Wednesday, August 21, 2024




Regular readers of this website, and even more so the paying members, know that I am a devotee of the works of C.S. Lewis, the famous Oxford don and Christian apologist , member of the "Inklings" with other famous (and Christian) authors, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and so on.  Lewis exercised an enormous influence on me and continues to do so. And one of his works, in particular, that continues to do so - I've re-read this work three times in just these past eight months - is his novel That Hideous Strength. During his life Lewis warned - repeatedly - of the dangers of the direction that the West was heading in, the direction of technocracy, of the scientismist-materialist who promised to end all the suffering of mankind through the ingenious development of technology, including even the conquest of death. This "technological conquest of death" lies at the thematic core of That Hideous Strength, as a group of scientismists (one cannot call them scientists, because they are not) get ahold of the head of a guillotined murderer from France, and "revive" it, sustaining its life by artificial and technological means, and - here comes the curve ball - "communicating with it." It soon becomes clear to the scientismists involved in this bizarre effort, that they are not communicating with the guillotined murderer at all, but with someone - or rather, something - else altogether.  This whole experiment is being run by a government agency called The National Institute of Coordinated Experiments (NICE), a  DARPA-esque group to say the least.

Except that what Lewis intended as a warning of the future is now upon us; it is really being done, according to this intriguing article shared by K.M.:

MIT Technology Review: This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates.

Notice that the "technique" to be employed sounds much less dramatic than Lewis' guillotined murderer's head, but it is no less dramatic in its "results", or at least, in what the scientismists are aiming for:

I am reposting this MIT technology article - this research with the newly created ARPA-H - a new government version of the military DARPA program - because it is discussing the very aggressive biotechnology stance to beat death by replacing human tissues with synthetic biology. Now the scientists take it a bit further and are going for the brain. This is not a new idea, since even Google engineer Ray Kurzweil discussed in his book from 2005 “ The Singularity is near” that all aspects of cellular human tissue will be replaced ATOM FOR ATOM by nanobots swimming in our blood. We must understand that the brain computer interface does not have one modality, but many.

And as if to underscore just how prescient Lewis was in That Hideous Strength, there's this:

The quest for technocratic illusionary immortality has included ideas of even cryogenics, reviving the head of a dead person by scanning all their neural networks and reanimating it by also downloading digital copies of all captured data. We already have people who believe they are talking to their dead relative who’s personal communications have been stored by AI.

Then we get these two insightful - but in one instance very badly informed - paragraphs:

Here is where the issue is: These technocrats do not acknowledge the soul and the spirit of a human. When the spirit leaves, you have a carcass without life. You cannot capture the spirit, the life force of a human. You can destroy the connection of the soul and the spirit by attacking specific regions in the brain and poisoning the pineal gland with heavy metals, fluoride, toxic pesticides, electromagnetic radiation. That has been going on for a long time and the dental industry with their fluoride toothpaste and water fluoridation has been at the forefront of poisoning people for decades, inducing loss of cognitive function.

The soul and the spirit are disregarded by our scientific model and these researchers, however, you can be assured that this war against humanity is against exactly this - the soul and the spirit of humans. Dr. Robert Duncan discussed how the CIA has been able to hack the soul through their mind control experiments, Yuval Harari, WEF spokes person proclaimed that “the soul and spirit of humanity will be a thing of the past”. The late MIT trained physicist, Dr. Claude Swanson, has provided the most rigorous scientific research to date in this challenging field. He wrote two books, “Life Force, The Scientific Basis - Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness” and the “Science of the Soul, the Afterlife, and the Shift”. Since I had my own near death experience, I do not agree with all of his assessments, but he shows meticulously how scientific research around the world into our spiritual nature and extraordinary capabilities - a field that has also been pursued by the military in depth - clearly shows our non-local spiritual self beyond religious dogma. Claude was a friend, and we had very interesting conversations in particular about the very advanced Torsion physics research from Russia that I discussed in my book “Light Medicine - A New paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity.” I have explained in my book why AI will not succeed in this idea of immortality - but only destroy humanity - and humans fusing with AI is not the greatest future of humanity. The brilliance of a human, their genius, their unique character comes from their spirit and soul, not the brain. If you replace the brain atom by atom you no longer have a frequency specific connection to the spiritual self. You will get a carcass, a zombie, that can be animated by lower frequency life forms - called demons or a digital meaningless replica - but you will no longer have the same human being. The spiritual animation will be gone, the connection severed. (Emphasis added)

To all of this I would readily concur, as much of  what the authoress of the article, Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea, has been the basis of some of my own speculations here on this website and in many of our vidchats, and many members of this website have also advanced similar ideas over many years of pondering these things.

Where I take exception to the article is to the seemingly always necessary swipe - in articles such as this - at "religious dogma", a dogma even the legitimate scientists and not just the scientismists have done little to understand. I would go so far as to aver that I have entertained similar suspicions and speculations as are outlined in the above two paragraphs because of my commitment to traditional dogmatic formulations, not in spite of them. After all, Lewis was a traditional high church Anglican, and he developed such ideas not in spite of his adherence to "religious dogma" but because of it. The torsion physics research from Russia referred to in the article is coming from a culture steeped in traditional religious dogma, namely, that of Russian Orthodoxy, which try as it might, the Soviet Union with all its power and infrastructure of propaganda, could never completely eradicate, not even from its scientists. Even the murderous Josef Vasarionivich Djugashvili (Stalin) found he had to come to some modus vivendi with the Church. My point it that it is precisely that "dogma" that insists that the soul and the person are not the same thing, that the functions of the soul - the sum total of memories, data, conversation, and so on - cannot be identified or equated with the person or what the authoress is calling "the spiritual self". One may indeed claim to have captured the "soul" in the artificial intelligence construct, and may even be able to mimic that soul in "conversation and so on," but like Lewis's guillotined head in That Hideous Strength, the soul and the person are not the same thing.  I would go even further and aver that this distinction was first clearly made in and by dogmatic theology, and that the pervasive current cultural equation of soul and person is itself an error which needs to be investigated. I would go even further and insist, along with the great Cappadocians, that personhood itself is quite literally an absolutely undefinable thing, and that even the term "person" or "personhood" is not a definition but rather a symbol, because the absolute uniquenesses of which it is a symbol cannot be equated to any other such absolute uniqueness, and hence cannot even be added together, so absolutely sui generis is the notion of personhood. "Count if you must," said one of those Cappadocians, with the caveat that the counting itself was a concession.  That personhood is so absolutely a "No Thing" that it is utterly dimensionless, and therefore, non-local(to use the article's terms), connected to and transduced by this curious thing called a body, an organism itself that many scientists are increasingly coming to view as held together by entanglement, a concept with its own conceptual relationships to non-locality.

And as for light, well, again, check out that "religious dogma" sometime, because one will quickly discover it talked about the uncreate (note, not uncreated, but uncreate) light that is ever around God. You want torsion? There it is, in all of its divine and hyper-dimensional and dimensionless topological spades.

So, please, scientists: Quit with the endless swipes at a dogma you've done little to nothing to understand. You might find you have friends in very unexpected - and from your impoverished point of view - neglected places.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share with some friends.)

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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