Monday, July 29, 2024

Where Matters Stand


Where Matters Stand

Where Matters Stand

Paul Craig Roberts

The assassination issue has been reduced to operational failure and insufficient budgetary resources for the Secret Service, and the assassination has been moved aside by Kamala’s emergence as the Democrat candidate for President. The presstitutes are again speaking with one voice preparing the narrative of a close election that makes it possible to use the election theft mechanisms that have been legalized by the Democrats in the swing states.

Biden had to go because he was too discredited as a viable candidate for the Democrats to be able to steal the election in his behalf. Kamala, previously soundly rejected by Democrats as a presidential candidate is now being hyped as the candidate able to defeat Trump. Rigged polls are now showing a neck and neck contest, with Trump sometimes ahead by one point and Kamala ahead by 3 points. The purpose of these rigged polls and the media emphasis on what a viable and challenging opponent Kamala presents is to prepare the public’s acceptance of another stolen election.

In 2020 Trump got more votes than he got in 2016. Yet somehow he lost to Biden whose few campaign rallies attracted minimal attendance, but despite the lack of interest Biden got more votes than Hillary in 2016 and, if memory serves, the largest number of votes in US electoral history. Clearly no such thing happened.

Trump supporters take for granted that Trump is already elected. This confidence is not justified. They, and Trump himself, need to pay attention to how the presstitutes and the elite are creating a winning persona for Kamala. By implanting a close election in the voting public’s mind, the Democrats can steal the election. I think that is what will happen, thus ridding the ruling establishment of Trump’s threat to take away their power.

Lies and election theft have always been part of American politics. Power, not ideas, is what is important to the contestants and their backers. However, in 2016 a major change occurred. In his campaign Trump said he intended to normalize relations with Russia. This was a direct threat to the power and budget of the military/security complex which needs Russia as an enemy to justify its power and budget.

Trump also said in his inauguration speech that he was taking power away from the ruling establishment and giving it back to the people. No president had ever spoken in this way. Trump revealed himself as an existential threat to the ruling elite. The power elite assembled at his speech smiled and laughed at the unaware clown and soon began their political assassination of Trump with Russia-gate, two impeachments in the House of Representatives, pornstar-gate, documents-gate, and an “insurrection” that has put 1,000 of Trump’s supporters in prison as “insurgents” as a warning to others.

Trump’s challenge to the ruling elite and the massive support he received from the traditional American population scared the ruling elite whose control over America had been gradually tightened. The ruling elite decided on a coup. The Republican Party, whose voters stood with Trump, had to go. What we have witnessed in the Biden regime is the elite’s decision to install a one-party state completely under their control.

Rino Republican response is to continue in existence by out-competing Democrats in serving the interests of the ruling elite. Unsure of their ability to whore as well as Democrats is why the Republican Senate leader hates Trump. Trump has brought matters to a fight or surrender decision that Republicans prefer to avoid.

Concerning the assassination, we have no idea what effect it will have on Trump. Will he pull in his horns in order to continue his life?

What we do know is that like the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, 9/11 and other such CIA/FBI/Joint Chiefs events, there will be no real investigation. No important evidence will even be mentioned–such as the acoustic evidence of the shots and their location, such as the upward trajectory of the bullet that struck the person in the corner at the top of the stand above Trump. How did Crooks’ shot allegedly fired at Trump, which would have had a downward trajectory strike a person above Trump? FBI director Wray prepares the cover by saying that Trump was not struck by a bullet but by shrapnel. In other words a bullet disintegrated and flew upward. Examination of the person’s wound would reveal whether it was a bullet or shrapnel. We will be told whatever fits the official narratives if we are told anything at all.

Having watched many coverups in my lifetime, I tried to prevent this one by early reporting the ignored real evidence before Republicans, delighted in giving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheaters a verbal beating, a mistake as it outraged women, moved the issue off target. Once a coverup is set in stone with an official narrative, it is immune to evidence, like the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and 9/11. Evidence does not count once an official narrative has been established.

It was important that the acoustic and bullet trajectory evidence be immediately introduced prior to the establishment of the official narrative, but Republicans could not meet the challenge. Now we have a narrative without the real evidence.

The House of Representatives has voted unanimously to set up an investigative task force over the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The fact that it is unanimous means that it will touch no real issue. Indeed, the investigation is limited to determining the nature of the failures of the Secret Service that permitted the assassination attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks. The most likely result will be a larger budget for the Secret Service and, perhaps, a ban on such outdoor events.

