Tuesday, May 30, 2023

4193-4196: The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- Part 2 from Lincoln County Watch


4193-4196: The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- Part 2 from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: 

We covered the process by which we literally give value to currency by trading actual goods and services for it.  

We also covered the reasons that the Federal Reserve Note is failing as a currency and exposed the British commandeering of our National Credit as the base cause of this failure.  

Next, we uncovered the role of the secretive and unlawful conversion of Americans into purported British Territorial U.S. Citizens via undisclosed registration of babies as the methodology supporting these Unlawful Claims. 

Finally, we pointed out that our American Government is the only one with a fixed exchange rate enabling trade transactions to restore the value of the Federal Reserve Note. 

Everyone on Earth who has holdings in this Reserve Currency should now be highly motivated to assist us in correcting this scandalous injustice and restoring the actual American Government to full function. 

Now, having laid the groundwork, we move on to the actual subject of monetization of debt and the related subject of securitization of living flesh, also known as slavery.  

It was a British Subject, Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA, who first brought it forcefully to public attention and to the attention of the British Parliament that securitization is illegal in general, and that when applied to living flesh results in slavery.  

Calling it by a different name in no way alters the criminality involved, whether it is engaged in on a private basis, or on a public basis, slavery and the process of enslavement by which a man's body and labor is sold for a pittance of upkeep, is just the same. 

The securitization of flesh takes place via a process of personage. 

First, the Perpetrators pretend that we are not people, but instead are things known as "Persons".  A Person is a business or office or profession, a corporate entity, though not incorporated.  This unlawful conversion of our identity is accomplished via the undisclosed registration process that occurs when we are babies and which mischaracterizes Americans (and others, too) as British Territorial Citizens. 

This undisclosed registration process then establishes the Legal Presumption that the Person thus identified is a British Territorial Subject and that the British Monarch owns them as a Ward of the State.  

This at once defrauds and deprives the victim of his or her natural political status and standing, foists the obligations of British Territorial Citizenship onto them, and creates a "custodial claim and interest" in the assets of the victim, such that the British Monarch holds the "title" to their lands and homes and businesses as well as their "personal" property and income, all of which can be used by the British Monarch as collateral for HRM's Government to borrow upon.  

This is the first round of enslavement, also known as "securitization" as in securing chattel property used as collateral to "secure" a debt -- in this case, debt owed by the British Monarch.  

Next, a second PERSON is created, also operating under the Given Name of the victim, only styled in all capital letters: YOUR NAME. The process pretends that the British Territorial Person is next handed over to the care of the Pope, who accepts the poor, orphan waif as a Ward of the Church, and the same exact thing happens a second time, only this time, the victim is presumed to be a Municipal citizen of the United States, a debtor and sinner and collateral backing the Pope's debts from birth.  

Both of these "persons", the British Territorial U.S. Citizen and the Municipal citizen of the United States, are considered to be things under the law, and to have no rights or protections or guarantees. Therefore these things can be enslaved, murdered, raped or what-have-you upon the whim of the King or the Pope, and they and all they possess can certainly be used as collateral backing debts. 

The problem is that while they are busy pretending that we are inanimate things without substance, they are applying our Given Names to these things, and then presuming that we are responsible in the flesh for paying the debts of these things with our labor and our assets --- enslavement, in other words.  

They also presume the right to tax these new "franchises" and to hold them accountable under the in-house laws, called "codes" at the international level and "statutes" at the level of the State-of-State franchises --- which is their so-called "private law" amounting to policies and regulations adopted by members of the corporation's Board of Directors or Board of Governors or "Legislature" or "Congress".  

In this way, these Municipal Corporations have been evading the actual Public Law in this country and many other countries for decades and substituting the private policies of their corporations as if this were the public law the people are owed.  

Most people have been fooled by this additional Substitution Scheme and are bewildered when they are summoned to appear in a corporation's private tribunal and addressed as "things" under a foreign form of law.  

