesn’t Want American Missiles on His Border

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.


“Getting Ukraine to join NATO was the key to inciting war with Russia. We didn’t get it at the time. (But) Now it’s obvious. Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine because he didn’t want Ukraine to join NATO. Putin certainly had other motives as well; people always do, but that’s the main reason Russia invaded. The Russians don’t want American missiles on their border. They don’t want a hostile government next door. Now that is true, whether you are allowed to say it aloud in public or not. It has been true for a long time. A lot has been written about this over many years by serious people. No one who knows anything and is honest, will tell you Putin invaded Ukraine simply because he is evil. Putin may be evil, he certainly seems to be, but he also has strategic motives for doing that, whether you agree with those motives or not. That is irrelevant. Those are the facts.” Tucker Carlson, Fox News

Murder They Wrought: Part II


Murder They Wrought:  Part II

Murder They Wrought:  Part II

Paul Craig Roberts

It is murder to withhold a cure from people who are at risk of death if left untreated. The US and European medical establishment, with the aid of media and politicians, suppressed the cures for Covid-19. Almost all Covid deaths are the result of non-treatment with known cures.

As my readers know, from early days of the orchestrated “Covid pandemic” I stressed that there were two known cures, HCQ and Ivermectin, both inexpensive and in most countries available over the counter.  Ivermectin was discovered by a Japanese scientist for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.  It has been in wide use for decades with no side effects.  HCQ is also effective, inexpensive, and widely used.  Both are taken regularly by populations in Africa as preventatives of river blindness and malaria.

Ivermectin is listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an Essential Medicine and is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Despite these facts, the WHO, FDA, NIH, CDC, and the European Medicine Agency (EMA) suppressed the use of these cures.

The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations to a Nazi Thug


The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations to a Nazi Thug




The corrupt, genocidal Nazi leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was recently given several standing ovations by members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol. House leaders even set aside the rules requiring appropriate attire for admittance to “The People’s House” and let the little tyrant wear his Naziesque combat fatigues when addressing our representatives.

Of course, Zelensky was in town demanding that the U.S. provide billions more dollars for his stupid—and hopeless—war with Russia. This was a war that Zelensky could have easily avoided but instead deliberately chose to incite.

NYC Electric Garbage Truck Plans Hit Wall After Trucks "Conked Out" Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours


NYC Electric Garbage Truck Plans Hit Wall After Trucks "Conked Out" Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours



In a move that absolutely nobody could have seen coming, New York City is scrapping its brilliant idea for electric garbage trucks after finding out the truck simply “aren’t powerful enough to plow snow”.

The pipe dream of converting the city’s 6,000 garbage trucks from gas to electric in order to try and limit carbon emissions (because there’s no other problems that need to be dealt with in New York City right now) is “clashing with the limits of electric-powered vehicles,” Gothamist wrote this week.

The city’s current trucks run on diesel and can be fitted with plows in the winter.

Despite the shortcomings, the city Department of Sanitation’ has already ordered seven electric rear loader garbage trucks, custom-made by Mack, the report says. Those trucks cost an astonishing $523,000 each and are to be delivered this spring.

Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault


Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault

(Natural News) Ed Dowd, author of Cause Unknown (available at BrighteonBooks.com and other book resellers) joined me for an interview last night to share updated — and slightly horrifying — numbers about post-vaccine excess fatalities and excess disability claims.

The short version of that conversation is that each day in America, there are about 2,500 excess deaths and 5,000 excess disability victims due to covid-19 vaccines. This means, on average, about 7,500 Americans are removed from the potential labor pool each day. Granted, not all 7,500 are currently working, but most of them theoretically could contribute to the work force if they chose to.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Loy Brunson Zoom Call

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


122 The Character Of A Village: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


122 The Character Of A Village: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org

Chapter Ten




The Character of a Village


Each person in a village has a face and a name, even a nickname. Anonymity is

impossible, for the villagers are not a mass... a village has its own language, its customs,

its rhythms... its life is interior.... a village cannot be global.


— Robert Vachon


The Character Of A Village


Before I went to first grade I could add, subtract, and multiply in my head. I knew my

Chlorine Dioxide – DMSO Treatment For Cancer (Orally)


Chlorine Dioxide – DMSO Treatment For Cancer (Orally)

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on January 20, 2014 | Filed under: Alternative Treatments, Supplemental Treatments

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Note #1

This article is for taking chlorine dioxide and DMSO orally. This is NOT the recommended way of taking it because it is hard on the stomach and may seriously slow down your ability to use this protocol. If you wish to take this treatment transdermally (i.e. through the skin), and thus bypass the problems created by your stomach, see this article:
Chlorine Dioxide / DMSO Transdermally
The instructions for taking this treatment transdermally versus orally are vastly different. If you have been taking chlorine dioxide transdermally, do not assume the instructions are very similar. They are not.

Note #2

If this treatment is a supplement to another cancer treatment, it would be wise to not start this treatment for at least two weeks after getting accustomed to your main cancer treatment. This is because starting your regular treatment may take a couple of weeks to get used to, and adding the complexity of this treatment would double the initial problems you may have.
While this treatment is absolutely safe, it is a very potent treatment and can have strong side-effects during the time a person is building up to their theraputic dose. These side-effects include nausea and diarrhea when taken orally.
To avoid adjusting to two different treatments at the same time, it is best to delay this treatment until you are accustomed to your main treatment. Pay careful attention to the build-up below.