Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Leaked Emails Show CDC-Google Collusion to Hide Vaxx Dangers


On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr Jane exposes the leaked emails between the CDC and social media companies proving the collusion to silence the truth about the death and illnesses caused by the C19 bioweapon injections with stunning proof that of their intention targeting and censorship of Americans, right down to individual accounts and the show wraps with an update on Day 7 of Dr Jane’s 30 Day Transformation of health with wellness mentor, Raven Ea. This is the Dr. Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth In Medicine.

194. A Critical Appraisal: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


194. A Critical Appraisal: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



A Critical Appraisal


        In the latter half of the nineteenth century, as the new school institution slowly took root  after the Civil War in big cities and the defeated South, some of the best minds in the  land, people fit by their social rank to comment publicly, spoke out as they watched its  first phalanx of graduates take their place in the traditional American world. All these  speakers had been trained themselves in the older, a-systematic, noninstitutional schools.  At the beginning of another new century, it is eerie to hear what these great-grandfathers  of ours had to say about the mass schooling phenomenon as they approached their own  fateful new century.   


     In 1867, world-famous American physician and academic Vincent Youmans lectured the  London College of Preceptors about the school institution just coming into being: 

What You Need to Know About Melatonin


What You Need to Know About Melatonin

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • Melatonin is one of the most important antioxidant molecules and certainly the most ancient, as it has been part of biological life for over 3 billion years. It's present in prokaryotes, which are bacteria, and even in plants
  • In the human body melatonin not only has independent direct antioxidant effects on its own, but it also stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and other important antioxidants like superoxide dismutase and catalase
  • Mitochondrial melatonin production is one of the reasons why regular sun exposure is so crucial. The near-infrared spectrum, when hitting the skin, trigger the generation of melatonin in your mitochondria
  • Considering melatonin’s function within the mitochondria, and the fact that mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of most chronic disease, it makes sense that melatonin would be helpful against a number of different diseases, including the two most common — heart disease and cancer
  • Melatonin and methylene blue belong in every emergency medical kit. In cases of an acute heart attack or stroke, melatonin can help limit the damage, while methylene blue augments cytochromes to allow the continued production of ATP even without the use of oxygen, which also helps minimize cell death and tissue damage

FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER XVI Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary


FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER XVI Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary




Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary

The premature death of that celebrated young monarch, Edward VI, occasioned the most extraordinary and wonderful occurrences, which had ever existed from the times of our blessed Lord and Savior's incarnation in human shape. This melancholy event became speedily a subject of general regret. The succession to the British throne was soon made a matter of contention; and the scenes which ensued were a demonstration of the serious affliction in which the kingdom was involved. As his loss to the nation was more and more unfolded, the remembrance of his government was more and
more the basis of grateful recollection. The very awful prospect, which was soon presented to the friends of Edward's administration, under the direction of his counsellors and servants, was a contemplation which the reflecting mind was compelled to regard with most alarming apprehensions. The rapid approaches which were made towards a total reversion of the proceedings of the young king's reign, denoted the advances which were thereby represented to an entire resolution in the management of public affairs both in Church and state.

Monkeypox or Moneypox? WHO Director Overrules Panel, Declares Public Health Emergency



Monkeypox or Moneypox? WHO Director Overrules Panel, Declares Public Health Emergency

Contradicting the advice of an independent review panel, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Saturday officially declared the monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

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In a move that is sure to trigger widespread discussion concerning the independence, objectivity and wisdom of granting authority to the World Health Organization (WHO) to manage global infectious diseases responses, the monkeypox outbreak has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by WHO.

The declaration was made unilaterally, in direct contradiction to independent review panel advice, by WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Tedros made the declaration despite a lack of consensus among members of the WHO’s emergency committee on the monkeypox outbreak, and in so doing overruled his own review panel, who had voted 9 against and 6 for declaring the PHEIC.