All of this "unlawful activity" has been pursued by the Municipal Corporations without disclosure to the General Public, and these Municipal Corporations have been allowed to profit from these deceits and to enforce their "law" on the General Populace with impunity, simply by keeping their mouths shut and never disclosing the unlawful conversion of people into persons and the False Registration processes at the bottom of it. 

So now we see how the Perpetrators got away with securitizing living flesh and evading the Public Law and substituting their foreign corporation's internal "government" for the actual Government of the country.  

All this duplicitous and self-serving and fraudulent activity results in the enslavement of the populous and the "securitization" also known as a "collateralization" of their property, including their labor, to pay the debts of those who have illegally, unlawfully, and immorally "latched upon them" and committed these crimes of personage against them under color of law.

This is nothing but a white-collar enslavement racket carried out in secret; the Roman Municipal Government may be happy, but in truth, slavery has been outlawed worldwide since 1926, the Roman Civil Law demands that anything tainted by fraud is to be considered null and void, and the Ecclesiastical Law under which we bring this claim, demands that the offending corporations be liquidated.  

We are here as the Preferential Creditors and Claimants to receive back all our purloined property and also to fully inform the High Court of these illegal and unlawful activities, and also to object to the entire undisclosed birth registration process that has been applied to our General Population as a deliberate fraud in breach of trust and in violation of commercial service contracts owed to this country and our People.  

We wish for all the deceptive and undisclosed birth registrations to be disallowed and set aside, along with all presumed citizenship obligations presumed to exist as a result of these registrations.  

So that is how the unlawful securitization works, and we have seen how the Queen's Government seized upon our National Credit and misapplied it to their own benefit, resulting in undermining the value given to the Federal Reserve Note and also resulting in the appearance of a "National Debt" that doesn't actually exist. 

The Monetization of Debt is another result of this central crime of personage, in which the Perpetrators pretend to have no knowledge of negative numbers and no way to actually pay a debt. 

A negative number, for example, minus 1, is understood to be less than zero.  When this is applied to accounting, negative numbers represent debt, zero represents being even with the board, and positive numbers represent credit or profit, depending on which jurisdiction we are in. 

This seems straight-forward, normal, and innocuous enough until we entertain the notion of monetizing debt and having nothing with which to pay a debt. 

We have now entered the realm of negative numbers. 

As noted before, in order to pay a debt, substance must change hands: silver for apples, gold for oil, and so on.  

What happens when an entire economy is set up to function on commercial paper -- debt notes and credit notes only? 

It's literally impossible to pay a debt, because nothing of substance is being exchanged in such a system.    

It's also impossible to accrue a debt, so long as the credits in such a system are properly applied. 

We've already seen how misapplied credit wrecks a debt-credit monetary system.  

The Queen's Government purloined our National Credit and used it for their own benefit instead of cancelling the corresponding National Debt, which created the appearance of an unpaid National Debt and caused the devaluation of the Federal Reserve Note via inflation (which is the next discussion) and because nobody appeared to give any value, that is, anything of substance in exchange for it, in almost a hundred years.  

A debt can represent a form of asset, so long as a time limit is set on the debt repayment and the form and the amount of the future debt repayment is agreed upon.  

A debt only owed "sometime in the future" is not sufficiently specific and defined to serve as an asset, so while such debts may exist, they aren't supposed to be put on a ledger. 

However, this is precisely what the Municipal Corporations have done, using an arbitrary mechanism known as "the debt ceiling". 

The debt ceiling purportedly provides a limit to the credit they can receive and spend until such time that the amount specified as "the debt ceiling" is reached and all "current debt" --- not all debt, only current debt --- must be met. 

Otherwise, the debt is said to "default".  

This is similar to any other debt, except that the actual date when it is due is a moving target, as the trigger is the amount of debt specified by the debt ceiling legislation and not a specific moment in time. 

This jury-rigging results in a situation in which although there is plenty of credit and also actual assets to increase the debt ceiling or pay the debt down, the members of the Municipal Corporation Congress have to apportion the the credit to deal with the spending limit deadline--- and they can fail to do so. 

