Saturday, September 14, 2024

A clever way to stop "misinformation superspreaders" like me/COVID vaccinated kids are dying regularly from cardiac arrest


A clever way to stop "misinformation superspreaders" like me

I thought of a clever way for the US government to silence all of us for 5 years. Problem solved!

Misinformation Superspreader Definition Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Executive summary

US law (18 USC 1001) makes it illegal to lie to the US government.

So an easy way to stop “misinformation spreaders” is to subpoena them to testify in front of Congress and ask them whether vaccines are safe and how they know. If they lie, they can be put in jail for 5 years.

Problem solved.


Oddly, nobody in Congress wants to do this.

Congress and the Biden/Harris administration prefer controlling free speech by censoring speech they don’t agree with.



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COVID vaccinated kids are dying regularly from cardiac arrest

It's baffling that they try to normalize this as always happening. It was never a thing before the COVID vaccines rolled out.

Executive summary

VSRF’s Nurse Angela knows of 15 kids, under 20, who died from cardiac arrest. They were all vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.

I did a CDC Wonder search for ICD-10 code I46 which is cardiac arrest.

It shows that those under age 23 don’t die from cardiac arrest:

Today, it is the new normal if you’ve had the COVID shots.

The latest death


The medical community will attribute all these deaths to unknown causes because it’s not OK to blame the COVID shots.

This is insane.


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