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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Jesus, the Jewish Straw Man Worshipped as God by Yukon Jack from Veterans Today


Jesus, the Jewish Straw Man Worshipped as God

Jesus never returned to save America, he didn’t and couldn’t because he’s a Jewish created fiction. Americans are unable to deal with the current crisis because the primary myth keeps their minds in a state of suspension.  They are unable to think and grasp their predicament, they cling to their myth of a savior return, more convinced than ever as things get worse.
As America spirals in, as demonic politicians become ever more desperate for war, Americans will file into tens of thousands of churches and pray to their invisible Jewish straw man for salvation. They won’t be saved, only killed off until whoever remains wakes up from the cultural trance and fights back.
    When Dorothy first meets the Scarecrow in the 1939 movie classic "the Wonderful Wizard of Oz", he is attached to a cross.
When Dorothy first meets the Scarecrow in the 1939 movie classic “the Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, he is attached to a cross.
America has been used up like a tired old whore, the jobs are gone and impoverished by debt and morally depleted by never ending Jewish wars of aggression. The military industrial complex, Jewish owned conglomerations of war and spy making corporations, has become a bloodthirsty beast seeking every kind of war on anyone about anything so that they can peddle vast array of high tech smart bombs and snooping equipment.
The latest act of aggression was headed off by the internet, once again the Israeli lobby was unable to get America into a war with Iran. This is unacceptable, the war must go on, trillions of dollars of debt must be propped up with empire expansion.
Are you ready for some hard talk about how the Jews took your government away from you? They trumped all of Christiandom by using their Biblical beliefs against them. Christians allowed Jews to fill every critical position of state and media until the Jews closed the deal on 9112001, pulled a political coup on the American state and launched a War of Terror on the world. Now they are finishing their consolidation of power, building a huge internal police organization, the DHS, arming it with the latest weapons, and are getting ready to crush all Christian resistance in America and worldwide. Most Christians, completely brainwashed by their religion, have no idea what’s up and are no more ready for the new Bolshevik crackdown than the Christian peasants of Stalin’s Russia.
Who is Jesus, Really?

Jesus is a fictional character created by Jewish writers under the auspices of Roman authorities says a growing consensus of scholars. According to Joseph Atwill, in his landmark book “Caesar’s Messiah”, the Roman Flavian dynasty is the sole creator of the Jesus myth, produced by Jewish writers pressed into service of Rome, who took the Torah and other myths and created a new one tailored to a Jewish messianic audience. Christianity was originally targeted at Jews to convert them and make them docile, obedient slaves of Rome according to Atwill. The new myth was carefully crafted by very using every resource available at that time.
Another popular writer, Acharya S, who wrote “The Suns of God” (http://www.truthbeknown.com/sunsofgod.htm) says Jesus is a Jewish man worshipped as God. Jesus is the Jewish man inserted into common myths of the day. Soon everyone was worshipping a Jewish man as god. The Jesus myth eventually became the most successful myth of all time, with the greatest amount of converts. Christianity is now the world’s most successful religious memeplex because the internal memes are virulent and reproduce, that doesn’t make it true, just highly propagatory.
Christians dominate by stating their unprovable faith as fact, they often say ‘Jesus is the son of man’, a memetic code programmed into their mind, a meaningless phrase that stuns the non-believer with internal confusion because Christians also claim that Jesus is god. So which is it, god, man, or both? The Christian cares not because clear cut definitions about their god don’t matter, the entire exercise of making such statements is to establish dominance until the non-believer tires and becomes one of the Christian Borg.
If you debate these people using rational points of view you will be disappointed. They counter rational arguments with precanned responses, because Christianity is a virulent memeplex, a Christian is a human robot programmed with a set of memes no different than a computer uploaded with a program, they are trained to respond with a strong defense. If you say this they will respond with that, they have a memorized replies to any challenge. Try it some time, Christians always respond with automatic responses and many times what comes out is off topic. This is one of the reasons Christianity dominates, once the virus takes hold the infected is able to repel reasoned arguments. What they are doing is searching their data bank, looking for a response that matches, they remember one and state it. It matters not if it makes sense or even fits the topic being discussed. They look human but they are robots, don’t take my word for it, go test it. Their mind is automated like a computer, they are not reasoning like a human should, so it is impossible to argue with them because they are only trying to win the argument even if their defense is irrational. Christianity is a mind virus that defends itself.
Computers can be loaded with a program easily, but with humans it is more difficult. The difference is that the human brain has to be reloaded with the code again and again by the process of indoctrination, the memes must be drilled into the neural pathways by repetition. In the brain of the infected, the repetition of the code forms permanent neural pathways over time, a believer is wired to believe. Because of how the brain works, the code may be impossible to erase unless the victim uses their own will to fight ‘the matrix’ (memetic code) and undo the damage of religious programming. Christians are literally hard wired with the Bible code, they are manifesting the so-called ‘end times’. They are predispositioned to vote for politicians that destroy civilization. Most Christians still mightily approve of GW Bush.
George W. Bush lights a menorah celebrating Jewish victory over America.
George W. Bush lights a menorah celebrating Jewish victory over America.
Undoing the damage of religious programming can takes decades of soul searching for the truth seeker. Yearning for intellectual freedom and individual bodily liberty from religious guilt complexes may result in destructive behavior as the infected tries anything to escape hell. Many join the military hoping for a easy way out – an honorable death on the battlefield. Christianity is a program of death for the human body and many must go into wild mode to escape its cage. Many hippies are former Christians who reject the judgement, rules, and norms of the culture, they let their hair grow, some even refuse to groom.  They literally walk away from the program and go into voluntary poverty and start from scratch being very careful with economical choices that are karmically loaded. Something inside prevents them from following the program of obedience, they reject the spell and walk away. They ask where was this food grown, where the clothes were made, how does my act of purchasing this item affect others? The choices they are making become the new pattern for civilization when it grows out of the ashes of the previous.
A person can not be free until every line of code that controls and restricts is confronted and rejected. There are hundreds of forums to help believers out of their predicament. Religious programming is the original psychological warfare, one that the CIA sought to emulate with the Jim Jones experiment. In the near future humanity must address this issue and make it illegal to program children with any religion or political philosophy. Indoctrination is not a right, it is psychological abuse and many times accompanied by physical abuse.
Christianity is a Box in Which the Mind is Put to Rest
Once a victim of state aggression is fully programmed and indoctrinated in Christianity they are no longer a threat to the state because they are no longer able to critically think about a non authoritarian existence. A joyful Christian is a goy who has found acceptance as a slave on the Jewish plantation. They are able to perform small tasks while earning a living and paying the tax tribute as a good citizen. I have observed that many Christians are perfectly comfortable living their entire life without critical thinking. A Christian is a programmed robot with their mind deactivated, they are the sheeple, the easily led masses that can be manipulated into war by unscroupulous charlatans like Sean Hannity.
Christians obey the state even if they lose limbs in illegal immoral wars that violate their prime directive, the commandment of “Thou shalt not kill”.
Christians obey the state even if they lose limbs in illegal immoral wars that violate their prime directive, the commandment of “Thou shalt not kill”.
A Christian obeys authority even if the authority is evil, corrupt and criminally insane. Even with the blatantly evil politicians of the last several decades Christians still are unable to detect evil. They are naive like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Why is this? Indoctrination. They are trained to support authority no matter what. It is even worse when Israel are involved in corruption, they can not even hear the criticism. This leads me to believe that Christians are under a Jewish black magic spell, a spell so strong that Israel can blow up the World Trade Towers and Christians still support Israel and GW Bush even when you patiently explain what really happened. I have done this many times and have been mystified by their blank stares and inability to grasp reality.
Jesus is a straw man, not real like a scarecrow in a cornfield, Jesus is an illusion of a man being used for a purpose, he can’t be proved as a real historical character let alone as a god. If you doubt this man you are an antichrist, a minion of Satan, someone to be feared and shunned. A real man can not walk on water, but a fictional one can.

What is a Straw Man Argument?
white text dorothy and scarecrow
Wikipedia says:
“A straw man is a type of argument based on misrepresentation of an opponent’s position. To “attack a straw man” is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the “straw man”), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.
“Why do anarchists hate roads?” is an example of a straw man argument. Anarchists are against the state or central authority or any authority that collects taxes and imposes it’s will on a geographical area. They do not hate roads, they might uses roads and even love roads. The anarchist understands that roads can be built by anyone, not just the state but the statist wants monopoly power, the right of road building left exclusively to the state. So an irrational argument is forwarded by the defender the state’s monopoly power because it can be effectively argued that the state shouldn’t exclusively build roads.
A good straw man argument not only misrepresents the opponents position, it contains a strong emotional appeal to the defense of the myth. Have you ever heard a Christian say: “Why do atheists hate god?”. That is a prime example a fallacious ‘straw man’ argument with strong emotional appeal. The theist defends his myth and turns the table on the antagonist, charging him with hate of god that the atheist doesn’t even believe in. The dishonesty works well. Remember that Christianity is not about honesty, it is about power, the power of the state and the myth that formed authority is granted by god must be defended. Without authority there is no state, without god there is no authority, without Christianity there is no belief or defense of authority in western civilization. The omnipotent state rides on the back of millions of believers.
A statement refuting god should be countered by a reasoned defense related to the original string of logic, not an emotional response. Straw man usage proves that no defensive argument is available to the believer. Making emotionally charged exclamations is a primary technique of how theists defend an unprovable god. It took myself decades to understand what was going on, I had made the assumption that Christians were honest and would debate honestly. They can’t because their case is unprovable and indefensible so they must lie, they have no other choice but to lie, only irrational arguments can defend fictional beings. There are no arguments that will prove the existence of their god, let alone all the other dogmas like devils, hell, and sin that goes along with their judging god.
The idea behind the straw man is to use emotions to defeat reason, nip the criticism in the bud before any critical analysis starts in the awakening mind. If others are listening in to the debate a believer might add to their logic fallacy “Why do atheists hate god and worship Satan?”. A fence sitter might infer that all atheists are not only god haters but Satan worshippers as well. Sometimes they go even farther and accuse the atheist of being Satan because only Satan would deny the existence of god. What is really going on is that effective use of emotional pleas and straw man arguments keeps the myth alive in the minds of many, no one questions if Satan is any more real than god, both fictional characters used to defend the existence of each other. The Christian argument is always loaded with assumptions that the other myth memes are also factual, if you argue the existence of god with a Christian you soon will have to deal with the unproved Satan meme, if you don’t believe in god then maybe you are a minion of Satan.  They can not accept that you are no thing of any deity, a free being free of myth memes.
