Monday, July 22, 2024

Joachim Hagopian, The Trump Inside Job Is More Divide & Rule 101


Joachim Hagopian, The Trump Inside Job Is More Divide & Rule 101

Joachim Hagopian

Now that more than a week has passed since the magic bullet caught on camera whizzing by Trump’s head, a near one in a million statistical mathematical possibility based on the laws of physics and near certainty based on sleight of hand computer graphics.


Perhaps the most prudent words in today’s age of mass chicanery and deception foisted upon the global masses on a daily frequency is to filter all current events by asking “cui bono” question. Whoever has both the most means and most to benefit by any given event, regardless of what mainstream media or independent alt-media may be claiming as accurate explanation, answering cui bono is far more apt to reveal the truth in our daily spun “whodunit” echo-chamber kaleidoscope.


The alleged Butler, Pennsylvania shooting at the Trump campaign rally on Saturday July 13th, has three competing theories to “explain” what was behind the alleged assassination attempt on the former president’s life. The job of the standard MSM corporate whores, is always to instantly promote the official establishment narrative, or more accurately push the centrally scripted lie, that another bizarre misfit loner acted on his own “lone gunman” volition to commit the dirty deed. Nothing more to see here folks, just accept it and move along, anything to quiet those diehard conspiracy nuts always flooding the internet in increasing numbers after each alleged false flag. In fact, because we’ve been subjected to so many of these fake events and countless mass shootings in recent years, perhaps we’ve now reached critical mass. Today, those inclined to no longer swallow hook, line and sinker those official narrative lies, now outnumber those still addicted to the CNN/NYT/WAPO fascist state propaganda lies.


Thus, today an emerging majority of Americans may be subscribing to either one of two alternative explanations pointing to a probable false flag at that historic campaign rally. Perhaps the largest population segment may question the official “lone gunman” false narrative after seeing just too many anomalies that don’t stack up, that cannot be written off as mere conjecture, neither mislabeled nor dismissed as more conspiracy theory. Too many obvious lies fail to explain the security forces’ utter gross failure to prevent alleged shots fired. Foremost is the failed responsibility falling on the federal US Secret Service in charge, assisted by Pennsylvania State Police and two local county police departments. Their collective failure to prevent the alleged shooter, identified as 20-year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, from allegedly shooting off a number of rapid-fire rounds from his AR-15, perched atop the building roof located closest to Trump just 130 yards away, is a crime in and of itself. Add the fact that multiple eyewitness accounts alerted security forces of the gunman’s presence on that building rooftop for at least 82 seconds up to about a half hour prior to bullets being fired, is also a crime.


The fact that the closest building to Trump was not fully secured by Secret Service, and that it was the designated local police staging area where a team of police snipers were obliviously inside while the unobstructed gunman used a ladder to climb to the building’s roof and then freely crawl to set up his perched shooting position, is also criminally unacceptable. Additionally, the proven fact that members of law enforcement teams were aware of the potential shooter with a gun on that roof, unresisted for so long is yet another crime. The length of time authorities knew an armed potential shooter was on that particular roof, ranged from near a half hour to 82 seconds with various other speculated accounts of some time within that range. Even if it was only 82 seconds, the fact that police snipers with the perpetrator in sight were photographed from other rooftops, yet failed to stop him from shooting at Trump, is the most egregious crime of them all. How could it be that so many whose professional job is to protect Trump at all cost, failed to take timely action to neutralize this threat until after shots rang out.


There is absolutely no excuse or explanation that can be argued as a valid defense. Nor can any other conclusion be drawn other than a stand down order must have been given to permit this crime to even happen. The all too convenient excuse of gross incompetence or that a smaller detail of protectors were on duty that day, or they were recently hired newbies resulting from Biden/Cheatle’s Diversity-Equity-Inclusion mandate, none of it explains this irrefutable criminal fact that the shooting was knowingly allowed to be carried out until after the fact. Conspiratorial heads must roll because, minimally this travesty could not happen unless somewhere in the chain of command, a stand down order was issued.


Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s feeble claim that the roof angle of the building that Crooks was on, was too sloped to be secured, is a laughable lie and insult to every human’s intelligence. Cheatle needs to be indicted minimally for dereliction of duty but far more likely she is guilty of way more consequential crimes based on the findings of an accurate, objective and thorough investigation. The prospect though is daunting that any accurate investigation will be forthcoming, if the US Secret Service or notorious, weaponized FBI, DoJ or DHS are permitted to investigate themselves.


That is a guaranteed whitewash adding more insult to injury to the American population as it would be 100% certain those agencies all will criminally cover up their own crimes. Just look at their treasonous leaders – Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas, all proven to be unprosecuted, convictable traitors. An independent investigation is a must, although today’s unprecedented level of government corruption could render impossible an honest investigation. The vast majority of US Congress members are so bought, sold, owned and controlled by wealthy oligarch donors, that they’ve proven to now lack sufficient credibility to even conduct a fair, accurate and thorough probe into this critically important matter. Look no further than who you can’t criticize without being an anti-hate law criminal or anti-Semite. The pathetic reality is that along with AIPAC bribed Congress, every US president since JFK, Republican and Democrat, have all been owned and controlled by Israel. And Trump’s VP choice, Sen. JD Vance is also owned and controlled by Israel.


I wrote and recommend two previous articles exposing many of these and other anomalous facts that fail to stand up to reality, short of criminality involved at some level. My second article takes it a step further, concluding that Trump was not a victim at all in this sordid affair, but among the principal conspiratorial criminals. This view is comprised of the second group of those believing that the shooting was a false flag, but they see Trump as going along with it and not as the victim of an assassination attempt, nor the victim of a fake, would-be assassin. I strongly recommend Dr Rima Laibow as well as Miles Mathis’ scathing accounts full of plausible reasons showing the very strong likelihood that Trump was actually in on it. Everything today appears to be centrally scripted, amateurishly staged, bread and circus theater.


I suspect that as more informational evidence continues to emerge, this skeptical group may well grow in number. The MAGA Trump zealots will experience such cognitive dissonance that no doubt they will remain in denial in the face of even overwhelming evidence… although if Trump played along with this staged event, he and the powerbrokers behind him will have too much to lose if they fail to suppress enough incriminating evidence. After all, they have everything to gain presenting only limited, one-sided “conclusive facts,” pointing to the left’s conspiracy to kill him and only by God’s good grace, Trump miraculously remains alive, “gifted” by our Creator to triumph a second, more golden opportunity to finally make good on his 2016 campaign promise to “drain the swamp.” Meanwhile, since he has proven to be owned by Israel like all the rest, don’t count on it.


Likely many Americans leaning to the politically conservative right, including the full-blown MAGA crowd that tout Trump as humanity’s savior, have collectively concluded that the leftist Deep State cabal historically demonizing and persecuting Trump for years now, are so afraid of losing power, they have conspired to murder their “Hitleresque” Trump at any and all cost. And only by the same stroke of God’s miracle protecting the Anointed One, Trump survives. Though their president failed on his first go-round to effectively drain the Deep State swamp, with great anticipation the so-called patriot MAGA community is relishing the coming opportunity that their now heavily favored demigod Trump will easily win the election and exact his revenge. This time, Trump will be less hampered, seeking a mandated justice with a vengeance to thoroughly drain the Deep State swamp. Or so his MAGA crowd of hopium addicts believe


All the flak that conservatives have been subjected to in recent years, perennially cast off as conspiracy nuts, criminalized as domestic terrorist extremists and fanatical far-right fascists, may be eager now to act on their self-righteous indignation to avenge their leftist enemy. The left has targeted the hated Trump and his conservative political base that, to some extent, legitimately see themselves as victims, as Hillary’s “deplorables” and reactionary bigots forced to take it on the chin the last four years, abused by the political left establishment, be it for resisting the covid lies and deadly criminal mandates (despite superhero Trump’s persistent false claim that his Warp Speed bioweapon killer “saved millions of lives.”