The CDC Is Sacrificing Kids for Big Pharma


The CDC Is Sacrificing Kids for Big Pharma

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • In late June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. The Food and Drug Administration issued the EUA June 17, and the very next day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended all toddlers get the shot as soon as possible
  • The pediatric EUA was based on extremely weak evidence — and that’s after the FDA lowered its efficacy requirements for the pediatric population, even though they have the lowest risk of COVID and therefore have the least need for the shots
  • With this recommendation, the FDA and CDC have evaporated any last vestiges of trust they may have held onto. The reason they authorized COVID jabs for toddlers is because the drug industry needs this age group to be included under the EUA for legal indemnity purposes
  • Once the emergency is over, the next phase of liability shielding requires that the shots receive approval by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Once the COVID jab is on the childhood vaccination schedule, the vaccine makers are permanently shielded from liability for injuries and deaths that occur in any age group, including adults
  • The FDA and CDC have sold out America’s children. Once enough people realize what they’ve done, they and the entire childhood vaccine program will be finished, as no one will trust any of the vaccines on the schedule. Already, only 44% of Americans believe what the CDC says

Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury — a Con as Old as Vaccination Itself



Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury — a Con as Old as Vaccination Itself

People injured by COVID-19 vaccines may not realize it, but the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

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So-called “fact-checkers” are having to work double-time to come up with ways to deny the undeniable fact that COVID-19 vaccines are causing injuries and deaths on a massive scale.

The shot pushers and their media enablers have taken cover-up tactics to absurd new heights by, for example, chalking up the rash of fatal heart attacks and overnight deaths in athletes and young adults to a fluky condition referred to variously as “sudden adult death syndrome” or “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” (SADS).

What the COVID-19 vaccine-injured do not necessarily recognize, however, is the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

Facilitated by well-honed semantic and statistical flimflam, public health officials’ core strategy for perpetuating their fiction is to profess innocence — making unabashedly unsubstantiated pronouncements about vaccine safety, on the one hand, while on the other hand, declaring themselves “baffled” by ailments that emerge in the aftermath of a given vaccine’s rollout. 

Chapter 5 APPOINTMENT AT CYPRUS: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format


Chapter 5 APPOINTMENT AT CYPRUS: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

August 14, 2018 James Arendt



HIS NAME WAS Iñigo de Loyola. He was born in 1491 to a rich family, youngest of eight boys, one of thirteen children. His older brother had sailed to the New World with Christopher Columbus.
Iñigo served as a page in the court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. He became friends with Ferdinand’s Belgian grandson, Charles Habsburg, whose other grandfather was Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian. (The Holy Roman Emperor was a kind of secular pope who presided
over the Christian kingdoms of the western world.) Charles was propelled to great authority before his twenty-first birthday by the deaths of his two grandfathers within a space of two years. From Ferdinand, Charles inherited Spain. From Maximilian, he inherited the Holy Roman Empire. Charles Habsburg was King Charles I of Spain, Emperor Charles V of Rome. He was the most powerful secular figure in Europe. And he was Iñigo’s friend.
In 1518, Iñigo was part of a legation negotiating for Charles with Spain’s traditional rival, France, at the court of the Duke of Najera in Valladolid. While the summit was in session, Catherina, the Emperor’s sister, was presented to the Najera court. Iñigo fell in love with her. He was twenty-seven and she was eleven. (The Emperor was eighteen.) The match, however, was not to be.

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 59 — Lessons in Sovereignty from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 59 — Lessons in Sovereignty from Anna Von Reitz


Section 59 — Lessons in Sovereignty
First of all, sovereignty is inherited. It is not something that simply devolves upon us by virtue of winning a war. You have all inherited “sovereignty in your own right” and the right to own property — as opposed to being considered property — by being born on the land and soil of your State of the Union.
Second of all, the Delegation of Powers under the Constitutions would not be possible if the Americans had not established Sovereignty. A King can delegate powers to a Queen, or to another King, to exercise in his behalf, but no one of lesser standing can do this. The simple fact that the
British Monarch has been in receipt of Delegated Powers of ours since 1787 is all the evidence needed to prove that we possessed sovereignty prior to the establishment of the Constitutions.
Third, our actual claim to sovereignty is based upon the Norman Conquest and a particular kind of sovereignty called “sovereignty in one’s own right” that William the Conqueror bequeathed to his loyal Barons in England. In essence, he made land grants to each one following the Conquest, and upon his death in 1087 A.D., he made all of them “sovereigns in their own right” in England.

Steve Bannon Was Right!—Millennials "Don’t Have A Chance"


Steve Bannon Was Right!—Millennials "Don’t Have A Chance"

• July 23, 2022



[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com]

Last Sunday‘s happy celebration of my grandson’s christening left me reflecting, for the umpteenth time, on my own great good fortune in being born when I was (1945). And worrying that Millennials (the generation born circa 1981-1996) just “don‘t have a chance”—to quote Steve Bannon, currently in the news for other reasons.