If you deny Christ the New Testament says you are an antichrist. Well that is true, sort of. Just because someone doesn’t believe in a god doesn’t make them anti-god. For instance I might admire the Jesus character in the New Testament and think highly of his teachings. Just because I don’t believe him real doesn’t make me hate him. Yet this is what nearly all theists assert when you argue against the existence of Jesus, “You must really hate Jesus if you don’t believe in him!”.  Once again the straw man argument is used by believers to defend the existence of Jesus because if in the last 2000 years anyone produced a valid Jesus exists argument then they would all use it instead.
This straw man argument is now used to defend god even when you prove that the Bible god, a destroyer war god, can not be the creator. So if an argument is leveled that proves the Bible god is a destroyer, the defender will twist the argument around and claim you hate the creator. The Bible links the central war god character Jehovah with the creator in Genesis, even though the two are polar opposites. Why would the omniscient creator destroy it’s creation?  Every step of the way the theist uses the straw man argument to cover their retreat.
Politicians use the straw man argument routinely. For instance, someone critiques the latest national health care boondoggle and the administration defender claims the critiques racially motivated for attacking Obama’s policies. The racial argument makes no sense at all but it sells well to the supporters of Obama because their minds are already predispositioned for any argument to defeat political opponents. Few people are thinking inside the beltway, it is an spending spree orgy of making laws and spending billions of other people’s money. You might even be for national healthcare but not Obamacare, laws written by the health lobby, being opposed to Obama’s version of health doesn’t make you racist.  Reason matters not in power politics, only effective mud slinging.
The criminal Jewish spy and propaganda organizations, like the ADL, uses the anti-semitic straw man over and over. They use it all the time because it works so well. Anyone who tries to debate or examine anything to do with Israel or Jewish racism is immediately attacked as a racist and labeled anti-semitic. This techniques works and keeps the vast majority of sheep in the herd and their minds from straying. The straw man argument works so well because so many people are emotionally programmed and indoctrinated into a religious pattern of non-thinking. America is a Christian nation programmed by emotional codes, thus political henchmen like Abe Foxman can make short work out of steering them away from critical thinking on important issues such as the Holocaust by using straw man type arguments. Most Jews aren’t even semitic yet Abe Foxman uses the anti-semitic Straw Man charge against anyone criticizing Jewish Supremacist and Israeli political policies.
Owning Your Actions: Individual Responsibility vs. Religion
If Jesus is a literary invention, how can he save you from your own acts? Doesn’t it make sense that the Universe is set up so that you own your acts? In fact, is it even possible that anything could separate yourself from your acts? Are not your acts a fundamental part of the self? Aren’t you defining yourself with your acts? The fundamental idea behind Christianity of salvation now in this life or in the next is patently false. Just because it sells doesn’t make it true.
Only a Jew would be so bold to sell you the idea that you are not responsible for what you are doing. But they did and it was a successful ruse, because most people are irresponsible. Not owning up to one’s behavior is a fundamental aspect of Jewishness and this Jewishness has crossed over into Christianity. The fundamental theme of Christianity is the absolution of sin and getting a free ticket to heaven regardless of what you do. Evangelicals believe that you could murder a billion people and go to heaven so long as you profess Jesus Christ.
The Jews have annual rituals to separate themselves from their acts, such as the Kol Nidre oath. The tribe of thieves is playing a mind game with themselves, they are trying to violate the laws of Nature, theft without karma. Kol Nidre is a liar’s game of fooling oneself with ritual pre-absolvement. It takes no genius to figure out that this could be one of the primary reasons why Jews get into trouble with nations they occupy, the natives get upset with their guilt free thieving. Many Jews are incredulous at why people hate them, “I have stolen Palestine and killed your people, why are you mad at me, are you anti-semitic?”.  Kol Nidre is self hypnosis.
The Christian is just as incredulous with their act of voting for political monsters and the death and carnage that follows. They are completely divorced from what they are doing. Christians are Judaized gentiles, gentiles playing Jewish mind games of waging violence then denying responsibility. President GW Bush was fond of saying ‘they hate our freedoms’ even though he knew full well that they were reacting to our interference and skullduggery. After leveling whole cities the Judaized gentile wonders why they hate us. There is a very deep level psychological sickness to western culture and it is the Judaic roots.
The Jewish Straw Man Worshipped as God
The Bible provides no physical description of Jesus. This scholars find most troubling. If the New Testament Gospel writers were writing about a real person they would of provided ample description of this man. But there is none, absolutely nothing about him because the writers all knew they were creating a mythological entity.
Christianity must be sold just like a used car by flamboyant salesmen.
Christianity must be sold just like a used car by flamboyant salesmen.
Christianity must be sold just like a car. The preacher is a friendly salesman selling junk. Take a good look at the television preachers, just as slimy as used car salesman pushing bubblegum repaired crap. They sell Jesus, Jesus this, Jesus that, Jesus did this, Jesus did that, Jesus can save you only if you beleeeeeve. And who is this Jesus character? A Jewish man. And you must beleeeeeve this Jewish man is god. What a laugh. You must beleeeeeve that there was at least one good Jewish man, and he is your god. Jesus is a marionette being dangled by the Rabbi in front of deceived eyes of the goy. How can any TV preacher criticize Jewish supremacist politics when they are on the Jewtube preaching Christianized Jewianity and when they are closet religious supremacists themselves?
Beleeeeeve in the good Jewish man as your god.
Beleeeeeve in the good Jewish man as your god.
If you are wondering why the world has gone to hell then consider the possibility that all of Christiandumb has made a fictional Jewish man their god. So how is it that Israel can rip off the United States to the point that Israel now runs the NSA? Jesus. Jesus is the miracle straw man of the Jews, with Jesus anything is possible, including owning and controlling the world’s most potent military. Who works for the NSA that allows this? Christians, Mormons, Catholics, all those spell bound by the memes. In the halls of the NSA walk memebots of Christ, defenders of the Jewish power structure, control freaks who give themselves moral permission to pry into everyone’s business.
Christianity is a mind virus that has infected the vast majority of the people of the United States, and this is the primary reason this huge majority allows the Jews to destroy everything. Jewish supremacy has infected the mass mind, and the result is deadly. America, the world’s only remaining superpower is pounding the world into rubble with repeated wars in the Middle East. Millions and millions have died, tens of millions permanently displaced and the criminals that direct this openly talk of more war.
Waiting for the Return of a Savior that Never Was
If modern scholars have cracked the code and determined that Jesus is a literary fictional character then he never was and can not return. But millions upon millions of Christians right now are betting everything that Jesus is coming back, any day. The majority of Christians believe we are in the end of days, that this generation is the last. Many even await the Rapture, being taken up into heaven, at some time during the Tribulation. Many believe we are in the Tribulation right now, but all Christians are still here, none have been taken away. How could they miss the play that their energy created? All Christians are going to experience the fruits of voting for warmongers by experiencing war on them right here in America. What goes around comes around, what energy you send abroad is the same energy that comes home to roost.
The incredible part of the Jesus story is that when he comes back he destroys the earth but first he waits for wars, lots of wars that kill 2/3 of all Jews, then he returns and finishes destroying whatever isn’t already destroyed. Christians are very happy to sponsor Jews returning to Israel, so that this can come true. Christians are joyous that so many Jews are returning home because prophecy is being fulfilled. Christians believe in almighty god, an omnipotent god. If that’s true why are the so busy helping god return? Maybe that’s evidence of their lack of faith in their all powerful god who hasn’t returned yet, but more likely it is powerful evidence that their beliefs are a sham and that Christians are manifesting the end times, trying to make their prophecies come true.
America is a Bad Place Where Bad People Do Bad Things
Americans think they are special, but they are not and the rest of the world has caught on. The current exclusivity meme in use the past couple of weeks is exceptionalism. American exceptionalism has been exposed as American badness. Truth about American behavior has been revealed, this is the definition of the word apocalypse, a prophetic unveiling in ones mind. The great unveiling of American behavior came about during the current Syrian crisis. America has been exposed as a bloodthirsty, war mongering, lawless, rogue state.
American Christians think they are exceptional for being saved and living in lap of luxury of Babylon America. Little do they know their Jewish supremacist friends have robbed the nation blind with the Federal Reserve and the party is nearly over. Soon it will be lights out and those in charge are going into crack down mode and will no longer tolerate the little people and their phony religion that was used to keep them blindfolded while the Jews took the wealth of North America as booty. Now they have it all, all of the wealth and power they will reveal themselves as gods. How can they resist, they must triumphantly show off their great success?
And it is true, the Jews are the real gods if you worship the straw man Jesus because they invented him. Jesus is an invention of Jewish scholars in service of Rome. To this day the Pope still wears a kippah because Christianity is a Jewish religion run by Jews and always has been. The Roman Empire morphed into the Holy Roman Empire and according to prophecy is nearing its end. It will end when it is exposed for what it is.
Francis: "Can I have your job?" Benedict: "Sure, I'm tired of playing Jew."
Francis: “Can I have your job?” Benedict: “Sure, I’m tired of playing Jew.”
America is an extension of Israel because Americans are seduced by Judaism, Christianity is a variant of Judaism, it is not separate. The Jews do bad things because their religion demands it, they must kill because their god demands it. If you are Christian then you are caught in the Jewish web of control and will do bad things also. America is a bad place because of this relationship, the people do bad things to others because they are following the Bible god which demands supremacy over others, thus America has bad people because those people follow a Jewish religion that makes them bad.
How many Jews actually fight America’s wars? Why do Americans fight to preserve Israel which attacks America on 9112001 and then subverts her with the phony terror war? America has fallen and the reason is the vast hold Christians have on this nation who continually vote naively for Jewish controlled Presidents and Congressman. Most Americans are like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, on a journey to discover that the man behind the curtain is a Rabbi pulling the levers of power.