They can simply sit on their butts and argue and let what appears to be the National Debt go into default, even with trillions of dollars-worth of credit sitting on the books ready to go.   

However, and here's the rub -- the British Territorial Congress can never apportion physical assets to actually pay the debt, because they don't have the authority to touch our physical assets, only we do, and we haven't been in Session, so credit gets extended against our assets, but the bills never actually get paid.  It's all been strung along like this for decades --- a process of kicking the can down the road and operating on someone else's ticket while promising to pay off all current debts when they reach the next debt ceiling.  

This creates a big drama and gives the world the impression that "America'' is on the ropes, and doesn't have the money or credit to pay the bills, oh, woe, is me! --- when in actuality, there is an almost infinite amount of credit and more than enough physical asset wealth, too. 

The Perpetrators use this kind of hype and drama to justify imposing more taxes on their victims and they poor-mouth incessantly, tearing their hair about the non-existent National Debt and their own completely arbitrary debt ceiling, having rat-holed untold amounts of both assets and credit offshore and in gigantic Slush Funds that they try to ignore. 

This entire situation leaves the Creditors of these Municipal Corporations between a proverbial rock and hard place, uncertain as to when we will get home and actually pay anything of substance again, and tired of extending them more and more credit, when they go bankrupt on a regular basis and threaten to default every time another arbitrary debt ceiling is reached. 

The Creditors, then, have been forced to monetize "U.S. Debt" in order to keep things going. This bizarre practice amounts to declaring a value for the given debt in the form of asset-backed money, typically our United States Silver Dollars, and then pretending that physical asset has been transferred and you can now spend the value of that actual money as credit. 

In this way, the Perpetrators have forced the whole world to deal in credit at the same time that they are themselves misapplying our credit to create their own National Debt, poor mouthing for new taxes and 87,000 new IRS Agents, forcing their Creditors to monetize their debt and spend it as credit, and all the while "blocking" and trading upon our gold and silver and other assets, so that no actual debts get actual payment.  

Along with the counterfeiting spree unleashed by the Obama Administration against the Federal Reserve Note, this unlimited practice of allowing banks to monetize debt results in hyperinflation.  All that debt monetization does is to dump more and more of the Reserve Currency onto the world market without adding any more value to it, which means that the Federal Reserve Note is further devalued --- like cutting a pie into more and more pieces and never expanding the size of the pie. 

In effect, it resembles a giant debt-credit Ponzi Scheme, where everything is arbitrary and unreal, and the little guys at the bottom of the pile, the worker bees and military enlisted suffer the losses.  

Some people consider the devaluation of the Federal Reserve Note to be a grand thing, because they think that it devalues the United States Dollar relative to the rest of the world currencies, but, once again, the shysters have fooled everyone with another Substitution Scheme.  It isn't the actual United States Dollar that is being devalued. 

The actual United States Dollar is gaining value with every turn of the screw, and to the Perpetrators, it doesn't matter if the Federal Reserve Note is pounded into oblivion.  Their attitude is--- who cares if three billion people suffer and starve to death?  We'll just buy up everything for pennies on a dollar again....

The Perpetrators are so out of touch with reality that they have forgotten what gives value to their money in all forms, and that their money may be rendered useless in all forms-- be it gold or paper, plastic or quantum digits.  The Perpetrators of this miasma clearly don't understand the nature and purposes of money, what gives it value, and what causes it to lose value--- and they either don't care or don't see that the trouble they cause others must inevitably visit them, too.  

We wish for the cooperation of the High Courts and the other Principals to recognize our unique position and ability to responsibly and quickly correct the imbalance in the world's monetary and commercial credit systems that all this criminality and self-interested fraud has created. 

We are the only ones with the fixed exchange rate, deposit records, lower court decisions, historical knowledge and provenance, physical assets, release codes, ownership interests, commercial liens and lawful authority to do what has to be done.

We can expand the size of the pie and do it lawfully, fairly, and with goodwill. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 28th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Anticipated Continuance of Foreign Government Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: 

There is exactly one lawful American Government that has been functioning since 1776 and there is no other lawful Government in this country; our people have been identified and our State Assemblies have been brought into Session, and we are accounted for, present, alive and well.  

