Tuesday, October 1, 2024

5038-5044: Hurricane Situation Update from Lincoln County Watch


5038-5044: Hurricane Situation Update from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Most of western North Carolina has been badly damaged by flooding and windstorms and grid collapse; many roads, bridges, and thousands of homes have been obliterated or significantly damaged. Public infrastructure has failed in many places -- water treatment, sanitation facilities, power plants, and communications systems are down.  

The important city of Asheville, North Carolina, is cut off with all roads and bridges and grid systems down.  Castle Rock no longer exists.  This is a very dire, major, catastrophic weather event on a scale with Hurricane Katrina.  

Rescue efforts are additionally hampered by challenging natural typography throughout the region. 

Signal has continued to work and function perfectly.  Anyone who has a phone with a charge can connect via Signal even without internet service.  

We have spent the last two days gathering information and tracking loved ones and members of the Assemblies.  At this point, 26 members of the North Carolina Assembly are still unaccounted for. 

My middle son and his wife were cut off and stranded on the collapsing road grid for seventeen hours before they were able to locate old backroads and navigate around the numerous bridge and road closures and get back to their home in Greeneville, Tennessee.  

Greeneville is on the far western edge of the disaster area and has suffered the loss of their water treatment plant, but all else is up and running.  It will likely be a staging ground for relief and construction initiatives going into western North Carolina. 

The Peacekeeping Task Force has been monitoring the situation and is mobilizing State Assembly Militias in neighboring States and taking other actions to network and facilitate rescue and relief efforts. 

The North Carolina Assembly Coordinator and Marshal at Arms have both survived the onslaught and are in communication.  Niti Bali, host of the popular Tuesday morning podcast,  who has been leading the organization of farmers and farm organizations in North Carolina has also gotten through it and is unscathed and in communication. 

In the hours and days to come our North Carolina Assembly and so to a lesser extent, our Tennessee Assembly, will need all the help, love, prayers, and support we can collectively muster. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: Objection to the "USN"

 By Anna Von Reitz

As the name, "United States Note", implies, this currency is again a debt note, or I.O.U. being used in commerce.  It claims to be "gold-backed" which also implies that our land assets or the land assets of some other country are being used to back this new "note". 

We have cause to believe that the representations being made about this "note" are based on more constructive fraud and illegal acts.   

We are the land and soil jurisdiction government of record for this country; all the State Trusts assets are owed to our Member States, and that includes all gold and silver and land and other material assets of the States that have to be returned to them. 

Not just to Native Nations that are groups of people within our States of the Union.  Our States are Nation-States in-and-of-themselves, which means that every American is also a national of their State. 

This may be unusual, but it is nonetheless our lawful form of government and the use of our assets to promote more "debt notes" and more fraud against our people is not to be tolerated.  

The only "debt" involved is the debt that our erstwhile Employees owe to us for their use and misuse of our assets under conditions of deceit and False Pretenses.  

It's time for this situation to end and for the assets to be returned to our direct control ---- not the perpetuation of another debt-fraud scheme and more bankruptcy bunko down the road. 

Where does the debt in the concept of the "debt notes" come from? 

It comes from our Federal Employees commandeering our assets into illegal State Trusts that were never authorized by anyone having the standing and authority to create these trusts and make these "donations" for us.  

It comes from our Federal Employees "borrowing" our assets from us for their use as collateral backing their spending---- without our knowledge or permission.  

As the "Presumed Donors" we have made our Express Will in these matters apparent and have demanded the dissolution of these State Trusts in favor of the Donor-Beneficiaries and their own rightful administration of their affairs via their traditional and customary government. 

We have not authorized any further misdirection of our assets by our Federal Employees; that includes their issuance of any US Notes based on our material assets. 

Laundering our assets via The Great Fraud in no way changes the actual ownership of the assets: possession by pirates does not change ownership, and we fully recognize the existence of pirates in both the jurisdiction of the air and the sea. 

We are the "returned" long-lost inheritors and every court from here to Burma owes us the immediate return of our assets and our control of our assets.  We claim the immediate ownership of all United States Notes and demand the return of all United States Notes to our American Federation Treasury for cancellation of the purported debt and reissuance of prepaid credit.  

We will not be paying any gratuitous interest on any debts owed by our Federal Employees to us or anyone else.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  Cancellation of all United States Notes upon issuance is mandatory. 