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Posted by on Sep 24 2013, With 7470 Reads, Filed under Editor, Of Interest. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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139 Comments for “Jesus, the Jewish Straw Man Worshipped as God”

  1. Ii love to read the comment s from the christian believers .they are so arrogant and forthright ,that it to me is laughable.however i have been putting up with their arrogant for my entire 75yrs.of coarse it is christianity that has allowed the jew to gain control first of the money supply which the popes of old gave them the right o lend money at interest back when the christians were not allowed to do this act.and so on till today the jew uses the christian believers as their ally to keep control of the u.s /worldi believe that the whole christian cabal was invented by the jew when it is written that 20% of the roman empire had converted to judaism.and they hate converts to this day ,when in fact that most jews are converts i.e. khazaria.but
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  2. Meet & travel the PATH with Jesus Christ personally tomorrow morning (6-9 am Pacific) on his radio show & call him for blessings:
  3. JG asks, what is the value of punishing christianity?
    Indeed, what is the value of prosecuting murderers?
    Western civilization is overflowing with examples of lies and distortions that favor the ruling elite. Why is this so? Could it be because the demand to force people to live with and swear fealty to a lie prepares them to accept any number of other lies as their guiding light?
    I have stated before, much to the chagrin of a certain christian writer here, that the creed of christianity has wounded human imagination, replacing the exploration natural to humanity with a dull subservience. Christianity has single handedly destroyed the mythopoetic capacities of western man, forcing the deranged apocalyptic nightmare upon the western
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    • I fail to see how the mythopoetic impulse has been destroyed in Western man: we have Emerson & Thoreau, Poe & Borges and numerous others. If anything, it’s television that may lead to mythopoetic sterility. I do agree with MK’s observation about the “deranged apocalyptic nightmare.”
      • As Emma stated in a prior comment, we are in the “pick of litter of the multi verse” at this time and place. We must make the most of it.
        When I first read the Yukon article, I was somewhat dismayed. Very few Christians visit this site, so why piss off the few that do?
        But reading the comments and writing always brings out fresh ideas from the Entirety, the un thought as it were.
        The Archon are being molested daily by increased human consciousness.
        We are smarter than they, however they have the advantage of knowing the true history of the human race.
        As in the days of Noah, you will see the signs. Jesus says this and then goes on to reveal other signs that have nothing to do with the conventional story of the
        read more ...
    • MK, I totally agree with you. But 4 billion people follow the deception of Yaldabaoth. We can’t murder them all for the transgressions of their fathers and forefathers. That would fall right into Agenda 21, we would do exactly what they seek, hate and discord, war and famine, Armageddon.
      They will not be bludgeoned into reality. 99.99% of the Universe exists in a neutral state. Can this one small faction, the Archon change that ratio? Not without our help. Hence, they must deceive us into doing their dirty work of destroying mankind.
      What is absolutely amazing, is the amount of good that remains in religion, how much Christ survived despite all the attempts of the Demiurge to extinguish the flame.
      As Baptists, me and my sibs,
      read more ...
  4. George Carlin introduces The Jesus who loves you:
  5. It is absolutely amazing to me that Christians see no disconnect between their self labeled loving god, and the near endless series of genocides, knowledge purges, pedophilia scandals, wars, tortures, institutionalized guilt, externally forced moral code, and deranged “theology”.
    Where is the loving God who labels the most innocent with the mark and doom of original sin? Augustine was tortured by demons eh? Is that why he fathered the hateful and anti-human tenets that would destroy and damage cultures, learning, and self-direction across the globe?
    Funny how Tertullian admitted in writing that the Ceasars could easily be christians, y’know, great and wonderful folks like Julian, who murdered over 1 million in the Levant for the crime of not
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    • A shocking experience happened back in 2007, when I was attending a small liberal church in Boulder Colorado. One Sunday the pastor was away for a conference, and he asked two “elders” whom I had never even heard of before to fill in for him. These two men were both Vets from WWII. One of them gave a sermon about George Patton and how noble it is to “die for your country” etc etc. After the sermon I asked him the two World Wars, in which all the adversaries were Christian nations (apart from Japan and Turkey) slaughtering each other.
      His reply: Only the US and its allies (USSR???) were “true Christian countries; the rest were fake Christian countries”!
      Yes, the war machine of the beast relies heavily on undiscerning folk like these.

      read more ...
      • Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before.
        Though, I liked the tune, the lyrics always bugged me.
        Apparently, Constantine was quite taken with the militancy of the “new Hebrew god.”
        Unfortunately, Yaldabaoth, the war god of the Jews is also the devil god of the Jews. I wonder if that was why Constantine murdered his wife and son during the same year as the Nicene accord, I can’t recite Nicene Creed for some reason, did not think I would ever be able to drive it from my consciousness.
        The point we must remember is lumping of individuals into categories. Not all Christians are bad, not all Jews are evil. In fact, less than 1% of any people are evil.
        When we label complete categories
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        • JG,
          I have never said that all christians are evil. I have said that they do not have an active, authentic spirituality, and I have said that those who pretend to offer evidence for their creed are alot like Dorothy with a mean on, click your heels, wish really hard, and then yell like crazy.
          What is evident is that none of the abrahamic creeds can be defended from the basis of a positive improvement for humanity. The ancient seers knew this intimately-I trust you are familiar with the second treatise of the Great Seth? Seth is mentioned in the OT, that his lineage was not that of abe. What an understatement!
          Even the Valentian Gnostic Marcion tried with everything he had to remove the stain of hate and psychosis from christianity, to reject original
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          • Agreed, but what do we gain by punishing Christians for 50 million Gnostics, Cather’s & Pagans murdered by the Vatican? Not to mention the millions more in the new world?
            My father-in-law commented many years ago, “but what would the world be like if we had no Christianity?” I replied, “A hell of a lot better.”
            Though we cannot change the past, we can effect the future. Christianity can be tweaked, with just a rudimentary understanding of Nag Hammadi, I learned what was missing in Christianity today, Christ.
            Not a literal human being, perhaps just a natural force that strengthens as we pass though this part of space, hence even an Atheist can believe in the Christ and the long awaited return to sanity.
            My “Born Again” sister in
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  6. In general, when men are separated from their faith, they cease to be men and become mere beast incapable of and blind to a higher purpose. I wonder about the wisdom of this article coming especially at a time when our post-modern materialistic world is drowning in anarchy and self destruction. It would seem we do not have faith enough. G.K Chesterton wrote: “You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it”. I do not believe the author has found truth, however sincere his intentions. I do not understand his antipathy to Christ. The author compares Christ to a fairy tale. But again, G.K. Chesterton says this about fairy tales:
    “Fairy tales, then, are not responsible for producing in children fear, or any of the shapes of fear; fairy
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  7. There are millions of Jesus among Spanish speaking people where JESUS is a very common first name. So we can say there are millions of Jesus amoung us all the time!!! I personally know a handful!!!
    I also asked a couple Moslems who said Jesus is Quranic first name among moslems but it is not very common.
    Well, how about this: the Christian world of non-Spanish Europe & North America who do all the Jesus propaganda don’t believe in it as first name??? Does that tell us somethin…???
    By the way. thanks a lot Chuck Fenney for your artistic touch on the subject.
    always on target!
    • Hay soos is the pronunciation, in Tex Mex anyway.
      Matthew, Mark, Luke or John are not Hebrew names. By sounding out all the vowels that are in J-O-H-N delivers the rendition in Hebrew, Human Being, hence the final book of the Bible reads, The Revelation to the Human Being, to all of us.
      Revelations means “lifting the veil” that Sophia (Wisdom) placed between the Earth and the other dimensions, 11 in total, the same number predicted in “String Theory” by Leonard Susskind and many other noted theoretical physicists.
      Revelations is the only Gnostic text that made the Bible in its Entirety. It is a guide book toward reaching the higher self and the perils one faces as he/she crosses the inter dimensional plane. Your higher self exists in the future, but
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      • there for you. Your path is not my path, but the destination will be the same.
        We will travel this path for eternity until we finally produce the happy ending required by David Wilcox.
    The invalidity of the radiocarbon test is due to invalid and contaminated samples. Retesting these same samples does not circumvent or solve this problem at all!
    See at 40′ and 50′ marks of the youtube film “The Real Face of Jesus From the Shroud of Turin” (and especially 54′ mark which discusses artist renditions of the Shroud prior to the alleged radiocarbon dates).
    The fact that other Shrouds were deemed authentic by the church is irrelevant since complex scientific analysis was not available to those people but is regarding the Turin Shroud.
    The Shroud perfectly completes the biblical historical narrative whereby the first thing God does to deal with man’s sin is to make him garments and the last thing He does is to
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    • Here’s the youtube link: ***http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNJPJ4JwHeE
      Check out 40′ & 50′ and particularly discussion at 54′ mark.
      In general I agree with most of Yukon Jack’s lament. The fairly obvious failure of Christianity does not in my mind invalidate Jesus as Divine Messiah, however, since it is predicted to happen throughout the bible.
    • The single greatest challenge to Christians, I think, is why, if Jesus is the Way Truth and Life, Christians are ignorant and have totally embraced the American imperial war machine of raging death and destruction?
      And the Catholic lament about the “culture of death” consisting only of abortion is a pathetic joke, as they too have bought into the raging Empire. I’m sure the people at VT can confirm that the Pentagon is heavily staffed by Catholics. I have heard that the Naval officer corp is overwhelmingly Catholic.
      Almost everything Yukon Jack says is unfortunately true.
      But even if the whole world chooses to live a lie, it cannot invalidate Truth.
      Jesus doesn’t need any of us to believe in Him or obey Him. He extends to us the privilege, that’s
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    • M.
      I hate to tell you this, but your shroud is a fake, dude.
      The samples retested in 2008 were also spectrum analyzed to be certain that the cloth was from the original sample. The warp and waft matched, the color matched, the date-late 12th to early 13th Cent. c.e.
      Now M., you are playing the same game played by christians all over, that their evidence is only the evidence which substantiates the christian fraud, and any evidence which proves that fraud is rejected.
      You are playing the same game of Tyron and pjs here, which is that evidence need not have any objective authenticity.
  9. Yukon, thanks to your work, the comments here have shown to me that
    Firstly: the terms tolerance, love, help, understanding in connection with the term Christian, needs some adjusting.
