Joachim Hagopian, UK Riots Are Another Globalist Psyops Waging War Against Humanity

Joachim Hagopian

The rightwing riots being acted out across the United Kingdom have continued for more than a week now, ever since the July 29th deadly stabbings in northwest England that killed three young girls and injured another 10. We are told that the 17-year old murderer of Rwandan descent is a British born citizen from Cardiff, Wales, but alleged misinformation spreading like wildfire turned him into an illegal alien and Islamic foreign invader, and that lie led to the violent rightwing thuggery. If you believe the legacy media outlets, those vicious false lies spread on social media are to blame for all the far-right extremists and “domestic terrorists”’ rioting and destruction. Mainstream media’s portrayal of this lingering story would have us all concluding that it was deliberately driven, fanned and enflamed by the fake misinformation and racist “hate speech” lies maliciously spread by far-right, largely white British criminals, dangerously fomented and egged on by their false “conspiracy theories,” dangerously further promoted by the likes of billionaire Elon Musk proclaiming “civil war is inevitable” in Britain.

As this volatile breaking story continues unfolding to capture the world headlines in its second straight week of riots ostensibly taking place across the British Isles, it has all the earmarked “legs” of another planned psyops as the most expedient pathway to increased state tyranny and control, used to justify more legal acts to criminalize “hate speech” and “misinformation” censorship that in turn leads us to more police state top-down oppression. Anything to keep us safe from the criminal thugs committing domestic terrorism that possess so much violent hate, according to UK Prime Minister puppet Keir Starmer:

Those involved will feel the full force of the law, [adding,] nobody, but nobody, should be involved themselves in this disorder. 

To quell this violent British uprising that is targeting immigration centers, lawyers’ offices, charities and ethnic nonwhites alike, over 6,000 armed, militant police officers in full combat gear have been deployed, descending on at least 30 different identified municipal localities where violence has erupted.

This staged drama comes after numerous decades of traitors operating inside the British government at the behest of their globalist overlords, consistently putting forth policies and laws that logically have led to today’s violent outbreak of chaos edging closer to civil war. The worst mass migration crises in human history unfolding today is the intended design of the globalist controllers. And through the global pedophilia trafficking network, control of government puppet politicians through blackmail and extortion serve as the elites’ gatekeeping protectors. Worldwide pedo-operations are perpetrated most out of the City of London and the Vatican, which the City of London Rothchild central banking cartel controls the Vatican’s finances for two centuries.

My Pedophilia & Empire 5-book volume series includes a chapter in Book 3 entitled “England’s Asian Grooming Gang Epidemic: The Perfect Cover Hiding the VIP Pedo-Network.” When native British citizens for over a half century have observed their own government aid, abet and overtly allow organized criminal grooming gangs of Central Asian, predominantly Pakistani descent, get away with raping underage Caucasian girls in Britain, and rarely ever seeing the perpetrators brought to justice, a seething animosity over time builds up. Additionally, foreign nationals in Britain and Europe have increasingly contributed to the rising violent crime rates and having jobs taken away to pay lower wages to recent arrivals also causes resentment in a class, racial and religious warfare largely engineered by globalists.

The chapter I wrote on the grooming gangs fully exposes the decades of UK looking the other way while thousands of British underage girls have been systematically raped, trafficked and too often even murdered with near total impunity because the British authorities were allegedly afraid of being accused of racism. But that is simply a lie that the US as the world’s pedo-epicenter feebly offers as its falsely futile excuse. It was all strategically covered up because pedophilia has literally been a way of traditional life amongst the UK elite especially over the last half century. I wrote two of the five books on this one scandalous little island nation alone with just 66 million inhabitants because rape and sodomy of children is so criminally and culturally engrained and prevalent as a norm among the British elite.

With Britain’s City of London command control epicenter, this latest modern-day Gladio B terrorist operation, like virtually every other false flag today, is the globalists’ latest beta test assault against humanity, intent on destroying our constitutional human rights, our basic freedom of speech rights that legally safeguard both our diminishing “free press” and our free expression to legally speak our mind. UK is the latest concrete evidence of the elites’ technocratic, totalitarian, fascist dictatorship, bursting out in Britain but as the proverbial canary in the [totalitarian] coalmine, it’s not far away from soon coming to a nation and neighborhood near you. They’re not called globalists for nothing.