The American Federation Treasury is a Special Sovereign Account Complex set up within our chartered Global Family Bank; Officers of the United States Treasury and U.S. Treasury, etc., and their various Departments are instructed to contact our Global Family Bank for further instructions. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska  99652

September 29th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Scalper Warning

 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember when the British Territorial U.S. Government offered a "bounty" on scalps?  The victims often died of infection, if they weren't already dead.  This barbaric practice was blamed on the Native Americans, but no, this was brought to us by the British Government.  

Their Tories are at it again, just a different venue. 

"Just buy this $100 Trillion Zim Bond, and you can cash it in for 10% of its face value when the RV comes!"  

According to many sources, the RV is coming on October first. 

We have a question for everyone.  If Zim bonds are actually worth $100 T, why would you sell them for only 10% of their face value?  

Why wouldn't you return them to the Zimbabwean Government and its Central Bank and recoup the full value exchange rate?  

You would if you had a bank competent to negotiate the transaction for you---- and didn't have to depend on British Scalper Agents to do it for you.  

When you cash in your Zim Bonds using British Scalpers, they get 80-90% of the profit.  

When you cash in your Zim Bonds using your own International Trade Bank, The Global Family International Trade Bank, you keep the whole amount, minus a small service fee. 

And it's all above board.  No skulking around.  No "Non-disclosure Agreements" that are designed to protect the Scalpers.  No urgent time limits.  

It's just a currency exchange like any other currency exchange. 

And now that Americans have their own bank that is chartered and competent to exchange asset-backed money, there's no reason you can't do it yourself.  No need to pay Scalpers a huge commission. 

If you have Zim Bonds and you already have declared your birthright political status as Americans and already have an account with our Bilateral Bank, you'd be a fool to give British Scalpers 80-90% of your investment.  

The unjust enrichment these people and their ugly war-mongering  corporations stand to receive instead of you, and the entire process by which you have been misinformed about the RV and entrapped to use their "services" is nothing less than criminal.  

They've made their fortunes by misleading, misrepresenting, and defrauding Americans, and here they are, trying to steal your ticket and capture a gross portion of your Zim receipts on top of it. 

Even people who have Zim bonds and haven't yet set up their Bilateral bank accounts with Global Family can afford to wait, set up their account, and cash out at their convenience.  No pressure. 
No headlong rush.  

After all, what's a few more days, if you get to keep darn near the total amount, and keep 80-90% from going to criminals?  

Those who are "done with evil" know what I am saying.  Letting the Scalpers get away with their scheme will just re-empower the Beast System. 

It's time to put the Beast down like a rabid dog.  

No more money for war and coercion, violence, scarcity, and greed.  

The only kind of "central bank" we want is one that minds its business, stays clean, and doesn't do politics.  That's why we have chartered the Global Family banks and the reason we encourage everyone to use them. 

This is your world, your money, your resources, your credit.  You are the true intrinsic value giving value back to Creation.  So think twice before you hand a Scalper the Lion's share of your Zim bond investments. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: The Condition of India

 By Anna Von Reitz

People have asked us to explain the condition of India, and its history run as a film script in tandem with our own.  This question arises in part as we have used the term, "American Raj", to explain what has gone on here, and also as a result of confusion in India itself, which continues to suffer the abuses of the British Raj long after that plague was purportedly removed by the non-violent resistance India posed under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. 

Remember that the Mahatma had been thoroughly trained as a young man as a British Barrister and knew all the ins and outs of the various jurisdictions of the law.  They couldn't bamboozle him, but his successors, the people who followed after him as leaders in India, did not have the benefit of his education.  They fell back under the influence and control of the Raj ---merely operated in a different jurisdiction of the law. 

Let us begin with a little-known fact in the Western World: not so long ago, India was one of the richest countries, if not the richest country, on the planet. 

Let that sink in.  

Then let that piece of new information correlate with all the horrible pictures of mass graves, people looking like walking skeletons, news of famine killing thousands upon thousands.... the grinding poverty and mean streets of Delhi and Calcutta, Mother Teresa's nuns carrying the destitute to make-shift hospitals, little children working in cesspits, picking through garbage, and mining handfuls of poisonous ore, one tiny handful at a time. 

What happened?  

Britain, Rome, and the Netherlands happened. 