    Secondly: religion is indeed THE dividing tool par excellence. Even better than language. In fact, it perfectly prevents the masses to ever ´wake up.´ The masses rather go to war.
  10. It must be said that all the harassment – these massive emotional reactions – spoken out against Yukon Jack are indeed a indication that he is right when he says that these religious believes are equivalent to a mind blocking program. Thank You for once again being strong enough to be the first one that speaks out another part of the uncomfortable truth. Don’t get touched by the hate spoken out against You.
  11. A straw man is something that can be easily defeated, like a straw man argument. The problem is that Jesus is not really a strawman. Skeptics and rabbinical scholars cannot disprove Jesus. In fact, that may be part of the allure. The attempts to defeat the strawman end up generating more interest and in fact serve as added proofs. They adamantly say the Old Testament does not predict a crucified Messiah – but actually it does (Psalm 22 read in light of others).
    People like a good mystery. Perhaps if it could simply be proved or disproved, people would not care as much. Jesus would just be like a historical fact or a dictator. In fact, you cannot really say that belief in Jesus is a waste either. Even Communism and Islam came out of Christianity, so in fact it defeated
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    • “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
      There’s nothing you can make that can’t be made.
      No one you can save that can’t be saved.” — John Lennon
      Jesus represents a divine concept of transcendence and devoted service to other beings. An idea once born never dies. He exists – and He lives in us.
      If Jesus perhaps only exists in some timelines and realities, it is partly up to His servants to bring His message of love and forgiveness to the rest. Do we fall short of the best? Every day.
      “Americans are unable to deal with the current crisis because the primary myth keeps their minds in a state of suspension.” I agree with Yukon Jack 100%, on this thought. A thought-provoking article.
      • Emma, you bring up a good point about timelines.
        My older sister, a Christian, no a Baptist states, “at 64, why do I need, why do I want to learn anything new?” as I explained the mind expanding texts of Nag Hammadi and connections to recent scientific studies.
        Since we should share many of the same childhood memories, I was always dumbfounded by her lack of memory. I attributed her unwillingness to expand her consciousness due to religious dogma as the reason behind her poor memory.
        Then, I began to think on the quantum level and it occurred to me:
        There were many nights as a teenager, being stone drunk, that I wondered how I got home.
        In reality, I didn’t, I died as we all have done many times.
        I leaped into a parallel life in which
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        • Absolutely, Yukon. I’m glad one of you survived. Everything you said on this comment is true. And, America’s Christians need to walk to the chalkboard and write this 50 times:
          To Know and not to Act is not to Know.
          To Know and not to Act is not to Know.
          Here’s the thing. Knowledge is not contained in Quarks. They are quantum actors, not souled thinkers. When you mix in a tablespoon of knowledge in a cup of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen, and zap it with electricity, at some point, you start to get a feeling-thinker with a soul. The soul is tasked with discernment :: right action vs. less right action.
          It is the soul which is the kiss of god, because, after being given a body and passing its second estate, the soul can grow into something that
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      • Emma, (your 11:18 comment), as usual, out of my heart.
        Of course it is a great shock for believers to find out more of the ancient history of this term Jesus and what it may uncover. But that does not mean one ends up void and empty inside. On the very contrary. From a dead NT symbol, Jesus, in the meaning/context of your comment, has for me become alive and my best FRIEND – and TEACHER. And WHAT a teacher he is!!!
        The (love) message is far more important (specially on higher vibrations), than his name.
        Similar as with this article (grin).
  12. This article was a success because I was able to push the envelope and breach the silence on Christianity and its relation to Judaism, judging by some of the comments, I got some peoples goats, I trespassed in their field of sacred cows. “How dare you say Jesus is fiction”. lol
    Freedom starts in the mind, if you are not allowed to think a thought then you are bound. So step one to freedom is thinking that which is prohibited. Step two is stating that thought outloud (writing it on a forum). Step 3 is changing your life to match the new thought.
    No person can be free until they free themselves of all myths, cultural, political, and religious. If you believe in Jesus then you are bound, your boundaries are defined by that which Jesus allows, what Jesus allows is
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    • Knowledge is neither good or bad, all knowledge exits. where does it exist? in the Entirety.
      Cutting to the chase about Gnosticism. Einstein once said something to the effect, we go down a hundred wrong paths, even a thousand wrong directions and come up with one truth, one breakthrough and they call you a genius.
      Today’s Gnostic tingle will become tomorrow’s misconception, but a misconception that will lead to another Gnostic tingle the day after tomorrow.
      Religious dogma is easy. Do this, that and the other thing and you will be saved and spend eternity with 72 scantily clad virgins.
      Discarding the dogma for free thought, leads to free will which leads to more knowledge which expands the brain and pineal which allows access to more knowledge.
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  13. Dear Paul Brown (Yukon Jack);
    I believe what some people are trying to say is you are contributing to this…
    …whether you admit to it or not, whether you intend it or not.
    I read that you like to shock, Mr. Brown. The majority of the religious American public are
    Christian – am sure you know this. You were on a roll when you wrote of Zionist Christians
    but now you seem to only want to shock, bordering on insult. How can you call a regular
    commenter a troll when it seems your articles are to illicit his very reactions?
    All respect, Mr. Brown
    • I’m not Paul Brown, I am not Satan or Lucifer, I’m not crazy but quite rational by not believing in myth, I am not a Jew or wanting to be one secretly, I do not have semitic/shepardic/ashkenazi DNA, I am not a secret Zionist or working for any state or corporation, I am not working for Israel and trying to undermine Christianity in some plot of world domination, I am no demon possessed robot working for aliens.
      What am I? A writer writing about this demented culture and all of its wars and bloodshed which originates in primitive mythology of some man that died a bloody death on a cross for your sins. It didn’t happen, it’s not even possible, and so long as I am alive I am going to make you own what you do, like the karma of all of these bloody wars.
      • Are you talking to me? Lol
        • Do you miss Tyron already, sl? Who do you think is impressed with your troll tactic. Did you and Tyron go into the same class?
          Look, maybe you are overstressed. I help you to sort this out.
          Yukon Jack is the AUTHOR. He can have another name, or 25 other names. It´s none of your, or our business. As long as his kids can work this out.
          What the author writes is called an ESSAY. That is our business, because he wrote it for us. It´s up to us how we react – to the ARTICLE !!! It´s …. not …up…. to …. the… author… to …anticipate… our reaction.
          We also KNOW what a TROLL is. A troll is not a responsible commentator! Has this been sorted out now?
          But, detective sweetliberty, oh, wait a minute, sweetliberty? Look who is talking! How do we know you are not Vlad the Vamp? Anyway,
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  14. I haven’t read Edmonton shock-jock Paul Brown/Yukon Jacks’ article but I gotsta say, I likes your comment the bestest
  15. Yukon Jack your article is well written and displays a great deal of truth but you cant give the Zionist credit for something they have been trying to destroy since their failed attempt 2000 years ago. Even the Apostles with the exception of one was oblivious to the resurrection until after Jesus reappeared 3 days after the Pharisee commuted him and his ideologies to death. Since then they have utilized the Talmud to thwart and destroy any semblance of new testament teaching including the abolition of barbaric practices that defy the 10 commandments and lure the innocent, (sheep aren’t stupid, their innocent), from a holy place to a sinful one. My apologies for lack of references. This topic is huge. But a good example of sheep wandering would be Lash Dark moon’s research on the Germans invasion
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  16. Some wisdom from Nag Hammadi
    Asclepius 21-29
    “And it happened this way because of the will of God that men be better than the gods, since, indeed, the gods are immortal, but men alone are both immortal and mortal.
    Therefore, man has become akin to the gods, and they know the affairs of each other with certainty. The gods know the things of men, and men know the things of the gods.
    And I am speaking about men, Asclepius, who have attained learning and knowledge. But (about) those who are more vain than these, it is not fitting that we say anything base, since we are divine and are introducing holy matters.
    Sounds like we are Creator Beings with both mortality an immortality.
  17. There is a reason the faithful in the bible are called sheep. A sheep is a dumb, stupid animal that walks with out protest to be slaughtered. Personally, I am a wolf.
    • john, just for fun, a sheep is a grazer, a wolf is a carnivore so they act different.finding grass does not need much brain indeed. but they are not stupid. a shepherd will tell you, he can talk to his sheep and they will listen and answer to him.
  18. This is the biggest piece of bullshit VT has ever published, and you spooks have published some doozies – like “mini nukes” in the towers and “Lee Wanta-White Hat-Chinese Dragon Clan” BS. How about “Yukon Jack” – the cowardly spook – publishes under his real name?
  19. What a wonderful coincidence. Only a few pages ahead, there is an article by Stephen Lendman about a model Christian of the Western Christian World, non other than the one and only President of the United States himself, Mr. Barak Obama, speaking as a Christian at his UN speech. This is Christianities best. All the good Jesus people will of course go over to Stephen´s article to voice their support for this great Christian President.
    I jotted down a few names from this page here and expect at least 10 to 12 Jesus followers to make great supportive comments over there.
    • Did you see my comment below? There are two really good videos there that relate to the topic. One of the authors here explained on a different article that the antisemitism and or pro Jesus thing is so ingrained at an emotional level that mere words wont be any good to explain and will only produce anger. If you do watch the 1st video, the link in the f/up sub post gives the whole video. It shows Israeli teens NEEDING TO BE INDOCTRINATED as teens because they start out thinkng they are just regular world citizens like you and me. I was hacked and discredited on another website for pointing out the Psy Op. It is against the interests of Bush et al who of course dont want to end up in jail. So TPTB have given orders I think to drum up Anti Semitism now. Otherwise why was I singled out on that
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  20. (1/2)
    There is MUCH wisdom in your article. I say this as a Jewish believer in Jesus too!
    Only two questions for you:
    (1) How do you explain the Shroud of Turin that documents in a scientifically verifiable way the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus? See:
    ***www.shroudofjesus.com/ ***https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G4sj8hUVaY
    (2) As for this statement: “Christianity was originally targeted at Jews to convert them and make them docile, obedient slaves of Rome according to Atwill. The new myth was carefully crafted by very using every resource available at that time.” This cannot be true because so much of what Jesus said and taught seemed to contradict Judaism of its time! Eg: Eat My Body and Drink My Blood!