In one of my monthly diaries a couple of years ago I noted the fiftieth anniversary of my buying my first house. That was in the context of Bernie Sanders making a strong play for the Democratic Party 2020 nomination, and the support he had among young people.

To be precise, I and my then-girlfriend co-bought it. It was a three-bedroom row-house in a quiet street in London, with a garden out back. We easily got a mortgage.

The White House Fool’s Sanctions Have Only Harmed the West


The White House Fool’s Sanctions Have Only Harmed the West

The White House Fool’s Sanctions Have Only Harmed the West

Paul Craig Roberts

The Presstitute lie sheet–The Guardian (UK)–has to admit that Washington’s Russian Sanctions Are a Total Failure–“The rouble is soaring and Putin is stronger than ever – our sanctions have backfired.”

“Western sanctions against Russia are the most ill-conceived and counterproductive policy in recent international history. World energy prices are rocketing, inflation is soaring, supply chains are chaotic and millions are being starved of gas, grain and fertilizer. To criticize western sanctions is close to anathema. Defence analysts are dumb on the subject. Strategy think tanks are silent. Britain’s putative leaders, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, compete in belligerent rhetoric, promising ever tougher sanctions without a word of purpose. Yet, hint at skepticism on the subject and you will be excoriated as ‘pro-Putin’ and anti-Ukraine. Sanctions are the war cry of the west’s crusade. The reality of sanctions on Russia is that they invite retaliation. Putin is free to freeze Europe this winter. He has slashed supply from major pipelines such as Nord Stream 1 by up to 80%. World oil prices have surged and eastern

‘Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist,’ a Swiss Physicist Challenges Global Warming Climate Orthodoxy


‘Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist,’ a Swiss Physicist Challenges Global Warming Climate Orthodoxy

By: - Climate DepotJuly 26, 2022 2:49 PM with 0 comments

Special to Climate Depot

By Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Thomas Allmendinger, an independent Swiss physicist, has conducted a series of experiments published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that call into question the physical principles of the greenhouse gas theory.  Thomas Allmendinger, an independent scholar educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, has dared to challenge the conventional politically correct climate dictum that CO2 is a greenhouse gas with unique global warming properties.  In a series of articles published in scientific journals, Allmendinger has argued that his experimental research with the thermal absorption of infrared radiation (IR) has proved that “atmospheric trace gases such as carbon dioxide do not have any influence on the climate.”

When the Good Guys Get it Wrong


When the Good Guys Get it Wrong

My response to Toby Rogers' screed on free markets and progressivism

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Speaker Pelosi Departs Washington for Asia….Chinese Prepare for War

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have already left Washington DC for Asia. Earlier this week news reports suggested that the Speaker would travel to Taiwan during the Congressional recess that starts in mid-August. However, the South China Morning Post reported this afternoon that Speaker Pelosi has already departed the American capital to fly to Asia. 

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 7/29/22. 

It’s the Final Day! The day when Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. You can order the second edition of Rick’s book, Final Day!  


193. Pathology As A Natural Byproduct: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


193. Pathology As A Natural Byproduct: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Pathology As A Natural Byproduct 


    With these eight lessons in hand you should have less trouble seeing that the social  pathologies we associate with modern children are natural byproducts of our modern  system of schooling which produces:  


   • Children indifferent to the adult world of values and accomplishment, defying the  universal human experience laid down over thousands of years that a close study  of grown-ups is always the most exciting and one of the most necessary  occupations of youth. Have you noticed how very few people, adults included,  want to grow up anymore? Toys are the lingua franca of American society for the  masses and the classes. 

CHD Demands D.C. Schools Rescind COVID Vaccine Mandate, Says It Violates Federal Law



CHD Demands D.C. Schools Rescind COVID Vaccine Mandate, Says It Violates Federal Law

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, today told the superintendent of schools for the District of Columbia that CHD will sue the school district unless it rescinds its recently announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students ages 12 and up.

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Schools in Washington, D.C., will require all students ages 12 and older to get the COVID-19 vaccine before they can attend school in the fall, despite warnings from legal experts who say the mandate violates federal law.

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education announced on July 19 that student immunization requirements for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year will include the COVID-19 vaccine for all students who are of an age for which there is a vaccine fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“On July 8, 2022, the FDA fully approved the COVID-19 vaccine commonly known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 12 to 15 years old,” said State Superintendent of Education Christina Grant in a press release.