We have explained how Benjamin D'Israeli seduced the aging Queen Victoria into his corporate enfranchisement scheme, which redefined  the working people of Britain as corporate franchises and trafficked them from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil into the jurisdiction of the sea, where their assets could be "salvaged" and used as collateral backing the Queen's Government ---- which in turn could then afford to invade India.  

Thus the British Working Class was defrauded and enslaved, in order to finance the enslavement of the Indian Subcontinent. 

Queen Victoria would become the Empress of India and the British Territorial "Raj" --- international mercenaries run by the Templars, would be set free to rampage and pillage and plunder the vast wealth of India.  

They came quietly under color of law, and insinuated themselves in bureaucratic positions in many different businesses --- attorneys, actors, railroad magnates, mining company executives, agricultural consultants --- the actual invasion started in the 1830's, and by the 1860's, it was relatively easy for these pre-placed business interests to support the change and consolidation of a substitute government against the interests of the traditional kingdoms and principalities of the Maharajahs.  

This didn't happen without fights, and plenty of them, with horrific costs on both sides, but it did happen --- and as it did, vast quantities of gold, silver, platinum, jewels, and minerals, not to mention artifacts and art --- were stripped out of India by the British Territorials, otherwise known as the British Raj, and otherwise by the British Crown Forces (Templar Mercenaries) and shipped to Europe. 

Bank records show that Queen Victoria split up the loot among the European Kingdoms whose thrones were occupied by her children and grandchildren.  The Bank of England received back 10 Billion Metric Tons of gold from Czar Nicholas II, credited to Russia, and 8 Billion Metric Tons of gold, also from Czar Nicholas II, credited to the Kingdom of Prussia, shortly before the so-called Russian Revolution took hold. 

How much of this gold was legitimately gold that belonged to Russia and Prussia, versus how much was stolen from India, is not known. 
We can't be sure until the gold itself is examined and assayed to reveal its origins and trading receipts are compared. 

But where, you say, could the Bank of England possibly be hiding this much gold?  Buried in pits, or, in some cases, stacked up and covered over with soil and turf.  It shows up using modern tomography and LIDAR spectrum analysis, which the oil companies developed and began to use to prospect for new oil reservoirs. 

They found a lot more than oil.  

Of course, they kept the news to themselves, until it became obvious that their mineral prospecting involved more than petroleum basins. 

When Lord James Brown informed the Parliament that the gold supply records were all wrong and patently impossible to believe, Lord Sassoon blustered something to the effect that "Everyone knows that only 1500 Tonnes of gold have ever been extracted from the Earth....."  but that proved to be an insufficient answer. 

The Libor Scandal erupted and news of widespread commodity rigging of all kinds began to leak out; most people were confused, just as they are confused now.  

The mainstream media doesn't report that the Vatican, the Federal Reserve, and Black Rock are all bankrupt, and other news that would provide perspective. 

The people of India are also confused, wondering how "their" government has continued to be so oppressive, why is it that they can barely tell the difference between the old Raj and the government they have now?  

They are told that all the misery is because their country is overpopulated, not because it was looted. 

They are told that the glorious revolution led by Mahatma Gandhi was successful, even though it ultimately wasn't. 

Self-governance lasted a few short years before it was undermined again -- and by the same foreign interests that supported the Raj. 

Like the other members of the Commonwealth System, India was informed that the Commonwealth had ended, oh, hooray, and then, nothing changed.  Just as in Canada.  Just as in New Zealand, South Africa, Australia.... 

The old Colonialist system of things was, purportedly, according to the newspapers, a thing of the past. Counties that had been imposed on by the British Empire were suddenly free at last.  Or were they? 

After the celebrated announcement ending the Commonwealth, the countries impacted were supposed to spontaneously create their own governments and run their own affairs, but nobody told the people that.  Certainly, the British didn't lift a finger or say a word. 

They simply chugged along, business as usual. 

After seven years, none of the (formerly) captive populations had moved to get organized and declare a new government, so the Brits shrugged and declared new British protectorates, continued their illegal occupation, and if anything, they became more reckless, more corrupt, and more oppressive than before. 

They consider all the rest of us too stupid to live.  

They poke and prod us, testing the limits of what they can get away with. 

They keep everyone confused and knocking into each other, like actors in a Monty Python skit. 

So, India --- along with all the other members of the former Commonwealth ---  was "re-subscribed" as if your choice of government was subject to automatic renewal.  

