Friday, August 16, 2024




OK... we have to start this one off with a bit of a lengthy review. For many years I've been maintaining a scenario that one must be very careful concluding that things like earthquakes or hurricanes or tornados are always "acts of God" and not within the capability of human technology. For the record, I do believe that weather modification and manipulation technologies exist. The real question has become, how does one tell when a storm or an earthquake is just a storm or an earthquake? Years ago, there was an earthquake in Haiti. This was followed a few days later by a strong earthquake (between 7-9 on the Richter scale as I recall) in Paral, Chile, which latter quake generated concerns about tsunamis throughout the Pacific. The concerns were particularly strong for Hawaii, Easter Island, and so on, and indeed such a quake should normally have generated a tsunami. Yet, when the waves reached those islands, there was barely any swell at all. I drew a rather novel (and by conventional lights) absurd conclusion: the waves were deliberately damped and that implied a technology to do it (after all, if you have a technology to create earthquakes then presumably that technology - particularly if it is of a certain type - will be able to damp or attentuate a quake).   The wider political context then intrigued me: the quake that hit Haiti made all the news, yet, there was nothing - not a scrap - about any tremors in the nearby Dominican Republic. After all, the two nations are both on the same island of Hispanola. "So why Haiti?" I wondered. Well, one thought immediately presented itself: it was a well-known money-laundering hub at the time for Mr. Globaloney and his ilk (think for example of the Clinton FOudnation's connections back then to the country). But then, why Paral Chile a few days later? Was it just "plate tectonics" and aftershocks? Paral was, I knew, the closest city to a post-war hive of Nazi

activity. I concluded an absurd scenario: the Haiti quake was one shot, and the Paral quake was the return fire; someone was fighting someone else, and using earthquakes to do so.  There were devastating earthquakes inside the Soviet Union in the months before its collapse, one of which was in the then Soviet Foreign Minister, Eduard Shervednadze's native Georgia.  I wondered if messages were being sent, and if the quakes were entirely natural.

Sound crazy? Wait, we're just getting started (and remember, all of this is just prelude to today's story). Then there was Hurricane Katrina. You may or may not remember her, but I do, because I was watching the weather, and even emailed Mr. Richard C. Hoagland at the time about what I saw, because we were both watching the weather, and seeing the same thing. What did we see? Katrina beat a beeline through the Gulf of Mexico, heading from east to west, until it arrived at a position directly south of New Orleans, Louisiana, where it suddenly made a nearly-perfect ninety-degree turn to the north and headed for the city. Nor was that all, for I saw, and Mr. Hoagland saw, the jet stream suddenly drop from the upper plains states of the USA, several hundred miles south. It was as if someone was steering the hurricane to hit New Orleans, and someone else was trying to prevent a landfall at the city by using the jet stream to push it away.  I have watched similar sudden "right angle turns" over the years since then with tornados.

The biggest example of "suspicious weather" was the Fukushima disaster, first the tsunami that hit Japan, followed by a devastating earthquake, a nuclear reactor meltdown, and so on. This event remains, to me at least, one of the most palpable examples of a deliberate use of such a technology for a political purpose. At the time immediately prior to the Fukushima disaster, Japan had a new government, intent upon shoring up relations with mainland China (and even pondering a state visit of the Japanese Emperor to the Chinese mainland), while the same government was pressuring the USA to abandon its base at Okinawa, long a thorn in the side of postwar Japanese governments. The then American secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, then made what can only be understood by any competent government as a threat, for he warned that there would be dire consequences if Japan kept pursuing its course. The tsunami, earthquake, and reactor disasters followed literally mere days later.

The fires in California that we saw a few years ago, with all their attendant anomalies that few have adequately explained, save that they all seem to be in areas were someone has plans for the land.

And finally, our friend and colleague Catherine Fitts has commented many times about an anomaly she noticed years ago when suddenly Indonesian sovereign securities were being sold off for no reason she could ascertain... until about a week later the Indonesian tsunami hit.

My point in reviewing all of this is that these events imply a methodology by which to answer the question "how does one know if such quakes or storms are acts of God or uses of technology?" While the answer is never infallibly certain, it is nevertheless an indicator: if such an event occurs within the time frame of economic or political news involving the country in which the "weather event" occurs, it is possible that one is looking at the use of a technology. After all, such technology provides the ultimate plausible deniability.

So with that in mind I turn to this story shared by E.G., S.D., and L.G.L.R. (who, literally, all sent the story to me within mere minutes of each other, and I suspect because they all suspected what I suspected when I read it):

Note, firstly, the warning, and then the political context:

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday cancelled a four-day trip to Central Asia after government scientists warned Japan should prepare for a possible “megaquake”.

The weather agency said a huge earthquake was more likely in the aftermath of a magnitude 7.1 jolt in the south on Thursday, which left 14 people injured.

Some bullet trains between Tokyo and western Osaka are running more slowly as a precaution, so delays will be possible for about a week, the rail operator said.

Nuclear plants nationwide were also instructed by authorities to double-check their disaster preparations.

The Japanese word for “hoarding” was trending on social media platform X as people expressed concern about panic-buying and urged each other to stay rational.

Premier Kishida was due Friday to travel to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia and attend a regional summit.

“As the prime minister with the highest responsibility for crisis management, I decided I should stay in Japan for at least a week,” he told reporters.

If this episode is the example of the use of a technology, then it would appear that someone does not want Japan at a regional summit involving the central Asian republics, a summit that would involve the Chinese, the Indians, the Russians... Gee, I wonder who that someone might be?

But then we need also to remember that the Bank of Japan has been, within this same time frame, defending the Japanese yen raising the interest rate to .25%, creating some market chaos in that country and elsewhere. As LGLR stated in the email to me about this story, the "apology" from the Bank of Japan for all of this seems not to have been sufficient, and the "warning" was issued.

I concur, because I find this analysis intriguing for a very different, very high octane speculation reason, namely, that if all this is true, a warning was conveyed to Japan by someone via the seismic readings undertaken by Japanese geophysical authorities. In other words, the whole story suggests, if one wishes to read between the lines a bit, that messages are being modulated into the p waves of normal geophysical activity.  Is that possible? Well, yes, with certain types of technologies. If one can create earthquakes then one step in that technology tree would be that of modulating information into such p waves.  And by the way, that means that the Earth itself is being used as the medium for communication, and that is not interdictable by electromagnetic pulse. It is immune from interruptions in communication as a result of nuclear explosions.

Just some thoughts. Have a nice day, and I'll...

...see you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share it with your friends.)

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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