We are Americans, not U.S. Citizens, not Municipal citizens of the United States.  We have been attacked, pillaged, and plundered by our own Federal employees who have been misdirected and used as mercenary forces by the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors resident in the District of Columbia. 

We had our Continuance of Government plan established when the lights went out in the chaos following the Mercenary Conflict misrepresented as The American Civil War.   

Once the last American President, James Wilson, termed out, the State Assemblies one-by-one stopped meeting and in the confusion and welter of similarly named organizations, most Americans assumed that everything was as it should be ---  while those who knew better were forced to flee for their lives into the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee, the mountains of Montana, or even to the wild frontiers of Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. 

By the time we mustered our Summoning Authority and summoned the State Assemblies back into Session, Texas was the only State Assembly still in Session.

Despite all the obstacles, our American Government never died and was never subjugated to the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the British Territorial Government then or now.  

We have heard and we see that there is a framework in place allowing the British Territorial Government to survive and thrive despite their current financial and political difficulties.  

They hope to recoup authority upon the Debt Default and Bankruptcy Release scheduled for June 21st of this year, whereupon they want to stage a big theater production to proclaim a new British Territorial Federal Republic --- and confuse it with our old Federal Republic. 

When discussing "Continuance of Government" it pays to ask, which government?  The lawful Government of this country, or the "government" of a British Territorial Municipal Corporation operated by the British Crown?  

This would be another Substitution Fraud, with the Brits aping a dormant American Business and attempting to replace it with their similarly named British Territorial version, just as they substituted their Territorial State-of-State doing business as "the State of Oregon" for the American version doing business as "The State of Oregon". 

They have already planned to abuse their defense system capabilities to shut down the normal telecommunications grid, and use their movie-making and script-writing skills from Hollywood and from state-of-the-art CGI production facilities to roll out a "shock and awe" propaganda hit piece that will run for three days solid while the people of this country are kept locked down by illegal curfews imposed under color of law by a commercial corporation having no more actual authority than Ford Motor Company, Inc. or IBM, Inc. or Burger King, Inc. 

Exactly why should we be further harassed, threatened, propagandized, or unlawfully and illegally "enforced upon" by mercenaries of any kind? Much less mercenaries who receive their paychecks from our pockets?  

These Municipal Corporation Subcontractors need to stand down all across the board and the leadership of these organizations need to learn what it is to speak and mean and live the truth again.  

Using Hollywood-based illusions and theater and False Narratives in an attempt to further usurp against our lawful Government and excuse what has gone on here isn't going to change anything.  It's an insult to the dead and an insult to our intelligence, too. 

We are not a democracy nor are we a commonwealth nor are we a territory.  We are fifty sovereign and independent states, each one a nation unto itself.  

The mutual powers that we, the unincorporated Federation of States, delegated to the Confederation formed in 1781 and which the Confederation exercised and implemented via the American Federal Republic, can't be exercised by the Brits, because those powers have returned to us by Operation of Law.  If our American Federal Republic is ever to be reconstructed, that work has to be done by Americans.  

It is contemplated and it is our goal to completely restore all parts of our Government to full function, and to observe the merits and the pitfalls of it, so as to make considered changes once the restoration is complete. 

In the meantime, the Powers Delegated to the American Federal Republic have already returned to the source of the delegation of powers, our unincorporated Federation of States. 

We are competent to do the work ourselves or hire interim contractors to accomplish all that needs to be done--entirely without drama or lies or excuses or horrific film footage of carnage and adrenochrome factories broadcast into our homes and psyches.  

At this point, we have been lied to and lied about so often, we won't believe any of it, anyway, and neither should anyone else. 

We wish for all the phony exposes and theater events to be cancelled. 
There is no point in trying to stage another British Territorial Substitution Fraud, no need for any more false Narratives or false self-aggrandizing excuses. 

We have seen it all before; we have no need to see it again. 