British Subject status was "presumed" and the obligations of British Citizenship were "conferred"; private land parcels were latched onto and transferred into the British Title System, property taxes were assessed, the whole swarm of locusts reappeared wearing nice business suits instead of uniforms.  

This is, of course, nothing but organized crime and racketeering, especially as it is being promoted and implemented by foreign commercial corporations and foreign municipal corporations. 

Because these foreign municipal corporations have operated under Roman Civil Law, they have had no obligation to disclose their operations.  The old Roman Maxim, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." was fully applicable and was applied with gusto, and not a shred of compassion.  

Until we woke up and called them on it, they were free to rape, plunder, pillage, presume, and oppress at will; now that we have unraveled their deceit, the Romans are obeying their own law and hurriedly collapsing their sideshow.  The British, not so much. 

The British have tried to brazen it out to the bitter end, complete with threats and obfuscations, attempts to discredit us, criminal charges against the phony Roman ESTATES established in our names, every kind of excuse, prevarication, and tactic has been tried, up to and including the deadly pandemic which was supposed to be a "memorial" to Prince Philip. 

Those of us who remember things, remember when Prince Philip said that after he died, he wished to come back as a "loathsome virus" and do "his bit" to solve the population problem.  

We also remember the weird pageants staged at the London Olympics, where nurses brandishing hypodermic needles and pushing gurneys paraded around the grounds, and little black demons raced over the beds and jumped up and down on the patients. 

This is all part of  British elitism, and what we will call the British insanity, that leads them to believe that they have a right to be contemptuous of the rest of humanity, to deny others' property rights, and even the right of other people to live.  

The British Government has gone way too far this time, and so has the Holy Roman Empire.  They have conspired together to ruin the Earth and directed their minions to pollute our planet with radioactive waste packed into artillery shells, with underwater demolition of gas pipelines, and man-made Earthquakes using Scalar Weapons developed in this country.  They have dumped industrial wastes into our drinking water, and dumped more industrial waste products on our farm fields and woodlands. 

We note that the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, have suffered the outrages of their government(s) along with the rest of us.  

We note that the rank and file members of the Roman Catholic Church have been kept ignorant about the secular side of the Church's operations, and have no concept of the evils that have been perpetuated in their names, any more than average Americans can conceive the condition that their government was reduced to by these colluding con artists.  

India is due to receive back its material riches; it never lost its spiritual and intellectual riches, and now understanding what was done to their country, we have no doubt that India will rapidly recover. 

England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales will be free again, released from the horrific tax burdens and coercive demands of the gluttonous and criminal empire that took root on their shores in the early 1700s.

America will stand as America again, no longer being confused with and mistaken for any form of "the US" corporatocracy. 

The British hegemony ends on October first this year. Let's hope that these "gentlemen" are further persuaded to go quietly, without any additional death and disaster.  

This explains -- as best as we are able to explain insanity -- what has happened to India and to our country and to the rest of the world. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Ownership of the Philippine Islands

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our British Territorial Subcontractors, acting as Mercenaries at the behest of certain Corporate Interests, initiated a war with the Kingdom of Spain at our expense and without our permission; the end result is that The Spanish American War, which should properly be called the Spanish - U.S. Mercenary Conflict, was lost by Spain, and Spain was obliged to make concessions including the ownership of the landmass of the Philippine Islands. 

As part of the peace process, the British Territorial Perpetrators used $20 million of our gold to purchase the government infrastructure from Spain.   

The Philippine Archipelago was annexed, much like the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The people of the Philippines put up a long, hard, valiant fight for their own independence, a struggle that went on for fifteen years against the British Territorial U.S. Federal Subcontractors, the cost of which these same Territorial Mercenary Forces charged back to us and against our assets and credit.

We also took the blame for this, as this British Territorial aggression was always attributed to "the Americans".  

This was a bloody, protracted, expensive "war" of attrition and misery halfway around the globe, one that cost thousands of lives on both sides and millions upon millions of dollars in American gold. 

This "campaign in the Philippines" as the Brits like to refer to it, is virtually unknown in this country and nobody in the Public Fool System breathes a word about it.  Americans never hear about it.  Not in grade school, high school or university.  Nothing.  Nada.  So far as we, Americans, are taught or led to believe, our country's entire history with the Philippines is limited to the fighting in World War II, when we gallantly liberated the Archipelago and its people. 