    You also forget that the early Christians
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    • (2/2)
      Despite the shock of the Bar Kochba rebellion, fomented by rabbis like Akiva, the Romans quickly forgot the Jewish treachery and resumed their close friendship with them, all to the detriment of the Christian community throughout the Empire.
      I will admit that in some sense Judaism is triumphant via the Person of Jesus. I believe that Jews are chosen to proclaim His message sacrificially like the first Apostles, almost all of whom were martyred. I wonder if you would still resent worshiping a Jewish God-Man (Jesus of Nazareth – Yeshua MiNatzrat – ישוע המשיח מנצרת) if the Jews themselves were more humble and sacrificial and embraced all of humanity as their mission field and were a lot less ostentatious, pompous, greedy and selfish?
      I converted to Christianity after years of living as
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    • Actually Christians were not persecuted by Rome at the time of Nero, as they did not exist, yet.
      The persecuted were Chrestians, or good jew, hence Gnostic Jew.
      A guy named truthsurge has done some awesome work on this on youtube. very simple, easy to understand.
      It even shows where one of the most ancient Bibles has Chrestian changed to Christian.
      There is a world of truth in the Matrix, waiting to be decoded.
      Ultimately, the logic is simply, live free or die.
      Lack of freedom nearly killed the Russian people of the USSR, now it is killing us!
      • @ jgglassel;
        Christians and Chrestians[edit source]
        Detail of the 11th century copy of Annals, the gap between the ‘i’ and ‘s’ is highlighted in the word ‘Christianos’.
        The passage states:
        “… called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin …”
        In 1902 Georg Andresen commented on the appearance of the first ‘i’ and subsequent gap in the earliest extant, 11th century, copy of the Annals in Florence, suggesting that the text had been altered, and an ‘e’ had originally been in the text, rather than this ‘i’.[15] “With ultra-violet examination of the MS the alteration was conclusively shown. It is impossible today to say who altered the letter e into an i. In Suetonius’ Nero 16.2, “christiani”, however, seems to be the original reading”.[16] Since the alteration
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    • Mev,
      “In 1988 a Radiocarbon Dating test was performed on small samples of the shroud. The laboratories at the Univ. of Oxford, the Univ. of Arizona, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, concurred that the samples they tested dated from the Middle Ages, between 1260 and 1390.”  (The people who performed the carbon dating process, a former scientist who studied the radiographs & transmitted-light images taken by STURP, a textile expert who handled the shroud during its 2002 restoration process & a carbon-dating expert who examined a surviving portion of the original radiocarbon sample have all individually confirmed that the radiocarbon sample was part of the original cloth, not part of any later repair.) ~ Wikipedia
      A dear friend of mine, a Ph.D. chemist
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      • There was an article in Science News a couple years back about the shroud of turin that decribed a process that they would use to make images on fabric during the middle ages.They rubbed it with potatoes or something.
        • The radiocarbon test was deeply flawed and violated scientific protocol.
          Even if it was accurate, in a court of law it would not override the other hundreds of pieces of evidence that the Shroud is authentic.
          Look up Robert Bucklin Coroner of Los Angeles and his autopsy report on the Shroud!
          • M,
            The radiocarbon dating was repeated in 2008, with exactly the same results-the shroud dates to between the late 13th century to the early 14th. At the height of the relic madness, more than 20 shrouds were authenticated by various church officials.
            The frenzy for relics extended from all sorts of body parts claimed to be parts of saints, to fragments of the “true cross”, to the “shroud”. Constantinople was the hub for the manufacture of “authentic relics”.
            Hysterical christians have attempted all manner of refutations, but like Bart Ehrman, their assertions lack any substance, nor would they be considered worthy of any consideration, excepting the political power of the christian cult.
            The real tragedy here is that a demented political system invented by a dying empire is viewed worldwide as a spiritual
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      • Emma,
        I wrote to Shroud.com about your friend, and this is their reply:
        Only two Episcopal priests have been involved with the Shroud in the past 30 years (that I am aware of). Those were Fr. Kim Dreisbach (deceased), who founded a Shroud organization and exhibit in the Atlanta area and Robert Dinegar (also deceased), a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and original member of the STURP team. Neither was a chemist and both were pro-Shroud advocates until their deaths.
        • Good for you, Mev! …Now… put down the squeezins’… and slowly… back away from the table.
          • @Mike Kay: The invalidity of the radiocarbon test is due to invalid and contaminated samples. Retesting them does not circumvent or solve this problem at all!
            See at 40′ and 50′ marks of the youtube film “The Real Face of Jesus From the Shroud of Turin” (and especially 54′ mark which discusses artist copies of the Shroud prior to the radiocarbon dates).
            The fact that other Shrouds were deemed authentic by the church is irrelevant since complex scientific analysis was not available to those people but is regarding the Turin Shroud.
            The Shroud perfectly completes the biblical historical narrative whereby the first thing God does to deal with man’s sin is to make him garments and the last thing He does is to leave on Jesus’ burial cloth a photographic record of His crucifixion and resurrection that is God’s
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          • Here’s the youtube link: ***http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNJPJ4JwHeE
            Check out 40′ 50′ and particularly discussion at 54′ marks
  21. Let’s assume that god is real and Jesus is his son and everything the Christians say is true. Look at the world, look at the state of Christianity, does it look like Jesus/god is shepherding his flock? Christians adamantly claim they have a personal relationship with Jesus/god. Why are they the last to figure out that 911?
    If what Christians say is true about the origin of their holy book then why do they have to try so hard to defend it? How could any mortal be a threat to god and his words?
    The answer? The truth is man invented religion, it is a memeplex, it has rivals, it must be defended or it will pass away. Virulent Christian responses on every forum is evidence of what Christianity is, a religious memeplex, that must be defended and pass along to other minds.
    God exists in a book and is passed
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  22. Writing about the fiction of Jesus is like kicking over a bucket of piss. Everyone has their opinion about Jesus, but no one has any facts about Jesus because there are none. The entire culture is based on this magical person of which NO VERIFIABLE FACT exists. Do you think that fact might have something to do with our mentally ill culture?
    The great thing about the myth is that Jesus is whatever you want him to be, any race, any theory: alien,gnostic, Alantean, his mother Mary the revolutionary, Mary Magdelene his wife or lover, black African man, King of Edessa, Essene, Rabbi, rabble rouser, crazy homeless man, man who studied in India, royal bloodline, Davidian bloodline, Masonic master, writer, etc. How about fictional character?
    Seems to me that Jesus is a major source of metal illness.
    • That’s just a straight out lie Yukon and you know it. The historicity of Jesus of Nazareth is beyond question. Just ask people like Richard Dawkins and Bart Ehrman. They don’t believe He was the Christ but they’re certainly not stupid or deceptive enough to claim that He never existed.
      • Pjs, Dawkins is wrong about 9/11 and he is wrong about the histerical jesus. As for Ehrman, I think that he will come around and shed his last tear for the invisible sky phantasm.
      • It is difficult to comprehend the level of deception we have eaten over the years.
        There is not one single piece of evidence for a historical Jesus. Every “fact” concerning a living breathing Jesus has long ago been debunked.
        This fact does not diminish the work of Christ, the spirit within. Find the spirit within and you will differentiate between the knowledge of good and evil. It is our single mission on this earth, to be able to understand good and evil, in doing so we will become as gods and rule the Archon (evil).
        With an open mind, the one you were born with, immerse yourself in Nag Hammadi ( On The Origin of the World is a good place to start) and you will discover the Christ that is missing from Christianity.
      • The historicity of Jesus is very much in question, see http://www.jesusneverexisted.com
        • Rubbish! If there was any doubt about Jesus having lived it would have been raised by the people who were being persecuted and slaughtered for following His teachings 2000 years ago. This tripe that you are vomiting however, has only become fashionable in the last 200 years at most. Deceivers such as yourself are able to get away with these lies because many people have been dumbed down to the point that they lack any inclination to engage in meaningful research. I’ve got your mail Jewcon Yakk!
  23. The real person behind the spiritual core of Jesus teachings is Apollonius of Tyana. He is the one the Talmudist hate and spread bullshit about him until today on wikipedia. His teachings were taken, “modified” and injected into the figure “Jesus Christ”. Look at modern deep core Evangelist. They are absolute helpless against an agressor. When get hit on one side of their face, they will just show the other one to get hit there. That is one example for what the Talmudist implemented. Another is, as Yukon writes it, the obeyence to “Jews”. Through this, they can switch between new and old Testament (eye for an eye) just like they need. I agree absolute to Your definition Yukon. The problem the world faces, has its cause not in some genetic disposition to greed and story telling (which the Khazars have). It are the implemented believes.
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    • Humanity has been made of that kind, that it will allways tend to believe rather than to understand and act in accordance to what is the actual stand of understanding. So not only the Christians are conditioned to act in a way of imagined supremacy, that in truth incarcers them. The most tragic role is the one of the Talmudist. The “gods” surely see them as the biggest idiots in this game cause they do the same stupid mistakes as the goyim.
    • Thanks for bringing up Apollonius. http://www.truthbeknown.com/apollonius.html
      Now, the most important work of the Apostle Paul, aka Apollonius states that he found Christ in the scriptures. Jesus is never mentioned in the works attributed to Paul, as I recall.
      The metaphor here is, you too, can find the Christ, your purpose in this life, in the scripture whether it be the Bible, Moby Dick, Star Trek or the phone book as demonstrated by the debunkers of the Bible Code which did prove statistically improbable events, happen.
      Gnosis, is not a religion, it is science. It is an anarchy of thought. Once total freedom of thought happens, guess what, your
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      • Sorry, I don’t mean to label or demean, but a sappy spiritualist, IMHO tells us that tooth fairy gods or space aliens are going to save us, which makes little sense, knowing we have the power to change our matrix, which is the single most important fact, “they” must keep from us.
        I think it was the rock group Who that tell us, “meet the new boss, same as thee old boss”
        Welcome Space Aliens!
  24. VT, which I do really love, preaches continually about how “they” divide us with labels, black, white, sorry I forgot atheist in a prior comment, and every other possible distinction to keep us fighting against each other, which prevents us from uniting against them.
    While I do not believe in a literal Christ and I support anyone’s right to say anything, blaming unawaken ed Christians for our current mess gets us nowhere.
    There are times, that I would swear this publication are agents of misinformation, a conspiracy within a conspiracy to keep us divided.