We wish for the British Territorial Subcontractors to stand down and stop talking endlessly about their democracy.  So far as we have been able to determine they don't have a democracy, they have an autocracy presided over by a Commander-in-Chief,  and haven't been able to get a 51% mandate of even their own limited citizenry since the Second World War.

As we contemplate this situation, young men -- Hispanics, Chinese, Arabs -- are in training at Fort Hood in Texas and other places, being put through boot camp and prepared for use as mercenaries, no doubt to be deployed on our soil --- more unlawful acts. 

It isn't apparent whether these young troops are to be mainstreamed into the regular mercenary forces that the British Territorial Subcontractors  have maintained as Occupation Forces, or used as paramilitary 
forces in quasi-civilian garb, operating as foreign guerrilla units in our urban environments.  

One thing is certain, they are either going to be deployed to kill innocent Americans or they are being set up as an insurgent force themselves, to provide a target and an excuse for war on our shores. 

These young people are being deliberately imported via the illegally open Southern Border in violation of Article IV, Section 4, of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States. 

We won't bother playing with all the gun fodder, imported or homegrown if this continues.   We will take out the actual culprits, and the rest, lacking a paycheck, will go home. 

Let everyone be advised that we know exactly where the birds of the air have their nests and the foxes have their dens, and we won't miss if anyone is so foolish as to stage an armed conflict on our shores. 

We have seen it before and have no need to see it again. 

We wish for a peaceful and practical settlement of all debts and ownerships, allowing everyone to go home and tend their business and enjoy caretaking the land and soil that belongs to them. 

We view the mindless drive toward homogeneity and the forced migration of artificially created refugee populations as a direct affront to Nature and Nature's God under Ecclesiastical Law and a completely foolish initiative
undertaken by politicians and ignorant social planners who have misidentified our differences as the cause of social unrest and conflict. 

Rather, mankind's diversity, like all the other diversity plainly displayed throughout the natural world, is a source of strength and adaptability and mutual benefit that must be cherished and preserved.  

We wish for an end to all efforts to homogenize humanity and destroy nations in the name of peace.  The nations are not the cause of war, nor are our many different races, religions, traditions, cultures, and genotypes.  

The cause of violence stems always from fear and physical deprivation which is now and always has been totally unnecessary in this environment.  

We wish for the end of The Doctrine of Scarcity and its ill-considered results which contribute to meaningless suffering, unnecessary physical deprivation resulting in hunger, thirst, ill-health, and all the social miasma which these conditions promote.  

The idea that God is an Uncaring and Deadbeat Dad in the midst of the beauty and plenty this Earth provides, is a blasphemy of the highest order caused by men who consider poverty virtuous only when it is visited upon others.  We wish for an end to this hypocrisy. 

We also wish for an end to all the hyped-up fear-mongering and media manipulation designed to provoke adrenalin responses and adrenaline addiction, which may be considered a "starter drug" for adrenochrome addiction.  

We have observed the effect of the "Nightly News" on the General Public and all it does is stimulate a low-level but pernicious adrenaline response that makes people hungry, sexually aroused, nervous, and needy -- thinking that they need more government to protect them, but not realizing that they need protection from what serves as their government. 

We wish for the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors to stop censoring, directing, limiting, rewarding, or otherwise interfering with journalism in this country.  

We wish for the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors to get their noses out of our homes and our businesses and to obey their obligations. 

We wish for the right to privacy and all other rights guaranteed by our constitutional agreements to be rigorously honored without exception, and for all secretive manipulation of our biology for commercial gain to stop. 

We wish for all mind control patents to be outlawed and stripped from the Patent Office and for this prohibition to include but not be limited to all suppressed National Security-related patents, including Mindbox patents, Alphabet, Inc., patents, and similar patented and unpatented products designed to control and direct public opinion without the public being aware of it.  

Much of this injury both as regards the Municipal Corporations and the abuses of media for purposes of mind control, promotion of biological responses, and subliminal manipulation of Public Opinion and morality is being practiced in the jurisdiction of the air and employs energy and uses patents and involves the use of corporations and the personnel and equipment of corporations to deploy these abusive technologies.  

