Sunday, April 1, 2012

Eyes Wide Shut

                                             Eyes Wide Shut

     Politics in Templeton seem to be playing out in a similar fashion as that of State and Federal politics.  “Eyes Wide Shut” is the phrase used in the big game of politics and now it seems that we are seeing a similar type of politics here in our small town. 
     “Eyes Wide Shut” refers to the movie by Stanley Kubrick in which those who have an inside seat are allowed to misbehave so long as they don’t report any wrong doings concerning those who share those seats of power with them.  Look the other way.   
     A more detailed look might be that when you make a mistake and could possibly loose your job or bring embarrassment to your family or possibly be facing a heavy fine or jail time a deal is made.  Someone in this situation is most likely desperate for any kind of help and is vulnerable to the first suggestion that comes their way.  This desperate individual is not really in a position to bargain. A clever man knows that if he helps this perpetrator the individual who has made the mistake will be forever in his debt. When the clever man needs a favor or a shady deal is necessary he can count on this desperate individual to come through for him “Eyes Wide Shut”.  
     Is it possible that Mr. Mullins made a deal with the devil to spare himself and his family the embarrassment of events in Winchendon?  Is it possible that the devil knew in advance that Mr. Mullins was involved with possible illegal activity at the transfer station in Winchendon and used this to his advantage to secure something the devil coveted?
      Why can’t we as voters get a full disclosure of events involving our town leader and events to the North of us.    
     The debtor is beholden to the lender. 
      This is clearly not a healthy situation for Mr. Mullins or his family he has our sympathy, it is also an unhealthy situation for the Town of Templeton and her voters.       
     If Mr. Mullins first allegiance is to the devil that has brokered the deal then he cannot be putting his Town of Templeton first. 
     It is believed we have been down this road before when it comes to “Eyes Wide Shut” and dirty dealings.  It is also very possible the same devil was involved.     

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