Sunday, September 22, 2024

There Be Dragons



There Be Dragons

Todd Hayen

I’ve lived most of my long life asleep. I was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I even gave it a second thought (well, maybe a “first thought” a decade before any serious consideration). I was 9 days shy of 14 when man allegedly made a giant leap on the moon—didn’t give it a second thought—it was real, of course.

I was nearly drafted to go fight the “just” war in Vietnam and lived through countless world events I was not even aware of.

Events that involved false flags, CIA manipulation, and God knows what else. I lived through all of this without giving any of it even an eye twitch—it certainly was all that I had been told, nothing more. It was business as usual. Most, if not all, of it did not directly affect me or my ability to eat, work, play, and live my life in relative comfort.

I finally got the big kick in the butt when Covid came along, and as I slowly fully awakened, I realized that everything that passed me by in my life that I had shoe-horned into believing was normal was anything but normal. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think I have always been a teeny-weeny bit awake. I scratched my head a lot and was always interested in the alternative view of things.

But these understandings were always peripheral to me.

The main thrust of life was generally good, people could be trusted, government may be whacky at times, but in general was benevolent, and trying very hard to be decent. The hideously ugly, weird, or deceitful stuff were the anomalies, not the norm.

I think 9-11 really started the bottom to drop out for me, but I still had not lost faith in the foundation of “rightness” in the world. But the whole thing fell apart once Covid started its rampage of false rhetoric and deceitful lies. Now I’ve made full circle where nothing at all is trusted, it is pretty much all bad, ugly, and evil. It is difficult to convince me there is even one decent person in power in the world.

Where does that leave me (us)? That is a difficult question to answer. I do know we have it pretty good in the opulent West—the “free and brave” North America. We’ve had it that way for quite some time, and if you are not too discerning when you look, you can live a pretty carefree life even though the maggots are right below the surface gnawing away.

Sure, you’ll get hit with the usual share of crap, that’s a given—lost jobs, illnesses, unruly children—but for the most part, if you play your cards right, and follow the rules, you can do ok. Unless, of course, you are socially marginalized. But even then, things are much better than they used to be—and certainly better than in most other parts of the world.

So, the key is to ignore the dark edges (see my article “It’s All About the Story”), comply with whatever the “man” asks of you, and you’ll be safe. When you get through the storm (whenever one comes along) you’ll get to go back to your pleasant life. Fun, games, food, cars, stuff—lots of stuff. Happiness. Until, of course, you realize you really are not happy. You know you should be happy, but you aren’t.

Needless to say, the happy life is fleeting. Many of us don’t know that, not yet, but it isn’t going to stay “ok” for much longer. There be dragons out there on the edges, and we are slowly headed for the edge. Of course, the dragons we are told are there (such as climate change, overpopulation, fuel shortages, more pandemics, too many cows, etc.) are not the real dragons.

Those are the dragons the agenda presents to us, and they present those particular dragons because they created them, and thus they have a solution for dealing with them. Very fundamentally all the solutions they have boil down to creating a world with “less of us.”

Once we all start dying off in droves (already millions of excess deaths since 2020, and it ain’t because of the disease they call Covid) they will tell us there is a silver lining—fewer people equal fewer dragons. We have already been convinced that we are a cancer to the planet. And that we really should be eradicated. Only the worthy should live. Those wealthy enough to get the implants, the artificial organs, the prolonged life—the wealthy are the elite, the ruling class. The rest of us are useless—useless eaters. They will keep a few of us for a while because it probably works better for them if they do. But those of us they keep will be serfs at best, outright slaves at worst. But those people will be taken care of—and they will be happy.

Only thing is they will not be happy. The elite forces behind all of this have swallowed their own pill. They think all that makes a human being happy is material wealth, food, sex, entertainment, things, health, and lack of suffering. They think nothing of the soul and what the soul needs to be content and fulfilled. That never enters their mind. According to them, we are machines, and we are machines that experience life only through the senses. The idea of a soul is a myth (see Noah Harari’s work). If we keep the senses happy and fulfilled, nothing else really matters. Read Huxley’s A Brave New World for more on this . . . brilliant insight from almost 100 years ago.

So, they will put us in Smart Cities, limit our travel, limit our freedoms, limit our resources, not allow ownership of just about anything, and inundate us with “stuff” that we rent from them. Games, holodecks, drugs, sex (porn—not sex with real people mind you, we might confuse sex with love, and we can’t have that, of course)—all this will be plentiful. “Live your life to the fullest!” they will say. “Be happy!” they will say. But they will limit our contact with other humans we love, they will limit our sources for worship, they will limit or destroy our community, they will attempt to destroy nature. But they will not think any of that matters.

I am pretty certain their plan will fail. What do you think? We (or I should say many of us, if not most—apart from most of you reading this) will play along for a very long time. As we clearly are doing right now. Tantalizing the senses always works for a while.

Drug addicts are happy at first, but then they shrivel up and die. Inevitably, satisfying the material senses will eventually backfire on them. But unfortunately, a lot of people will suffer before it dawns on them that they have been had. Then they will figure it out. And when they do, God’s grand experiment will resume, this time with a clearer understanding of what gives life meaning.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen

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