    I am looking for a site that brings news, Defines the enemy (which is us more often than not)
    and defines ways to defeat our common enemy, which is gonna require a lot of us! And I don’t care
    like if like minded people have differing individual faiths,
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  25. Yuk Jack, No! Even the worlds’ most prominent Atheists aren’t silly enough to deny the historicity of Jesus Christ. The evidence that He lived, ministered, was crucified, left an empty tomb and gathered a following that ultimately changed the entire world is not subject to question, except by someone who is either uneducated or a deliberate deceiver. I believe you are the latter and that you may even be a Frankist Jew! May I point out that He is also written about (negatively) in the Talmud and preached about (negatively) in synagogues. Jews hate Jesus, which is why they go about trying to separate people from His Gospel. Try as you might, this agenda will always be destined to fail because Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” He has been proven correct in this for 2000 years now,
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    • No prominent atheist believes in a historical Christ. Name one. Only Christian apologists defend the historical Christ hypothesis. Furthermore, no Christian scholar would defend Jesus the miracle man. The New Testament is a fictional story book.
      • You’re playing with words now Yukon Jack! Very deceiving indeed. Atheists and non-believing scholars may vehemently deny that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ, but none are stupid enough to deny that Jesus of Nazareth was a true historical person. Richard Dawkins and Bart Ehrman are perfect examples of each category here.
        • Hey pj, read some: G. A. Wells, David Frederick Straus, Richard Carrier, Earl Dorherty, Frank Zindler, Dan Barker, Andrew Benson, to name just a few. And let’s not forget that Albert Schwietzer’s Quest For The Historical Jesus, came up empty.
          Happy trails to you,
    • pjs.So correct me if I am in error.Any atheist who denies the existence of a god or any godhead is automatically a Jew of some sort?If so then I am Jewish in the minds of people who happen to agree with you but the consensus would be totally incorrect.You are talking strawman arguments in the first degree.
      • Please don’t put words in my mouth lawrencedickerson! I said that the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (who I and many others call Christ) will only be challenged by those who are either uneducated or deliberately deceiving. Even Richard Dawkins acknowledges that Jesus was a true historical person. You don’t have to believe in the existence of God if you don’t want to, but claiming that Jesus didn’t exist is just plain dumb! If you do that and you are not Jewish then, I will assert that you are uneducated. Where’s the strawman?
        • The historicity of Jesus can only be embraced by those who support scholarly fraud, doctored passages, fake archaeology, and made up narratives. Christians have been doing these things for many, many years.
          Zero evidence exists to support a historic Jesus.
          Zero evidence exists to support the illusion of a christian church before the 4th century, c.e.
          It is not up to rational humans to prove the illusion of Jesus, it is up to the claimants to prove they have a real claim.
          • Sorry to tell you this Mike Kay but you are now officially assigned to the ‘uneducated’ category noted in my earlier comments. Anyone who is foolish enough to snub scholarly expertise and ignore first century history/writings of the early Church needs to do some serious self reflection! Back to school for you!
          • Pjs,
            Why don’t you list some of your great scholarly works, so that everyone here can examine them? Why don’t you cover the same tired material that apologists for your genocidal cult have trotted out over and over?
            Your arrogant ignorance is typical.
            How about that great passage by josephus, y’know the one that is recognized as written by a different hand?
            Or maybe you refer to all the “Chrestian” references, which are fraudulently referred to as christians?
            Or maybe you refer to Tacitus, and Pilate.
            Or maybe you conveniently leave out critical information, like all the genocides committed by your creed, the hundreds of thousands of books burned, the tens of millions forced to convert to your demented alien God’s creed?
            Glad to you I’m uneducated. I’d hate to find myself well though of by those who can’t even get
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          • Mike Kay, on your last comment and specifically where you’ve said “Why don’t you list some of your great scholarly works”. Seeing as we have previously agreed that you are ‘educationally challenged’, I’ll start with an elementary level example: Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus which states “Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed”. Go then to the Encyclopedia Britannica, which says facts “prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus…” Let me know when you’re ready to move into some adult-level references and I’ll gladly list many for you. We’ll take this in
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        • Nope, pjs, no dice, dude.
          You either have evidence, or you have nothing. Wikipedia may work for 7th grade sociology class, but not with me.
          Encyclopedias do not launch research, they report merely on the status quo.
          Where are your scholars who can prove that your belief is nothing more than deranged wish fulfillment fantasy?
          Are you just another charlatan, pjs?
          • You’re funny and silly Mike Kay, but I like you anyway! Ok, if you believe that you’re ready to take an adult approach to research on Jesus’ historicity, here are a few references that should be studied:
            Old (Christian references are enough in themselves but I understand that you’re somewhat ‘challenged’ so I’ll avoid mentioning them):
            1. Cornelius Tacitus 2. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillas 3. Flavius Josephus (see Louis Feldman) 4. Pliny the Younger 5. Emperor Trajan 6. Emporer Hadrian 7. The Jewish Talmud 8. Lucian 9. Mara Bar-Serapion 10. Acts of Pontius Pilate (lost but referenced) 11. Phlegon (lost but referenced) 12. Celsus 13. Gnostic texts 14. Mohammed – the Qur’an
            Recent (Christians, non-Christians and skeptics):
            1. Bart Ehrman 2. All Talmudic Rabbis 3. the Jesus Seminar 4. Michael Grant 5. William Lane Craig
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  26. Ok, lets sort this out, once and for all.
    The new testament stems from the old (which I ´ll skip) and go straight into the new.
    The NT can be read (interpreted) in 3 different ways.
    1) as is printed.
    2) To be understood spiritually.
    3) Secret, only for the initiated (top Freemasons, Vatican, cabal, etc.)
    The first version, as printed, is for the sheeple, totally useless. The second version makes sense. I´ve tried it but, you need to go into spiritualism. The third is meant solely for the cabal, because they wrote it in the first place, about 2000 years ago.
    Jesus, the concept, goes back about 80 000 years ago (there is proof) but probably much longer and, has been the foundation of many religions for aeons. It has nothing to do with a person but, all to do with stellar constellations. Son-sun, moon-virgin, cross-stellar
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    • You´ll know most of their names. Or, better still, read David Icke´s “Human Race get off your knees”, and get a nice dose of what´s going on on the moon. And, most important, throw your bloody television out, for ever.
      Yukon Jack. I like your articles, written by the heart lately ey, rather then the brain. But allow me a tiny criticism. You bring in the Jew, yet there is no need. Israel does bad things. No doubt. On purpose. But they are instructed by the Shadow US government (the cabal) to do so – in order to take the blame – should things go wrong. We have all been cleverly led to continuesly blame the Jews, YET, all the wars have been done by America – instructed by the shadow government in Washington – not Tel Aviv. I am afraid the ordinary Jew will eventually pay a high price for this. And, there is more: They, the cabal, and the Zionists ARE NOT
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  27. Preston James, Ph.D
    This whole article is a straw man argument violates many rules of logic. There is a big difference between real biblical Christians, nominal christian and zionist fake christian, many of whom are “christian cons”. Talmudics and likudniks hate real Christians, Christianity and in closed meetings have said they were working hard to destroy Christianity. They have hijacked most major churches in America. Jesus was a real person and his life has been cross referenced by Roman historians as well as his crucifixion. The rest is up to personal belief, but there is a valid definition for what a real Christian is and it isn’t someone who doesn’t live it (talk is cheap). It is a five year felony in Israel to preach the gospel publicly and talmudic zio Judaics have worked very hard to eradicate the religious symbols and practices that our Founding fathers placed all over
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  28. —-Yukon Jack (an unusual name), you should go back to writing like your last article
    —-”The Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Should Be Bombed Back to the Stone Age.”
    —-It seems you wrote that article to prepare VT readers on this of the wall, despicable and disrespectful to “Billions of Christians” around the world.
    —-”Jesus. Is The Son Of God.” If you don’t like it, go and jump in a lake.
    —-If you are an atheist, you are forgiven since you do not believe in anything.
    —-If you are a paid Israel/ IDF propaganda machine, we know all about you $1000.00/person
    —-If you are a Zionist, you have already destroyed USA, but you can not destroy the “Kingdom of God”
    —-If you are a rabbi, we know that you believe “Christ Is NOT The Son Of God.”
    ____Rabbi—Shmuley Boteach, who run for 2012-USA (R-NJ-9th District) & LOST
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    • —-If you are talking about the “Evangelical Leaders” who are in the “Pocket of the Zionists”, and are confusing their church members by telling them that Christianity & Judaism is the same, well that is a different story.
  29. Your quote: The straw man argument works so well because so many people are emotionally programmed and indoctrinated into a religious pattern of non-thinking.
    Now substitute: The straw man argument works so well because so many people are emotionally programmed to hate Jews and Israel and indoctrinated to hate Jews and Israel.
    Anti semitism is a long term Psy Op, and you were sucked into a primal hate every bit as real to you as loving Jesus is to Tyron Parsons. THE CABAL created Israel as the ultimate scapegoat, to divide our country and later to disrupt the truth movement with the eventual strawman arguments of antisemitism. Two videos: they have to indoctrinate Israeli children to learn they are special. The second video to show how powerful the ADL can be against David Icke and the rest. I love your article today as an honest atheist physician, but
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    • Better link 1st video for full film **http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm8-yTBs964 It is award winning Second video above also award winning..
  30. “…….
    Any person – civilian or military – who praises, defends and glorifies war in writing or in speech, instead of evoking aversion to this deed of Darkness and enlightening his fellow human beings on the degradation and brutishness of war, is himself placing a heavy burden of responsibility on his shoulders and must, having ended his earthly life, render a detailed account to God of the motivations for his actions.
  31. Jack,
    It took some brass balls to write this essay!
    IMHO, you have fully exposed the foundation of religion, and as cultural anthropologist R.Dubois observed, “religion protects man only so long as its roots are unexposed”.
    Christians must react virulently, they must ignore the tens of millions of their brethren who suicidally worship the zioplague. They must attack, for to consider any rational argument, to dwell upon even a tablespoon of reality, to imagine possibility other than their doctrine is unthinkable.
