Monday, July 22, 2024




O.K., O.K... I know that many of you want to continue the wall-to-wall nonstop chatter about the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump, and now, the announcement by Bai Den Dhzao that (Gott sei dank) he is not continuing to seek the nomination of his party for a second term as your president, to paraphrase the words of Lyndon "the Bane" Johnson. As you all know, when last weekend's assassination attempt occurred, I knew I'd have to abandon my normal weekend email-sorting-and-blogging schedule to try to stay abreast of the story.  I thought it important enough to get on record with my thoughts about it - which have not changed - but now the story is in that "rehash everything" stage and I think it's time to let it percolate before offering any more thoughts about it: it's early narrative challengers - the Mark Lanes, Jim Garrisons, and Harold Weisbergs - have yet to emerge. The same with Bai Den Dzhao's announcement. It is already being analyzed to death by the talking heads on my radio, so best to let them chatter. For me, I breathe a momentary sigh of relief for the country. But I do admit that the announcement has, for me at least - who lived through the tumultuous years of post-JFK assassination America, including the RFK Sr. and Martin Luther King assassinations, the riotous (literally) Chicago Democratic national convention in 1968 and so on - for me at least the

announcement has the deja poo quality  of President Johnson's announcement in March 1968 that he was not going to run for a second term any more(N.B.: deja poo: noun, "the sense or perception of having heard this crap before").  The difference between then and now, however, is also equally striking: Johnson at least had the spine to go on television, and look directly into the camera to make the announcement that his candidacy (and disastrous presidency) were over.  Why Bai Den Dchao did not could be anything, from a basic inability to do so because his mental health has declined to that point, or because he was not made of the sterner tougher stuff of Lyndon Johnson, I don't know. Otherwise, there were shared characteristics and in similar amounts from two lifetimes' habits of sheer vindictiveness, venality, incompetence, and mendacity between the two.  So, with that in mind, as they say, enough about that, save only to note that when I think there is more interesting information out there about the Trump assassination attempt, I will no doubt blog about it.

In any case, these past two weekend's events are forcing me to take an unusual approach to this week's blogs. Rather than blogging or commenting about only one article, I'm going to try to tackle some topics "thematically" by bundling several blogs together, because the insane clown show has not been limited just to the USA, as we shall see.

While all this has been going on, there have been two unusual stories about our celestial neighbors, the Moon and Mars, that may have escaped your attention, but I found them to be rather intriguing and heavy-laden with high-octane-speculatability, if I may coin that word. First up is a story that was shared by an individual who wishes to remain completely anonymous (but thank you anyway):


And for a different view of the same story, there's this shared by B.W.:


As the first article notes, the long-theorized existence of lava-tubes on the Moon now appears to have been finally confirmed by Italian scientists, but - note this - using data from 2010:

Lorenzo Bruzzone, a professor at the University of Trento, said the existence of such underground features had long been suspected, although the team’s discovery is the first confirmation that they exist.

“These caves have been theorized for over 50 years,” Bruzzone said in a statement, “but it is the first time ever that we have demonstrated their existence.”

Data originally obtained in 2010 by the Miniature Radio-Frequency (Mini-RF) instrument aboard the LRO, which included radar reflections from a pit discovered in the Mare Tranquilitatis, were reexamined by the research team.

2010? Since 2010 you've had the data and are just now releasing to the public the idea that it confirms the existence of "sub-selenian" tunnels? I wonder, then, what other data the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter might have been gathering that has been kept under wraps, such as measuresments of the so-called MASCONS (localized concentrations of heavy mass beneath the selenian surface) on the near side of the Moon, what radar tomography of the L-CROSS impact site (remember that one and all the hype leading up to a big disappointment - and a rather intriguing analysis from space-anomalies researcher Richard C. Hoagland? And along those lines, was the L-CROSS mission really a mission at all? or the bombardment of a specific target?).    And I have to wonder, why release all this at this time when the conversation is literally filled with noise: "Bai Den Dzhao blah blah buzz buzz Trump blah buzz whisper DNC blah buzz whisper Kamala Buzz Vance whisper by the way there are tunnels on the Moon Trump buzz buzz - "  "Wait a minute! say what!?!?"

Remember, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter came after the Clementine mission, another NASA polar orbiter of the Moon, whose mission is was to take up-to-date and accurate pictures of the entire lunar surface and whose results were immediately classified. Why then send another polar orbiter to do sub-surface radar tomography? Well, I suspect that maybe a clue is in the very name of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: normally the term "reconnaissance" is used of a military operation designed to probe an enemy's defenses prior to sending a major force. The criminal analogue is "casing the joint", learning where the security guards and cameras are, how often they conduct their sweeps, where other sensors are.  So I have to wonder, why are we reconnoitering the Moon, and paying attention to possible tunnels. The article indicates such tunnels could be used for eventual human shelter. But what if someone is already using them? What if that is the real story here, making such a "reconnaissance" necessary. It's that last possibility that I think looms large as a potential, because we've been doing such lunar surveys since the telescopic mapping project - also classified Top Secret at the time - of the 1950s. So in other words, we are more or less constantly watching - reconnoitering - the Moon, and that implies in turn that the target of such an effort is not static, but rather, active, and that we must stay abreast of the activity.

All this brings me to the second story that caught my attention amid the post-assassination-attempt noise, this story about Mars spotted and shared by L.G.L.R.:

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Rock

As the article notes, they have now found crystallized pure elemental sulfur on Mars, but this is what really grabbed my attention, for consider the following statements:

Spotted from space years before Curiosity’s launch, Gediz Vallis channel is one of the primary reasons the science team wanted to visit this part of Mars. Scientists think that the channel was carved by flows of liquid water and debris that left a ridge of boulders and sediment extending 2 miles down the mountainside below the channel. The goal has been to develop a better understanding of how this landscape changed billions of years ago, and while recent clues have helped, there’s still much to learn from the dramatic landscape.

Since Curiosity’s arrival at the channel earlier this year, scientists have studied whether ancient floodwaters or landslides built up the large mounds of debris that rise up from the channel’s floor here. The latest clues from Curiosity suggest both played a role: some piles were likely left by violent flows of water and debris, while others appear to be the result of more local landslides.

..."We’re looking at multiple flows down the channel, including energetic floods and boulder-rich flows.”

Earlier we're told this:

It’s one of several discoveries Curiosity has made while off-roading within Gediz Vallis channel, a groove that winds down part of the 3-mile-tall (5-kilometer-tall) Mount Sharp, the base of which the rover has been ascending since 2014. Each layer of the mountain represents a different period of Martian history.

Energetic floods and boulder-rich flows in an area of Mars with a mountain that is approximately 15,000 feet tall? For flood waters to cut a channel down the side of a reasonably tall mountain on Mars means that that's quite a flood... one might even go so far as to suggest it was of planetary size... for example, like might happen if Mars was at one time a moon of a much larger water bearing planet that suddenly exploded, concussing it with a sudden shockwave of water and creating an epic biblically-sized flood...

Of course, that idea has been my own - and others' - speculations for a long time. British researcher Graham Hancock once quipped in this regard that Mars did not die, but was murdered. A deliberate act of destruction of what might have once been an inhabited and/or life-bearing planet is an act of war, a criminal act, which might explain that planet's long association with war, calamity, and destruction in human astrology and myth. But NASA is a long way from that...

... but it just inched closer...

See you on the flip side...

(If you liked today's blog please share with your friends).


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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