We wish for an end to these unlawful activities, both at the Patent Office, where unlawful patents have been entertained and protected, and in newspaper and other media offices throughout this country which have suffered censorship and been coerced to serve as propaganda agencies for foreign Municipal Corporations. 

The British Territorial Forces masquerading as the U.S. Army have been responsible for the most destructive, unjust, and violent actions in our history.  It was William Tecumseh Sherman, the Butcher of the South, who first coined the use of the phrase "Final Solution" and applied it to the Lakota Sioux Indians fifty years before Hitler applied it to the Jews.  

Like their peers, Lord Pirbright and Cecil Rhodes, General Ulysses S Grant, aka, US Grant, whose name was actually Hiram Grant, and General William Tecumseh Sherman were Undeclared British Agents, members of what would become the equivalent of the American Raj, brutal, evil, corrupt men who deserve no honor from us or anyone else, 

Together, with British Central Bankers, these men planned the Bank Panic of 1873, and used it as an excuse to violate the Treaty of Fort Laramie signed only seven years before. They allowed thousands of gold miners to desecrate the Black Hills and trespass upon the Lakota Sioux Reservation.  

These are not the actions of any lawful civilian government.  

These are the acts of British Territorial mercenaries let loose on a peaceful civilian population and allowed to run rampant by Principals who have always owed us good faith and service.  This violation of good faith and the continued unlawful activities of these Municipal Corporations on our shores move us to bring these claims under Ecclesiastical Law and prompt us to seek the permanent liquidation of these corporations, their franchises,agencies and subsidiaries. 

We wish these organizations to stand forfeit for their crimes against us and against humanity over the past hundred and sixty years.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                 In care of: Box 520994
                 Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 26th 2023


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- And Why It Matters Right Now

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: 

People give value to money by being willing (or forced by Legal Tender Laws) to trade actual goods (commodities) and services for the money token, whatever the money token (or commercial paper) is.  

Remember that token money is physical and has value in and of itself-- for example, a gold coin. 

Paper certificates representing gold or silver stored in a warehouse is not actual token money, but represents the lawful claim to a certain amount of the underlying warehoused commodity, should you choose to present your claim to the warehouse (treasury) and receive the commensurate amount of gold, silver, platinum, etc.  

Most people in America can remember using Silver Certificates or have at least seen Silver Certificates. 

Fiat money takes this abstraction a step further and presumes the existence of a legal claim to something of value that is unspecified.  It might represent labor or barrels of oil or...... a debt....represented as "the good faith and credit of Congress".   

The idea that debt has value is not new.  It is at least as old as the concept of negative numbers.  

So now we get to the so-called "monetization of debt" --- which is merely assigning a value to a debt in some certain form of actual token money. 

First, let's understand the concept of assigning value to token money: 

If I have a bushel of apples and I trade it for a silver dollar, I have just given (assigned) the silver dollar the "value" of a bushel of apples and vice versa.  

When we trade physical assets, we always establish values in this way, regardless of local market fluctuations.  The same bushel of apples might fetch two silver dollars in  some markets or half a dollar in others, but there is always this process of determining "market value" on the spot. 

What happens when we trade something of physical value -- such as a gold coin, for something as amorphous as a promise to pay in the future? 

To make sense of that kind of trade, we have to adopt a fixed exchange rate, so that we know in advance what we are agreeing to trade for.  
That is, we have to assign a value to a debt now and in the future.  

If we are paying attention only to market prices, here is what we see: 

Joe gives Phil a hamburger in exchange for Phil's I.O.U. for $5, thereby creating a debt "worth" $5 for Joe (Phil's debt is Joe's credit)  and assigning a value of $5 to the hamburger at the same time.  

Years go by, Joe gives Phil a hamburger in exchange for Phil's I.O.U. for $10 (inflation has hit hard), thereby creating a debt "worth" $10 for Joe and assigning a current value of $10 to the hamburger.  

