Friday, September 13, 2024

Video: The United States of America Podcast - Episode 48

 Every week Anna or someone from The Federation will join us to answer questions for people who are LIVE in the chat with us. Niti and her team will sift & sort through the chat questions to incorporate them into a conversational format. If your question is not answered in this episode, you may come back every week until we can get to your question. DO NOT put your question in the chat more than one time each week. Questions should be in ALL CAPS and let us know where you are from and if you are an American State National by including (ASN) at the end of your question. Please be aware that YOU DO NOT have to be an American to ask questions. This is a PUBLIC FORUM. We welcome the world! BE KIND in the chat. As self-governing people, we must first do no harm. We are at peace, and we

operate in Love. Disruptors will be placed in time out, blocked or banned as deemed necessary by our Marshalls at Arms. There is great love here for you. Anna referred to this book:   / the-uncorporation   The rest of the links you need are in our Link tree here including the Newsletter Link for the OPEN ZOOM CALL Study Group we host Saturday (@pm 12pm NOON EST) every Saturday except the 1st Saturday every month. This link also has the link for the Recording Secretaries to sign up for new living men and women referrals for their Nation State Assemblies: Link with Anna Approved Links of sites to follow and solutions : Niti's Telegram Channel for post show links: Reestablishing the Regenerative Farm Food System based in NATURAL LAW, Author - Farm to Fork Meat Riot, Regenerative Lifestyle Coach.


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