“The approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for individuals 12 to 15 means that, unless exempted, any student age 12-15 at the start of the 2022-23 school year must have received the primary COVID-19 vaccine series or have started receiving the shot by Sept. 16, 2022,” she said.

16. Hurricane Creek The People Rule: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org

16. Hurricane Creek The People Rule: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org

Hurricane Creek   The People Rule     Scientists have been villains in this story. Robert Kehoe and Harold Hodge  buried important research and misled the general public. But scientists  have been heroes, too. The pioneering work of Kaj Roholm and George  Waldbott in unmasking fluoride s potential for harm was a principled  effort to explore fluoride's role in our biology and biosphere. More  recently we can see a similar heroic journey in that of Phyllis Mullenix.  When her research revealed that fluoride in low doses has effects on the 

43% of Parents ‘Definitely’ Won’t Vaccinate Young Kids for COVID, Survey Says



43% of Parents ‘Definitely’ Won’t Vaccinate Young Kids for COVID, Survey Says

According to survey results released Tuesday, 43% of U.S. parents of children under 5 will “definitely not” give their child a COVID-19 vaccine amid concerns the vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than the virus.

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With the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granting Emergency Use Authorization for Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 6 months to 5 years old, many parents remain hesitant to vaccinate their children.

According to survey results released Tuesday, 43% of U.S. parents of children under 5 will “definitely not” give their child a COVID-19 vaccine amid concerns the vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than the virus.

The survey, published by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), found that 27% of parents said they would “wait and see,” while another 13% said they would have their children vaccinated only if required to do so for school or childcare.

Even parents who were vaccinated against COVID-19 said they would not give permission for their youngest children to get vaccinated.

15% of American Adults Diagnosed With New Condition After COVID Vaccine, Zogby Survey Finds


15% of American Adults Diagnosed With New Condition After COVID Vaccine, Zogby Survey Finds

More than two years after Operation Warp Speed began, Children’s Health Defense commissioned John Zogby Strategies to conduct two surveys about attitudes and the overall health of American adults.

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More than two years after Operation Warp Speed began, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) commissioned John Zogby Strategies to conduct two surveys about attitudes and the overall health of American adults.

The first survey of 1,038 adults found that 67% of respondents received one or more COVID-19 vaccines, while 33% are unvaccinated. Furthermore, among those vaccinated, 6% received one dose, 28% received two doses, 21% received three doses, and 12% took four or more.

Of those receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, 15% say they’ve been diagnosed by a medical practitioner with a new condition within a matter of weeks to several months after taking the vaccine. 

A follow-up question provided a list of medical conditions and asked diagnosed respondents to “select all that apply.” Among those who were medically diagnosed with a new condition within a matter of weeks to several months after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, the top five cited conditions were:

Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse?


Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • The PBS Frontline documentary “The Untouchables,” which originally aired in 2013, investigates the cause of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and why Wall Street crooks escaped fraud charges related to the sale of bad mortgages
  • Not one Wall Street executive was held accountable for this massive crisis, yet evidence suggests Wall Street executives with the willingness to defraud customers to pad their own bottom line were the cause of it all
  • The case against Bear Stearns and JP Morgan, basically summed up the core of the entire 2008 credit crisis: Banking institutions intentionally sold securities they knew were bad
  • The same criminal bankers are now intentionally destroying the global financial system in order to replace it with something even worse — social credit scores, digital identity and Central Banking Digital Coupons (CBDCs), which will give them the ability to control not only your individual finances but also everything else in your life
  • The financial crisis of 2008 showed us how incompetent they are. So why would we accept the “new and improved” financial system they intend to roll out as soon as the current financial system is in shambles?

Chapter 4 MEDICI LEARNING: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format


Chapter 4 MEDICI LEARNING: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format

August 14, 2018 James Arendt



GUTENBERG CHOSE the Bible to demonstrate movable type not so much that the common man might be brought nearer to God, but that he and his backer, Dr. Johannes Faust, might make a killing in the book trade.
Prior to 1450, Bibles were so rare they were conveyed by deed, like parcels of real estate. A Bible took nearly a year to make, commanding a price equal to ten times the annual income of a prosperous man. Johannes Gutenberg intended his first production, a folio edition of the 6th-century Latin Bible
(known as the Vulgate), to fetch manuscript prices. Dr. Faust discreetly sold it as a one-of-a-kind to kings, nobles, and churches. A second edition in 1462 sold for as much as 600 crowns each in Paris, but sales were too sluggish to suit Faust, so he slashed prices to 60 crowns and then to 30.
This put enough copies into circulation for Church authorities to notice that several were identical. Such extraordinary uniformity being regarded as humanly impossible, the authorities charged that Faust had produced the Bibles by magic. On this pretext, the Archbishop of Mainz had Gutenberg’s shop raided and a fortune in counterfeit Bibles seized. The red ink with which they were embellished was alleged to be human blood. Faust was arrested for conspiring with Satan, but there is no record of any trial.

