Tuesday, May 30, 2023

4197-4198: There is NO Provision for an American "National Militia" !!! from Lincoln County Watch


Monday, May 29, 2023

4197-4198: There is NO Provision for an American "National Militia" !!! from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

When you see this: "U.S." it refers to the British Territorial United States and when you see this "U.S. Citizen" it refers to someone who is either; (1) naturally born in one of the United States Possessions or Territories, (2) working under contract for the British Territorial United States Government. 

 Anything with a "U dot S dot"  designation is British.  Not American! 

Now that you are all competent to recognize the difference between: 

"The United States"  --- our national level Proper Name since 1851 (it was "the United States" prior to this), and U.S. the British Territorial Subcontractor, and "the United States" which uniquely designates the Municipal Subcontractor since 1851, you are fit and able to tell the difference between the American Government and the foreign Federal Subcontractors. 

Use this information and learn it so that you know what you are dealing with.  

There is once again a rash of organizers going around trying to raise a "National Militia" and they are showing various documents justifying this, but all those documents refer to the U.S. Government ----that is, the British Territorial United States, not The United States.  They are referring to their "States" (which are actually States-of-States) not ours, and to their "Nation" --- not our nation states. 

So --- are you someone who was born in the Territories and Possessions or someone who is under contract to serve the British Territorial United States Government? 

If not, you need to join your State Assembly Militia and act as an American, not a Brit. 

If you are an American you have the absolute right to assemble your actual State Government --- not the government of a State Trust, not the government of a State-of-State franchise business --- your actual State Government, and as part of that State Government you also have the absolute right to keep and maintain your State Assembly Militia. 

Now what the semantic deceit involved here: 

Our nation-states are nations among the other nations of the world, and in that sense, our State Assembly Militias can be talked about as "national militias" --- but that is NOT what these organizers are promoting.  

They are talking about their Territorial State-of-State organizations raising an army of commercial mercenaries to fight for the British Territorial Government and you will see that all they are referencing are their own State-of-State Constitutions and their own State Trust documents, which have nothing to do with us, our States and our American Government, and which should not even exist in our country. 

Anyone looking to join a militia to defend this country needs to go to this website: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and find their State contact information, so that they join the American forces instead of the British Territorial forces.  

There is NO provision for us to have a "National Militia" and raising one can be interpreted as an insurrection --- which is why I shut Eric Dingus down and why you must shut down any such activities in the State Assemblies and why you should pass the word to shut down these guys who are running around trying to organize a "National Militia" in this country.  

We can coordinate joint action by multiple State Assembly Militias all we like and we do so lawfully and peacefully through our Peacekeeping Taskforce.  

But we do not have and do not want and are not allowed under the Constitutional Agreements to have or form a country-wide "National Militia".  

We do not want to give any of these Federal Subcontractors any excuse whatsoever to "mistake" our actions or the actions of our militias as being part of any "armed insurrection" by "unregulated forces".  

They, the Perpetrators, are most likely trying another False Flag operation seeking an excuse to get a war going on our shores or an entrapment scheme seeking an excuse to arrest militia leaders just like they recently railroaded Stewart Rhodes. 

Pass the word and make sure everyone understands the difference between our lawful State Assembly Militias and anything operated by Territorials as a "National Militia" ----and the importance of this information, especially for any militia men you know. 

The foreign British Territorial Federales and the corporations they work for are in a tight spot.  They are desperate for cash and for a profitable fight.  They want to start something here by hook or crook.  Don't let them. 

Organize yourselves as part of a lawful State Assembly Militia and they can't touch you.  Organize outside that parameter and they can use you for a nose-wipe and railroad you through their courts, etc., etc., etc., 


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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One If By Land, Two If By Sea.....the Dual System Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: 

We often receive screeds from one of the Deeply Indoctrinated in the military, all upset because he believes that there is just one flag, and that being the wartime flag. 

The truth is that every country on Earth has both a war flag and a peace flag, and we are supposed to fly them depending on whether our country is at war or at peace.  

We are in the curious situation in which the country is at peace, but our Federal Municipal Corporation Subcontractors are at war.  

The reason that most of us are only familiar with war flags is that war is very profitable, and the Municipal and Territorial Corporations that have been masquerading as our government, instead of admitting that they are only foreign subcontractors of our government,  have maintained a constant state of perpetual war in the midst of peace for their own financial self-interest and coercive power. 

The Title IV war flag that everyone associates with America is actually on loan to the British Territorial United States Government for its use when exercising our delegated powers. 

That's why a precise description of the Title IV flag is necessary and why it has only a limited and certain proportion as specified in Federal Title IV.  

So the Title IV war flag is our flag, but it is being used by a Subcontractor, and that Subcontractor has abused its use for many years.  

For example, why was the Title IV flag flown by them during the recent attack of Libya?  What did any of that have to do with "defending" our country?  