The value of the hamburger appears to have increased, while the value of the I.O.U. has decreased over time.  This is because more and more I.O.U.s have accumulated in the system because of rampant money printing or counterfeiting or failure to "redeem the debt" by exchanging it for something of actual value.  

Remember -- the way we establish the value of money or anything else is by trading it for something of actual physical value.  

Almost a hundred years goes by, and nobody has been trading value for value in a long, long time.  Everyone has been trading debts for credit, that is, we've all been assigning value to debts and monetizing them.  

The "debt note" currency inexorably loses value, because nobody is trading anything of actual value for it.  

In the current crisis, we, our American Government, are the only ones that have a fixed exchange rate established relating the value of our money token dollar known as the United States Silver Dollar to the value of the Federal Reserve Note. 

That is, we are the only ones on Earth that can give value to the Federal Reserve Note, because we are the only ones that have a fixed exchange rate for it.  

As an analogy, think of translating Chinese into English or English into Chinese --- and we are the only ones with a dictionary. 

The fixed exchange rate was established in the Emergency Banking Act of 1934 on a "dollar for dollar" basis, but of course, the value of those "dollars" has changed over time.  

One Federal Reserve Note started out equal to the value of one United States Silver Dollar in 1934.  

Even in the currently rigged commodity market, the United States Silver Dollar is now selling for around $22 Federal Reserve Notes, so despite best efforts to control silver prices and despite not minting United States Silver Dollars for decades, the Federal Reserve Note is now worth less than five cents against the actual United States Silver Dollar on the open market, and at the United States Treasury, almost $100,000 Federal Reserve Notes are pegged against each and every United States Silver Dollar still in circulation.  

No actual value has been added back into the Federal Reserve Note in ninety years, which is partially the fault of funky bookkeeping and partly the fault of the whole political status and identity fraud that has been perpetuated by the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors. 

By trying to register all of us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and using that as an excuse to glom onto all our assets for use as collateral backing their foreign debts, the Perpetrators have created a situation in which the physical asset contributions of the American people who have been constantly giving value to the Federal Reserve Note, have not been credited to the Federal Reserve Note.  They haven't been put on the ledger as credit for Joe.   

That is, the value of Joe's hamburger as an actual asset giving back value to the Federal Reserve note, has never been counted.  Instead, Joe has been misidentified as a Brit and the credit owed to him has gone to the Queen instead.  

Having addressed the unlawful conversion of American State Nationals and American State Citizens effectuated by undisclosed registration of those same Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens when they were still babies in their cradles, we can see that the credit owed to "Joe" is owed back to "Joe" by the Queen, or now, King Charles III as her Successor.  Plus interest.  

This counts as the largest unlawful conversion scheme and accounting "error" in world history.  

Thankfully, the Perpetrators kept scrupulous records of the debt, so we also know the amount of the credit owed over time and can simply discharge the debt --- except for the fact that everyone has been monetizing the debt as an asset, and except for the fact that interest has been charged on a non-existent debt.  

That is, the Americans have clawed back at least some of the value of the presumed debt in the arena of commerce and that has kept the boat afloat for a good many years despite not giving poor "Joe" his due and despite charging us interest on a non-existent debt and charging off all the expenses (not just constitutionally allowable expenses) of their Municipal Corporations to us every time they bankrupted another iteration of "the United States, Inc." or "the United States of America, Inc." 

Now you can see how we became the Preferential Priority Creditors-in-Fact and how the Queen upstaged us under False Pretenses garnered via secretive unlawful conversions of political status exercised under color of law. 

It amounts to a gigantic impersonation fraud scheme resulting in unlawful conversion of political status as well as identity, and de facto theft of our entire country, our citizenry, and our assets under color of law by the offending Municipal Subcontractors who owe us good faith and service. 

Once people started monetizing debt as an asset,  combined with the  process of creating "derivatives" there was no easy way to simply add the credits owed to Joe back onto the ledger and erase the so-called "National Debt" owed by all those spendthrift Municipal citizens of the United States --- that don't actually exist.