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly from Anna Von Reitz


Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly
Most Americans have been taught to revere the Constitutions. Generations of military and civil service workers have been indoctrinated to “defend the Constitution (whichever one they work under) from all Enemies foreign and domestic.” Many Americans mistakenly think that their rights come from the Constitutions, but in fact, the Constitutions merely limit the federal government so that the people can enjoy their freedoms unencumbered by government.
Most Americans don’t know that there are three (3) Constitutions — the actual Federal Constitution
called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, the Territorial Constitution called “The Constitution of the United States of America” and the Municipal Constitution called “The Constitution of the United States”.
Many people also assume that everyone in this country is protected under the Constitutions, but this has never been so. Territorial Citizens known as United States Citizens, and Municipal United States

Interest Rate Hikes Will Not Save Us from Inflation


Interest Rate Hikes Will Not Save Us from Inflation

Rather than making money harder to get, the U.S. government needs to focus on the other side of the demand vs. supply equation.


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In prescribing cures for inflation, economists rely on the diagnosis of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman: inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon—too much money chasing too few goods. But that equation has three variables: too much money (“demand”) chasing (the “velocity” of spending) too few goods (“supply”). And “orthodox” economists, from Lawrence Summers to the Federal Reserve, seem to be focusing only on the “demand” variable. 

The Fed’s prescription is to suppress demand (borrowing and spending) by raising interest rates. Summers, a  former U.S. Treasury Secretary who presided over the massive post-2008 bank bailouts, is proposing to reduce demand by raising taxes or raising unemployment rates, reducing disposable income and thus people’s ability to spend. But those rather brutal solutions miss the real problem, just as

Vindication for jailed Australian freedom fighter Monica Smit


Vindication for jailed Australian freedom fighter Monica Smit

Posted by David Heller

Fri, Jul 29, 2022

After nearly a year of legal harassment, charges are finally dropped against the founder of Reignite Democracy Australia

Vindication for jailed Australian freedom fighter Monica Smit

As part of a series, Frontline News is featuring activists who were unjustly imprisoned for their fight against government extremism in the name of COVID. Many activists, scientists, and other professionals lost their friends, careers, or were censored for standing up, but a small few fought for freedom by sacrificing their own. These are their stories. 

Monica Smit, 33, was arrested in Melbourne, Australia on Aug 31, 2021, after she attended and encouraged others to attend a protest against Victoria's strict lockdown policies.

She was charged with inciting others to break public health laws by promoting attendance at the protest. 

The Melbourne magistrate set strict conditions for bail including a daily curfew, and a gag order on publishing “any material which incites opposition to the Chief Medical Officer’s directions.” and being forced to “remove any materials which incite opposition to the Chief Health Officer’s directions.” 

This meant that Smit would have to shut down her pro-freedom organization Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA), and submit to government censorship, and repression of her activism on the biggest human rights issue of the day.

Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection


Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection

Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection

Paul Craig Roberts

Insouciant Wyoming Republicans sent Liz Cheney to Congress to help the Democrats destroy the Republican Party by building a case out of thin air that President Donald Trump organized a coup to keep himself in power.  

The charge that Trump planned a coup has never made any sense whatsoever, because President Trump authorized 20,000 National Guard soldiers to protect the Capitol during the January 6 rally for Trump, which was held at the Washington Monument, not at the Capitol.  If Trump had organized a coup plot, why would he authorize troops to be on hand to put it down?

Texas doctor sues hospital for punishing her over covid jab criticisms


Texas doctor sues hospital for punishing her over covid jab criticisms

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

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Image: Texas doctor sues hospital for punishing her over covid jab criticisms

(Natural News) Dr. Mary Bowden, a physician who worked at Houston Methodist Hospital, is suing her former employer for suspending her privileges over her positions on Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.”

Bowden, who resigned from her position last November, wants $25 million as part of her 19-page lawsuit, which accuses Houston Methodist Hospital of publishing defamatory statements about her to news media and social media platforms.