Many Trump supporters feel criminalized as dissidents, dubbed as “election deniers” of the obviously stolen 2020 election, and relentlessly growing harassment of weaponized lawfare persecuting Trump, the gross injustice of his J6 political prisoners still rotting away behind bars, largely ignored by Trump, and the left’s nonstop attack against American conservatives in general. Now, with this so-called failed assassination attempt, conservatives are now feeling vindicated and empowered relishing their enhanced opportunity for vengeance to punish their Marxist left enemy bent on destruction of America.


The left, armed and protected forever by mainstream propaganda liars, will be vulnerable with Trump retaking the White House. Conservative America enthusiastically anticipates it will finally become their turn to take power and prevail, with hope of restoring our constitutional republic and what it stands for. The harm that the globalist engineered migration crisis with the undefended wide-open US border, and the harm of the DEI Wokism agenda to both our nation and our nation’s self-defense, are expected under Trump to both be reversed, along with the insanity of war in Ukraine, avoiding an imminent World War III between the West against Russia. Not so certain Trump will stop Israel from igniting Armageddon though.


Many conservative American citizens now feel relieved and confident over the prospect of winning the November election, assuring delivery of their hero Trump as president, finally entitled his long-awaited due in January 2025 with a second term in office. Again, many view this as their turn to avenge mistreatment by those dirty Democrats. And on and on this back and forth, divide and rule battle continues in a pathetic, misdirected saga of Republicans versus Democrats, following the scripted staged fakery on and in divisive ignorance and impotence. All the while, the puppet controllers are smugly laughing their asses off, even with their controlled opposition wrecking ball Trump in token “power” again, Luciferian elites still firmly remain in control over the masses. For many centuries, their formulized “divide and rule” weapon has never failed the ruling class.


Tragically, this ritualized torch exchanging every 4- or 8-years of so-called shared political power amongst “Western democracies,” is their forever do-loop history switching from Democrat to Republican and back again ad nauseam [or liberal/labor to conservative] where nothing of any real substance actually ever changes, especially this corrosively dysfunctional status quo of the political and economic system that the elites still firmly parasitically exploit and control. The changing of the political guard never allows change beyond a cosmetic, superficial, lesser of evil choice.


The bread and circus crowd that’s still the majority population in America [and world], never quite grasp this sobering, deeper reality, that the same purse string controller/donors own both sides of the political aisle, both the Bidens and Trumps of this world, or the “democratic” Western powers versus the “undemocratic” Eastern powers in this world. All of it manifests as entrenched manipulation by the divide and rule elites who finance both sides to every conflict they create, both sides to every war they make, and over the last century, have used control over advancing hidden as well as unhidden technologies to consolidate their profiteering power into fewer hands. Forever they use their dialectic of “problem-reaction, solution” to exponentially increase their tyrannical evil power and control.


These predatory parasitic powerbrokers have forever managed to deceptively convince and dupe the gullible majority population the world over, to reactively buy into this corrupt, highly divisive duopoly system that never fundamentally changes. They and their endless crimes against humanity and children are systemically shielded and protected by their selected puppet gatekeepers. In this way, over numerous centuries and millennia, the global masses have forever allowed themselves to be misused and abused, chronically victimized down the same dark, ruinous, rabbit hole tunnel, all the while done with impunity in plain sight of a growing aware minority.


The criminal evidence is exposed more today than any previous time in recorded human history. The elites’ forever crimes perpetrated by their front cutout, the globalist World Economic Forum representing the same usual suspect puppet masters, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Europe’s royal families and black nobility clans are humanity’s common enemy accelerating its depopulation war against our human race. The lesson here is do not even for an instant expect Trump or his supposed military “white hats” to save us. That job will be left exclusively up to We the People, armed with the truth, conviction and courage, to oppose our known enemy.


Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system. 


The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!) 
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