Saturday, July 20, 2024

WTF?? Crooks Says ‘I didn’t do it’ as Maxwell Yearick Identified as Real Trump ‘shooter’


WTF?? Crooks Says ‘I didn’t do it’ as Maxwell Yearick Identified as Real  Trump ‘shooter’ 

Crooks Says ‘I didn’t do it’ as Maxwell Yearick Identified as Real Trump shooter  (+) Plus Indications of a Second really really really bad Shooter

Robert Morningstar

Many Thanks to Ken Murray for the link cited below.

It has been confirmed that the bullet punctured President Trump’s ear.

There are clear indications of a second shooter, as well.

The  bullet that struck President Trump appears to have streaked past Trump’s lip and 

creased his cheek before striking the upper right ear.

If we draw a line from the President’s lip across the bloody streak and line up the wound in the right ear lobe, you’ll see that the shot came from an angle far lower than the angle from the roof top purported to have come from “Crooks.”

Furthermore, the face of the corpse bears no resemblance to “Crooks.”

A photo comparison emerged today showing Crooks, the corpse and someone named “Yearick”.

To my eye, it is 100% Yearick and Zero chance it is Thomas Mathew Crooks.  …. 

Matthew Yearick has been identified as a former volunteer in the Ukrainian Army who returned to the US in April of this year.

Maxwell Yearick👁️
Important link:

The synchronized composite video in this article is remarkable, showing scores of people warning the police and The Secret Service of  the actions of the shooter on the  roof of the building before he began shooting..
Yearick was an extremely active member of Antifa, having crossed the country several times over the past few years to participate in Antifa protests from Oregon to New York City.  
Yearick voted for Biden-Harris in 2020 and donated to the Democrats in 2022 through ACT Blue, a PAC that sponsored Progressive Democrats, as well as Antifa and BLM.
As I mentioned yesterday on my radio show, I believe that the NATO Meeting held in Washington last week is intimately connected to the attempt on President Trump’s life.
Trump is the most ardent nemesis of NATO and 

the most vocal opponent to the expansion of the wars in Ukraine and Israel.

NATO & Vlodomir Zelensky hate President Trump for his stated aim to stop the war in Ukraine (and Israel’s War in Gaza).
Could Zelensky & the Ukrainian Army have induced Ukrainian War volunteer Maxwell Yearick to attack President Trump using mind-control & Asov Brigade indoctrination?
I believe that the answer is obvious.

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