Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vaccine hostility as an alternative to both vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence.


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Vaccine hostility as an alternative to both vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence.

A short timeline of Congressional acts and appropriations demonstrating federal government intent to harm and kill with legal impunity using 'vaccines,' and effective execution of programs.

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

For readers looking for another way to explain the history and intentionality of the US government’s vaccine-mediated mass mutilation and mass murder campaigns.

Excerpts from the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program timeline:

  • 1962/10/23 - Congress and President Kennedy passed Vaccination Assistance Act, PL 87-868, 76 Stat. 1155, funding “intensive vaccination programs” for children, especially preschool children.

  • 1976/01 - Swine influenza/H1N1 outbreak started at Fort Dix; in April, Congress funded a vaccine development/mass vaccination through Merck; in August, Congress passed the National Swine Flu Immunization Program Act, including legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers for injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines, alternate federal compensation program. In late September injections began. Heart attacks, Guillain-Barre syndrome, deaths and other adverse effects resulted.

  • 1976/04/15 - Congress and President Ford passed Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, PL 94-266, 90 Stat. 362, including $135 million for “a comprehensive, nationwide influenza immunization program.”

  • 1976/08/12 - Congress and President Ford passed National Swine Flu Immunization Program Act - PL 94-380, 90 Stat. 1113. Included version of Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (passed in 1986) and Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (passed in 2005 in PREP Act).

  • 1986/11/14 - Congress and President Reagan passed State Comprehensive Mental Health Services Plan Act - PL 99-660, 100 Stat 3743. Title III, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, amended Public Health Service Act to establish and fund a National Vaccine Program; grant vaccine manufacturers legal immunity for injuries and deaths caused by their products; establish and fund an excise-tax-funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Codified at 42 USC 300aa.

  • 1987/12/22 - Congress and President Reagan passed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, PL 100-203, 101 Stat. 1330, including Sec. 9201, Manufacturers Excise Tax on Certain Vaccines, to establish an excise tax on vaccines ordered and purchased by US government and manufactured by private companies, to fund the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund established in 1986. This act is the only act through which Congress has ever defined the term ‘vaccine,’ defining ‘vaccine’ as “any vaccine (A) which is listed in the table contained in [26 USC 4131(b)(1)], and (B) which is manufactured or produced in the United States or which entered into the United States for consumption, use or warehousing.” Congress at some point may have added the phrase that now appears at 26 USC 4132a(2) — “any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases” [as of June 2024, I have been unable to locate this amendment -KW] — but has never defined the term “vaccine” in physical, chemical or pharmacological terms, and neither has the HHS-FDA. See Dean v. HHS, No. 16–1245V, 2018 WL 3104388, at * 9 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. May 29, 2018), cited in 86 FR 6249, HHS Final Rule, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Revisions to the Vaccine Injury Table.

  • 2005/12/30 - Congress and President Bush passed Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act - PL 109-148, 119 Stat. 2818, Division C at last 14 pages: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. Amended Public Health Service Act. Established power of Secretary of Health and Human Services, during self-declared public health emergency under Section 319, to unilaterally issue declarations recommending “manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration, or use of one or more covered countermeasures.” Codified at 42 USC 247d-6d(b). Added more detail on liability shields for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures. Set pre-suit hurdle requiring HHS to first bring claims against defendants, and bar private claims until after HHS claims resolved, if and only if defendant found liable. Set liability standard at willful misconduct, “establishing a standard…more stringent than negligence in any form or recklessness,” requiring proof defendant 1) intentionally engaged in misconduct 2) proximate to victim’s injury or death. Established just-following-orders defense for vaccinators and others in the chain of distribution. Established court-alternative, tax-and-debt-funded Covered Countermeasure Process Fund, similar to Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund established in 1986 for products on childhood vaccine schedule. Another provision of the DOD Supplemental Emergency Appropriation funded the Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund (PHSSEF), a slush fund under the control of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with $3.3 billion to start.


March 13, 2024 - Regulatory simulations at home and abroad: statutory and regulatory definitions for drugs, biological products, and biosimilars.

Statutory and regulatory definitions of "vaccine"

Congress established the federal biological products licensing and regulation program in 1944.

Vaccines were added to the list of [non-] regulated, [fake-] licensed biological products by Congressional statute in 1970, and [non-]regulatory, [fake-]licensing functions were transferred from NIH to FDA in 1972; Congress did not define the term vaccine.

FDA regulations covering biological product manufacturing, including vaccines, were consolidated and re-published in 1973 [21 CFR 600-680], and have been amended extensively since; FDA did not define the term vaccine.

In 1976, Congress authorized and funded a nationwide vaccination campaign including liability exemption for manufacturers, for swine flu, (National Swine Flu Immunization Act, PL 94-380, 90 Stat. 1113) without defining the term vaccine.

In 1986, Congress authorized and funded a nationwide child vaccination program, including liability exemption for manufacturers and establishment of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, PL 99-660, 100 Stat 3755, codified at 42 USC 300aa-1 to 34), without defining the term vaccine.

Vaccine has not been defined by Congress through amendments to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (FDCA), or to the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), and the term has not been defined by the FDA through regulations published in the Federal Register.

In 1987, Congress provided a statutory definition of [taxable] vaccine through in the Internal Revenue Code, 26 USC 4132.

The "Certain vaccines" provision authorized collection of excise tax by the Treasury Secretary, from manufacturers, per dose of vaccine sold. The list of taxable vaccines has been expanded since 1987.

26 USC 4132a(2) Vaccine.

The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases.

26 USC 4132a(1) Taxable vaccine

The term “taxable vaccine” means any of the following vaccines which are manufactured or produced in the United States or entered into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing:

(A) Any vaccine containing diphtheria toxoid.

(B) Any vaccine containing tetanus toxoid.

(C) Any vaccine containing pertussis bacteria, extracted or partial cell bacteria, or specific pertussis antigens.

(D) Any vaccine against measles.

(E) Any vaccine against mumps.

(F) Any vaccine against rubella.

(G) Any vaccine containing polio virus.

(H) Any HIB vaccine.

(I) Any vaccine against hepatitis A.

(J) Any vaccine against hepatitis B.

(K) Any vaccine against chicken pox.

(L) Any vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis.

(M) Any conjugate vaccine against streptococcus pneumoniae.

(N) Any trivalent vaccine against influenza or any other vaccine against seasonal influenza.

(O) Any meningococcal vaccine.

(P) Any vaccine against the human papillomavirus.

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