For a dose of reality, read on. 

The "struggle in the Philippines" --- another nice British euphemism, ended with the Filipino people being strong-armed by overwhelming numbers, force, money, and equipment, not to mention naval bombardment. 

But the bills from all this (and a lot more)  were due, and in 1907, the first round of bankruptcy hit the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated --- the principal rat responsible for the foregoing circumstance.  

At the end of this round of bankruptcy, their Creditors --- other Federal Subcontractors purportedly "representing" us --- pushed through the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.  

We, the actual American Government being occupied by what appeared to be our own Army, were left holding the proverbial bag: actual ownership of the Philippines came to us, as we were the only government with standing to receive land assets, but we were ourselves being misrepresented as being "absent, missing, in interregnum" and like all our other assets, the ownership interest in the Philippine Archipelago was rat-holed in the United States Trust. 

Enter the Second Bankruptcy.  The first bankruptcy involving the Scottish Corporation doing business as The United States of America (Incorporated) was followed by a second bankruptcy involving "the" United States of America, Incorporated, another foreign corporation impersonating us.  This second bankruptcy was planned with malice aforethought by the so-called G-5 Corporations and concluded by a Sea Treaty they signed off at the 1930 Geneva Conventions. 

The U.S. Representative at the 1930 Geneva Convention was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was, of course, elected President of the United States (Incorporated) --- and who promptly sold all the Municipal citizens of the United States into slavery, as indicated in his First Inaugural Address. 

By 1934 the U.S. (British Territorial) Congress was grinding through the details of the deliberate bankruptcy scheme and hit upon the idea of creating --- by legislation, which is a telling point --- "an independent government for the Philippines".   

This Corporation dba the Government of the Philippines, was then named as the Trustee over our gold which had been transported to the Philippines "for safekeeping" by the U.S. Navy during the First Bankruptcy.

Again, this is all taking place in the jurisdiction of the sea.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with us, the actual American Government, which has been remotely operated as a holding company in receipt of the physical assets of the States and Hawaii and the Philippines, and, and, and ------ all of which has been fraudulently "held in trust" by the United States Trust and used as collateral for the Federal Subcontractors to borrow against. 

It's not called "The Great Fraud" for nothing.

So, the Government of the Philippines (Inc.) became the Trustee over our gold held in safekeeping in the Philippines.  This is why and how Jack Kennedy, operating as President of the United States (Corporation) had to go to Ferdinand Marcos and secure his permission to use our gold assets to back the Kennedy Dollar.  

Kennedy had to adopt foreign dual citizenship to serve in the Offices known as President of the United States and President of the United States of America, which precluded him from acting as a Donor and instructing Marcos as his direct Trustee.  So it had to be done as an international agreement --- the Bilateral Minefields Agreement, the Green Hilton Agreement, and so on.  

In 1946, the British Territorial Subcontractor issued another Sea Treaty, the Treaty of Manila Bay, seeming to grant independence to the Philippines, but a close reading of the document reveals its nature as a Sea Treaty similar to the treaties the same Con Artists gave to the American Indian Tribes. 

The Treaty of Manila Bay sounds good, but it doesn't have any effect on the actual land ownership, because it is limited by nature to the jurisdiction of the sea. 

This means that the American Government still owns the Philippine Islands, both as the Receiver and the Holder, and the source of the funds used to buy the government infrastructure from Spain.  

Nobody paid us back for the expenditures, nor for the losses caused by the wars these Pikers engendered and fought --- and paid themselves for --- in our names.  

Until everyone is brought up to speed and public elections (as opposed to private corporation elections) are held, there is no land jurisdiction government of the Philippines to give the land back to.  
Spain left, the land assets were shuttled into the United States Trust "in our name", and the only governments formed since then have been British Territorial Corporation franchises, e.g., the Government of the Philippines, Inc. and Municipal Corporations, e.g., PHILIPPINES, INC. 

The land assets of the Philippines need to go back to a lawful government elected by the Filipino people and our purloined gold assets need to come back to us. 

All these criminal for-profit corporations that have run roughshod over the living people need to be shut down, liquidated, forfeited, or otherwise nationalized and lawfully converted to bring them back under the limitations and accountability imposed by Land Law.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Question About "Article III" District Courts

 By Anna Von Reitz

The three Federal Constitutions reference Article III Courts, so people have been driving themselves crazy making all sorts of theories about this and trying to locate these Article III Courts.  

