Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Town Meeting Be Damned

                                      Town Meeting Be Damned

     In a surprise show of emotion Light and Water manager John Driscoll stated that he had no intention of shutting off the Fluoride to the town’s water supply even if fluoridation was voted to be discontinued at this May’s Annual Town Meeting.  Stating he had been in contact with Mass Department of Public Health Representative Myron Allukian, Mr. Driscoll was adamant in continuing fluoridation, Town Meeting be damned. 
     A Citizen’s Petition has been submitted to the Selectmen’s office and has been verified at the Town Clerk’s office to be added to the warrant for this May’s Annual Town Meeting.  This petition states, “Shall the town vote to discontinue fluoridating the town water supply”. 
     This Citizen’s Petition was signed by over one hundred and fifty Town of Templeton voters to be put on this years warrant. 
     Arvid Carllson the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in medicine and pharmacology and a major factor for keeping fluoridation out of his Country of Sweden had this to say about fluoridation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhELSXwU_40&feature=share  .
Surely Arvid Carllson can be ignored only at our own peril. 
      Littleton Mass. voted overwhelmingly to keep fluoride out of their water supply in a recent vote in that town.  Yarmouth Mass. a large community on Cape Cod voted three to one not to fluoridate.  Articles concerning these recent votes were left with Mr. Driscoll at the Water Department meeting.  It is hoped that Mr. Driscoll will make an effort to learn about the many health problems associated with fluoridation.
     An excellent place to learn about fluoride and health effects associated with fluoridation is the Fluoride Action Network 
http://www.fluoridealert.org/ .  
       It should only take only a few minutes for the average Templeton voter learn more than our current Light and Water manager about the health problems associated with water fluoridation.
      Please consider attending Annual Town Meeting in May to vote fluoride out of our water supply.  

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