In other words the narrative is that the Secret Service failed to stop Crooks. There is to be no examination if there were other shooters, if Crooks was merely a patsy, no examination of acoustic evidence, no explanation for an upward bullet trajectory. Nothing but a verification of the official narrative.

Who will the House rely on for the investigation? The House will rely on the suspects themselves–the Secret Service, the FBI, Homeland Security. FBI Director Wray, a Trump appointee, will respond to the House in keeping with the official narrative. The Republicans will be made impotent by being submerged in the official explanation.

At this point we do not know if Crooks fired a single shot. Despite Crooks being overlooked by Secret Service from two directions there are no videos of Crooks firing. Indeed, he was killed by a shot a quarter of a minute after all firing had stoped by a bullet that caused instant death. If he was in position firing his rifle, why is his dead body 7 feet away from the rifle?

Don’t expect questions like this to be part of the investigation.

How likely is it that Trump will be permitted to be elected? If he is elected and does not pull in his horns, will he serve out his term?

His appointees will be concerned mainly with their own careers. Their careers are non-existent if they are hard-nosed like Trump, but if they “moderate” Trump and can claim credit for making him reasonable and unifying, they will move up in the establishment. To “moderate” Trump means to defeat his and his supporters’ agenda.

In 2016 with their candidate, Hillary, defeated, the ruling establishment decided that there would be no more fair elections, that their control was more important.

The elite worked to institutionalize election theft so that it was no longer an issue.

The ruling elite have no concern or comprehension of the unintended consequences of their desperate hold on power. They have split the country worse that it was split by the tariff of 1861 that caused the so called “Civil War.” How does a split country stand up to the enemies the US government has created for America?

A government that bases itself on lies will eventually be discredited.

This will be America’s fate.

Recently a reader sent me a book, Hold Back the Day, a science fiction novel about a DEI government that has control of the world and is committed to eliminating all ethnic races. The tyrannical government has a scale from one to ten with whites being one and black Africans, not the milk chocolate brown skin color of American blacks, being 10. The ideal skin color is five. This means not just the genocide of white ethnicities but also of black Africans, Japanese and other Asians, Hispanics. The world’s ethnicities are to be replaced by a new people that never previously existed. It will be a people who have no roots in the existing world, which means cultural genocide as well as racial genocide. This total elimination of diversity is being done in the name of diversity and inclusion.

I don’t know if ethnic Americans, those whose roots are in the United States, pay any attention to corporate advertisements. If they do, whether they are white, brown, Asian, or Hispanic, they will see that corporate advertisements reflect the agenda of eliminating ethnic racial diversity. White women are shown with black men. Black women are shown with Hispanics. White men are shown with Asian, and sometimes Hispanic, women. The children are mixed race. The intent of the ads is to normalize miscegenation. This change in advertising came suddenly and all at once. Clearly it was a change implemented by someone’s agenda. How was this agenda imposed on 90-95% of corporate advertising departments?

You might remember that this advertising change was preceded by forcing African-American faces off of food products, such as pancake mix, and before this by forcing sports teams to drop references to American Indians. It was never explained why it is racist to associate African-Americans with a treat such as pan cakes, or to honor the courage and fighting spirit of American Indians. Everyone simply got on board meekly as if they were unthinking sheep led around by an unknown someone’s agenda.

If a person finds their life partner in a person of a different race or ethnicity, that is fine. It is a personal, private decision. What is objectionable is to use advertising to enable someone or some group to change the perception of normality in order to advance their private agenda. That is what is going on.

I think if not most Americans, then a large percentage of Americans, dismiss the DEI and Critical Race Theory propaganda as some university professor’s nonsense. They don’t realize that it is a threat to society to replace merit with skin color and gender preference, and to teach in public schools that white ethnicities have a history of enslaving and exploiting other ethnicities. When merit is set aside in order to advance specific ethnicities and gender, performance and professionalism suffer. When racial hatred and white guilt are taught in schools, social cohesion suffers. The society moves backward rather than forward.

The Biden regime’s DEI personnel policy reduced diversity by excluding white heterosexual males. There are none in the upper ranks of the Biden government. Now we have an African-Asian woman who might or might not have been born in the US as the Democrat nominee for US President. This suggests that DEI can change things even in a majority white population faster than people can notice. By the time they realize that they have been displaced from power, it is too late. White Americans are being set up as the next victims of pogroms. Indeed, 1,000 of them who attended a Trump rally already have been sent to prison.

This, too, will be America’s fate.

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