These tend to be the same people who can't understand where the Titles of Nobility Amendment went and why it doesn't appear as the Thirteenth Amendment in the two Constitutions that are typically published and available to the American Public. 

Begin with the fact that there are three Federal Constitutions issued (one each, sequentially, 1787, 1789, and 1790)  to three different Federal Service Providers.  

These are: 

The Constitution for the united States of America (1787) 
(Issued to American Subcontractors)

The Constitution of the United States of America (1789) 
(Issued to British Territorial Subcontractors)

The Constitution of the United States (1790)
(Issued to Holy Roman Empire Subcontractors)

Both the Article III Courts and the Titles of Nobility Amendment are part of and belong to The Constitution for the united States of America (1787); but,  because this Constitution has been dormant since the 1860s, and the American Federal Republic created to implement this Constitution has been vacant all this while, it appears that the Article III Courts and the Titles of Nobility Amendment don't exist or vanished inexplicably into thin air. 

They didn't vanish and they aren't invalid. We know exactly what happened to them and where they are. 

The Delegated Powers conferred under that first Constitution in 1787 returned by Operation of Law to the Federation of States that issued them, so the Federation of States has the ability to resurrect the Article III Courts and the Titles of Nobility Amendment.  

We can take over the work done by the original Confederation and the original Federal Republic; we can do anything they could do, because both these later institutions derived their delegated powers from us. 

The Federation can't, however, resurrect the Confederation.  The States have to do that.  Likewise, the Federation can't recreate the missing American Federal Republic.  The restored and "reconstructed" Confederation would have to do that. 

So, while the Federation can't accomplish the Reconstruction of the Government, it can do all the work and functions of the missing parts and pieces.  How do we know that?  The Federation of States did all the work of both the Confederation and the American Federal Republic for a period of five years, 1776 to 1781. 

In 1781, the Confederation was approved and began doing commercial business for the fledgling government.  That commercial work was delegated to it by the Federation of States. 

In 1787, the American Federal Republic was approved and began exercising the Powers delegated to it under The Constitution for the united States of America.  Those delegated powers were received directly from the Federation or indirectly from the Federation via the Confederation. 

At each step there was a delegation of power from the Federation to the Confederation and thence, from the Confederation to the American Federal Republic, both of which are "missing" and vacant components of the American Government.  

The only entity competent to restore the Article III Courts is the Federation of States, the original Source of all the Delegated Powers --- including Powers delegated to the Confederation. 

So that's the background of the Article III Court questions and in particular, this query asking if the District Court of the District Columbia is our long-lost Article III Court?

It's not. By definition. No District Courts have ever been authorized under Article III, because they are not part of the Federal Court System authorized under The Constitution for the united States of America. 

Per the Judiciary Act of 1789, the District Courts are organized under The Constitution of the United States of America, instead.  

Many people reading this might feel hopeless, thinking that we are without access to Article III Courts, and therefore without access to justice, but that isn't true,, either. 

The Truth is that our country and its American Government have never been dependent on our Federal Subcontractors, nor on their courts. 

We have always been able to mow our own lawn and run our own courts. We can run their courts, too, if they fail to do so, or mismanage them so as to create deliberate treason in our midst.  

The further Truth is that we don't "stand under" any Constitution and we don't need any delegated power, because we are the Delegators of all Federal Powers. 

Upon the failure or lack of performance of any Federal Subcontractor including the original Confederation, the Federation of States which assigned the work and delegated it has the option of doing the work itself. 

Our State Members created and hired these other organizations to provide certain "essential government services" but if they can't perform their delegated duties for any reason, the Federation of States has the inherent right and duty to do the work until such time as our State Members engage other contractors to do it.  

The repeated bankruptcies of the incorporated United States of America, Inc. and the United States, Inc., have vacated any Successor contracts we had with them and we are proceeding as the Delegators of the Delegated Powers to exercise our inherent Powers.  