“The way they came after me was unprofessional, unprecedented against the spirit of bylaws of their bylaws,” Bowden says.

The ENT doctor told Houston’s KPRC-TV that she worked diligently and successfully to treat some 4,000 patients at Houston Methodist Hospital before it “came out against me in a very public and vicious way.”

“They implied that I was dangerous, which as a physician leaves a permanent scar on your record, on your reputation,” she says.

If you want to fix the economy, separate the money from the state


If you want to fix the economy, separate the money from the state

The Federal Reserve and politicians shouldn't have control over the economy

The average 21st century American politician doesn’t care about you and your family, or even the district he or she represents. As COVID Mania made crystal clear, their main concern is making sure they have the power to rule over you.

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Rarely do they wield this power to the benefit of constituents who elected them through the traditional democratic process (of course, there are exceptions, but these “noble politicians” are a tiny minority on the federal level). In order to achieve electoral success, politicians get in the good graces of elite, well-funded networks via Washington, Wall Street, and elsewhere. As long as they accommodate the interests of this 0.01% fractional group, power incumbency remains an indefinite prospect.

Over the past few years, the politicians in charge have authorized the printing of trillions and trillions of dollars in the name of a “global pandemic.” In doing so, they debased the currency and set off an inflation time bomb, making the vast majority of Americans significantly poorer and worse off.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Dr. Jane Ruby and the Health Ranger reveal post-vaccine CLOT MYSTERIES with new lab results

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 Dr. Jane Ruby and the Health Ranger reveal post-vaccine CLOT MYSTERIES with new lab results

192. What Really Goes On: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


192. What Really Goes On: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



What Really Goes On 


 School wreaks havoc on human foundations in at least eight substantive ways so deeply  buried few notice them, and fewer still can imagine any other way for children to grow  up:  

     1) The first lesson schools teach is forgetfulness; forcing children to forget how they  taught themselves important things like walking and talking. This is done so pleasantly  and painlessly that the one area of schooling most of us would agree has few problems is  elementary school — even though it is there that the massive damage to language-making  occurs. Jerry Farber captured the truth over thirty years ago in his lapidary metaphor  "Student as Nigger" and developed it in the beautiful essay of the same name. If we  forced children to learn to walk with the same methods we use to force them to read, a  few would learn to walk well in spite of us, most would walk indifferently, without  pleasure, and a portion of the remainder would not become ambulatory at all. The push to  extend "day care" further and further into currently unschooled time importantly assists  the formal twelve-year sequence, ensuring utmost tractability among first graders. 

Attorney ‘Thrilled’ After Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Air Force, Air National Guard



Attorney ‘Thrilled’ After Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Air Force, Air National Guard

A federal judge in Ohio on Wednesday blocked the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate nationwide for Air Force, Space Force and Air National Guard service members who requested religious exemptions.

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A federal judge in Ohio on Wednesday blocked the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate nationwide for Air Force, Space Force and Air National Guard service members who requested religious exemptions.

In his 4-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Matthew McFarland said the government failed to “raise any persuasive arguments for why the Court should not extend the Preliminary Injunction issued on March 31, 2022, to cover the Class Members.”

Wednesday’s ruling replaces McFarland’s 14-day temporary restraining order, issued July 14. The temporary order was issued to allow the military time to make its case for why the preliminary injunction shouldn’t last longer and be expanded to apply to 10,000 or more service members seeking an exemption.

Earlier this month, government lawyers argued that preventing the military from punishing unvaccinated members “would interfere with ongoing legal proceedings and would otherwise be improper, particularly in light of significant new developments.”

Miracle on Main Street: The Gathering Tragedy/The Only Cause of Inflation


Miracle on Main Street: The Gathering Tragedy/The Only Cause of Inflation









Boos running in the streets. Mobs of rioters and dem-

onstrators threatening banks and legislatures. Looting of shop and

home. Credit ruined. Strikes and unemployment. Trade and dis-

tribution paralyzed. Shortages of food. Bankruptcies everywhere.

Court dockets overloaded. Kidnappings for heavy ransom. Sexual

perversion, drunkenness, lawlessness rampant . . .


One distinguished politician writes to another: ‘The

wheels of government are clogged, and we are descending

into the vale of confusion and darkness. No day was ever

more clouded than the present. We are fast verging to

anarchy and confusion.”


Where, when and whom? Get ready for a shock:

_ America, 1786, ten years after the signing of the Declaration

of Independence. The correspondence was from George