This info is
When we watch and cheer for our team in the D.C. Big Game
as they have real owners who pay for their teams. We watch
& may be deceived on who serves whom?
You may not
agree on all that is unfolded in Geralds analysis below.
Unfortunately, its sort of funny as all good jokes have a thread of truth
woven through & through.
We are not
given the TRUTH on Lame-Stream Media by the "Presstitutes". We
R only allowed to know by omission, half truths, and obfuscations on the
"REAL" events as they unfold on the Boob-Tube before our mesmerized
eyes & manipulated closed like minds.
If when closed,
treat it as a stand up comedic act. Pray that the joke is not unfolding
before our 'eyes that do not see'. As our individual fate and that of our
families seems to me to be hanging by a thread.
85 Billion Federal
Reserve NOTEs (Cash) (out of thin air) 'fiat' is (NOW) being pushed
'conger-ed up' into the markets each month by A
non-govt., private, central bank, international banking cartel
member, the Federal Reserve.
Haven't you
'just been wondering' why everything keep costing more while our Net
Worth keeps falling? And by the way, we as Americans have to pay the
cartel interest on the credit THEY give us. Think about it. For
every dollar they conger up (out of thin air) forcing all of us to have, WE
have to pay Interest to Them to use their currency. Therefore a DEBT
exchanged with worthless Notes U do not own, can only be discharged
& NEVER paid in full. The debt continues until they own everything
through col-lateralization of the unpaid DEBTS. Our Govt. has the ability to issue Money as Credit with fiscal
backing. This would require accountability on their part.
What a great
trick along with an entertainment comedy. A simple pyramid scheme where
as WE (The united States of America) can never pay back the debt
into~Infinity. How far back does our demise go? 1913 Federal Reserve
Act, 16th amendment, income tax post-facto 1945, assignations, 1971
Nixon removes gold standard & the last vestiges of any accountability on
our leaders.
Forty One(41)Years
of FIAT CURRENCY with NO fiscal backing, nothing. Do you see the slight
of hand here? The Trick? O' yes, we all seem to be functioning
financially so to speak. So you may say some of it said before
is just bull-shit! I hope so. History, unfortunately would seem to
differ with our programed feel good positions. Google it! No
society in all of known history including the last 20th century has never survived successfully
through the use of FIAT Currency
(Worth Nothing, NO backing, Out of Thin Air, created on a computer screen).
A currency backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.
That's on my back and yours.
An example, when
$100 is borrowed into existence with a 10% compound interest fee
(tax) per year is assessed. Where does the extra $10 dollars come
from? WE have to borrow the extra $10 + $1 (interest on
interest) = $11 from the Federal Reserve again as they R the
BANK. Now it grows to $111.00 with no end in sight. So you may now
see where Inflation actually comes from? If not, more currency chasing
fewer goods that causes the cost of everything to rise.
An older coin
like a 90% 'Silver' Dollar, a true DOLLAR, is worth more today than say
1921. If no corruption/assassination's/ Roman like
Imperialism was NOT to take place along the way, that Silver dollar would
still be worth a dollar $1 today.
This enables
the politicians their unlimited power drug currency ($16 TRILLION &
counting) to support their habits on our backs. I'll bet we didn't
learn this in high school or from our so called leaders. Overwhelmed
yet? Just don't Vote for the criminals who R addicted to the drug.
We have the power now. As I see it, but not for very long.
Eternal Vigilance