We and our State Members are also acting as the Preferential and Priority Creditors of these failed corporations and are hereby providing Notice and Suit to the United States Trustees and the U.S. Trustees for the return of our purloined assets, the release of all foreign titles used to control and encumber our assets, and the return of our Good Names and Credit, which have similarly been purloined by our Federal Subcontractors. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Monday, September 30, 2024

International Public Notice: Food Supplies Are Contaminated Worldwide

 By Anna Von Reitz

Again, the United Nations is proving to be a useless and failed organization, which has done nothing substantial to address the actual problems. 

The Book of Isaiah lays out the Israelite war plan against their captors; they would subtly pollute the water and the bread and thereby undermine the health and sanity of their masters. 

Today, how do you pollute the water?  By adding iron to it.  And chlorine. And fluoride. 

How do you pollute the bread?  And, turn it into an addictive substance?  See here: 

It's not the wheat that makes it addictive; no, it's the destructive processing that leaches out any food value from the flour and the unseen additives that these self-serving criminals have been allowed to add to the flour and bread products.  

Addiction sells.

It's the same way with tobacco.  Natural tobacco is not addictive.  Dr. Bryan Ardis has proved that beyond question.  No, it's additives to tobacco ---that the goons at the FDA have allowed--- that make tobacco and tobacco products addictive. 

Those artificially addictive tobacco products regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, provide the foreign incorporated "Federal Government Service Providers" billions of dollars in sin taxes every year, at the expense of our health and pocketbooks. 

One wonders what they are adding to the beer, wine, and hard liquor to make these regulated products artificially addictive, too?  

Many years ago we observed the preternatural lifespan of the typical soft white bread being sold in this country; it could sit on a shelf for six months with no apparent changes, no bacteria would touch it. 
So neither would we. 

Government regulation has not served to protect the public and has instead been used to harm the public in favor of the government coffers.  The hypocrites have posted health warnings on tobacco packages at the same time their FDA Regulators have allowed the tobacco companies to add addictive pyridines to the tobacco. 

The monsters have even managed to pollute the basic foodstuffs of the planet by introducing GMO crops that produce their own pesticides and herbicides at the cellular level --- all without anyone asking --- if this can kill Rice Weevil, can it also kill us? 

The original idea behind giving the Federal Government regulatory power over the interstate manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, was to provide our Subcontractors with a means to collect revenues from these activities to support themselves.  

These so-called "sin" taxes were also supposed to discourage the spread of bad habits and limit access to means of violence. 
Good intentions and the road to hell go hand in hand, when the intent is not enforced, and the Regulators are bought off. 

America is by far not the only country impacted by this.  Germany has suffered as much and more than we have, thanks to the presence of I.G. Farben, Bayer --- and now, Monsanto as a subsidiary of Bayer, creating destructive chemical products and byproducts. 

Via the U.S. and Germany, the rest of the world has been impacted, too, by the gross and irresponsible proliferation and release of new chemical substances, reckless disposal of industrial byproducts, and manipulative profiteering.  

In England, the vast majority of water sources are still polluted from Roman times, when the Romans stuffed tons of iron ore into wells and water courses.  

What are our governments supposed to do?  Protect the people and their assets.  What is the only purpose and reason to have a government?  Protect the people and their assets.  What are we paying all these "service companies" for?  To protect the people and their assets. 

This may be a newsflash to the Federal Corporations and their bosses as well as many other quasi-governments around the world, but we do not employ them to addict us to poisons, pollute our world, and undermine our health, so that they can sell us expensive "health care" and Green New Deals to fix the problems they have created. 

We are calling for an immediate worldwide ban on all manufactured products containing additives that promote addiction.  

If the United Nations is worth the salt to blow it to Hell and back, it can do the same. 

Better yet, countries and governments that actually care about the people of this planet can join us as part of our Round Table.  

This pollution of food supplies worldwide is a deliberate and evil manipulation violating the Universal Law of Free Will, one which causes immediate harm to the victims, and unjust enrichment for the criminals responsible.  

We are warning and encouraging store managers to select and sell only products that are free of this tampering.  We are encouraging our people to boycott entire industries until these issues are addressed, and recommending that until further notice, we all eat Kosher products and simple non-processed organic produce, dairy, eggs, and meat. 

We are not suggesting that the Jewish people in our communities are responsible for the broad ranging abuses that have developed in the food and drug and agricultural industries since the Second World War.  This is simply to say that until the worse-than-worthless FDA is replaced and these industries are cleaned up, Kosher food is the safest food on Earth.  We can all benefit from higher dietary nutrition and manufacturing standards. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


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