Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Toronto Protocols, 6-6-6 (😐), #1


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The Toronto Protocols, 6-6-6 (😐), #1

‘PANEM ET CIRCENSES' (Bread and Circus Games)

promo code: grrrrocks

Okay, massive, massive disclaimer.

I downloaded this book from the Internet Archive.

I do not recall when, but it has existed unread on a hard drive for quite a while now.

I do recall reading the introduction on the Wayback Machine and as it hovered along the same timeline as the Day Tapes…the late ‘60s when the post WW2 Power Structures seemed ready to move on their agendas…I downloaded the files in an epub format.

(PDFs are a nightmare to try and format.)

Many of you know I often cite the Day Tapes as the Cheat Codes of Scorpion intention.

I feel fairly certain that the Day Tapes are legit, but have asked anyone to debunk them if they can.

Another similar themed publication that I had began to transcribe for you good folks is “The Men from Iron Mountain” which was more of the same.

This one I mentioned and grrrrocks made a request to see it, and she has busted out some good posts here, so I decided to let it rip on this one and here we go.

Tread carefully, and if anyone knows more about this publication, please chime in!

(If it’s an Op, it’s still pretty damned interesting.)

To get us going, here are the first few pages and what they look like on my computer.

Following this, I will copy and paste and format.

This is sort of a tedious process, so I will probably do this in several segments.

Cursory search of “Serge Monast”:

Spookipedia already looks like they are trying to debunk our pal, Serge, so things are looking good so far!


Transcription begins here.


“The Toronto Protocols (6.6.6.) First Meeting From the International Free Press Agency ‘Intelligence Report’ by Serge Monast (March 1995)

FICTION OR REALITY? Who can say? Be that as it may, according to some information obtained from France, but above all, to review the events that have occurred since the twenty-five years, it appears that the scenario described in this ‘Document’ allows us to better understand what, until today, seemed most incomprehensible to more than one.

We deliver this ‘Document in full with, an additional analysis of new developments of current economies which, in themselves, seem to more than confirm the authenticity of which follows.

End of June 1967: In Montreal, it’s Expo 67; in Ottawa, there are the final preparations for the ‘Centennial of Confederation’; in the United States, it is protest against the Vietnam War and, across the country, ‘Flower Power’.

We are close to the events of May 1968 in France, the explosion of Nationalism in Quebec, the Woodstock Festival in the United States... but at the same time, this end of June of 1967 marks the final preparations for the development of the Plan of the ‘Fall of Nations’ by the high authorities of Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry in Toronto (Canada).

This secret meeting, highly ‘Confidential’, is organized by the ‘6.6.6.’ (this is how they call themselves), that is to say those who run the 6 largest world banks, the 6 largest energy consortia on the planet (of which oil is a part), and the 6 largest agrifood consortia (including the control of the world’s main food routes).

These 6.6.6. being the highest officials of international finance will define, within their meeting, a ‘Common Strategy’ with a view to absolute control over ‘World Trade’; on the possession of the Energy Weapon (open door to the 21st century); and on the international control of the food industry (which also includes, for them, the pharmaceutical consortia including, in turn, the world market of ‘Vitamins’ and ‘Vaccines’).

Their ‘plan’ can be summed up in three major orientations: “The Economic, the Political and the Social for the 1970s and 1980s. If it succeeds, it must inevitably lead to the seizure of World Power’ by the establishment of the ‘New World Order’, the same which the American President George Bush will promote so much in the early 1990s.

“Title of the Document of 6.6.6: ‘PANEM ET CIRCENSES' (Bread and Circus Games). i. e. an old Roman phrase to describe how the Emperors entertained and fed the masses to distract them from taking an interest in politics].”

“The Document: Bread and Circus (1967) Globalist Project Goal: The ‘Vital Genocide for the benefit of the hidden Profit’. Means of Financing Project: Among other things, use of Humanitarian Aid, International Food Aid to fund the “Multinationals’ of the 6.6.6.

“All historical periods leading to the decadence of civilizations were marked, without exception, by “The Wandering Spirit of Men’. Today, we must ensure that this ‘Spirit’ translates into a “World Leisure Society’ under all its forms. This ‘Leisure’ must consist of [Sex], [Drugs], [Sport], [Travel/Exoticism], and [Leisure] in general, but accessible to all strata of the Company.

Man must come to believe that he is ‘Modern’, and that his modernity is made up of its capacity, and its possibility of being able to enjoy largely, and now of all that surrounds it. To achieve this objective, it is imperative to be able to infiltrate the Media (Radio, Television, Newspapers), the circles of ‘Fashion’ and ‘Culture’ (the circles of New Music) by which we will influence, for sure, all layers of Western Societies.

Thus by holding youth (the adults of tomorrow) under the control of the ‘Senses’, we will therefore have the freedom to infiltrate and transform in depth, without being worried, Politics, the Legal System and Education; which will allow us to modify in depth the course, the future orientation of the Companies targeted by our ‘Plan’.

As we know it, the populations have no historical memory. They tirelessly repeat the errors of the past without realizing that these same errors had led their fathers, before them to the same forfeitures that they themselves will live through, albeit in worse circumstances before the end of this century.

See, for example, what their grandfathers experienced at the beginning of this century thanks to the hard work of our predecessors. After having experienced, without limits, the liberation of mores, the abolition of morality (in other words, the wandering of the spirit), they experienced the ‘Economic Crisis’, then the ‘War’.

Today their grandchildren and their children are heading straight for a similar outcome, even worse because this time, it will finally allow us to set up our ‘New World Order’ without any of them being able to realize it; too preoccupied they will be to excessively satisfy their most primary sensual needs.

A more than important general ‘Standard’, which has already proven itself at the beginning of this present century in the construction, and the establishment of the [Communist System] by the late-lamented High Officers of our lodges, is the profitability of the ‘Exception’.

In principle, as we know, the Exception proves the general Rule which is contrary to it. But in our vocabulary, the Exception is what must be imposed on everyone. We must make sure to make ‘Exceptions’ in different spheres of Society, as new general ‘Rules’ applicable to all; a primary objective of all future social protests led by the Youth of Nations.

Thus the Exception will become the detonator by which all of historical society will collapse upon itself in shortness of breath and an unprecedented confusion.

The foundations of “Western Society’, in their essence, originate directly from the Judeo-Christian heritage. It is precisely this same heritage which made the ‘Family’, the ‘Node’, the ‘Cornerstone’ of all current existing social structure.

Our predecessors who had financed the revolutionary writers of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century had understood the importance of splitting up, then of shattering this ‘Vital Core’ if they were to succeed in establishing the new ‘Communist System’ in Russia at that time. And this is precisely what they did by having the non-conformist philosophers and writers of the time painstakingly produce: ‘A Manifesto to the Glory of the God-State’; which shall have absolute priority over the individual, over the ‘Family’.”

Okay, so that’s a wrap through page 20.

If you want more, let me know in the comments!

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