Sunday, August 4, 2024

Shame Is Dead in the Western World/Are Americans a Totally Conquered People?


Shame Is Dead in the Western World

Shame Is Dead in the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts

What kind of people are running the Olympics and International Boxing Association that they allow men to brutalize women?

A female boxer, Angela Carina, was paired with a man, Imane Khelif, in a boxing match that lasted 46 seconds. It is shameful that the Olympics and the International Boxing Association support the physical abuse of women. These organizations are criminal to allow a man to declare himself a woman and to step into a boxing ring with a woman.

What kind of excrement is Khelif who is proud of besting a woman?

What we are witnessing in the abandonment of biological gender and the entry of men into competitions between women is the death of shame.

Khelif is not ashamed.

The Olympics association is not ashamed.

The boxing association is not ashamed.

It is shameful enough that female boxing exists as it is an unladylike activity. Boxing is violence, not a sport.

Feminists should see this as the Olympics organizers glorifying male violence against women.

It is a wonder that everyone does not boycott the Olympics when the games themselves are used to boycott countries that refuse Western orders. The Olympic games, once amateur competitions, are now circuses corrupted by money just like everything in the Western world.


Are Americans a Totally Conquered People?

Are Americans a Totally Conquered People?

Paul Craig Roberts

The various “investigations” of the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump are focused on operational and communication failures. The fact that the Secret Service did hardly anything normal procedures required has not yet raised the question whether elements of the Secret Service were involved. The failure is too large to be dismissed without investigation as nothing but a result of a collection of mistakes. The investigation that is needed is one that investigates whether elements in the Secret Service were involved in an assassination attempt on Trump, who is considered to be an existential threat to the ruling establishment.

The investigation cannot be conducted by the Secret Service, Homeland Security, and the FBI, because if the assassination attempt was a deep state plot, all else against Trump having failed, these three agencies are the likely ones involved in the plot.

A real investigation would have to answer these questions:

1. Was the acoustic evidence examined?

2. Were the fired bullets collected? Did they all come from the same rifle and was it the rifle found 7 feet away from Crooks dead body? Why was the rifle 7 feet away from the person alleged to have shot at Trump?

3. Why was Trump allowed to go on stage when the Secret Service knew Crooks was positioned on the building?

4. Why was the urgent information sent by the Pennsylvania police on the scene to the Secret Service not acted on and shared with Trump’s security detail?

5. Do such unprecedented operational and communicative failures of this magnitude suggest Secret Service complicity in an attempt on Trump’s life?

6. Was Crooks just a patsy whose presence was ignored because the plotters needed a patsy in place?

It is unclear that the investigation can be conducted by a Congressional committee as members are dependent on ruling elites for campaign contributions and are vulnerable to threats from executive branch agencies. The Founding Fathers made Congress weak because they feared “mob democracy.” But the consequence was to leave Congress too weak to hold the executive branch accountable.

A real investigation would have to be conducted by credentialed independent experts, but even here independence can be hard to find. So many people rely on government contracts that it is difficult for many to speak freely. The fact that physics departments and universities are dependent on federal money explains why academic physicists avoided taking issue with the 9/11 narrative.

Money speaks, and in the corrupt America of the 21st century, money is all that speaks.

To understand the difficulty of private expert examination, consider the fate of the experts who proved beyond all doubt that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. That the election was stolen is as clear as day, but those who brought forward the evidence have been ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists,” sued, prosecuted or threatened with prosecution, and some sentenced, if memory serves, to prison for “interfering with an election.” Even those who merely protested the stolen election were arrested, indicted, and imprisoned as “insurrectionists.” Any who survived the vendetta were bankrupted by their legal bills.

Some of Trump’s lawyers were indicted along with him in a RICO indictment by a corrupt black female Atlanta prosecutor, apparently put in office with George Soros’ money and currently under investigation herself for going on vacations with money she paid her lover who she paid $700,000 to prosecute Trump.

When people see that there is no limit on the power of corrupt prosecutors, they fear to go against the system.

Even if somehow an objective investigation could be conducted, if the conclusion was unacceptable to the ruling elite, the media would discredit it. The proven charges would lead nowhere. Look how long the US Department of Justice has been able to protect Hunter Biden from the perfectly clear evidence he provided on his laptop.

In America today the main result achieved by the enormous sums poured into universities and public schools by taxpayers, corporations, philanthropic foundations such as the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, and by ego-driven businessmen, who want their name to live on forever on a university building, is to teach guilt to white students and to teach hatred of “white racist scum,” one of the most common terms used in American university classes.

The position of white people in American Society today is such that whatever they say, even if fact-based, is dismissed as “white supremacy speaking.” In other words, as white people are “aversive racists,” nothing they say, despite the evidence, can be believed.

So, the conclusion in front of our face is that the ruling elite can do whatever it wants, because any challenge to it is impotent and results in the destruction of the challenger by the media, rejection by his family and friends, and if he is a business person the withdrawal of his financing, or his financial destruction by a Democrat prosecutor bankrupting him with the cost of endless producing of documents, as the corrupt NY prosecutor did to the website Vdare.

It seems that what we are confronted with is the American people are whatever the ruling elite want them to be, which is insouciant sheep, totally incapable of protecting their freedom and independence.

In effect, a totally conquered people.


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