Nothing.  It had to do with stopping Libya from adopting and promoting the use of a gold-standard currency in Africa and had nothing to do with defending us or with any powers we ever delegated to them, but, they use our war flag when they do dirty work for themselves and for their own commercial interests for three reasons: 

(1) Our soldiers and sailors would notice the absence of our flag and question what they were doing; 
(2) To make sure that we, not they, get blamed for it and suffer any consequences of what they are doing; 
(3) To enable them to charge the expense of all these mercenary conflicts to us and against our credit. 

The system of using two flags, one for war and one for peace, reflects the fact that we are surrounded at all times by two distinctly different systems of government.  Observe:

1. One for war, one for peace. 
2. One that is public, one that is private. 
3. One that is Federal and one that is Territorial.
4. One that is undelegated and one that is delegated.
5. One that makes Affirmations and one that takes Oaths. 
6. One that is completely American and one that is British affiliated.
7. One that is civilian and one that is military and military affiliated.

Above and beyond the Federal Government that everyone assumes is the Big Cheese, we have our own precious American Government, which is bound to fifty (50) equally precious sovereign States of the Union --- and that is the actual government of this country.

Unfortunately, we have been hoodwinked by the Grandstanders, and while we always think of our States and our Union of States when we think of our Government, this actual Government has been largely vacated and not in General Session for 160 years. 

We've allowed our federal Subcontractors to pretty much run things and when they did things that were evil, things that weren't in line with their contracts, we glanced over it, didn't strongly object, didn't summon our State Assemblies into Session.... so they, the Federales, thought we agreed with them and accepted what they were doing. 

After so many years of silence and inaction on our parts, they thought our Government was dead, inexplicably absent, in interregnum.  

When we finally had enough and brought our States back into Session, everyone in Europe was amazed.  

The bankers who were poised to take everything as "presumed collateral"  and "secured chattel" backing the debts of the Municipal Subcontractors, were not pleased.  

And we are flying the American Peace Flag instead of the War Flag, because as it turns out, The American Civil War wasn't a war.  It was a Mercenary Conflict that our American Government was never part of. 

We have been officially at peace since 1814 and we are at peace now and we mean to stay at peace if possible. 

We also intend to put the clamps on the other Principals responsible for the misbehavior and constant overreach of what are, in the end, just foreign commercial corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia while here providing stipulated government services. 

If you look around and think, you will see the two aspects of government reflected in everything and in your own thinking about government, too. 

You will realize why British Territorial Officials and Officers are required to take Oaths of Office and cannot occupy any public office without accepting the duties and responsibilities of that office, whereas those of us who occupy American Government Offices accept the duties with a Public Affirmation instead.  

It's because there are two faces of the government present at all times. 

A righteous people cannot take "oaths" and do not "swear" at any time, but those engaged in the service of a commercial corporation must, and if they serve in the merchant marines of the British Monarch, they must also pledge allegiance to them or, as in this case, "to the flag" that the British Monarch happens to be flying. 

Unfortunately, the British Monarch has been flying our borrowed war flag all over the world, and using our men and women as cheap mercenaries to promote British wealth and power, not American.  

We have been left with the sacrifices and the pain and the cost, while those Sly Dogs have been making off with the profits and leaving us with the blame.  

So that's another reason we fly the American Peace Flag --- because the American Government is at peace and because we are not responsible for all the acts of aggression and self-interest and destruction that "the US" has engaged in, in our names. 

It's only the British-affiliated government Subcontractors operating irresponsibly and in Breach of Trust and Service Contract that are flying our borrowed war flag and using it inappropriately while engaged in their own mercenary activities and war profiteering.  

Not us. 

We wish for everyone to appreciate and know these facts, so that we can sort things out, and so that when our sons and daughters sign up for military service they will know what they are getting into and charge for their services accordingly and not be beguiled by any Yankee Doodle Dandy ideas of patriotism and national defense and so on.  

We wish for our war flag to be flown only when we, our country, is actually at war, and we wish for our Subcontractors to stop using it for any other purpose. 

We wish for everyone to know that when we speak of "national defense" we are talking about our own national defense and speaking in terms of our mutual powers of defense for all fifty (50) States of the Union, and we are not talking about the defense of any other nation or country or the "defense" of any commercial interest or possession elsewhere in the world.  

We never signed on to Manifest Destiny and all the aggressive claptrap of the Monroe Doctrine, which is again, something promoted by British and Industrialist interests that have not honored their obligations to the Constitutions, and that have instead commandeered our people and our resources to serve their own commercial self-interest at our cost. 

We wish for an end to this abuse of our flag, our people, our country, and our venerable service contracts for war profiteering and other venal and undisclosed purposes and interests; we see no reason to pussy-foot around and consider this anything but a very Public Matter directly impacting our country and our reputation in the rest of the world.  

If you look, you can easily observe these facts and conditions for yourselves, and can determine the source of the problem: British and Continental Commercial Interests colluding with similar American Industrialist Interests, seeking to use and abuse the powers of government to benefit themselves at Public Cost. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 29th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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