Perhaps even worse news is that none of this --- not the rampant monetization of debt, not the development of an imaginary derivatives market --- none of it solves the actual problem that started this whole ball rolling, which is the fact that there has been no means to "add value" to the Federal Reserve Notes this entire time. 

Nobody but the Americans have a fixed exchange rate between an asset-backed money and the Federal Reserve Note Legal Tender, so the Americans are the only ones who can solve this problem. 

Unfortunately, the Americans are being impersonated by the British Government as British Territorial U.S. Citizens using phony birth  registrations purloined without disclosure. 

British Territorial U.S. Citizens can't breathe a word against the Queen's theft of our American citizenry and assets and credit -- for obvious reasons.  

So it behooves the entire world, all 209 nations to date,  to recognize the British Swindlers for what they are and bring pressure to bear before the banks make the Big Mistake of trying a repeat of the 1890's Bank Runs and the 1929 Crash, combined, which will only result in the arrest of the bankers and their Boards of Directors and long stints in places like Fort Leavenworth, plus, the worst economic crisis the world has ever seen. 

The Americans must be freed on a systemic basis from the presumption of any form of British Territorial or Municipal citizenship and our assets must be "unblocked" and our gold and silver assets must be used to give value to the Federal Reserve Notes or there will be nothing left to fight over. 

Here is the Big News for all those who have been anti-American --- we are not only the victims in this story, we are also the only ones that can save the situation.  

We have explained how we became the Preferential Creditors and how the Queen's Government purloined the assets and credit that belong in fact to us.  

We have also explained how currency is literally "given value" and the reason that the Federal Reserve Notes have lost almost all their value for lack of actually being credited and exchanged for value.  

We've explained how the Americans wound up with the only fixed exchange rate and therefore the only means to translate a form of our lawful money into Federal Reserve Note Legal Tender. 

So, in summary: 

1. Our people and Government are the only ones with a fixed exchange rate allowing us to translate our asset-backed currency into Federal Reserve Notes, and thereby give value back to the Federal Reserve Notes and saving the world economy; 

2. We are the only ones who can extend amnesty to the unwitting criminals responsible for this situation; 

3. We are the only ones with the account codes needed to release the M1 funding --- and do it lawfully with proper provenance; 

4. We are the only ones with the means and the lawful assets to literally resolve the world debt and give value back to the Federal Reserve Notes. 

The solution: 

1. The horribly mismanaged Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia must stand down; 

2. The criminal malfeasance of these Subcontractors must be recognized, repented, and set aside under a General Amnesty -- which still allows for possible prosecution of willful and knowing criminals; 

3. The crimes of unlawful conversion committed against the Americans by the British Crown and the British Government and the Government of Ghent and the City of Rome must be reversed, all foreign registrations must be set aside and presumed to apply only to actual employees of the Federal Municipal Corporation Subcontractors; 

4. We must quickly release our asset-backed currencies, the United States Silver Dollar and the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, and invoke our exchange rate to give value to the Federal Reserve Notes; 

5. We must meet with the military bankers housed in Switzerland who are responsible; 

6. Our American Government and the actual Account Holders must release the blocked account codes; 

7. Everyone needs to thoroughly understand how this happened, so that it never happens again. 

And somehow, we have to get the word passed to the members of the Territorial Congress and Janet Yellen and all the other Party Hearties that otherwise, their private scrip, the Federal Reserve Note, loses value by the minute until it becomes utterly worthless. 

Raising the imaginary debt ceiling merely increases the problem, just as continuing to monetize debt as an asset adds to the problem. 

The Day of Reckoning comes, and however you want to chide and goad us for being asleep all these years, we are awake now, and holding the only means --- our fixed exchange rate and our authorized gold and silver-based currencies ---- by which the Federal Reserve Note can have value returned to it, and by which the world economy can be saved. 

Mr. Trump, King Charles III, and maybe even the Pope need to be reminded that the ends never justify the means, and representing us doesn't work when we present ourselves.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 26th 2023


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