Friday, September 27, 2024




This story was spotted and shared by W.G., with our profound gratitude, because it highlights a prediction I've been making for some time, and seems to indicate that the prediction may be coming true. Briefly, my prediction is that with the continuing and unabated federal overreach, not to mention the new weaponization of the Department of (In)Justice against political opponents in "lawfare", I've been predicting that states would push back. Indeed, I've been arguing that the moves in several states to remove sales tax from bullion, to open state bullion depositories, and so on, was but an initial reaction. This would be followed, I have said, by several states then forming regional compacts between several states for certain specified and limited objectives.

Well, according to the following article that W.G. shared, this has in fact just happened, and interestingly enough, it has happened with respect to "energy choice":

GOP governors form ‘energy choice’ group

Ten Republican governors have joined together this week to form a group they say will promote “energy choice” policies at the state level.

Members of the coalition are Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon.

The organization — the Governors Coalition for Energy Choice — said in a statement that it aims to “ensure continued energy choice, minimize permitting and other regulatory barriers, limit expensive energy mandates, focus on affordability and reliability of energy infrastructure, and coordinate to positively manage energy resources and the environment.”

I strongly suspect, however, that this rather informal and ad hoc "compact" is just the beginning, though an important one.

What it presages I think is something much more important: a growing willingness to coordinate action and policy at a state level. We've all seen a certain political party - I'm going to take Dr. Steve Turley's suggestion here and call it the Nirvana party, because it believes in, and stands for, Nothing - attempt to tie up its opposition in lawfare and rules and procedures. My warning has always been that be careful of what games you start to play, because two can play it, and I strongly suspect one can expect to see coordinated lawfare from the opposition originating from the states, particularly if the Nirvana Party continues to hold power this November.

With lawfare pushback, nothing will get done, and the Swamp will slip even further into vast irrelevancy and incompetence. More compacts will follow, and they will be of a more formal and binding nature, and reach out to embrace a much wider range of policy.

And there is one final, and very important, indeed, crucial thing to note about this compact regarding energy choice.   As I've said before, all systems of energy are systems of physics and of finance. A system of "energy choice" implies a system of financial choice. So underlying this energy compact is something deeper, and that is a basic assumption about economies and finances. Not for nothing are many of the states listed as members of this energy choice compact also states that have passed, or are considering, state bullion depositories, or that have passed or are considering passing the end of sales tax on bullion, and thus opening the door to its remonetization. There's nothing new nor sinister here, for this country functioned with such a system before. It did so without a central bank, but only with state banks.

Needless to say, that was a chaotic system. So with these points in mind, one may advance to my next prediction: one may expect, as state governors and legislatures try to steer between the Scylla of 19th century state banking and currency chaos, and the Charybdis of central bank monopoly, more regional compacts between states dealing directly with bills of exchange and deposit, compacts that will by-pass the Swamp and the institutions of "its democracy" very clearly.

See you on the flip side...

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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