    Christianity, AND Islam, AND ESPECIALLY Judaism, which spawned them both, is a master race theology. By elevating suffering to exalted standards, and by embracing a pathological form of narcissism which they promise to deliver the faithful from, but cannot, all three creeds display the pretense of spirituality, which thinly veils a thoroughly
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    • Do I hear a Chuck Fenny poem coming???
    • very well said: “Christians must react virulently, they must ignore the tens of millions of their brethren who suicidally worship the zioplague. They must attack, for to consider any rational argument, to dwell upon even a tablespoon of reality, to imagine possibility other than their doctrine is unthinkable.”
      And it is a plague, and look what it is doing and look at what it has done.
  32. The world will little note, nor long remember the words posted on this blog today.
    But history, and yes there will be a history for my country, for it will record that several million American Patriots, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, and those from a 1000 differing faiths, Native American, white, black and in between marched on Washington DC and took our country back.
    Among the crowd were thermite sniffers, mini nuke theorists, no plane hit the twin towers guys and Energy weapon theorists.
    As the throng grew, moving from the left coast, they were joined by Military, DHS, FBI, NSA, and a host of patriots from the alphabet soup agencies, Local Police, unarmed Militias and the Boy Scouts.
    We had no one to blame but ourselves for allowing this to happen.
    We awoke, we stopped blaming each other, we overcame evil and with nary a shot
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  33. I think Excalibur is right, many Christians have awakened. Probably not enough to save us from Jewish-planned Hell on Earth, but we will know, quite soon.
    If one reads the four gospels independently of the rest of the ‘Bible”, this cat called Jesus looks a lot different than the crap the “Church” has fed us for the last 2000 years.
    Christ said the kingdom of heaven is physically smaller than a mustard seed, but immense in concept . Christ said John the Baptist was the reincarnation of the “prophet” Elijah. Christ cast Legion’s demons into the bodies of swine, who promptly killed themselves by jumping off a cliff. Christ spoke of the power of action and thought, kharma of cause-and-effect payback for those who do right and wrong. Christ spoke of the eternal qualities of consciousness. Christ spoke of the necessity of alleviating suffering, which is always
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    • So they got busy, infiltrated the Church every chance they got and turned his teachings into a pile of Old Testament crap about superiority, bloodline and bogus history. They led fed Christians the idea that THEY (Christians) are now “chosen”, which basically reinforces the Jewish idea of a racist, pathological, vengeful “G_d” with an ego the size of Andromeda.
      So basically, most Christians ought to call themselves Jews. Hell, most of them are too dumb to know that Christ called the Jews the “:children of the serpent”, later changed to “children of Satan” once the (Jew-infested) Church invented the imaginary friend-bogeyman called “Satan.” Blame Satan. Just don’t blame the Jews……..
      Many have awakened, however and see the Jew of what it is. I pray the rest follow, FAST. We don’t have much time left.
      • I think you are absolutely correct. Is it not reasonable to suspect that these evil powers would desire to erase from history any record of the REAL Jesus?…who was probably more spiritually akin to the Buddha or even an American Indian shaman with their “everywhere spirit” and reverence towards Earth Mother, than he was to the judgmental “bible Jeezus”, the Jew-on-a-stick.
        I believe Jesus’ ministry and teachings were co-opted by Satanically inclined rulers and priests etc and reconfigured into a fear based system of mass mind control masquerading as a “religion”. Then the original tenets and teachings of Jesus were expunged, including the reality of reincarnation.
        The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD was convened by the Emperor Constantine, and effectively hammered out what was to become the Holy Roman Law scriptures. In the process a lot of Christianity’s original
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        • Gentlemen,
          Any discussion of spirituality and Christ runs into one very large wall. Other than a christian source-Justin Martyr, and the bible, there is no mention of this great spiritual dude. Further, there is no coherent ministry associated with Christ. A few words here and there do not a spiritual program make.
          After 2,000 years of being dominated by christianity, the well developed victim-perpetrator complex assures participants that the cycle of abuse must not end. Thus, Jesus MUST have existed, and thus he MUST have been a real transcendent spiritual type.
          • Mike: As I say, if certain powers want the truth suppressed, they are able to do it…for a time anyway. Examples include the sunken Titanic actually being its sister ship the Olympic, the Holohoax, JFK assassination…and many others. It must have been so much easier in an age without the printing press or the internet.
            One of my favorite authors and truthseekers, David Icke, puts forth the same notion…that there is no historical basis for Jesus ever having existed. This is a major red pill for many, myself included, and it launched me on a quest that led me to the Edgar Cayce readings.
            Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) discovered that he had the ability to place his mind in contact with all time and space — infinite consciousness, also known as the super-conscious mind…or the after-life realm. While in that place, he had an amazing track record of successfully diagnosing illnesses
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          • Up until his revelations, Cayce had never heard of the mystery religions. Yet the Cayce material agrees with everything about them that is known to be authentic and he affirmed that Christian Gnosticism is the type of Christianity that was taught by Jesus.
            Much of the information from Cayce has solved some of the greatest mysteries of humanity, some of which were later validated after the discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the early Christian writings discovered in Egypt.
            Furthermore, whatever one thinks about this spiritual dude Jesus, there MUST be something to it. Why else would the jew hate him so? And as Preston pointed out in one of his articles, invoking the name of Jesus has stopped many documented cases of alien abductions.
          • Great stuff, wolf. As far as I’m concerned, the fact that the Jews have fought so diligently and feverishly to destroy the teachings of Christ is all the proof you need that he was a real dude who walked the Earth at one time.
            Why would the Jews devote their miserable lives to destroy a bogeyman?
            But really, the question of whether Jesus existed in the flesh is academic, for all but the fundamentalists. His ideas, teachings etc. have survived and have been a Titanic force in the history of the world, whether one agrees with them or not.
        • If Jesus didn’t exist, why all the hullabaloo?
          A valid question, indeed, and one which must be answered by plunging into the arcane world of myth, the Levantine and Middle Eastern spectre of the sacrificial King, and the Scapegoat complex.
          First, the myth.Jesus’ story has its antecedents in the mythic cycles of the first great fertile crescent civilization-Sumer. Sumer has been justly accused of being the playground of Zoroaster, and ground zero for the divide of the Magi-the result of which was the origin of the Illuminati. Thus, the Jesus story begins with the very first attempts at mind control.
          Second, the sacrificial king complex was a well established practice of anointing a King, who was to be ritually killed. This sacrifice was believed to hold with it a kind of maintenance of the balance of the forces of life. Later, some cultures, such as the jews, switched from
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          • What is an allusion to an archetype?
            It is plugging into an extant matrix of myth, thought, and practice in such a way that such become directly associated with the prospect, ie, Jesus.
            Thus, Jesus is seen as largely mirroring Osiris to those who delve into comparative mythology, this mirroring functions through Jesus becoming the latest incarnation of Osiris. Osiris’ story again, stems from Sumer.
            In this way, the Jesus myth assumes great power in the human psyche, without any need for Jesus to have existed at all.
            All the elements of the Jesus story pre-existed in sacred cycles that were known to Rome. Virgin birth, Dec. 25th B-day, communion, death and rebirth, and so on.
            I might point out that the middle ages saw a great interest in Hermeticism. The prevailing belief was that Hermes Trismagistus was indeed a flesh and blood man. Once it was discovered that he never
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  34. I don’t often read VT articles past the first several paragraphs. While I trust VT to bring responsible commentary to alternate media, most every story published here has the same plot.
    Albeit, a very true plot which we read in great anticipation that someone or something will tell us what we can do about it.
    Of coarse, it is not up to VT to tell us what we should do about it. VT are the journalists with the contacts.
    It is hinted here and on other sites that someone is doing something about it, the corruption in our gov’t and those responsible for said corruption.
    From what I understand, only 3% of the American Colonists backed the Revolutionary War, indicating that in today’s America, just 10 million people could put our country on a much needed path of self correction.
    12% awakened is said to be the tipping point whereby mass consciousness will lead to
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  35. Right on, Yukon.
  36. I hold no anger for the Christ. He wasn’t the first nor the last to suffer the ultimate pain from the Synagogue. The Romans suffered for their naivety towards the scourge of the planet as has every nation that ever allowed them to gain a foothold within their borders as far back as Babylon, which, I believe, was the birth place of their putrid “holy” book, the Talmud. Those demons-in-the-flesh working side by side with their god, Lucifer have spit in God’s face for millennia. I don’t believe it was “chance” that the vehicle for suffering in this world once had a covenant with God, I believe it’s just another way for Satan to “rub it in” so to speak. Let’s not forget though, that for every money lender defiling his way through the Christian/Muslim world, there are dozens, if not hundreds of willing sycophants, a neo – Judas class if you will, more than happy to sell out their religion, their
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  37. My brother you have done a beautiful piece of writing here and I even printed it up so my 23 year old daughter could circulate it among her friends. If anyone doubts Yukon Jack then I suggest they read Nietzsche’s The Anti Christ. Nietzsche paid for writing that essay with his sanity; cut down in his prime, the greatest philosopher who ever lived. We are at war here with the most insidious religion that has ever stained the collective soul of man. A religion that would dare hang God himself dead on a cross, helpless, bound and naked with a pathetic look on his dying face “look what you’ve done to me.” Then force their children to kneel before this blasphemous idol. My brother Yukon Jack has fired the opening salvo and I salute him!
    We cannot expect to fight them till we purge their poison from amongst us. It has kept us stumbling and groveling in the dirt before our would be masters
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  38. This article was a breath of fresh air. Well done.
  39. How about some articles unmasking living persons?
  40. You got it, Yukon. The point here is that Christianity is a 100% political religion tailored to herd the sheep.
  41. This is a very good essay tailor fit to VT, lots of new information, lots to ponder, and it is doing well by looking at the current rate of hits. I stand by every word. America is in crisis, this is my opinion why, you may have another, feel free to comment. Like most people, I do not care about another man’s religion until it effects me, if Christianity was not politicized then why would I even write this?
  42. Oh Gawd< I thought you were gonna say his name is "Brian go lightly"! Some Australian guy, cult leader
  43. It is amazing how many “God fearing Christians” I know that are in love with the military and America’s wars of conquest. The worship of the military in this country is beyond absurd. While I respect and honor all current servicemen/women and veterans alike, I do not run around waving the American flag when George W. Obama says “they hate us for our freedoms” and ruthlessly drop bombs on Middle Eastern countries.