And so, according to MSM, the UK government is purporting to protect its citizens for their own good from the so-called dangerous, homegrown, hateful bigots on the loose. Meanwhile, worldwide it’s being operationalized largely by unelected Deep State autocratic and bribed, blackmailed and extorted puppet politician traitors, publicly installed by globalist run rigged, fake elections.

Again, the most prudent, relevant question to ask as soon as each and every breaking news story today surfaces is “cui bono?” By simply following the money, it always leads to the perps holding the most means, motive and power to most gain from what’s being passed off as our daily news developments. We then can readily discern that the controlling elites’ agenda is to create and spread widespread upheaval, wreaking havoc with polarized divide and rule dissention through growing violence and falsehood lies, leading to mass confusion and fear among the living populace. All this is accomplished through classic nonstop, divide and rule, “problem-reaction-solution” deception. After all, virtually everything reported today as news is never the manifestation of organic, naturally-occurring, grassroots outcomes or responses anymore, but invariably the inorganic result of sinisterly pre-plotted, staged deception theater. It can always be linked back to the elite powerbrokers that benefit the most by using their order-following “useful idiot,” “bad actor” minions consisting of hired crisis acting puppets, covert, state sponsored spook handlers and their “crazed lone gunman”/stabber/terrorist patsies. Again, we’ve seen this show a million times before.

This latest worn-out, stale movie plot in the UK that stinks to high heaven is yet another created rerun being played out before our eyes as more of the same old, same old, centrally scripted false flag narrative. It’s all conveniently wrapped in deception and brought to us in a flimsily masked cover, vainly used to conceal the fact that it’s just another inside job false flag psyops carried out to manipulate, shape and mind control the global masses into fear and mass obedience. And let’s face it, from the JFK assassination to the recent “attempted” Trump assassination, from the 9/11 attack to the October 7th Israel attack, to the pandemic COVID overreach to the next bioweapon attack overreach, all of it’s been thinly disguised fake news designed to traumatize us into shocked oblivion, while the fact remains that all are interconnected, masterminded criminal false flag attacks on the human species by the same Zionist Khazarian mafia controllers throughout.

And now even the normies are finally starting to catch on and grasp that all these bread and circus sideshow staged, however shocking the events called “the news” today are, they are pretty much 100% lies. Artificially staged developed acts of genocidal war are today being committed by the same evildoers behind all wars, every economic collapse in history, every bioweapon kill shot holocaust, every socially engineered, dumbing down LGBTQ+ nonbinary DEI Wokism psychoses, all are part of the unfolding, all too real human depopulation agenda. Using their usury money and power, all are perpetrated by one and the same usual suspect bloodlines to increasingly shape and control the world they wish to criminally create by any and every disposable means necessary within their unlimited WMD arsenal options.

It’s most definitely not the world that us 99.999% humans alive today, currently targeted in their crosshairs, wish to create and live in. Each of us living today, if we wish to stay alive much longer, we must see the true villain operating the lethal levers behind the big screen called “the news” and recognize this bleak, dark and dangerous reality rerun thrust upon us daily for what it actually is, and with all our collective might, we must oppose, defeat and destroy our heavily outnumbered common enemy behind that screen before any more of us are slaughtered in today’s genocide, executed in real time to render our human species extinct.

As the astute human observer German American philosopher and historian Hannah Arendt aptly wrote:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.

This is where their nonstop one-track rerun is taking us if we foolishly allow them. Again, our common enemy’s agenda is to blindly deaf and dumb us all down with continual mind control lies, implanting utter confusion and paralyzing fear in us to the extent that we compliantly, unthinkingly, always do what we’re told, shuffling quietly along to our designated endgame slaughterhouse door, now fast closing in on us. We either fight for our life and liberty, or we submit to their Satanic mass blood sacrifice death.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)