    The responses I get are quite humorous when I ask these people why they support war and the death of civilians if they are “God fearing Christians”. I simply tell them God wouldn’t approve of U.S troops being used as killing machines in foreign wars of conquest where large numbers of civilians are killed.
    Obviously, “God fearing Christians” have been brainwashed by the Jewish/Zionist media and ‘American exceptionalism’ has been burned into their minds over and over.
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    • If Christians aren’t in on these wars then why aren’t they vocal opponents? There are 41,000 Christian denominations and almost no preacher is pounding the pulpit damning this evil. Even worse John Hagee has an organization to promote Zionism.
      Christian Zionists far out number Jewish Zionists, there are 70 million Christian Zionists in America.
      They are in on it.
  44. Raised as “Born Again” Baptist in Stacy, Mn where I hold the record for the most times “plunked and dunked” in one single childhood.
    I grew to despise Christianity. I could never reconcile a loving god with Noah’s flood. It would just not compute in this heathen’s mind. Surely, there must be a higher God, a more universal god that would let me hang around with “low life” Catholics and Lutherans, even blacks or Jews without sentencing myself to eternal damnation.
    In later years, I found out that my Grandpa would bring the kids to Sunday Morning Indoctrination and wait outside the building. I did the same, never feeling comfortable inside a church. I still don’t. Too much hate, too many bad vibes.
    Yet the presence of God never left me, because it is in me. I am a creator being, created in the image of my Creator. I am an individualist, I am an anarchist.
    The Entirety
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    • in many instances, the Spirit of Christ. Hence, Son of God, Son of Man, one in the same, us, we the people!
      What is amazing about Christianity is the truth that made it past the Roman Censors. By taking a piece of this and piece of that from all religions of the day, the censors unwittingly left much of the truth intact.
      By remaking Apollonius, the Gnostic Missionary into the Apostle Paul, much wisdom remained, though often misinterpreted.
      The Gnostic Texts are not religion, it is science preserved for us until we need it, which is right now.
      It is not “ET stuff, ” though it tells us about humanity’s one true enemy, the Archons, the Authorities, anything that seeks to restrict our freedom to create.
      Yes, and I ain’t saying you ain’t pretty
      All I’m saying, I’m not ready
      For any person, place or thing
      To try and pull the reins in on me
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      • for which we owe no debt, for which we bear a false guilt.
        The Gnostic Christ does predict the demise of evil, but we are the ones that must do it, sappy spiritualism, tooth fairy gods friendly Aliens seeking to be our new masters, ain’t gonna do it for us, we must do this thing with out great power, within.
        The power to create!
        • I made a copy this time. What ticks me off about my last Gnostic comment being deleted, was that it was one of my best, and I didn’t make a copy of it!
          Wrote it late at night, figured I would copy it in the morning, but it wasn’t there!
          • @ jglassel.
            “…What ticks me off about my last Gnostic comment being deleted, was that it was one of my best, and I didn’t make a copy of it!”
            You’re going at it backward. Compose your comment in your word processing program, save it, and then do a copy-and-paste to VT.
  45. Cause and Effect.
    The Old Testament is a document generated by the Jews. It prognosticates, and portends their dominion and rule over all other families of mankind. It credits this accomplishment to the agency of their Tribal Deity.
    It’s effect is dual. In the first instance it motivates the Jewish Hive to achieve this end, their dominion and rule over all other families of mankind. In the second instance it infects the Gentile with the notion it portends, the dominion and rule over all other families of mankind, by the Jew Hive.
    It should be a warning to all Gentiles as to the ultimate goal of the Jews. In 4,000 years of recorded history, the Jews have never changed their goal, nor deviated from the initiative.
    This being the case; then, according to Natural Law, their effort was ever bound to be met with resistance. Their “Cause”, of their pursuing dominion, has led to
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    • Recognizing impossible hurdles that needed to be reckoned with, they saw, in time; that, the exact nexus point that needed to be overcome was the countermanding of Natural Law, at the junction of, Cause, and Effect. For purpose of illustration : CAUSE (HERE) EFFECT.
      What they needed, was a philosophy that contradicted all Natural Law, and especially at the Cause and Effect nexus. They need this, not for themselves, but for those Gentiles they wished to take dominion over.
      It needed to incorporate ideas that ran contrary to Natural Law, and that ‘short circuited’ the Law of Cause and Effect at the pivotal nexus.
      For all intents and purposes, they needed a body of doctrine which taught; that, when you are struck, turn the other cheek. When you’re coat is taken, offer your shirt as well. When compelled to bare a burden a mile, carry it two.
      • It also needed to reinforce the notion of their portended world dominion. It needed to legitimize their original premise of universal dominion; while, at the same time establishing a novel rule, circumventing Natural Law, to be imposed upon the Gentiles, who, they intended to conquer.
        To present both views, in one volume, was the method chosen to get the result. This would seem untenable on it’s face; however, by ascribing the volume in it’s entirety to have been authored by one ‘Deity’, their Tribal Deity, it was, against all logic and reason, accomplished.
        How the Jews authored a philosophy that would short circuit the Natural Law of Cause and Effect at the nexus; which, enabled them to realize their goal of universal dominion can be illustrated as : CAUSE (CHRISTIANITY) EFFECT.
  46. Jack – I am beginning to think that you are trying to protect the zionist lobby and have people sympathize and side with them – by causing controversy and associating them with Christianity and Christians. This will not work – although such an article will of course put people off the VT site altogether if that is the objective.
    All young jewish children are told that Jesus Christ was a ‘traitor to the jews’ who is being boiled in excrement for eternity as a punishment for this. He is hated by them for taking the stance that Gentiles should not be excluded from God. Christ called them a ‘Nest of vipers’. He also said I know “satan’s lust for murder – and that the jews, his sons, will do it”. St Matthew said that the jews were: “Twofold more the children of hell”. True Christianity is not a zio-friendly state of mind.
    • Yes Jews call him Yeshu, which is a Talmudic acronym for “Yimach Shmo V’Zichro” — May his name and memory be obliterated.”
    • However he was right on the mark in parts of paragraphs 2 & 3 imo, viz:
      “America has been used up like a tired old whore, the jobs are gone and impoverished by debt and morally depleted by never ending Jewish wars of aggression. The military industrial complex, Jewish owned conglomerations of war and spy making corporations, has become a bloodthirsty beast seeking every kind of war on anyone about anything so that they can peddle vast array of high tech smart bombs and snooping equipment. The latest act of aggression was headed off by the internet, once again the Israeli lobby was unable to get America into a war with Iran. This is unacceptable, the war must go on, trillions of dollars of debt must be propped up with empire expansion.”
      “Christians allowed Jews to fill every critical position of state and media until the Jews closed the deal on 9112001, pulled a political coup
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  47. I agree with aspects of this article but Jesus (myth or no myth) was a Palestinian. He was not the creation of the Ashkenaz Jews who make up 85% of modern day Jewry. In fact they have a 2000 year old hatred towards him.
  48. The “man” behind the curtain is the scapegoat mechanism; the use of violence to tamp down violence, which has resulted in never ending cycles of violence flaring up and dying down. Those who are left when violence self destructs will be those who abandoned the scapegoat mechanism and there will be no violence for them to put down.
  49. This essay is about you Tyron, where’s the hate in this essay? Isn’t there a troll convention in Tel Aviv you need attending? lol
  50. TP,
    You cannot claim any evidence to support your position. The linguistic evidence exposes scholarly fraud in the effort to validate christianity. ZERO archaeological evidence exists to validate christianity as anything other than a political creation of the Roman Empire. Historical evidence illustrates clearly that Rome chose christianity as a political entity of control to hold the empire together. Roman records, when read with correct understanding of the meaning of the words, do not provide any evidence for your corruption of reality.
    We’ve been over this time and time again, TP. I’ve illustrated over and over where you are wrong, but the truth does not matter to you. Get some help, dude, you need it.
  51. I’m not Jewish Tyron but who are you? One of the main points of this article is to show everyone that believers like yourself attack anyone who criticizes your religion with irrational responses. If you read the essay I slam Abe Foxman and the Jews and the Catholics and Mormons, etc.
  52. quote: “I did not ask you if you were “Jewish” Yukon. I asked you repeatedly if you had any ASHKENAZ OR SEPHARDIC in you; something you REFUSE to answer. ”
    I have answered it with ‘no’ on other essays, I am neither and you are probably CI. I am not Jewish in any way shape or form AND I don’t think Jewish like you because I don’t spend time studying the Bible.
    You think you are different from the Jew but you are not. Being a Jew is not a blood issue, it is how your brain functions and if you believe in a Jewish deity then you become a Jew. That is one of the main ideas of this essay, BTW, if you even read it.
    What matters is what I write, not my blood, its the memes not the genes but you CI (Christian Identity) types have this fixation with genetics. Some of you CI types have come up with theories that certain Europeans are the real Jews. What a laugh, you want to be a Jew so
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  53. Listen you creep, go troll someone else, I am not a Jew, I do not have any Jew DNA, the Jews aren’t even real anyways and what matters is what I write not DNA you damn fool.
    Since you are Christian that follows a Jewish religion then it is you who is a traitor and aids and abets the Jewish power structure, which is the main point of this essay that you failed to comprehend because you are completely taken in and spell bound by the Bible.
    If you are going to comment further, why not tell the audience any proof you have of your god. Prove you god or shut the hell up!
  54. Hello Tyron, it´s good to see you here again (for the xth. Time)! You insult the author. This is Hasbara rule number one: insult the author. Nobody bothers what religion an author is – only you and your team. You know what I think of you and your team.
    Let me use your shifty method of harassing the author – on you. I would like to ask you a question. Just one. But my question is politely not a personal one about you but one of general religious knowledge. If you say yes, I will ask you this question. If you say no, or do not reply to my comment, I will take the right to tell, for everyone here to see, what, in my opinion, you are. Shifty, I know, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander. What´s it going to be?
    You remember, your loud mouth ex team mate, ……… still owes me 2 answers!
  55. Hey Yukon, I have been confronting Bible thumpers for decades now, and I must say that Tyron is really special. I really get a charge out of him.
    Keep on truckin,
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Veterans Today Poll

When will the New World Order One World Government officially be announced?


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